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11963327 No.11963327 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that can give me the skeptic perspective on climate change? I could only find one that seems to focus on the "hockey stick" graph and "climategate" shenanigans. I'm looking for something more complete and scientific.

>> No.11963780


The Gospel of Thomas.

>His disciples said to him, "When will the repose of the dead come about, and when will the new world come?"
>He said to them, "What you look forward to has already come, but you do not recognize it."

>> No.11963832


Stop fedora tipping and read the Bible. Everything happens according to God's will, either he's prevent climate change from doing all the terrible things doomers say it will, or it's a good thing because it means it'll be the End Times and Christ will come back down to BTFO the SJW's and take all of His Chosen to heaven.

>> No.11964047

You guys are really out of touch if you think this is how the right thinks.

>> No.11964057

It's definatly how a large % of them think about this issue, on top of the pseud arguments OP wrote.

>> No.11964059

There aren't any arguments in the OP.

>> No.11964063

The science behind climate change is rock solid. Take your head out of your ass.

>> No.11964069

It depends on what exactly you mean by climate change. The science doesn't support a lot of cataclysmic predictions or any of the ridiculous policy prescriptions meant to do something about any sort of climate change.

>> No.11964100

obviously you can extrapolate the arguments I'm claiming the right uses from OP.

>> No.11964105

Right because it's just fake news invented by China to try to cripple American industry, and advanced by cultural Marxists.

Because that's so much more reasonable :coolsmoke:

>> No.11964107

it's not even science, they havent made any predictions that have come true

the way they treat people who disagree with them tells you everything you need to know, it's a giant fucking scam

>> No.11964112

The profit margins demand that climate change be ignored and goddamn will be, don't worry OP.

>> No.11964117

Why do you have a tripcode? Are you hoping people will recognise you? Go back to fucking reddit for your ego boost faggot, this is an anonymous website.

>> No.11964121

Technically speaking, the scientific method does not "prove" anything, as induction cannot be used to "prove" anything. The scientific method is just for producing models to make predictions. So there is no effectively predictive scientific model of climate change. Unfortunately for "denialists", the success or failure of computer simulations of climate does not disprove the temperature measurement evidence that shows the warming trend, nor the analysis that shows human activity is the primary cause of it. This argument is even more absurd when you consider the futility of predicting something like political responses to the issue in the future, ranging anywhere from full-blown "denialtardism" and apathy, to radical environmentalism and a total moratorium on all sources of emissions. You can't predict this. Bitching about the computer models is just a tactic and logical fallacy, to distract from the measurement evidence, or erroneously conclude falseness of the theory on that basis, which is just very stupid.

>> No.11964122

As if people aren't profiting from the propagation of catastrophic myths.

>> No.11964126

>skeptic perspective on climate change

There are only two perspectives on climate change.

One is the factual, that nothing we do matters now, civilization will collapse and everyone will die.

The other is oil-company PR.

>> No.11964135

various reasons. Ultimately I decided that I enjoy my time here more with a tripcode than without.

>> No.11964144
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How are you skeptical? can you not fucking notice that it doesn't snow when it should up north and snows when it shouldn't these days?

>> No.11964152

1 degree C in the last century is irrelevant when we have less than a century of oil remaining (at the very best) and less than two centuries of coal remaining (at the very best). The universal ignorance on this issue is absurd.

>> No.11964160

Haha 3 minutes did you seriously just sit there refreshing the page waiting for replies? Fuck off dork

>> No.11964164
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It's not ignorance, more of just trying to ignore it. i'm just hoping that science finds some sort of better fuel source or we just start mining other planets and shit for resources

>> No.11964165

Who the fuck cares about predictions when you can just look at the data. Average temperatures are rising and wildlife populations are plummeting among other things.

>> No.11964171

Most retarded anon ITT. Climate change isn't responsible for annual fluctuations in inches of snowfall. Look at the statistics yourself, all reputable sources say the same thing. It's not worrying, because the current number of humans could never survive on earth for another 500 years anyway, climate ignored.

>> No.11964172

Kind of...I keep going into other threads I posted in looking for (You)s. But on this occassion where you replied, that was very much the case.

>> No.11964179

>wildlife populations are plummeting
you believe this is due to climate change? yikes.

>> No.11964181

You don't know what I believe because I have said anything other than that I'm looking for a skeptic perspective. Aside from that, climate skepticism is an umbrella term for many different beliefs, one of those could be the belief that the climate doesn't change at all but not every climate skeptic would agree with that and it's fallacious to assume they would. On top of that, weather and climate are not equivalent terms. It may start snowing non stop for the next 5 months but you wouldn't accept this as evidence that climate change isn't real so it makes no sense you use a lack of snow as evidence for climate change.

>> No.11964207

Because of human activity...

>> No.11964235

>it's all fucked and there is literally nothing we can do about it

NPC maxims.

>> No.11964273

Amazing how you ignored my implication. Does it frighten you?

>> No.11964275

It's a legitimate position to take. The resources being expended on preventing climate change and subsidizing useless research and inefficient renewable energy companies could be put into preparing for any negative effects that climate change could bring. The only NPC's on this issue are the people acting irrationally towards any sort of skepticism. They've been programmed by Democrat rhetoric to label everyone a denier or a "big oil" shill.

>> No.11964314

No. I just think it's worthwhile not pretending to know everything and be a little more optimistic for the short term future of humanity.

There's so much I want to say about this post. But the fact you dropped the Democrats as being the masterminds of this 'scheme', makes me think you're trolling or retarded.

>> No.11964343

I have so much to say to you that I'm not going to bother, although I will tell you that I have stuff to say for some reason.

>> No.11964357

>it's worthwhile not pretending to know everything and be a little more optimistic for the short term future of humanity.

You are a vapid cunt. Fuck you.

>> No.11964367

same could be said about you. But at least my positive mindset gets me a lot of social points. What about you?

>> No.11964379

>Please teach me how to be a neolib cuck

>> No.11964384

>same could be said about you.

Nah, it couldn't. Your 'points' are worth fuck all, just like your phony 'optimism'

Now get lost.

>> No.11964394

>literally has taken the bluepill, in its original Matrix meaning
Like clockwork.

>> No.11964405

>he cares about social points
>he cares about being liked
Ah, what a surprise. "Social Justice" and the modern strive for "equality" is just hedonism.

>> No.11964416

I for one am glad that greed is going to lead to the fall of civilisation
Read desert, get redpilled https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-desert

>> No.11964419

have a good day/night.

But in The Matrix they were fighting for humanity. It's like you're Neo, you take the redpill and then you just go around telling the others how futile it is.

>> No.11964423

Humans are social animals. Hedonism is great and everyone should be able to indulge in it.

>> No.11964434

Any of the Gnostic literature. Not even kidding.

>> No.11964439

Here you go.


>> No.11964445

>have a good day/night.

Same to you.

>> No.11964446

the right wing accelerationism is so hot right now

>> No.11964456

I wouldn't call nihilistic anarchists right wing but eh

>> No.11964460

1. This is actually not necessarily true, the threat of peak oil is overstated in some circles
2. Even if it is true, a two centuries' more of carbon emissions are enough to fuck the planet immensely, so we should still try to do something about it.

>> No.11964495

You're not fighting for humanity, you're fighting for a meaningless indulgence in pleasure as stated in >>11964423
I have examined the arguments from all sides (you should do the same, even though your dogmatic, "proud" sjw adherence leads me to believe you won't) and have found it overwhelmingly more likely than any alternative that every human has been blessed by the divine with an immortal soul. Fleeting hedonism is not man's ultimate purpose, for life has objective value. Please seek the truth.

>> No.11964522

The threat of peak oil is stated to be 53 years by BP themselves https://jalopnik.com/bp-says-the-world-only-has-53-years-of-oil-left-should-1602354842
2 degrees Celsius is absolutely insignificant when juxtaposed with humanity's other threats. $350 billion of US government spending towards "climate change research" is irresponsibility to the highest degree. The spending priorities of the US government obviously needs to be changed.

>> No.11964531

recc book for finding this truth?

>> No.11964532
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>> No.11964564

most wildlife populations are thriving
there's more greenery and denser forests thanks to increased co2 emissions

>> No.11964587

>I have examined the arguments from all sides (you should do the same, even though your dogmatic, "proud" sjw adherence leads me to believe you won't) and have found it overwhelmingly more likely than any alternative that every human has been blessed by the divine with an immortal soul.

Care to give an actual argument, or even explanation outside of "I know what I'm talking about?"

>> No.11964617

Why would I recommend you only the books containing ideas I found most plausible? You must eliminate the lies on your own and arrive at truth on your own. Read the Greeks first, and from there, however you'd like, Anselm, Ockham, Bacon, Augustine, Hobbes, Aquinas, Hume, Descartes, Leibniz, Pascal, Kierkegaard, Marx, Voltaire, Rousseau, Kant, Schopenhauer, Sartre, Wittgenstein, Russell, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Camus, etc. etc. etc.
Arrive at truth on your own.

>> No.11964618

>2 degrees Celsius is absolutely insignificant when juxtaposed with humanity's other threats. $350 billion of US government spending towards "climate change research" is irresponsibility to the highest degree. The spending priorities of the US government obviously needs to be changed.

I don't think you properly appreciate just how bad things might get at 2 degrees Celsius.

>> No.11964633

Oh no coral reefs are going to be wiped out

are you going to cry now?

>> No.11964679

This is a thread on climate change and you aren't the anon I was talking to. Why would I effortpost when you have given nothing? Maybe make a thread with your questions, see what happens. I'll leave you with this: the masses have no legitimate reasons for their core beliefs and, as a result, the core beliefs held by the majority of humanity today are untrue (since no majority of people believe the same thing). To arrive at what is actually true, the majority of humanity must view the arguments objectively / without bias.

>> No.11964706

>I don't think you properly appreciate just how bad things might get at 2 degrees Celsius.
I think decades of media scare campaigning has, to an extent, blinded you to the actual results of climate change and the dire reality of our resource predicament.
Protesting against fossil fuels is insanity. Solar and wind are inefficient, meaning nuclear and hydro will inevitably be the future once fossil fuels are depleted.
We could start building more nuclear plants now, but (un)surprisingly, the media has had a decades long scare campaign against nuclear too! Why is that, do you wonder?

>> No.11964715
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I'm pro-nuclear for both climate change and resource reasons, so I don't have any objection to more nuke plants. Even the IPCC, which seems to hate nuclear power, says that global nuclear capacity would have to quadruple in order to keep warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius.

>> No.11965894

This is the best advice I've seen on this board, possibly ever.

>> No.11965942

It's fucking amazing how Burgers turned basic ass science with zero room for interpretation into a debate about philosophy and politics. At least a skeptic perspective on gravity would make some sense, given low little we understand it.

>> No.11966493


I've been under water since 2000. It's settled.

>> No.11966524
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MD PhD here.

The methodology used to derive climate science findings appallingly bad and almost all the "science" that you see peddled in popular culture affirming it are conclusions and unproven hypotheses from the discussion section of their research (conjecture).
What is especially worrisome is the proxies used. There does not exist reliable data beyond modern instrumentation. What is used in lieu of it, i.e. the proxies, are tree ring and soil samples which have been shown to be influenced by more than just temperature (e.g. rainfall totals, sunshine hours, disease, etc). At best, we have a very weak approximation of what temperatures were like. The sample period A friend who is a chemist once asserted that captured CO2 in ice reaches a steady state equilibrium after so many years, which makes sense to me, although I have not found anything to support these claims,but if true that presents difficulty in measuring per-instrumentation measurements of CO2 levels.

I don't have a problem with the research, or it's findings. I have a problem with it being presented as Gospel. The worst are the undergrads who think they're scientists puffing themselves up as experts and accosting everyone who disagrees as either denialists, scientific illiterates or paid shills.

>> No.11966535

anyone who isn't pro nuclear at this point needs to be punched in the face desu.

>> No.11966551

Europoors are slave people. Once ruled by the narrative of the church, now by “Science” and NGO:s

>> No.11966563

>anyone who isn't pro nuclear at this point needs to be put down

>> No.11966566
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>basic ass science with zero room for interpretation

>> No.11966577

Yeah, no. Fuck your "it's safe, unless it stops being safe" tech that produces waste we have no use for. There are zero excuses not to run with 100% renewables. Who gives a flying fuck about cost and efficiency when the question is, whether our climate will get permanently fucked up or not?

Some kind of #metoo is necessary for this crap. People who make a debate out of this topic do much more damage than any rapist ever could.

>> No.11966580

Is this satire?

>> No.11966584

honestly, having a mental breakdown and freaking the fuck out about the end of the world kinda numbed me out to all this stuff. humanity is literally made out of cum and we spend all our moments rearranging our memories til we go to sleep. the world doesn't mean shit. no one will notice if it all ends tomorrow. it's getting warmer, yeah? just tell those that you love you love them. what other purpose does keeping this earth alive have?

>> No.11966587

>rock solid
>climatology of all things
You have no idea about how science works. That's typical of americans, they like to treat everything like Bible even when they lose faith in the Bible itself. Most of american political discourse, including climate change, is just fundamentalists flinging shit at each other.

>> No.11966619

anon, it's 100% settled science. climate change is more certain that gravity. we might all die by 2050.

>> No.11966624
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>The science behind climate change is rock solid. Take your head out of your ass.
>it's 100% settled science.

>> No.11966643

>Are there any books that can give me the skeptic perspective on climate change?

and by that you mean

>hurr duurrr global warming is not true


that's not sceptic position. That's simply retarded.

>> No.11966708


Climate change or climate catastrophism is another Catholic abomination. Nothing but toxic shame and zero-sum horror.

>> No.11966714


>> No.11966805

Most of the skeptic thought is devoted to rewilding or conservation which shows us that we can't have a conception of earth in equilibrium that isn't anthropocentric. Given that the herd won't abide by any other conceptions, you have to study climate change as if it really were man made in order to continue giving hints as to how to take control of the thermostate. It's sort of funny to hear people always say how rudderless the governments are while denying that rudderlessness when it comes to dealing with a problem that cannot be solved by human intervention. So which side you on, the deniers who know the truth but see through the implementation of their fake solution or the prosetelysers that, because of their 80's retro techno optimism, believe that we are able to make changes to our culture that will help The Earth? The thing I hate to hear is that it is our culture that is the problem and not that it is our nature that is the problem. Humans are such vile creatures. They deserve their mother's wrath if only to bring them back to being humble, but unforgivably they will choose nationalistic policies to Fix their culture, Fix their statecraft, and then together watch themselves implode.

the once and future world

>> No.11966918

I don't really care for the NPC meme but I'll damned if it isn't fitting

>> No.11967118

>They deserve their mother's wrath if only to bring them back to being humble


There it is.

>> No.11967163

Kek both sides profit a great amount

>> No.11967253

I will continue to pray for a world in which this is actually just bait.

>> No.11967284

That has shit to do with climate change, you knucklefuck

>> No.11967625

>Catholic abomination.
holy shit this is so accurate

westerners stop having children over climate guilt (fruitfulness inversion) as a sort of sacrifice for the planet

>> No.11967668

wow love reading about literature man

>> No.11968721

Yeah me too

>> No.11968912
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>84 replies
>1 bible verse
>1 cc denial wiki link
>1 anprim catastrophism fanfic
>1 bp popsci shill article
>95% partisan squabbling and name calling
>0% links to scientific literature, ipcc reports, or global-resolution, actively monitored, publicly available climate data

Excellent thread /lit/