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11937698 No.11937698 [Reply] [Original]

*shatters your egalitarian worldview you've half-consciously been shoring up since childhood*
pssh... nothing personnel, liberal

>> No.11937704

>implying this is about conservatives vs. liberals
I can guarantee you that the God who created us does not approve of you making this about politics, or even harboring competitive, racial viewpoints in general.

>> No.11937706

You know he says that it is not good that they are low IQ right?

>> No.11937729

>god invented evolutionary principles
>god doesn't like the superior to be a good seppart towards lower animals so that his creation can prosper in the ideal way
Non-White are part of the flora and fauna.

>> No.11937750

You can accept that different demographics trend differently in aptitude and behavior, and that biology plays a part in this phenomenon, while still being liberal, and without being bigoted. It's one thing to say that the statistical average IQ of blacks is lower than the average of whites or asians. It's another to take that to imply that all blacks are low IQ. That's not what a statistical average says. In fact, to say it's an average implies a broader spectrum on which individuals are scattered, both below and above the average. Which is to say, there absolutely are genius level blacks, and that there are plenty of blacks whose IQ is above that of the average score for whites. It's just that on the population level the averages are different, so an individual is more likely to be below average. More likely is not a guarantee. You should still judge individuals based on who they are as individuals, and we should still strive to makes sure the bassline opportunities and education for everybody is equal, we just shouldn't take differences in success to be the same at adulthood.

>> No.11937751

and Marx said that it was bad that the bougies exploited the proles but the labor theory of value/law of value and history in the lens of class conflict are still valid and revolutionary topics

>> No.11937878
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Intelligence tests aren't measuring what their creators think they are because their creators don't understand what intelligence is to begin with. Murray isn't in any way philosophically qualified to even approach such a topic.

You're right liberalism is premised on an "egalitarian" understanding of man in the same sense physics is premised on an "egalitarian" understanding of motion... except liberalism isn't scientific... "economic man" and "perfect competition" are both morals and goals in a sense a "vacuum" isn't. Liberalism is an ideology.

>> No.11937949

>Intelligence tests aren't measuring what their creators think they are because their creators don't understand what intelligence is to begin with.

The book says that as well by acknowledeing that iq-tests only tell how well you are at "solving" iq-tests. Further it states that most iq-tests are terribly designed as they rather test knowledge than the ability to see patterns. For about half a chapter he critizises iq-tests.

He even wrote that one should not call it "intelligence" but find another more apropriate term.

Anon, have you even read the book?

>> No.11937978
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Doesn't matter what you think really, because IQ tests will be superceded by a quick spit in a test tube.

>> No.11937983

Not that anon but no I haven't. I see it shilled here constantly and it seems like an shoddy excuse for /pol/ shit. Sell me on it

>> No.11938080

With that mentality you are better of skipping it and reading some low grade shlack as anything else would be a waste of your time and who ever you ask to explain it to you.

>> No.11938092
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Yes I have but I really want to place stress on this point and this is what really matters... maximizing humanities total cognitive potential requires an actual understanding of what intelligence really is.

Murray supports basic income because he's a liberal and can keep qualifying his ideology even though at its core there has to remain a fiction of an "egalitarianism".

>> No.11938209

Well. I think we just found a common denominator.

Plain and simple; I agree to your opinion.
Thank you.

>> No.11938227

>god invented evolutionary principles
Uhhh no?

>> No.11938260

>The strong must help the weak
If that were true, God wouldn't have created man with the ability inherent to all of us to help one's self. Kys yourself.

>> No.11938268

>Kys yourself
>kill yourself yourself
Pleb detected

>> No.11938398

Bullshit. Superiority is a measurement of sentimentality and has nothing to do with science.

>Evolutionary principles
What evolutionary principles?

>> No.11938412

RIP in peace

>> No.11939255


>> No.11940442

Superiority is the best adaption to a envoirement. Evolutionary principles are all those relevant for evoltion, I'm not gonna C&P half a wiki articla for you. If you want to argue with a god, there is absolutely no problem in claiming he made evolution as a self-fullfilling mechanism. The "7 days" is in the end nothing but a metaphor for brainlet sand people, today we see that on a bigger scale similar things happened through the "days".

So, if God would have a problem with racial differences, he wouldn't make them or at least not promote scientific work to find them. But it's pretty clear that the western god very much likes to speak in terms of "we" and "them".

>> No.11940468

The problem is enforcing quotas to make up for a lack of representation of blacks at the top of various fields or the fact that many are unable to break into them. It’d be like demanding white people having equal representation in football and basketball. That’d be insane and idiotic, and people would tell them to GET GUD instead.

>> No.11940489
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>You should still judge individuals based on who they are as individuals
thats not what current liberals, ancoms, feminsits, and postmodernists think tho

>> No.11940527

>It's another to take that to imply that all blacks are low IQ
Nobody said this.
>and that there are plenty of blacks whose IQ is above that of the average score for whites.
Racists will never tell you that 20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites.

>> No.11940529

I dont even consider myself a very right wing person, but living in a city for a few months has shattered any egalitarianism I once held.

>> No.11940688
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The debate over quotas ended decades ago after the Supreme Court ruled in that case where the white dude sued a med school in California: quotas are dead.

None of what you say, however, applies to an argument against affirmative action. It is perfectly reasonable to choose a black applicant over a white one if all other qualities about these applicants are roughly equal. At highly selective universities, where the pool is huge and the number of qualified students vastly outnumbers open slots, this process can be easily applied without impairing the quality of an incoming class at all. If anything, having students come from a diversity of backgrounds will probably make for a better educational experience for everyone there. But now there's a suit against Harvard being brought by Asian people, and conservative white people are egging them on because they know it could end AA as we know it.

>> No.11940938

You do not understand the book if you're not a statistician. The book is riddled with flawed methodology, which has been pointed out time and time again.

>> No.11940956

No one says there aren't high IQ Africans.
Based on population there's in theory should be almost as many 98th percentile IQ Nigerians as there are Norwegians in Norway

>> No.11940964

>capitalist society
>egalitarian worldview
not sure you know what egalitarian means

>> No.11941073

Some of the black population in the US suffered from lead poisoning. Thus, IQ tests will suffer depending on what particular black population you study. The above youtube vid covers that.

If you measure IQs of people in Africa, they will of course not do well. They don't have the 10+ years of education that westerners get to think abstractly. If you gave a bunch of medieval French peasants IQ tests, they would score retarded as well.

>> No.11941295

>10+ years of education
>glorified daycare that exists because wages in society have stagnated to the point you cant raise a family on a single income
public education doesnt even qualify people for being the manager of a fucking grocery store let alone think abstractly, public education discovered critical thinking after that book was published

>> No.11941330

Most of us don't live in shitty flyover states or states controlled by Republicans

>> No.11941398

funny how all those millionaires dont put their kids in those "great" coastal public schools
>thinking coasts matter post internet

>> No.11941415

lmao @ ur cope posting

>> No.11941423

That has less to do with quality of education and more to do with socioeconomic class separation and status

>> No.11941438

>public education
you really did go to public school, If I write your name on a board do you go into fight or flight response?

>> No.11941446

Yeah they're living abroad. So they don't help out

>> No.11941454

Sure enough. Current IQ in Africa is measured by extrapolating data from random shit like jobs.
I bet genetically they have higher IQ

>> No.11941467


Nice, anon. Looking forward to your forthcoming book, "Coping with Cognitive Dissonance"

>> No.11941471

define "intelligence"

>> No.11941484

Cool, now find me a religion with evolution in its holy books. You can’t? Hmmm.

The Quran says we were created, over and over again incessantly? Almost neurotically? As if God knew the scourge of evolution would rear its head? Hmmmmm

>> No.11941505

>Cool, now find me a religion with evolution in its holy books. You can’t? Hmmm.
Try Genesis I.

P.S. It looks like you're confusing "evolution" and "Darwinian speciation via uncontrolled randomness". A typical mistake for the scientifically illiterate and/or innumerate.

>> No.11941539
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>> No.11941578

>when you refer to a policy book useing a study instead of the study

>> No.11941593

Ubi is neoliberal, not liberal. It's done to kill business support of workers.

>> No.11941596


>> No.11941722

how is affirmative action any different from quotas, really?
they both enforce a solution, instead of letting competition sort shit out.

>> No.11941729

dude im somewhat in favor of measurrements, but citing wechsler as a definition of intelligence is just dumb.

>> No.11942468

Okay lets not use the word intelligence. Lets just use wechslerigence... Still makes differential predictions on outcomes and abilities. Still genetic. What does it matter. Better than airy fairy concept of intelligence.

>> No.11942517

have you used that test?

genetic? what?

of course it matters, IQ for wais is a very narrow definition of IQ. westernized-education-definition of IQ.

some of the subtest i can agree with, blocks for example, or the matrix reasoning. others are just plain dumb and they can easliy misinterpret the "intelligence" (for better or for worse) of the subject being tested.