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11948961 No.11948961 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between Nietzsche's "noble soul" and the "master" in master morality? Is it the same thing? Also, what's the difference between the "noble soul" and the ubermensch?

>> No.11948982

The noble soul is a refutation of the Hegelian world-soul, in that it is ontologically disporortionate to that which contains it. With this in mind, the master morality is epistemologically disparate from the noble soul which is grounded in the actual. Ubermensch transcends both the epistemological and ontological and creates its own being-in-the-world state, rewriting the rules if you will.

>> No.11948995 [DELETED] 


>> No.11949484 [DELETED] 

ooh yeah baby!

>> No.11950070

Requiescat in pace

terry was a true overman

>> No.11950091 [DELETED] 



>> No.11950107

>Friends, romans, countrymen: niggers are the problem!

Rest in peace, gentle hero.

>> No.11950109
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Could you explain this to me as though I were retarded?

>> No.11950147

He already did, chap

>> No.11951518

nietzsche is just freemasonry which itself is just satanism

>> No.11951568


>The noble soul is a refutation of the Hegelian world-soul

Do you have any evidence of this?

Seems like a mischaracterization of Nietzsche's thought

>> No.11951901

it's a pseud/schizo word salad, bruh

>> No.11951916


just be yourself bro

>> No.11953465

Christians should not be allowed to take part in philosophical discussions.

>> No.11953483

>seems like a mischaracterization if Nietzsche’s thought
Do you have any evidence of this?
Didn’t think so, bro

>> No.11953489

I made all this up. Never read either of them.

>> No.11953492

Work on your reading comp

>> No.11953695

it's a word salad bro, those concepts are some of the most difficult presented by nietzsche, you can't just mix "ontological", "epistemic" and "I suck dick" and hope to communicate something worthy of attention
let me guess, you're a meme pseudointellectual who thinks philosophy is about mixing philosophical terms in convoluted ways?

>> No.11953705

every retarded ass monkey-brained subhuman turdboy can google "epistemology", "ontology" and "world-soul" (which the /lit/ philosophy guide recommends you to do), but real philosophy is not about mixing those words, you're not a random string generator, you're not a markov process, turdboy

>> No.11953720

>yh bruh neetchee was all about that ethics that morality, you know tthe ontological epistemological truths and non-truths and gradients and fuzzy things bruh it's like logic but fuzzier, smudgy, it's real fun bruh but you need to be a geenius like me to get this shiet

here's an example of how a discussion on philosophy should sound like: https://timlshort.com/2013/08/05/nietzsche-on-what-i-owe-the-ancients/

it's not just about "dis is the epistemological world soul and that's the ontological jew, he controls the economy of the philosophy bruh far out man, damn, I'm smart, pass that shit"

>> No.11953729

be more substantial, brainlet, or are you afraid of being exposed as a pseud?
>SS and MM are the ontological expressions of the epistemological needs of Nietzsche who jerked off to Romans and Greeks and came out with a REFUTATION (another meme word used in pseudo-philosophy when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, philosophy is all a big misunderstanding and ongoing argument so what the fuck do you add to a discussion if you say that X is a refutation of something else? well good job retard, but then again, everything in philosophy is a refutation to something, usually to something Plato/Aristotle said, so why the fuck do you even mention that? it's like saying "this math stuff is like, symbols and abstractions" why the fuck do you even say that? go on and present the axioms and theorems you fucking loser poser
