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/lit/ - Literature

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11960705 No.11960705 [Reply] [Original]

i have never read a book before in my life. where should i start?

>> No.11960709

the Principia mathematica

>> No.11960711

haven't we had this thready before

>> No.11960715

Are you white?

>> No.11960723

The Secret

>> No.11960733

Don't even bother. Books are an obsolete medium.

If you want to be entertained just watch a movie (most of the good books have been turned into one) or play some vidya. If you want to learn something just watch some Youtube videos instead of slogging through some boring ass 900 page brick.

There's no point to books in 2018.

>> No.11960765


>> No.11960793

Vanity Fair

>> No.11961679
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>> No.11961710

Start with George Orwells 1984. For reading starters it's important, that the book is interesting from beginning.

1984 throws you in an interesting World by page 1.

>> No.11961723

Book are the unchallenged type of archive. When someone publishes a political book you can't manipulate it afterwards.

Your youtubechannel, bitchutevideos and blogs die with the servers or bans.

>> No.11961775
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Pic related has decent suggestions. I would probably recommend Of Mice and Men as your first, it's very short and easy to follow.

>> No.11961801


This. 1984 started my reading hobby in the 20's.
Easy to read and understand, interesting world and story.

Conan the Barbarian is also one that is easy and interesting. Also the stories tend to be pretty short, which is pretty important in the beginning.

>> No.11961809


>> No.11961815

Shitty recs you got here. Try The Little Engine That Could.

>> No.11961874

Demons by Dostoevsky

>> No.11961892

Clean your room, wash you dick and then start with 12 rules for life

>> No.11961899


Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf

>> No.11962851

Don't start here OP that book is shit

>> No.11962872

>first book
>american psycho, lolita, clockwork orange
those are fairly tough going

>> No.11962876

the fucking sticky

>> No.11962888

1984 and Of Mice And Men are easily the best introductions to literature that I can think of

>> No.11962982

i confess im a weeaboo i started from anime ---> manga ---> jap light novel (overlord, Mushoku Tensei, Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria that kinda shite) --->

then I desire for something serious i started going into western literature I think my first book was 1984 or brave new world then just went on from there. Now I find jap shit completely revolting. now currently reading meditation and kafka

>> No.11963045

Unironically something by stephen kang
Or eco

>> No.11963420

Implying books can't be changed to fit a narrative

>> No.11963714

>american psycho
ive read it as the first book in ages and it was a fairly easy read even though im not a native english speaker and i didnt understand every word. is it because of the unreliable narrator?

>> No.11963770

this is how i transitioned, too, just that i never read light novels

>> No.11963788

>dude and then I shoved these rats up her vagina and watched them eat their way out lmao
not exactly everyone's thing tbqhwyfam

>> No.11963798

the little prince

>> No.11963808

Unironcally Fight Club.

>> No.11963825

Being and Time by Martin Heidegger

>> No.11964080
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>> No.11964103

this but unironically

>> No.11964136

>There's no point to books in 2018.
except when the internet goes down

>> No.11964139
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start here

>> No.11964141

pfff I'll just spend the time with my g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g AAAAARRRRGGHHH

>> No.11964146

Just read catcher in the rye

>> No.11964615
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>37 fucking replies
>and no one has said "start with the greeks"
/lit/ has gone to shit.

>> No.11964638

>implying you're gonna come into my house with white-out and change the words

>> No.11964645

The anabasis
No longer human
A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
Chronicle of a death foretold

Congratulations, after those five you’ve read enough to pick the next one yourself

>> No.11964666

>starting with antiquated texts that are difficult for your average person to understand
let a newbie start with the simple stuff that's relatable; then he can move to classics.
Jeez bill, it's like you're a pseud or something.

>> No.11964667
File: 392 KB, 747x1417, litstarterkit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go friend, start with any of these :)
Once you have read these, try to find books that strike a balance between being the genre you enjoy while still being thoughtful works of literature. Good luck.

>> No.11964685
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Don't listen to these cucks, heres the real guide

>> No.11964687

I guess this can be seen as a starter list but these are all trash.

>> No.11964696

starter list id how I started, I think its good for newbies, it trains you up how to read and then you realize the better stuff out

>> No.11964701

Start with the Iliad.
This is great, but not for a first-timer.

>> No.11964709

>he's too much of a brainlet to understand Greek literature.

>> No.11964711

The fact that a disproportionate amount of these are American should tell you it's a meme list

>> No.11964731

I'd agree most of these aren't the greatest works of literature, however they're relatively easy reads to exercise the brain so it's ready for harder works of literature. Not everyone can start off by reading Ulysses, moreover doing so would put a lot of people off reading altogether.

>> No.11964748

very likely if OP hasn't read any books in his life

>> No.11964749

Most people are.
You don't have to pretend to be smart to understand some dorks from 2000 years ago though.
t. Philosophy graduate

>> No.11965074


>> No.11965256

At last I see...

>> No.11966522


>> No.11966951

It is a good book? The film was very nice.

>> No.11968116

>1984 started my reading hobby in the 20's.

Are you 100 years old?

>> No.11968344


Don't start.

>> No.11968357

I thought he meant the multiple page explanations of what everyone is wearing.