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/lit/ - Literature

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11941612 No.11941612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m twenty-nine years old and I have no desire to be married or start a family. All I want is to commit myself to reading and writing, and living the ascetic life.
Novels for this sensation?

>> No.11941617

John Green or Twilight. Maybe read the hunger games as prereq

>> No.11941633

Ha ha ha! Good memeing anon!

>> No.11941635


Why don't Millenials like reading or literature in general? I noticed social media addiction probably plays a huge role in this.

>> No.11941642

Have you ever written anythin anon?

>> No.11941644

Because nobody has a good argument for reading, whether scientifically, intellectually, or otherwise. You can get all the same information in a silly youtube video.

>> No.11941647

because it doesn't get you laid. miloomers leisure activities only exist as a pretext for casual intercourse. everythig else is considered a waste of time.

>> No.11941650

Yeah I have. a bunch of short stuff, five of which have been published in mid-tier journals. Working on a long booky boo now

>> No.11941703
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Confessions by St. Augustine.
Consider joining a monastery.

>> No.11941706

is 30 too late to find love? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11941713

Because video games and social media and technology and general have caused a generational case of ADHD.
I struggle with it myself. I really want to read, but it feels so much more exhausting then watching television on autopilot.

>> No.11941723

Get used to the idea of being called "step dad"

>> No.11941727
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You're about to find the the greatest love of all, my friend.

>> No.11941749


>> No.11941782

Of course it isn't, you big silly goose. If you're a man you have at least until your mid 50s

>> No.11941814


Go and read a manga called Moteki

>> No.11941819

cringe dude

>> No.11941825

I'm going to appreciate the gesture, but not the gift.

>> No.11941827

That poor man spilled his drink
I bet he was looking forward to drinking it. And he probably paid a lot of money for it too
I feel bad for him. As if having such bad eyesight isn’t enough

>> No.11941834

This is the most brainlet post I've seen in awhile.

>> No.11941836
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>> No.11941838

Shew newfagw

>> No.11941840

That is a polite way of saying cuck.

>> No.11941855

Reading totally gets you laid

>> No.11941856

Why won't you write one yourself, big boy.

>> No.11941860

DAE le wrong generation??

>> No.11941867


>> No.11941871

btw only respond if you're a straight male pls

>> No.11941873

I am, large guy

>> No.11941880
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You might enjoy Stoner, OP. Here's a summary taken from Amazon:

"William Stoner is born at the end of the nineteenth century into a dirt-poor Missouri farming family. Sent to the state university to study agronomy, he instead falls in love with English literature and embraces a scholar’s life, so different from the hardscrabble existence he has known. And yet as the years pass, Stoner encounters a succession of disappointments: marriage into a “proper” family estranges him from his parents; his career is stymied; his wife and daughter turn coldly away from him; a transforming experience of new love ends under threat of scandal. Driven ever deeper within himself, Stoner rediscovers the stoic silence of his forebears and confronts an essential solitude."

>> No.11941884
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not gonna find those around here pal

>> No.11941894

Jeevz books. They are about a hopless bachelor and his butler, hilarious and adventure awaits.
Nothing about the litteraly lifestyle tho.

>> No.11941909

Intelligence and passion are very attractive in a man. In certain circles, if you can successfully btfo off other guys without out being autistic about it then you can easily get women.

>> No.11942048


>> No.11942087

I'm at the point in my life where if this isn't true I'm going to have to kill myself. It's not just that I believe, it's that I have no choice but to believe. I feel like I'm deluding myself on purpose, but I really don't think I have any other choice. I've been atheist for a long time just procrastinating Catholicism, but I can't hold off any longer.

>> No.11942113

Reddit is that way, bugman.

>> No.11942163

This should not be interpreted to mean that women understand intelligence or passion. An intelligent man responds to other intelligent men because identifies with them, but he is not attracted to them in the way a woman is. The woman feels something when an intelligent man is around, but does not understand him, or identify with his ambition, otherwise she would seek to be independent from him. She wants to belong to him, and has no interest in challenging him intellectually, because she doesn't care about intelligence herself.

It is analogous to how women are attracted to a man who appears physically strong, whilst having no interesting in competing with him or going to the gym themselves.

What is really important then, is the appearance of intelligence, and only insofar as intelligence is related to fitness, which is essentially about violence and power. A really intelligent man may have relatively little capacity for violence, or demonstrates no desire to use it, being tender and gentle in his nature, and this man will not attract women by his intelligence alone, which women in actuality have no respect for by itself, because they don't know what it is, only feeling it when it is expressed by a man with confidence and penetration, and these latter are what the woman really responds to.

Any man who actually wishes to be intelligent only to be attractive has, like the woman, no actual interest in intelligence but only in vaunting the psychological correlate of the phallus.

>> No.11942245
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Fucking oof

>> No.11942300


>> No.11942319

>living the ascetic life.

>uses a PC/phone to post on himalayan mailing lists

>> No.11942343

nice blog, you piece of shit

>> No.11942512

Very hurtful

>> No.11942525

>Why don't Millenials like reading or literature in general?

Shut the fuck up with this millennial bashing. It's unfounded. There are those who read and are far more educated than you are willing to consider.

>> No.11942633

and this.
How can you be 29yrs old and committed to this ascetic life and still have to ask a place like lit for recs, you know what you are op, you a muvafukin psued

>> No.11942648

I'm 24 and becoming increasingly like this, I spent my late teens and early 20s so obsessed with women, having these tumultuous relationships that were like a religion to me, and then in the past two years it all just disappeared. I completely stopped caring about being with girls outside of basic sexual needs. My 'romance-religion' was replaced by some deeply urgent need to understand actual religion and I have lost my ability to really feel love properly.

I do find myself caring about children more though, whenever I see children it inspires in me a very strong feeling of wanting to protect and help them.

>> No.11943033

Fucking Americans ruin everything man

>> No.11943042

24 is still young though. If you’re still like this at 27, however, you should be very worried.

>> No.11943094

Relax, brother. Breathe through your nose; soften the muscles of your face and upper back. It's okay. I know it hurts, but it's okay.

>> No.11943169

"Suffering draws and forces men to God, whether they like it or not."
- Henry Suso

>> No.11943179

I really don't feel young. I don't want to be one of those 'wrong generation' people but I get along much better with people who are 40+. Nobody thinks Im 24 anyways, I usually get early-mid 30s as guesses, so it would be incongruous for me to act my age.

>> No.11943221

I contemplate the same thing. The thing is, I'm left contemplating diving head-on into the whole thing, like becoming a monk or a priest.

>> No.11943259

Gen A will be a return to form you will see

>> No.11943380

>I know this guy who reads a lot

>> No.11943414




read it now. it not only is about the sensation you're describing but also depicts what happens when a woman leads you astray from that goal

>> No.11943442
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>> No.11943445

found the incel

>> No.11943450

is he wrong about what he's saying? It seems mostly correct to me

>> No.11943495

Thank you man, I really appreciate it. The only recommendation in this entire thread, and from a quick wiki search it seems spot on.
The rest of you, go fuck yourselves.

>> No.11943517
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Read this.

>> No.11943708

Fuck you.

>> No.11943735

social media not only provides a much more alluring alternative to reading, it makes the act of deep reading itself actually physically harder - because social media trains the brain to digest hundreds of small bits of information rapidly, as compared to deep reading which requires concentration on a single linear line of thought

I teach high school aged kids and none of these kids read - which probably isn't particularly new - but what's new to me is that, not only do these kids not read, they don't even watch TV or movies, they ONLY watch Youtube... now, I'm no Luddite.. or maybe I am.. but at least a shitty sitcom has a PLOT, I can't imagine what being raised on Youtube is doing to these kids minds...

>> No.11943751

Millennials/Zoomers read way fucking more than Boomers do, and generally higher quality. Once you get out of only looking at meme cliques like Harry Potter/John Green fanbses and see real people it is more likely to find a millennial who has read Dostoyevsky or Faulkner than a boomer. I know waiters and contractors my age that only own a few books but they're better books than all of a boomer's thousands of proudly displayed Tom Clancy novels and Bill Clinton/George Bush ghostwritten "autobiographies."

>> No.11943752

Underrated Kerouac; I read this in a tiny hostel room in Hoi An, Vietnam, drenched having just been caught in a typhoon
I don't think anyone should take the book too seriously but god damn if it didn't have me grinning like a goofball the entire time, it's just such a fun book

>> No.11943757

>I read this in a tiny hostel room in Hoi An, Vietnam, drenched having just been caught in a typhoon
That's awesome Anon! Yeah, I really enjoy this one. It's super comfy.

>> No.11943764
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>> No.11943906

Kokoro....although the author makes that case that you shouldn't attempt an ascetic lifestyle, and I doubt you would find his narrative argument against it persuasive, so you would probably just dislike the book and find it frustrating

>> No.11944513

Tbh he worded his ideas well and I do get where he's coming from. I highly value different perspectives and genuinely appreciate that his post exists. I see little reason on insulting him without providing a counter argument.

>> No.11944561

another guy here
arent monasteries these days of very poor quality?
i considered it but from what ive heard its not worth it since theres no real dedication or discipline

>> No.11944675


Not novels, but Fernando Pessoa is your guy.

>> No.11945067

Depends which order you join. Trappists are still decent. Make sure you go to a monestary without internet access.

>> No.11946545

>All I want is to commit myself to reading and writing, and living the ascetic life.
i reccomend good ole hermann hesse

>> No.11946610

well HELLO there my new favourite meme

>> No.11946639

>I'm twenty-nine years old
>and I have no desire to be married or start a family
>All I want is to commit myself to reading and writing
It seems like the meme outlook on life of a teenager has creeped up on you.

Get married and start a family as quick as possible, it doesn't matter if you have no desire right now, you'll thank me later

>> No.11946670
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>> No.11946688

What does that even mean though, to love God? Sure, I might attempt to follow commandments and be a good person and so forth, but am I not doing it purely out of self interest, sucking up to the dad in the sky, trying to be happy? If I do something good, does that make me feel good purely because my opinion of myself rises?

Surely, reasons matter and my reasons for trying to be good are purely egoistical and narcissistic.

>> No.11946696

man this picture makes me incredibly sad while also making me laugh immensely loudly

catch 22 in its purest form

>> No.11946700

the benefits of reading include increased vocabulary, improved memory, a good way to fight off dementia and Alzheimer's, increase in empathy, attention span improvement, etc etc.

Them's good reasons, son.

>> No.11946831
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peak incel

timid defensive incel argueing

have none of you ever met women and just believe vapid stereotypes that might be correct in some percentage?
More importantly, have you read this shit "theorem" with any clarity? It's a ridiculous dicotomy that only a zealot or autist could come up with. You talk about psycological stuff like it's fucking legos.

Maybe actually visit a uni (not with a tech focus, obviously), and if you'd manage to actually talk to women, you might learn sth. Except if America is as bad as some stuff would make you believe, perhaps.

>> No.11946852

It looks like you misunderstand me. I don't agree with that anon, but I respect his post. I am a person who even if it's something I don't necessarily agree with still enjoys the ideas of others. I'm always interested in how other people think. I'd appreciate it if you could explain why you disagree with him. If you're too tired to do so that's acceptable. It'd just be a shame to see your opinion go unheard when you appear to feel strongly about this.

>> No.11947237

30 is really not that late. But make sure to marry someone that is in their 20s.

>> No.11947251

Steppenwolf my nigga
even if you read that as a teenager read it again that novel is so much better than /lit/ gives credit for

>> No.11947386
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I also value ideas, where I can recognise some.

All he is rambling about is conjecture, hearsay, his biased perception of anectotes and his feelings. It's classical belitteling mysoginism (or naive stupidity maybe), been around for thousands of years. Only by now we really have enough counter-examples that u'd need to overlook willingly.

As for a women's feelings, yes many like intelligent and/or passionate men. How and why is a complicated question, but what anon provides is just classical incel-stuff, designed to make them feel better and based on next to nothing.

just look at this shit: "The woman feels something when an intelligent man is around. (...) she doesn't care about intelligence herself"
"[women] don't know what [intelligence] is, only feeling it when it is expressed by a man (with confidence and penetration, and these latter are what the woman really responds to)"

He directly contradicts himself (do they respond to the some vague esoteric feeling of intelligence beeing present, to the "confidence and penetration" or "the appearence of intelligence"? (between the stuff i quoted)), and doesnt explain how tf this all should work, what the difference between these cases would be, how intelligence is observed or distinguished vs "pretended intelligence". He postulates a magical "intelligence", that only men have, that only men can recognise, that works in mysterious ways but always those which flatter him and exclude women.
God fucking dammit, as someone who actually has "logic" in his curriculum, reading his posts felt like getting dumber by the second.

Sad for psychologists, their science, like economy, is something everyone who has no idea about it still feels entitled to voice his feelings as opinion, even fact.

look up incel-shit, there's much more like this. They never cared about reason, logic, or facts.

>> No.11947474

intelligence have no measure, if somebody is atracted by the intelligence of somebody is by his own concept of intelligence. there is a reason people think if you have a long vocabulary and cherrypicking name authors while you are talking, they tend to believe you are intelligent (even you may think you are intelligent for this). everyone is looking for his same kind of intelligence in the other, if you are looking to someone really intelligent you are looking only the status intelligence have. is the equivalent of a gold digger.

>Sad for psychologists, their science
you consider psychology a science?, really?... you consider a psychologist have more right to talk about your mind than you?. we are entering in a pretty shitty world thants to scientists worshippers like you.

>> No.11947497

>increase in empathy
This has always sounded like bullshit to me, plenty of people read good books and are still assholes. After all characters in a novel are laid bare in a way real people aren't, so you can have empathy for them while still dismissing real people who you can't so easily understand.

>> No.11947536
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"if you are looking to someone really intelligent you are looking only the status intelligence have"

Yes, psychology is a science. Thousands of studys, thousands of books, thousands of prefessors on every important university since decades. Ofcourse it's a science. And that doesn't mean worshipping or not comfortably, reasonably and firmly talking about your own mind. But that wasn't what the incel up there was doing.

And yes, people have their own ideas of "intelligence" and like them. Just like with everything else. And that too is very far away from all the other horseshit that guy said.

>> No.11947682

It sure is late. All my friends have wives by now. All the founding fathers had families by now.

>> No.11947937

How do I explain to friends and family that I’m just normal enough for real life but too autistic for a relationship? I think this “autism” was primarily formed by (1) being an only child and (2) having pretty much zero female friendships or (platonic) relationships for most of my childhood and adolescence. My family has indirectly asked if I’m gay and this point I wish I was because at least I’d have an actual answer to give them

>> No.11947958

That's like asking if you're a child molester or a murderer. It's a totally out of line insinuation. You should be outraged, not wishing to be what they slanderously accosted you as. It's Stockholm Syndrome at this point, you need to cut them loose and sever all ties.

>> No.11948071

I'll help you out, anon. First, you must choose a lady, preferably one imaginary or at least far away. Perhaps you met her on a trip or something, or saw her at a grocery store or what have you, regardless, it is pertinent that you communicate to your family that she is your true love, that as soon as you laid eyes on her your heart swelled with devotion and you consigned yourself to her in service and in protection, from that moment forward, even unto a violent and gruesome death, the pleasure of which would so overwhelm the pain and hurt that you would consider it the highest service you could have paid to your lady, who is pure, whose every movement exudes effortless grace and tenderness, so much so that she seems barely to touch the ground beneath her when she walks, and so forth. Then you must make it clear that to think unwholesome thoughts about any other woman would be a disgrace and a mockery of the beauty of this lady of yours, e'en whose cruelty, though one can scarcely imagine it, one must endure patiently and obediently, yourself being no more than a slave and doorman for such a grace and splendor as belongs to your lady. Now it should be clear that you have no time for friendship, yourself being in constant service to perform noble deeds worthy of renown, which hopefully should echo across the land whereupon they will reach the beautiful blossom to whom thy heart belongs, interminably, indefinitely, and so forth. This performd they will think you either mad or disingenuine, and in the case of the latter you must challenge your accuser to a duel, preferably to the death, the gravity of which will surely then convince them of your madness, the confirmation of which will either have you in the madhouse or at least avoided, where you can read in peace, insulated by a comfortable layer of perceived insanity which will protect from the pestering of the teeming multitudes, and so forth. IN earnest anon I wish you luck and good fortune.

>> No.11948326
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>Yes, psychology is a science.
the mind like an objective field of study is an error. but if you think thousand of books or thousand of studys and professors cant be wrong you cant deny religion too. the psychology premises are shit.

>reasonably and firmly talking about your own mind.
this is true only in part. if a consensus of people saying to you who you are "objectively" dont bother you, ok, good for you. but this society suck the dick of objective and science like the Truth (with capital T) so we are pretty fucked up if this people gain some kind of power. even intelectual power with people like you saying we must let psychologists say who we are and not some retard opinion of someone. (everybodys opinion of somebody is only an opinion, never a fact) anyway, we are fucked up because anybody want accept this simple premise. and your worshipping is the smaller of the problems. we dont understand us better, we create systems.

>"if you are looking to someone really intelligent you are looking only the status intelligence have"
i know people who worship intelligence and is a waste, they want the "power" and "status" intelligence have in their minds, i cant explaining better. if intelligence wouldnt have a subtle correlation with success or enlightment, anybody would give a shit.

>> No.11948333

my opinions about women are mostly formed from the girls Ive dated, so it is confusing as shit to me when people accuse me of being an incel for saying something sexist. Women and men are not the same, and it is ludicrous to assert they are.

>> No.11948347


Wait until you're old enough that some of your old friends, back when you used to have friends, have divorced. I can clearly remember two of my old college friends getting married within a month of each other. Privately, I said to myself: "ten years from now, one of these two guys is not gonna be married anymore." And sure enough. Even one of my cousins, a successful doctor, is being subjected to a divorce lol. The vindication almost makes up for the isolation and the slight pangs of baby-fever that I had in my late 20s back when I had money.

>> No.11948445

but you’re married now?