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/lit/ - Literature

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11946794 No.11946794 [Reply] [Original]

So I've finished my first novel(la) and I'm looking into getting it out in print. Self-publishing seems a little... sad, but the world of literary agents, publishers and everything else seems like it's full to the brim with scam artists.
Australia's lit scene is dead, besides maybe in Sydney and even then, I'm fucked.

>> No.11946813


Is it any good? Sample?

>> No.11946822

Can you give us a blurb about what it's about, or in case you don't want to give too much information about the plot, maybe the genre and possible subgenres.

>> No.11946824

Afraid I can't, fella. Give that shit away online for free and god knows where it'll end up, especially if it takes me years to pawn the book off on someone.
Multiple sources have told me that it's incredible, although sentences sometimes get a bit lengthy. I've tried to balance all of that in terms of how a character feels, but ehhh.

>> No.11946829


>> No.11946830

Essentially semi-autobiographical fictional realism. Bukowski meets Kerouac, but for Australia. It's the phase of intense partying and travel that follows the end of high school and the few months before the start of university.
Alcoholism, the precipice of adulthood and not knowing when the party ends. Not a coming of age story or some shit though.

>> No.11946835


Damn, son, you've only gone and done wrote the same book every twenty-something middle-class white kid has ever written.

>> No.11946838


Three random paragraphs for us to evaluate your prose?

>> No.11946842

I think that there's a lot of it in the US. That doesn't carry over in quite the same way to Aus though, in terms of culture and what it means to be Australian.

>> No.11946843
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Well self publishing is always a thing and if you have more book lines up you can always look for an agent that can push those towards a publisher interested in your works.
Considering some of the garbage that's on amazon these days having something that is at least made with competence is refreshing.
image very related, some of the garbage on amazon these days.

>> No.11946845

As I left the bathroom, as I left the front door of the hotel’s pub I walked out and saw the street through sobering, yet heavily intoxicated eyes. Fire and brimstone were set out at kids blotto on blotters were drinking to the front door of cirrhosis. Children were dropped mercilessly into Caligula’s playground. The meaning of the meaningful tattoos was inspired by online lists on tattoos with meaning, which meant that the artist with the needle had carved the same piece into some eight different kids that night. The blackness of the sky was overcome with electric lights and lit cigarettes as the storm raged on.
I’d had enough depravity for the night. The kisses which didn’t matter were shared with people who didn’t matter to me. I collapsed up against a bin by the road, weakly sitting down and slowly keeling my head back until I heard it smack against the tin. I breathed deeply, each lukewarm inhale from the dusty sky filled my lungs with tumbleweeds of atmospheric death and I could cough up a lung. I was a smoker only ever toting around a pack of reds, the ones that just exude nicotine, but this air was tangible, you could slice it with a knife and it was thicker than the stomachs of most girls around the place.
Breathing deeply, staring at the traffic lights and into nothing.
Stained shirt with the once pastel green now a murky turquoise under my armpits, sprinkled with ash and the flower crown slumped over my face as I sat there, legs spread out and arched with my body slumped down on the ground near my feet.
I was a peon slumped in the corner of an ecosystem that ran on fine without him. I jumped on the machine’s cogs, threw my cap to the air and rode the sprigs from one adventure to the next.

>> No.11946868

Your options:

>Flog it around what little in the way of publishing houses there are in Straya, cunt. Hype up the fact you're 0.01% Abbo and hope an editor high on SSRIs choses you to bestow a publishing contract onto.


>Publish the book on Amazon. Create yourself a web/social media presence. Begin writing book two. Release a short story for free once per month. Release your next piece of sliced wood at the end of the year alongside a collection of your short stories. Repeat. If you can connect with an audience (whether through quality, hard work, or clever marketing) you may then have a chance to turn your hobby into a career through sales, donations and Patreon. You may just find publishers then come talking to you.

>> No.11946876
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Actually feel better about talking about this on 5chong. What's happening to me?
Just worried that it'll become another bunch of Amazonian bollocks that never sees the light of day. Probably too young to think about this sort of stuff, but I want something there when I die and I don't particularly want it to sit aside a Chuck Tingle classic.

>> No.11946891
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I think this is shit, but I read it in Toady's voice which made it funny

>> No.11946897

He does have a fuarkin' great voice, eh?
Needed someone to tell me this though.

>> No.11946915


Traditional publishing is dead, if it was ever alive to begin with. Few 'literary writers' are making any cash today and fewer of them are living in the Anglo world. Most of them are trustafarians with the correct school contacts or friends of editors and have a marketable hook. Neither is there any audience for it. More people legitimately have read Chuck Tingle in the last year than any of the current Booker Prize crop of craptacular rubbish. What's more, few literary writers from the past ever made money. Do you know how much Joyce made? Fuck all.

You're living in an age where you can cut the cash-grabbing middle-man out of the picture and go directly to an audience that is easier to reach than ever before and you're not taking it? Chuck Tingle may write dumb shit, but at least he puts shit out there rather than living in the hope of being given the label of author by a fat, childless, "my favorite book is Bridget Jones, but I'm in publishing, lol" harridan editor at a publishing house.

>> No.11946918

>Multiple sources

Your mum and best m8 don't count.

>> No.11946920

Not only is your prose quite bad, but the subject matter is banal. Ask yourself who needs to read this?

>> No.11946921

Ex-editor for HarperCollins and muh best m8, get it right, carnt.

>> No.11946922

Yeah, I was just asked for some random paragraphs, so there they were. Prose isn't really quantifiable, but yeah, you're right.
Banal can do well if it's written right though, don't undercut that shit. Some people do alright based off of that.

>> No.11946924

Edgelord "gritty" shit that every twenty something writes riddled with clunky adverbs and dopey exposition.



>> No.11946931

>Do you know how much Joyce made? Fuck alll.

Joyce literally lived off the equivalent of patreon bux. Could have been worse for him, bad example.

>> No.11946945

>Ex-editor for HarperCollins

He was trying to bum you and you missed it.

>> No.11946970

>Bukowski meets Kerouac
Shit meets crap.
Change friends. Get some taste.

>> No.11947369

Sounds average af

>> No.11947378

>The meaning of the meaningful tattoos was inspired by online lists on tattoos with meaning

Dear lord, this is awful

>> No.11947382

Sounds awful but it might sell to middle class teenage girls with slutty travel fantasies.

>> No.11947385

why do you think 4chan of all places would know anything about this

>> No.11947513

Huh...where to begin.

It just feels like you're trying too hard to force your "penmanship" on the reader, to the detriment of the plot's substance.

>> No.11947553

Op, can you post a pic of your best sentence

>> No.11947629
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>chuck tingle

>> No.11947988

Your prose is extremely clunky.
>Fire and brimstone were set out at kids blotto on blotters were drinking to the front door of cirrhosis.
Can’t even parse this one. Perhaps a typo? Should “at” be as?
>The meaning of the meaningful tattoos was inspired by online lists on tattoos with meaning
Really clunky. I get what you’re trying to do here, but it is poorly executed. Maybe something like “Meaningful tattoos inspired by online lists. Now devoid of meaning as the artist carves the eighth iteration into yet another acolyte.”

>> No.11948010

Are you the chap who did the the Google street view tour on /pol/?