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11950633 No.11950633 [Reply] [Original]

Books for wanting humanity to rightfully end?

>> No.11950640

shes cute desu

>> No.11950643

Euclid’s Elements

>> No.11951085

>gender affirmation surgery
HAH! It's precisely the opposite.

>> No.11951092

based Derek Dillard

>> No.11951093


>> No.11951101

I am so alpha I would tear apart any tranny's ass.

What is turning me on is the fact that I'm fucking a mentally unstable beta boy that looks like a hot girl.

I'm showing him his place in the food chain, the fact that he's nothing but a fuckin herbivore lying in a bed with the biggest apex predator out there.

We were both born the same gender, but only one of us is clearly a natural predator, and it is Me.

Eat my huge dick and spread your anus. Alpha is here. Get fucked, weeaboo!

>> No.11951112
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Follow Shiek Aziz, inshallah

>> No.11951134

wanna bet that bitch suicides or overdose on heroin

>> No.11951151

>trans people are overwhelmingly M>F
>no one finds this the least suspicious

when will teh truth come out

>> No.11951220

wtf are u talking about old school feminists are having a hissy fit due to so many causes of "rapid onset gender dysphoria" there are tons of f2m you just don't notice probably half the sois are former women

>> No.11951231

Stats show 80% of transgender people are mtf. Definitely makes one go "hmm".

>> No.11951238


>> No.11951248

Nah. M to F are at least 3 times more common than F to M.

>> No.11952130

True for later transitioners, but it’s pretty equal among kids with gender dysphoria

>> No.11952177

My diary desu.

>> No.11952200

>The number of referrals exceeded expectations in light of epidemiological knowledge. Natal girls were markedly overrepresented among applicants. Severe psychopathology preceding onset of gender dysphoria was common. Autism spectrum problems were very common.

>> No.11952258

Even more suspitious desu.
Study refers to referrals of individuals, not actual numbers of transgender individuals. Also it concludes that its findings do not align with the scientific consensus.

>> No.11952300

This Transgender Teen Just Had His Second Operation. Powerful.

>> No.11952503

are you suspicious about all medical conditions that don't affect both sexes equally or just this one? is hyperthyroidism a conspiracy?

>> No.11952510 [DELETED] 

if it were a conspiracy to elite da witez wouldn't it make more sense for the satanic globalists to get white girls to cut their uterus and tits removed so they can't reproduce rather than have a bunch of incel dudes who wouldnt have had kids anyways chop their balls off? trannyism is a lifestyle choice not a conspiracy

>> No.11952534

How A Transgender Teen Had A Second Operation To Get A Bigger Pussy And Why It's Amazing

>> No.11952566

"Genital overhaul"

>> No.11952597

She cute!

>> No.11952611

That’s a he

>> No.11952613

how are trans people the reason you want society to end when worse things happen all the time and have always happened

>> No.11952618

How can someone be confused about their gender? It’s one of the most basic truths regarding humanity. The left has truly gone insane

>> No.11952629

how can you not manage to get laid? It's one of the most basic truths regarding humanity. The right truly has gone insane

>> No.11952636


>> No.11952649

someone explain to me how this tranny bullshit isn't just enforced gender roles

>> No.11952658

i can't even tell if these types of posts are genuine anymore

>> No.11952670

false equivalency, not being able to get laid is a hate crime, while becoming a tranny is heroic

>> No.11952691

easy solution if u think abt it incels should just be mandated by the mental health court to become trannies its what god intended for them anyways makes more sense than forced monogamy or whatever

>> No.11952699

Well, I'm wet.

>> No.11952704

Anon, there's plenty of good in the world. Stop watching the news.

>> No.11953447

Based and redpilled

>> No.11953457

The "Trans Phenomenon" is patently different than other conditions and you know it. Stop arguing in bad faith.

>> No.11953461
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>> No.11953481

He just wants a fucking book recommendation idiot.

>> No.11953621

Which version? Goethe's poem is extremely life-affirming, and the old myth version and Marlowe's are both just church fairytales about how being an anglo is evil.

>> No.11953750

theyre throwing a hissy fit because MtF are fem/butch erasure

there are NOT tons of FtM

>> No.11953785

>medical conditions
It's a social phenomenon, not medical.

>> No.11953803

I cant believe people think this trans shit is normal, theyre fucking mentally ill, it's as clear as day

>> No.11953841

What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you give a shit what some other person does with themselves? How is this even remotely any of your business? You want humanity to end because somebody else is having a medical procedure? Are you just stupid?

Look your IQ is in the dumps. Let's face that fact right now. Lots of people have surgeries, for lots of different reasons. Some of them require two or more different interventions, depending on the complexity of the procedure, and probably an infinite number of other variables. And you know the crazy part. Pay close attention, ok. None of those operations are ANY of YOUR fucking business.

Now you have two options. Ok buddy. You can kill yourself (probably not a bad idea) or you can try this new experimental surgery I've developed that (I promise you) will raise your IQ by 300 points!!!!

>> No.11953853

how frequently do complications have to occur before they stop being unexpected