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11958338 No.11958338 [Reply] [Original]

Impossible. Immersion ruined. Worst book of the millennium.

>> No.11959733

I was not impressed

>> No.11959747

are a returd? All As in english courses and nothing below a B in his other courses

fucking returd

>> No.11960054

As in all except survey of English Lit
But yeah OP is just dumb

>> No.11960083

can I still succeed in life with a 2.8 GPA lads and bounce back? I've had some of the saddest years of my life lately and I haven't been taking care of myself

>> No.11960104

i got a 3.0

i didn't put my GPA on my CV at all, no need for negative press

now that i am hired, my employer sees that i am not retarded and get paid fairly well. i am sure some portion of the retards i deal with daily had good GPAs in college because they got their 15 points from attendance and pop quizzes

>> No.11960114

I'm in a field where I should be worrying about internships and I'm pretty deep into it.

>> No.11960147

what are you even trying to say here?

>> No.11960171

I think OP is pointing out the inconsistency between the two excerpts. In the first his average is slightly below a B, but in the second he has nothing below a B in any subject.

I'm not sure if it's a real inconsistency or not, as I don't know how american grade normalisation or the GPA system works.

>> No.11960173

Tfw when want to study sociocultural anthropology, but school only caters to primatology students

>> No.11960191

>all A's in your English courses
dude studied agriculture

>> No.11960279

I have a 2.8 GPA right now, but I'm taking 3 classes rn and am hopeful I can get As in all of them.
Just try and go without mentioning it if you can

>> No.11960382

>3.8 gpa
>don't study just work and smoke pot
feels good man

>> No.11960493

so you didn't read the book or what?

>> No.11960572
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>4.0 GPA
>never study and fuck off during lectures to lurk /mu/ or /lit/
I’m diagnosed retarded if that makes any difference though

>> No.11960608

It depends on what you are asking about. For a resume it wont matter for a lot of jobs, so dont put it down. If a job requires a minimum requirement and you dont pass it, then you dont pass it

If you mean academically, that just means you have to take courses without going towards a degree and do well, to show to wherever youre applying that youve changed

Im doing that currently. 2.8 GPA from my graduating uni, 3.5 GPA from my community college before then, and currently at UCLA with a 3.8 something

It might not work out for me, and I still wont be admitted anywhere, but fuck it

>> No.11960618

dont be retarded dude, as long as you get your fucking credit it doesn't matter. your degree is a degree. the same way your GPA I. HS didnt end up mattering to you in college. think of it like that. c's get degrees motherfucka

>> No.11960638
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I'm sorry to hear that anon. I know this sounds trite, but things will probably be fine in the end.