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11954645 No.11954645 [Reply] [Original]

What does it do to a persons brain if they never think about money ever in their life

>> No.11954661


>> No.11954662

i come from an upper middle class family and never had to think about money, although granted, i dont have any extravagant desires

i guess it makes you not care about expensive cars or clothes or watches like ordinary people do because they want to prove themselves or keep these things because they have some kind of fixation with material wealth due to not being able to obtain it and viewing it as more imporatant than it actually is
you are free to think about more imporatant things in life
i mean you are free to do that either way rich or poor, but if you are rich theres less chance to get sidetracked from intellectual pursuits by overestimating material stuff because you are used to it and see it as empty as it really is

or, you know, you could just drink all day and night and fuck everything that moves because your mommy didnt pay enough attention to you and didnt breastfeed you

>> No.11954666


>> No.11954668

pic unrelated

>> No.11954672

>upper middle class

yeah no I'm talking tens of billions + having your legacy secured.

>> No.11954674

not larp, im not rich, as i said, but upepr middle class
however i fit the descrition of never caring about money

>> No.11954680

you do care about money since your bloodline isn't secure

>> No.11954688

your legacy is secured and and you are 100% comfortable already at upper middle class tier
everything else is extravagance
you just see these things as important due to having previously mentioned sad lower class mentality

regarding wealth you need to stop trying to bend the spoon and realize it doesnt exist

>> No.11954697

it is, my family are all highly educated, own land and properties, have private businesses
and i dont care about money, party because i never had any desire to have more in my life due to my parents being able to afford what i wanted and partly due to me being a christian fundamentalist

>> No.11954726

More money more problems. Nobody thinks about money more than the superrich. They don't think about how their lack of money limits them like a poor person does, but they are ringed by accountants, lawyers, financial advisers and the dozen other camp attendants that buzz and clatter their leather shoes off the floors of the marbled halls of the wealthy.

There is an entire enterprising class who specialize in cooking up ingenious ways to fleece the rich. Some superfluously wealthy individuals (here's looking at you Jonny Depp) will simply shed $100 bills as if they had a cold and they were kleenex. Everyone wants a bite and there are those who know just how to coax some of the surplus from its stewards. There are lawyers who would be more than happy to extract money from the rich. Not quite Robinhood; taking from the rich and giving to themselves!

>> No.11954763

I suppose such a person develops a sense of despise to common men and women insteadof having ''everyone's walking over anyone given a chance'' mistrust ordinary person would since all the net of social security it has in access to him. Also, if you were to observe and deduct any common trais surfacing from such people that had all wealth given to them instead of earned one would be egomania and hedonism.

>> No.11954803
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Solve existence.

>> No.11954832

>be a "rebel"
>don't want to fulfill your obligations
>become fedora
>leave wife and kid
>con people into giving you money
>realize you've got a good thing going so you start a cult
>shittalk brahmin about being corrupt, but end up becoming brahmin on steroids
what an exemplary man

>> No.11954853

stop worshipping monkeys pajeet

>> No.11954878

i hate hinduism too
although not nearly as much as i hate b*ddhism

>> No.11954896

>doesn't believe in soul
>believes in rebirth

>> No.11954914

still can't believe this edgy, retarded, ginger bastard married a nigger

>> No.11954937

i blame the upanishads

>> No.11954943

>What does it do to a persons brain if they never think about money ever in their life
who knows but they should be killed and their wealth redistributed

>> No.11954947

I find it hilarious that Megan Markle has visited Dubbo

>> No.11954953

Their baby is going to be so pretty.

>> No.11955105

I briefly considered becoming a Buddhist, but this was the thought process that kept me from taking it seriously: nirvana is supposedly a state one reaches that removes one from samsara, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. There is no record of someone suddenly getting sucked out of existence. Either a person who reaches nirvana is annihilated from existence, meaning Buddha was not enlightened, so why listen to him, or they cease to exist after death (because if they're no longer reborn, they can be reborn into a better existence). That was just a more inconvenient form of atheism.

>> No.11955117

I mean that's not really the case with most affluent people I grew up around, they were very concerned about status signaling, competing for attention with material adornments, constantly vying for more wealth and striving for their fortunes through nepotistic and cronyist hiring and college matriculation practices. You may be projecting your own equanimity onto others a bit anon.

>> No.11955125

pehaps, however most intellectuals and philosophers were rich people
even if they werent rich they were in the first place, but gave up wealth for higher purposes

most of people will always be morons, but there is a higher chance for poor to be morons

>> No.11955142

Yes but those people are just statistical outliers, its more that the iq and resources necessary to produce brilliant thinkers are largely absent among the poor. Though again this isn't necessarily the case because there are endless examples of middle class and working class philosophers and writers who were geniuses. Just not as many as there are affluent one's. But, that's not really what the OP was asking which was how freedom from necessity might influence someone's worldview. I think more than asking what activities it allows, it was directed at what kind of theory of mind and emotional life you would lead. You're sort of wedging that to bring up a different but still interesting topic which is whether or not the leisure class is a prerequisite for cultured thought. I would agree that it largely is, but we shouldn't condemn brilliant poor people either. Genetics is a fickle whore and she sometimes gives us random mutations and weird dice rolls where a 120 iq man working as a tradesman produces a scion in some intellectual field the father never had any experience in. Circling back though, you're right poor people are generally retarded.

>> No.11955170

my mind is entirely wrongly wired to care about money. It's like i am wired to live in a tribe where the food only lasts for a bit so we all just share whatever we have, which is gone quickly, and then we have to find more

I literally dont have a proper concept of people's property either i just take people's things and i dont care when they take mine.

I have had 30 dollars to my name and spent it so me and my friend can get drunk together, and then i have no food for like 4 days and have to steal from grocery stores

>> No.11955172

>iq and resources necessary to produce brilliant thinkers are largely absent among the poor
id rather say its about the mentality that life in poverty as opposed to life of opulence brings

>Though again this isn't necessarily the case because there are endless examples of middle class and working class philosophers and writers who were geniuses
still, they are mostly well off rich people, but id honestly rather use "rich" as a description of mentality, subculture, certain type of upbringing than actual material state
>it was directed at what kind of theory of mind and emotional life you would lead
average guy will always lead a shitty and unproductive life however its about the outliers

>we shouldn't condemn brilliant poor people either. Genetics is a fickle whore and she sometimes gives us random mutations and weird dice rolls where a 120 iq man working as a tradesman produces a scion in some intellectual field the father never had any experience in
its not about who works what or how much money who has, but about mentality and state of mind which a certain subculture or life produces
>Circling back though, you're right poor people are generally retarded.
and its a vicious self reinforcing circle - they are poor because they are idiots and poverty further reinforces their idiocy

>> No.11956231

>fuck everything that moves because your mommy didnt pay enough attention to you
t. fucked a fat girl once