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11940923 No.11940923[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be pomo-esque marxist
>read accelerationism, neoreaction, neoabsolutism
>become pomo-neoreactionary

Looking back, Marxism sounds as basic as reading Sam Harris.
PoMo cannot be sufficiently realized through the left.

For all the PoMo-Left criticism of liberalism and the enlightenment, their entire ideological fabric still is wrapped by enlightenment.

>> No.11940988

nice, bump

>> No.11941053

based, thanks.
Looks like marxists went into hiding.

>> No.11941057

>Marxism sounds as basic as Sam Harris.
It is.
Is accelerationism still rooted in the dialetical conception of capital, the one coming from ye olde Marxist critique of commodity markets?
If so that's a big cold cringe from me. How about you spend your time studying philosophical logic and science instead not lapping up that rubish.
>Pomo can't be sufficiently realized through the left. Yeah just like many said communism couldn't be realized through an undictated proletariat. Once a dogmatist always a dogmatist I guess, how about you grow a brain and examine the vworld from matters of fact instead of getting your orders from whatever master-theory is in vogue. Marx-influenced people are pests that have all but completely destroyed leftism with their dog's. People of your ilk are only notable for the insane things you advocate for and being nuisances. Oh boy I can't wait until the next big psuedoscientific description of capital comes out so I can watch you imbeciles mindlessly hop on board the next big thing.

>> No.11941066

holy cringe yikes

>> No.11941091

When I was a marxist I saw the liberals as "NPCs" ,as zoomers say, their inability to understand even the most basic conditioning it was impossible, they were like fish in the water.

Just think about the Steve Pinkers and the Sam Harrisses of the world, they are intellectually accomplished but intelligence isn't the what stands in the way, it's the web of assumptions and inclinations towards certain ends that forces an ever present rationalization.

When one is in an ideological mode, he is passively contrarian by default.
Maybe you've argued with theists and noticed how they insufferably refuse to even entertain the most basic thoughts.
Do you ever wondered how they feel?
Well now you know.
"But I'm correct, let me check my thoughts for confirmation....yup confirmed, I'm correct"
This is how ideology works.

It's not a knowledge problem nor an intelligence problem, the memetic structures do have their own safeguards against other memes that could dismantle them.

>> No.11941222

blah blah blah
you're a fascist in denial buddy.

>> No.11941225

>Marxism sounds as basic as reading Sam Harris.
Really an unfair comparison, Marx layed the foundation for such accelerationiqt ideas to emerge, they may elevate capital to metaphysical heights but there is no denying some of those aspects are still grounded on Marx's critique of the underlying contradictions in the capitalist MoP, as much as I enjoyed reading Debord, Land or Baudrillard, I don't think I would've actually got any of the terminology without being familiar with Marx.
Can you say the same thing about Harris and ethics?

>> No.11941250
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Ideologies don't exist. No coherence has ever been found in a set of ideas between a group of so called shared beliefs. The legitimacy of a group ideology is not held by the powerful and disseminated downwards. Locating the contents of any ideology becomes a practice of making useful selections from an abstraction that exists in language and not in the meanings individuals hold to be the truth of the world.

>> No.11941252

>being any kind of reactionary

l o l

>> No.11941343

Those pancakes look good

>> No.11941614

marxism is a reaction to capitalism ;)))

>> No.11941643

>philosophy is about maximizing postmodernism
Uh, ok.

>> No.11941812

In a sense it is.
If x can describe y, but y can't describe x, then x a more useful idea.

If by post-anything we mean the latter manifestation of state of affairs, then by definition it is.

>> No.11941861
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>Memetic structures
That's a weird way to spell semiotic sport.

>> No.11941932

Why is this such a common political transformation? I mean, from what I've witnessed online obviously.

It's gotten to the point now that I start to distrust other leftists if they become too pomo or start chatting chatting shit about even Deleuze and Guattari all the time, never mind Land.

As funny as it is to dunk on libs, reminder: there is literally nothing wrong with the enlightenment.

>> No.11941936

this thread is garbage holy fuck

i came into it expecting some potential discourse but i guess i should have known better

>> No.11941967

based and redpilled
Really the post that destroyed everyone in here.

>> No.11941979

>I like arithmetic, but I distrust other people who like arithmetic, next thing you know, they start talking about algebra!!
Imagine being this pathetic.
Also, amazing arguments.

>> No.11941988

I wasn't trying to make an argument, simply an observation.

Perhaps "distrust" was the wrong word, but it certainly seems fashionable online these days for pomo leftists to follow accelerationist arguments through to specious right wing ends, particuarly pseuds on twitter.

>> No.11942010

I agree that the enlightenment was a goodthing, and it's continuation has also been a good thing, except for the lag, that space inbetween. I'm glad that Christians figured out that the meathod back to enlightenment was through its continuation in pomo - itself an inherently Christian Nihilist program.

>> No.11942084

You obviously imply that's the wrong path.

Imagine two liberals, one liberal tuns marxist.
Just how ridiculous is when the one that stayed liberal calls the marxist wrong/naive/pseud/whatever, while he clearly is more naive, knows less while the marxist understands everything the liberal understands PLUS much more.

Yet it doens' even register that you might be the fucking dumbo in this case.
You're based and redpilled : ))

>> No.11942091

>You're disagreeing so it must be from a lack of understanding

no u

>> No.11942101

Clearly you understand everything about said concepts in OP and you see through the naivety of those people.

Can you help me, I'm asking for a friend, he's a fucking LUNATIC like the OP, how do I use your wisdom to WAKE THAT SHEEPLE up

>> No.11942120

You're wasting your time, /lit/ isn't nowhere near ready for that level of discussion, they're still stuck in the 60's Postmodernism, give them some time.

>> No.11942189

>give them time
The temporal and hyperstitional retro-emergence of a semiotic liberal ontology requires a constant feedback of the homeostatic de-entropic resonance, the illiberality of the generative grouping superimposes prior to the cause, a negative feedback doesn't occlude any epistemic distribution through a canonical system in itself.

>> No.11942236

Now imagine two economic leftists, one who is a social liberal and supports all aspects of classical Marxism because they genuinely care for the working class, and another one who is a social conservative, a moral deontologist, who believes that government should be in charge of all aspects of the economy because they mistrust private, non-state agents' intentions and ability to guide production, pricing, and the flow of money for the sake of benefiting the greatest possible group of people.
Which one would be more "redpilled", according to you?

>> No.11942253

they are both equally redpilled

>> No.11942315

The person who replied to here.
Definitely neither.

That marxist is just a normal liberal brought to its logical conclusion, which is 'preemptive secure cooperation'

That conservative social democrat is governed by center-diffused inertia, which is 'elective protective cooperation'

>> No.11942347

I like the part where you actually provided an in-depth conversation discussing ideas carefully, as opposed to merely stating your dumb-ass opinion and memeing.

>> No.11942363
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>be a dick
>be susceptible to dickish ideologies and zeitgeist

least you didn't become a post-T_d /pol/tard

>> No.11942377

Accelerationism is meant to be self-defeating; the suicide bombing of a memeplex.

Why though? To combat Mammon? To be the Chaos Frog opposing the Golden Calf? /pol/ was right again?

>> No.11942380

>he's not a lefty, he's a dick!

The most amazing thing about liberals (lefties(anarchists)) is the immersion in their "common sense" of ethics and systems.
Politics becomes a harry potter archetype of good and evil for the lefty.

It's like you beg someone to call you an NPC.

>b-but the right-
Don't, the conservative right is supposed to be the absolute lowest level of political discourse, the closest thing to a chimp.
You're only one step above that.

>> No.11942383

>the conservative right is supposed to be the absolute lowest level of political discourse, the closest thing to a chimp.
That'd be niggers.

>> No.11942387

Into the ovens with you.

>> No.11942398

>dickish ideologies
Imagine how mentally handicapped you have to be to think like this.

>> No.11942403

>For all the PoMo-Left criticism of liberalism and the enlightenment, their entire ideological fabric still is wrapped by enlightenment.

It all stems from the Western Tradition. As far as the "Enlightenment" is concerned, it's all simply an Arianist, barbarian take on a monotheistic divinity.

>> No.11942414

mammon has placed history upon a treadmill. its not acceleration of history, it's acceleration of the treadmill itself until it malfunctions, breaks down and history is freed. it's not self-defeating, it's self-emancipatory. the neoreactionary accelerationist will never escape their marxist roots no matter how deep they spiral into extinctionist inevitability

>> No.11942415

No wonder they love islam.

>> No.11942455

>the neoreactionary accelerationist will never escape their marxist roots no matter how deep they spiral into extinctionist inevitability

There's nothing marxist in neoreactionary accel.
Oh you're one of the uneducated people who think accelerationism is similar to marxist accelerationism.

Not only it's completely different in nature but it predates marx.
The absolute state of brainlets.

>> No.11942465


Neoreac and Neoabso are fundamentally pre-enlightenment ideas visited again through the lens of various enlightenment tools.

While Marxism is a pure product of the enlightenment.

>> No.11942478

Marxism is levantine though.

>> No.11942480


What is accelerationism if not license to nihilistic abandon, subsequent destruction

call radicalism radicalism. call extremism extremism. labels only occlude undestanding

>> No.11942481

You're confusing it with Marxist Accelerationism.

>> No.11942483

>pomo-esque marxist
How can this exist, though? Pomo (the rejection of grand narratives) and Marx (a grand narrative) don't seem very compatible.

>> No.11942499


>> No.11942504


>> No.11942506

prescriptive vs. descriptive accelerationism, anon

>> No.11942511

When will western liberalist hegelians fucking die off on /lit/ already? There's no such thing as the individual, there's no such thing as freedom, no such thing as dialectical evolution nor does an end of history exist. Globalism isn't a new thing, the whole world was global way before the 20th century and it's demise was called the Bronze age collapse that parallels today's economic/political troubles very much. There is no universalist principles that govern the universe because we are the ones shaping the universe through our own metaphysical and ideological practices.

Our reality is constructed on metaphysical layers that are created through spiritual practice and experience of the non-physical realm and which ultimately instruct us how to behave in a world which is an illusion from the part of the people that experience it differently. This construct can itself be calculated enthropically on a scale of higher to lower entropy from the point of view of the various PIE people that migrated in almost all virtual civilizations that inhabited the globe and today we as their offspring bear witness the fruits of their interactions with said civilizations. From the Core of the Indus beliefs all the way to higher entropy to Zoroastrianism and later Ancient Greek thought, "The West" today is currently in the layer of periphery, just as the ancient greeks once were and which is precisely the reason why they made such an impact on "Western" civilization in medieval times and why it's called "The Enlightenment".

The "West" is the way it is today because of the very peripheric nature of the people who interpret a monotheistic God in a mechanistic, narrow and primitive way, in that they think God is to be taken literally, and his actions as that of a mere human. Most of it is due to the OT which was written by the israelites, themselves primitives living in the periphery who can only metaphysically influence other peripheries.

Etc, etc..

>> No.11942532

>Marxist Accelerationism.

>prescriptive vs. descriptive accelerationism

Labels occlude understanding.

>> No.11942533

Bad take.
> we are the ones shaping the universe through our own metaphysical and ideological practices.

Imagine being this naive.
Amazing, while you understand that the individual doesn't exist, you're still memed by the plasticity of the narrative.

>> No.11942536

language is 100% labels
You're using labels that point to other labels.

>> No.11942542

i disagree

>> No.11942545

Think of what the "West" achieved today so far in it's history.

Now i want you to imagine what the "West" would look like today if it was denied the right to construct it's own tradition of interpreting a monotheistic god, which in turn allowed it to construct the fundamental pillars of society's morals, ethics, art, and a understanding of reality which is detrimental to a civilization.

>> No.11942547

too many wrong things to be bothered

>> No.11942549

Just give me a brainlet explanation

>> No.11942550

we should change all proper nouns to marklar in order to clear everything up

>> No.11942552

It's ok iq89s are not meant to agree with abstract ideas that go far beyond the ideological narrative they've fooled themselves to believe in.

>> No.11942553

Falsely conflating concepts with words used by sophists = labeling. Which is precisely why sophists love using semantic games to prove a point; they confuse the word for the principle, if they can even comprehend the principle behind the words.

This is all there is: radicalism and extremism.

>> No.11942555

Marx said he was in favour of the free market to the degree it destabilized the ruling social/politcal system. He was a proto-accelerationist.

>> No.11942566

why do you choose to be a dick?

life's much simpler if you're not a dick.
It's all slightly ludicrous.

>> No.11942570

Cringe, you're memed hard.

> "West" would look like today if it was denied the right to construct it's own tradition of interpreting a monotheistic god
>which in turn allowed it to construct the fundamental pillars of society's morals, ethics, art, and a understanding of reality which is detrimental to a civilization.

It's all so bad it's not even wrong.
You cannot think to save your own life.

>> No.11942573

Nope, you're just stupid.

>> No.11942575

>the individual doesn't exist
explain this to me

>> No.11942580
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>you're a fascist

>> No.11942585

>There's no such thing as the individual
It's an extension of the self. To associate a particular physical body with the self. That is not to say that it doesn't exist, but it is possible to get rid of it, like you have.
>Globalism isn't a new thing, the whole world was global way before the 20th century and it's demise was called the Bronze age collapse
Got any recommended reading for this?
>no such thing as dialectical evolution
Evolution is interactive enough to allow this. It's a phenomena born out of particular bottlenecks, like, say, the female womb, or famine.
>nor does an end of history exist.
Many histories exist.

>> No.11942586
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>there is literally nothing wrong with the enlightenment.

>> No.11942587

You think that interpreting god enabled the west to create its own traditions?
How so?

>> No.11942595

>he thinks we magically choose to create ideologies.
It's mostly genetic.
If you don't think that's the case then you're in a rude awakening.

>> No.11942606
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he viewed it a necessary evil in the teleological drive towards socialism and the disintegration of the state (communism). Specifically he viewed it as necessary in technological development that would free mankind from the slavery of exploitative labour practices.
Of course Marx was a much greater descriptive writer in both lucidity and volume. he wrote far more in depth about the transitions from feudal, agricultural and capitalistic societies in the west than he prescriptive accounts as to how and why we should become socialist and communist societies......leaving his work open to abuse by tyrants who would have eliminated thinkers like Marx at the stroke of a pen if he had the misfortune to live in, for example, the soviet union.

>> No.11942608

Africans just didn't have good schooling and didn't have that monotheistic analysis to allow them to create big civs : )
We live in the matrix, it's all in the mind, we create our realities : )))

>> No.11942609

You just proved the lad’s point

>> No.11942614

>he viewed it a necessary evil in the teleological drive towards socialism and the disintegration of the state
literally the definition of Marxist accelerationism

>> No.11942619

Humans have a great deal of liberty in choosing what ideas to associate with. You'd be a different man if you hadn't browsed this site during a particular phase in your growth.

Some ideas and ideologies are like lamps are to moths. Ideas have their own struggles, their own advertising campaigns, wars and carnivals. Ideas have people. Ideas affect our sexual interests and selection.
>Are you a cuck? Do you like redheads? Uniforms?
Our DNA has been cultivated by ideas. To fit ideas, but also to survive their treachery.

>> No.11942625
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>it's all in the mind

"A revolution in the mind is no revolution worth having. Hegel was a berk. I accidentally got my housemaid pregnant whilst she was inspecting barnacles on my ass and blamed it on Engels. Kek"

>> No.11942637

Mammon is a god that requires faith. A revolution in the minds and hearts is all he would have needed to get rid of capitalism. But he had to love matter and eat the dust like the kike maggot he was.

>> No.11942644

Sure buddy, just say that to far lefties who you can read the leftism in their facial phenotype and hormone levels and similarly in the right.

You see, that is the absolute and only axiom of the lefty.
The equivalent to the god, you'll defend it to the ends of earth, your mind will.
You have no idea the amount of rationalization you're pulling off.

>> No.11942647

Zonkers this one's going in my cringe album(and yes, it is a physical album I keep on my coffee table)

>> No.11942655

You're going into my physical skin and cause it to cringe.

>> No.11942660

You sound like me, 8 years ago.
Completely clueless and stupid and naive.
You're just a basic liberal that has no clue on how the world works.

>> No.11942663

im not even all that sure what this thread is about

>> No.11942671

above your pay grade

>> No.11942673

>Sure buddy, just say that to far lefties who you can read the leftism in their facial phenotype and hormone levels and similarly in the right.
Left and right haven't been around forever. Likewise, left wingers did not invent their own ideology, and their own ideology affects their hormones and development.
Your gut microbes produce half of your hormones. What you eat is directly correlated with your upbringing and ideology. Sausages and beer, veganism, fast food, healthy...
The left wingers of today are very distinct from left wingers of even a 100 years ago. The ideology is shaping them. Abortion, for example, was not available to them back in the day. Now it has been for 30 years.

I'm not against biology. I just see humans as cattle to idea-meme-demons.

>> No.11942678

First, read some evo and some neurosci and then kys normie.

>> No.11942681


St. Augustine came up with the idea that sin is intrinsic to humans at the very moment they are born.

Some centuries and metaphysical layers later, after the fundamental meaning of the word "Sin" took various forms and understandings being given a number of attributes to it, a guy named Freud came up with the idea that since same sex sex is an intrinsic sin according to the Western canon of ethics and morals, it must only mean that humans can only intrinsically be born as homo sex lovers.

>Said the westerner

The greeks too once thought in absolutes, that is when they were at the very periphery of civilization and like reckless children explored and colonized things around them in need to perceive reality. Much like the "West" colonized in it's turn half the world. Being a periphery, the world always seems one big monolith, when in reality it is the complete opposite.

>> No.11942689

I doubt it. I think people are confusing a lot of shit with other shit with interchangeable names

basically this thead has American finger prints all over it

>> No.11942697

lmao a pure exhibit of the anon's point

>> No.11942707

I'm not saying biology has nothing to do with it. I'm saying ideas have been using us as soil for ages, and they've been dumping us in the garbage bin just as much - creating a bottleneck for humans to be able to have choices.
Sure, a left winger can't choose to become a right winger. That's not what I'm saying. Ideas shape people. They shape demographics, fetishes, clothing, selection, survival.

Likewise, humans of today don't produce beauty. Whatever ideas took hold of humanity don't allow for alternatives, and haven't yet had enough to feed. When they do, though, humans will revert to certain patterns and ideas like they always have.

>> No.11942727

What the fuck is your point? If you cant boil your sentences down you just end up sounding like a pretentious pseudointellectual. Please be coherent.

>> No.11942740
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So you just some disgusting Frankenstein’s monster of an ideology?

>> No.11942753

I'm gonna be honest man.
You really piss me off.
It's obvious you have no idea how any of this works.
You've just see/read and reinforced the same things over and over again, neural plasticity, how x behavior informs our genetics and hormones, how x food does this etc.

You know why that kind of information is floating around in that dense form?
Unless you're dishonest you'll have to know that if you claim anything biological and say someting negative about a group, your life is destroyed, you know many of social outlets are leftists/liberal.
Naturally they promote an abundance of such findings, of epigenetics and raising etc.

Your brain is filled with those because of how they want it to fill it.
I'm sorry man but you're one of those useful idiots.

It's obvious you're unaware how skewed your worldview is.
Just like a flat earther keeps hearing confirmation information.
Thing is, I know everything you said about biology and ideas, because I too have seen all the anti-biology "propaganda".

Ugh it's all so tiresome.
Anyway, I can summarize everything you can say and you'd agree but you couldn't do the same.

Sorry buddy but you're an NPC.

>> No.11942758


>> No.11942759

epigenetics is a thing though. Check out Biohistory. The guy won't touch race for obvious reasons but you can easily combine race science with what he's saying.

>> No.11942761

Peak liberalism: the post

The leftist Pomo is the frankestein monster.
Pomo is originally, inherently and fundamentally nitsian and heidegerian (non-leftist)
You're so brainwashed and immersed into leftist 'ganda that to you it feels monstrous.

>> No.11942764

This thread is filled with a bunch of pseuds patting themselves on the back and only having their incoherent ideologies reinforced by people who disagree with them or cant understand them

>> No.11942770

>epigenetics is a thing though.

Of course it's a thing, do you think I implied otherwise?
I've seen biohistory vids.

>> No.11942771


>> No.11942774

but you're the smart one, right?
I bet your worldview is the correct one and the other 99.999999% worldviews are just stupid.
How lucky!!!
What are the odds! : )

>> No.11942775

t. philosophy PhD NPC

>> No.11942776

I was just checking if you knew about it. I thought it was Leftist propaganda as well until I read the book Biohistory. Fucking fascinating

>> No.11942786
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You’re attempting to make 2 contradictory ideas connect. How can you be postmodern when you are also reactionary. You want to return to a simpler time despite also believing that that time sucked and it’s impossible to turn back time? What the hell are you smoking?

>> No.11942787

It's definitely not leftist propaganda, if anything it favors the right much more.

I hope realize they don't imply for example x race will become smarter than y race.

>> No.11942789

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.11942795

>When will western liberalist hegelians fucking die off on /lit/ already?
>There's no such thing as the individual
>There is no such thing as freedom
>There is no such thing as dialetical evolution
This, evolution is semiotic
>Globalism isn't a new thing, the whole world was global way before the 20th century and it's demise was called the Bronze age collapse that parallels today's economic/political troubles very much.
Umm there is a very big difference, capital has taken on a fictitious reality through a legal foundation in property law now dominates every aspect of the political economy. Geopolitics and state governence are way different than they were at anytime before the french revolution. Also the sure scale of today's world is a substantial difference, it is no longer just about trade relationships and politics, capitalism works in a completely different way than the political economy of the SPQR did. The reach is now truly global aswell. It's nothing like that. You are taking big leaps in your reasoning here.
>There is no universalist principles that govern the universe because we are the ones shaping the universe through our own metaphysical and ideological practices.
Cringe. Perhaps not universal principles but there are definitely universal laws that have emerged since the beginning of the universe, law arises through chance that creates order, which permeates dendritically throughout the universe until it becomes universal, firstness, secondness, and thirdness.
>Our reality is constructed on metaphysical layers that are created through spiritual practice
How? This seems very psuedointellectual.
>experience of the non-physical realm
Umm sweetie, the phenomenological realm we experience is the physical realm. Hopefully you mean the metaphysical realm and are just confused.
>which ultimately instruct us how to behave in a world which is an illusion
Oh boy, this post devolped into the articulation of some very bad takes and progressively gets worse.
> This construct can itself be calculated enthropically on a scale of higher to lower entropy from the point of view of the various PIE people that migrated in almost all virtual civilizations that inhabited the globe and today we as their offspring bear witness the fruits of their interactions with said civilizations.
Holy shit I had no idea what I was in for. >>>/x/
>From the Core of the Indus beliefs all the way to higher entropy to Zoroastrianism and later Ancient Greek thought, "The West" today is currently in the layer of periphery, just as the ancient greeks once were and which is precisely the reason why they made such an impact on "Western" civilization in medieval times and why it's called "The Enlightenment".
Holy shit, systems of knowledge and beliefs accumulate more informational entropy as they encapsulate more bits of information and complexity. So insightful, so profound. Lol, schizo trying to give a mystical twist to a basic deduction.

>> No.11942797

>contradictory ideas
Fucking Peterson man.

It's not contradictory at all, not when paired with marxism nor with anything else really.
You're just fucking stupid.

>be against killing but sometimes killing is ok
kys NPC

>> No.11942800

Well it does add a considerable dimension of 'nurture' to the equation, which is firmly a Leftist thing. But the actual things he's talking about promote authoritarian patriarchy, so yeah it ends up being right wing in practice.

>> No.11942811



>> No.11942814

you're thinking of time linearly which is very un-pomo

>> No.11942828

Leftists think for example white and black genes are very close and a bit of epigenetics will normalize stuff making them interchangeable.

Biohistory doesn't imply that at all, they still think that white-black gap won't close but it changes their respective degrees of behavior.
>How do you know this
I just know ;)

>> No.11942831

fuck off peircecuck

>> No.11942835

>The "West" is the way it is today because of the very peripheric nature of the people who interpret a monotheistic God in a mechanistic, narrow and primitive way, in that they think God is to be taken literally, and his actions as that of a mere human. Most of it is due to the OT which was written by the israelites, themselves primitives living in the periphery who can only metaphysically influence other peripheries.
Oh wow, devolpment is nested in a historical context. That's so metaphysically profound. Learn some humility, you are a psued and haven't even mentioned anything pertinent to metaphysics in all your cringeworthy throwing around of the word.

>> No.11942840

we need more posters like this. thanks for the thread OP.
where to start on this topic? how are the ideas pre-enlightenment?
His point was pretty clear, I don't think you understood.
He doesn't want to go to a simpler time. I think the crux of this issue is that Pomo philosophy isn't necessarily teleological, whereas almost any of the philosophies produced by the Enlightenment/Modernity point to a millennial, Utopian age after a considerable evolutionary phase (Marxism, Neoliberalism, ("end of history") even the most reactionary tendencies are founded in these assumptions). Teleology is something almost every ideology relies on as a foundation, and so it seems contradictory to rely on other enlightenment models to explain society/political economy. I don't think this is necessarily the case. Moldbug has an essay somewhere about kyklos that discusses this a bit as an alternative to materialist (or otherwise teleological) development models.

>> No.11942845

You're a npc preaching absolutist Darwinist biology. You can enter 21th century with rest of us too buddy.

>> No.11942854

why yall niggas shitting on hegel when you all have similar historicist perspectives

>> No.11942875
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#Pick'n Mix_idendity_politics

Go back to leredddit with this utter bullshit, you colossal mongrel-faggot.

>> No.11942884
File: 49 KB, 600x662, 6F51E6EE-D986-44EB-AE72-A91EEEF5B3A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you people even saying? You’re just stringing words to get in the hope of making a coherent sentence and if someone says that’s not how anything works you just call them an NPC. What has /lit/ become?

>> No.11942889

the complexity of the world we created is difficult to articluate.

>> No.11942892

Just read the words, it isn't hard lmao.

>> No.11942962

Because hegels devolpment is not continuous. There is literally nothing connecting being to being during becoming. He puts a zero between 1 and 3. He was right about devolpment but couldn't properly figure out the logic of how it happens. His logic might have been better if he understood calculus.
TRIGGER WARNING: controversial use of the term "essence" coming soon. (I mean formal potential)
It isn't nothing that being moves to during becoming, it is it's essence, which is not a property of being-what being is-but is the property of what being can become, that means the potential that being has.
Hegel does move past Aristole and obtains a dynamic metaphysics, but leaves behind the key Aristotleian insight, the movement of potentiality to actuality. Do to this fundamental flaw in hegels logic his entire system of metaphysics and the dialetical method are untenable.

>> No.11942983

This. Marx is more like a Freud than a Sam Harris, he laid the groundwork for what would eventually develop into what we have now. To compare him to Sam Harris is just insulting.

>> No.11942988

you can get to accelerationism with just Hegel and Adam Smith you don't really need Marx.

>> No.11943050

Says the person who lives in the 20th century
Fucking cringe

>> No.11943093

you've obviously never been an undergrad in the liberal humanities

>> No.11943103

what is Marx if not Smith and Hegels child?

>> No.11943125

>file name








>> No.11943127

fair enough but accelerationism is more Hegelian than Marxist

>> No.11943131
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what is materialism

>> No.11943170

he takes Hegelian dialectics, turns it materialist, and directly applies it to capitalism. the idea that capitalism exacerbates its own contradictions leading to social/political change is a wholly Marxist concept. Marx even advocated for free trade so long as ot served to destabilize the ruling mode of production

>> No.11943176

was Smith an idealist?

>> No.11943224

>You really piss me off.

>> No.11943358

We don't have food to increase IQ. We have food that can hamper IQ development. If you ignore vitamins, you can't think straight. I'm not a leftist. I merely know that the number of factors that have meaningful effects increases, rather than reduces.

I am a product of a long process. A product of cow milk drinking white apes, who lost the protruding jaw of other apes due to beauty ideals and processed food. My ancestors had to be inventive, stubborn and hard working to survive the harsh winters and famines. This is biological bottleneck for many traits my ancestral population had.
What happens when someone of this heritage can afford things like laziness? It enables multiple strategies which were deemed too risky, socially unacceptable or taboo for thousands of years, but were still in the genetic potential.
Our psychological structure is largely genetic, but you can cause trauma bad enough to change the behavior of an individual organism, or even a group. You can even pavlovize people, to see Hitler as the devil, or as a god. You can take drugs (notably psychedelics) and change your worldview and personality forever. Humans are very malleable, because us being malleable was important for our survival as a people and as a genetic lineage.

Here's something I found very interesting.
There are real directions we can evolve towards, as a species or a population.
I hate mass immigration because it ties people together. I truly wish human populations could evolve into wildly different and distinct species, but some retards think it's their moral duty to put all the eggs in the same basket.

>> No.11943653

So when these tards say things like, "capital is sentient" they are grounded in a hegelian conception of mind?
HAHAHAHAHA. Same with this mindless servitude to processes like deterritorialization. What a retarded dogma. Poor things, of course they have no choice but to be nhilists with such a poor understanding.
Thanks for the info, I cannot stand to read contential social theorists with all their foo-foo psuedometaphysical posturing. I already knew that I didn't agree with what they advocate for, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. Let alone accelerationism/transhumanism mental illness these so called "neoreactionary" folks seem like a bunch of slavish internet dweebs with pathetic superiority complexies, hiding behind retardedly superfluous strings of philsophical sounding garbage, that really has nothing acedemic or philosophical about it to cover up the disgusting flaws in their beliefs and personalities.
Sorry for your loss op. Maybe if you read actual philsophy and not these silly-nilly postmodern cultural theories you would be more humble.

>> No.11943695

Deleuze and Land reject Hegel outright; try again

>> No.11943741

Include me in the screencap

>> No.11943759

Yikes and cringepilled

>> No.11943807

read Moldbug

>> No.11943871

Maybe because time is linear fucktard