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/lit/ - Literature

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11953660 No.11953660 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell is up with book prices these days? I used to be able to get mass-market paperbacks for $1.99 brand new. I'd spend $50 and come home with a whole bag of books that'd last me 3-4 months. Now I spend that much a month. Are e-readers to blame?

>> No.11953668

Yes and its a good thing.

>> No.11953713

>licensing books instead of owning them is a good thing

>> No.11953757

Getting them for free is a good thing, buster.

>> No.11953768

Just keep thinking this till they finish sterilizing the internet. They’ve come too far already, even movie soundtracks are starting to come back.

>> No.11953774

People who pirate are scum. Grow up.

>> No.11953779

>what is inflation

>> No.11953792

I don't think that's it. Video games have been $50 for decades. The price of books should have dropped, if anything.

>> No.11954553

Bro videogames are 60-70$ now

>> No.11954630
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>Video games have been $50 for decades
They're almost $100 now, more if it involves DLC

>> No.11954643

>in ten years
Bro, vid games are like the cost of rent dude, are you gonna live in an apartment or play the new DIG DUG 3D GAME

>> No.11954813

Only if you can't into PC gaming. Otherwise the price is just a small fraction of the console era.

>> No.11954933

True to a certain extent but a decent gaming pc will still run you a lot between building and then maintaining it

>> No.11954964
File: 250 KB, 477x359, 18F367C5-CB38-4F39-902F-50FE2E3A5EC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I’m scum, but I also know that information should be free.

>> No.11955635

Information IS free, dumb ass. Fiction is for profit.

>> No.11956416

Justify your opinion.

>> No.11957288

Books are the only physical media that people keep buying, so they saw an opportunity to make money.

>> No.11957295

People spend years dedicating themselves to a craft and deserve to be paid every cent that should go to them. If you're reading their work, then you must be deriving some kind of enjoyment or benefit out of it. It's pretty simple.

>> No.11957313

what the fuck are you talking about you enormous moron?

>> No.11957319

Yes, so I’ll donate to the PayPal they inevitably have because artists publishers/record studios/etc. fuck them nice and anally with their outrageously inadequate compensation that leaves them with only a month worth of rent.

Nice try tho, shill.

>> No.11957332
File: 290 KB, 750x1077, FD8D7E14-6789-4B1F-BDB7-72D97C1BF114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The base price still stays around $59.99, industry standard.

>> No.11957371
File: 174 KB, 856x481, C8CCCACA-65E5-461A-95A4-D237DC177107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy texts are most certainly not free. Also fiction contains information as well, it’s simply packaged more decoratively

>> No.11957440

Only thing about my country is that books are pretty cheap here. I get the latest hardcovers for like 5dollars and paperbacks for 2 dollars

>> No.11957457

>buying new books
to what end?

>> No.11957536

I guarantee you've never NEVER sent someone ANY amount through Paypal. You're just trying to justify your degeneracy.

>> No.11957555

Philosophy TEXTS aren't free. But information in and of itself is free. Can you buy a book at a store without a government intervening? Yes? Then information is free. Freedom != free price