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/lit/ - Literature

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11957982 No.11957982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>almost 30
>still unpublished
>avoided a career so I can focus on my writing

I'm panicking lads, I think I fucked up. The older I get the more I realize how important money is. I'm starting to yearn for the boomer lifestyle but I can't afford it. Recently had a girl I was close to leave me for a guy working in private equity making 100k+ a year.

>> No.11957985

Do what Faulkner did and write a novel that appeals to the masses and can at least get you published and earn you money.

>> No.11957987

Let your soul therefore turn always:

"Not to what is most easy, but to what is hardest;
"Not to what tastes best, but to what is most distasteful;
"Not to what most pleases, but to what disgusts;
"Not to matter of consolation, but to matter for desolation rather;
"Not to rest, but to labor;
"Not to desire the more, but the less;
"Not to aspire to what is highest and most precious, but to what is lowest and most contemptible;
"Not to will anything, but to will nothing;

"Not to seek the best in everything, but to seek the worst, so that you may enter for the love of Christ into a complete destitution, a perfect poverty of spirit, and an absolute renunciation of everything in this world.

>> No.11957992
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based and breadpilled

>> No.11957998

So, be a terrible failure and everything will be okay?

>> No.11958007

Will and seek nothing and you'll be content with everything.

>> No.11958010

The quote ends
>Embrace these practices with all the energy of your soul and you will find in a short time great delights and unspeakable consolations.

>> No.11958012

Don't get marry, don't have children, live an ascetic life, it's not THAT hard

>> No.11958016

Do you actually write tho, or do you just call yourself a writer whilst doing nothing?

>> No.11958037
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no, you SHOULD will and take the suffering bitch

Christ didn't wither away on the cross, apathetic, but shouted MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

>> No.11958047

yeah and have the niggers breed for you? take a stand for life you thanatological subhuman

>> No.11958052

>Recently had a girl I was close to leave me for a guy working in private equity making 100k+ a year.
So you lost nothing of value?

>> No.11958056

Source on this?

>> No.11958131

What if you are destined to write the next great book that somehow is going to save the western civilization and your entire race, but you have to >>11958052
sacrifice all your life to do it? I think you are just being selfish

>> No.11958239

holy shit, I cringed

>> No.11958298

If it's any consolation, you probably didn't have that much in common with her anyway

>> No.11958386

I think by age thirty I'll have either succumbed to normiehood, killed myself, or be living out of a van in Vermont. My current lifestyle of leisure and romancing is already tenuous and I'm only in my twenties.

>> No.11958502

Right there with you buddy, keep going. Academia.

>> No.11958518

Is "academia" the new "just ask the manager for a job"?

>> No.11958528

>almost 30
>focused on career
>still don't have money because corporate america is a meme
I'm planning on drowning myself at age 38 like Osamu Dazai. Hopefully I can get someone to lovers' suicide with me.

>> No.11958536

Is it specifically an America thing? I'm a dual citizen and could probably jump ship for brighter pastures.

>> No.11958568

Fuck this gay shit. I was suicidal and even though I'm not now I'm still going to die anyways. May as well devote my life to the shit I like and die my way.

>> No.11958591

I'm planning to jump ship as well. And if the second ship is crappy I have a third ship I can jump to. America blows ass.
In the future they keep talking that all office jobs will go remote. I think that's the only way to save this shit. Wages never go up, not in 30 years, but rent skyrocketed 10x. I wouldn't mind the shit pay if I didn't need to be trapped here to physically commute and pay this criminal rent. Waste of everyone's time, money, and sanity. Right now management is on this cost-cutting trip in every company, so they go out of their way to invent new ways to jew their employees over, not realizing it will bite them in the ass in the end. Employees respond to being treated like dirt by giving zero fucks about their work quality or productivity. Unfortunately the entire plane has to crash before these nitwit 85-IQ managers and HR teams will realize that. So that's where we are right now. It is possibly the worst time in the last 50 years to work in a corporate environment.
Globally speaking... probably not much better. Our euro friends can't get jobs in the first place, and asians work 12-16 hours a day just to show the boss how devoted they are, only getting 3 hours of actual work done in that time. I think it's pretty bad everywhere.
But again, remote work will solve it. The wage wouldn't be bad if not for the rent, and you can dodge the cost of living by moving to some meme third world city where rent is 3 bananas and a fish. It's no wonder people are opting out of working right now.

>> No.11958614

is it possible to be a fapcel? one of my normie roommates gf's was talking shit about my masturbation practices while i was in the room, now im like too weirded out to have a wank, i'm going to have to move to one of those sex positive lgbtq "bator bro" houses so i can stroke in piece, too bad those all seem to be in brooklyn and cost like a 1000 bucks

>> No.11958651

Why do you give a shit? Just fap and if someone says something ignore them, because you have a limited amount of time to live. Just do literally whatever you want to do without shame.

>> No.11958678


What the fuck are your practices that someone comments on them?

>> No.11958729

I recite the oats meme while doing it

>> No.11958839

We can never become Normies. I tried for years and it wouldn't take.

>> No.11958864

Not even religious but this is fucking based. It's a shame the biggest take away from the followers were pointless rules about when or who to fuck.

>> No.11959097

learn to save and invest

>> No.11959113

God you guys are sad, just get a literary agent ffs, it really isn't that hard to get published.

If you are really on total failure mode you could selfpublish to amazon anytime you want. Real issue here is that you guys can't write for shit.

>> No.11959168

I shouldn't be, but I'm masturbating to this.

>> No.11959284

>t. Diogenes

Literally a filthy old man who died in a barrel.

>> No.11959300
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>tfw 31 years old but didn't start seriously writing until about four years ago
>tfw already have several short stories and poems published

Keep at it, Anon. If you're good, you'll get published.

>> No.11959564

Boomer meme, you need a high-paying job to ever invest enough to retire on

>> No.11959605

do you expect to win the loterry every time you play too?

how many dumb fucks waste their lives thinking they will be great writers or painters or whatever dopey artsy bullshit you fall for? even if youre 'great' at it, you might get some recognition after youre dead and buried after having wasted your life dreaming and depressed and broke while your druggy talentless kids or some publisher reaps the rewards of your lifes work

>> No.11959638

>t. artlet

>> No.11959654

James, William. Saintliness. The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature.

>> No.11959663

being a rockstar is more plausible than being a writer...... and nobody listens to rock music anymore.

do you have connections in the industry?
are you extraordinarily talented?

>> No.11959700

You think a book is going to save Western Civilization? Are you this deluded? Do you realize how little people read?

>> No.11959708

Now a yougoob video, that's the way.

>> No.11959734

I might get my food budget from $200 a month to $100, but that doesn't change the fact that rent is half my paycheck.
I guess I should just do sex work. God made me a poorfag but he did give me a nice body.

>> No.11959760
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Want to know the secret?

Jews run our publishing outlets and use them as propaganda machines for the homo/feminist/minority agenda they're using to remove white men as their competitors.

With the internet still largely free and most white men of high intellect under 25 or so aware to some degree of the jewish problem, the atmosphere is just right for swimming against the currents.

>> No.11959777

Please be female
Pls be in Virginia

>> No.11959778

mmm let us see big daddy

>> No.11959784

describe your assets to us. i don't care if you're a man or a woman.

>> No.11959793

Jesus Christ let this thread fucking die.


>> No.11959837
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How much do you write? How many books have you written? How many publishers have you sent your books to? What genre? Do you write some niche shit that noone wants to read or something more mainstream?

>> No.11959854

>i guess i'll blame the jews or something

>> No.11959910
File: 261 KB, 1080x340, IMG_20181019_181818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have evidence that the western publishing arms pushing anti-white victim-group propaganda are not being run primarily by jews, or were you just trying to interfere in the transfer of facts that may lead one to rightly conclude that these kikes must be purged from white institutions?

>> No.11959933

Absolutely disgusting. Written by the powerful so the dumb and the poor would enjoy the dirt.

>> No.11959938

Define “almost thirty.” As long as you get one thing published in your twenties you’re on the right track, short story or novel.

>> No.11959966

Oh, it appears that I've triggered an insecure /pol/cuck.
Begone, thot

>> No.11959982

So you have no evidence that the publishing industry is not run by jews. You'll be better off keeping your mouth shut next time instead of embarrassing yourself like this.

>> No.11960026

Sweetie, take a look at where you are. This is not the place for discussing your outdated conspiracy theories.

Your kind belongs on /pol/ or a psychiatric hospital. Whichever you prefer :)

>> No.11960032

>im gonna be a writer and get published!

grow up

>> No.11960043

>wasting your life doing something you love
That's not how it works, wage cuck friendo.

If ze white man was worthy competition, surely they wouldn't get kicked out of publishing by the juice?

>letting insane people decide about their own fate
Seems kinda cruel, mate.

>> No.11960057

What conspiracy theory? Do you even know what the word "conspiracy" means? Look at this >>11959760. That has occurred because jews are clannish semites who conspire to increase the power of their group, notably by stacking our institutions with their kinsmen.

It's not complicated.

>> No.11960070
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>get kicked out
They always do...

And it's about that time again.

>> No.11960076

No wonder you can't get published. You can't even read.

>> No.11960122

learn how to read cuck

>> No.11960123

the dumb and the poor always enjoyed the dirts, only marxists make them feel bad for it

>> No.11960124

Not OP or a writer but I read it, I just rejected your premise that there is some competition here, instead of a foreign group that needs to be removed.

>> No.11960136

>I just rejected your premise that there is some competition here
Oh look, you can't read either!

>> No.11960142

Nietzsche wasn't a Christians please stop pushing this gay Petersonite meme
>only Marxists
Yeah Hitler and Schopenhauer were marxists.

>> No.11960154

Jews are the biggest problem in the west right now, and this problem extends to the publishing industry they run and use to promote anti-white propaganda. If you can't provide a sensible argument against this (you can't) and are not interested in the facts (you aren't) you need to leave the thread and this board.

We expect posters here to have a basic understanding of the JQ.

>> No.11960184

>/pol/ kiddy lost on the wrong board
>can't even read
This is a horrible situation to be in, my dude but I have no idea how to help someone this disabled. Sorry.

>> No.11960207

You aren't turning your loss into a win, bud. Either obtain an entry-level grasp of the JQ or go back to reddi+.

>> No.11960265

calm down and read the cynics
then publish your shit
a man hasnt fully developed his intellectual ability until age 30 anyway

>> No.11960374

You're still getting the board wrong.
Does this help you?

>> No.11960399

have fun working at starbucks all your life pursuing the things you love kiddo

>> No.11960414

We're talking about jewish over representation in the publishing industry, not politics.

>> No.11960467

I live in a first world country, mate.

But let's even assume for a second it'd be some shithole were I'd be forced to work some menial job; how would it be any different from any other waste of time where you spend making someone else richer on a bigger scale? Got quite a few friends working for 200k a year and not a single one of them seems to be doing any better, and the wage cuckery schedule prevents them enjoying having over ten times as much money outside of vocations.

>> No.11960481

Look the fact of the matter is, no one on /lit/ is either FOR or AGAINST Jews, they exist and that’s it. Who fucking cares anymore.

No watches TV anymore anyway.

>> No.11960487

are you really this delusional? or is living off neetbucks fine with you

>> No.11960506

Ugh, no. /lit/ is fundamentally against jews, and in favor of their removal from power and their forced aliya to israel.

>> No.11960511 [DELETED] 


>> No.11960528

Fine is an understatement, neetbucks are beyond amazing, almost to an annoying level, where I have no idea what to do with all of it. Specially because there is a 2k limit or so in my country, so I literally have to buy something soon, if I don't want to miss on getting them for the next months.

>> No.11960538

had an engineer buddy who quit because of how certain individuals who do not have the training and competence expected from him politik to the point of being seen as being needed in spite of not actually doing any work themselves

anecdotal, but everywhere i've been i've heard the same sort of theme even among middle aged people who talk about increasing beaurocracy and the need to have absolutely everything in writing.

truth at best is a weapon to cover your own ass

>> No.11960543

lol the gubermint is paying you to live?

>> No.11960575

Just pretend I am from the royal family or some richfag tax evader if it triggers you so bad. It's way cheaper than jail and pretty much all of it goes into other industries either way.

>> No.11960581

theyre paying him to pretend to be mentally deficient. he can stock shelves part time at the library and make his neetbucks in 2 weeks and not be such a useless leech

>> No.11960588

Not him but be honest. If you're white and getting 2k a month it's because you're psychotic and had some kind of breakdown, I'd guess.

>> No.11960600

Why would I want to take a job away from someone who'd genuinely like it? Sounds cruel. Especially the library usually has people who genuinely enjoy what they do, giving the job to a guy who hates it sounds like a great way to fuck up two people and the quality of the job done.

Reading comprehension, dub-man. After rent and stuff, I get 500+. Since my expenses are pretty low, it adds up pretty fast, and if I'd save up too much (around 2k) I wouldn't get any for a while.

>> No.11960607

different anon that's complementing you, i'm reveling in the reversal of taxpayer/worker drone/person under impenetrable bureaucracy/etc

the only thing i have against it is the sense of 'earning' via suffering. the only ethical affront could be in how all government money is dirty money, which would play back into the above mentioned reversal

>> No.11960610

You know there is a thing called Amazon Self Publish right?

But the more pressing matter is :
Have you actually written something that you consider is worth another human's time?

>> No.11960726

I think you must have confused /lit/ with /pol/

>> No.11960954

St. John of the Cross

>> No.11961404

what work