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11943187 No.11943187[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Found a new podcast with our boy tricky Nick, wanted to share it with you lads:


>> No.11943189

based and typilled

>> No.11943195
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>press play
>rp accent

>> No.11943198

>In this episode we discuss accelerationism, capital, time, Kant and decimalism.
This is gold.
Thank you based anon.

>> No.11943207

Ok nvrm the host is a complete faggot.

>> No.11943218

it’s not about the host it’s about the parasite

>> No.11943220


Any more current Nick Land content where he doesnt just spout alt-right memes?

>> No.11943229

block chain and space time
the justin murphy interview
both on youtube

>> No.11943240

nick land mostly just echoes Moldbug, who is part of NRx which is not the same thing as the altright. NRx is fundamentally anti-politics and anti-populist

>> No.11943251

It's the alt-right for boomers

>> No.11943260

>nick land mostly just echoes Moldbug
Moldbug doesn't even come close to the breadth of thought that Land has produced

>> No.11943262

It doesn't make any sense to associate it with the altright. Their favorite writer is Thomas Carlyle, who is just pure reaction

It's a big larp because true reaction is for aristocrats or people pulling a military coup, but I wouldnt call it altright in the Trump sense.

>> No.11943268

NRx is /pol/ for pseudo-intellectuals

Its still about hating on poors and blacks, but "scientifically"

>> No.11943273

Politically speaking he echoes Moldbug. Land has a much deeper understanding of things than Moldbug philsoophically speaking but he is clearly an acolyte of Moldbug's neo-Carlylean Darwinist thing.

>> No.11943275

Yeah, but nu-Land mostly limits himself to retweeting Kekistanis

>> No.11943278

NRx is about the failure of democratic political forms and a return to monarchy. The racism and classism are incidental. Besides which, racism is very clearly true.

>> No.11943279

>British cartoonish accent
>answers I don't know to questions about his philosophy
>is being guided by the interviewer

And you take this guy seriously ?

>> No.11943285

Nick land is boomer tier

>> No.11943324


>> No.11943332

>failure of democratic political forms and a return to monarchy

So Switzerland should become more like North Korea?

These retards lack any self-awareness.

>> No.11943350

no they are incredibly, autistically, self-aware. You can find them talking about that exact question of North Korea. They say essentially that calling a communist marxist revolution the same thing as traditional monarchies is a dishonest tactic.

You don't have to read them if you dont want to, but they are not just stupid altright characters, they actually do think things through.

>> No.11943401

Nick Land, although smart, sounds like a total fucking faggot. Or maybe because that’s him at 56, not his younger self

>> No.11943408

He’s the purest Gen X on the market

>> No.11943409

The silicon valley types are pretty much the aristocrats of our age

>> No.11943412

>TRUE monarchism has not been tried yet!

Okay, whatever. I am just glad these guys stay in their irrelevant echo chamber.

>> No.11943425

This is big news, Land threads are always in need of new events like this, so thank you for finding this anon.

>> No.11943431

>TRUE monarchism has not been tried yet!
see that's not what they're saying, they have actual examples of what they like. Victorian England, Frederick the Great's enlightend Absolutism, the Restoration, etc. They like Singapore a lot as well.

>> No.11943437
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Land is a charlatan who cant handle his speed or skunk

>> No.11943476

Dumb meatposter

>> No.11943521


>> No.11943623

hes bored of twitter hipsters asking for meme interpretations of his work. listen to the host, hes like an amateur cop interrogating a cartel leader.

>> No.11943626

>i’ve spent the last five years in a room with abstract schizo entities

That’s how you start a concersation, based Nick.

>> No.11943691

Go to bed Em

>> No.11943723

I am not Emily you wanker :@

>> No.11943726

elsie hewitt

>> No.11943902


Here’s another one

>> No.11943913

that one had a thread already when it came out.

>> No.11943930
