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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 564 KB, 1000x1442, Deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11934094 No.11934094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So now that the dust has settled, what does /lit/ really think of Deleuze?

>> No.11934100

A titan. The greatest thinker of the twentieth century and one of the greatest philosophers to ever live.

>> No.11934106

an ephemeral meme, stirner will remain, land will remain, of deleuze already nothing beside remains

>> No.11934109

wolf anus

>> No.11934112

Hmmm. Yes yes. How very Deleuzian of you. Hm quite, quite, mmyes yes. Rather Deleuzian indeed.

>> No.11934124

leftist hack. /lit/ only talks about him because of how much of a meme he is

>> No.11934125

outside of /lit/ no one pays attention to those retards

>> No.11934133
File: 112 KB, 658x662, 1538930743985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dhsudhwjshdhehs he's a LEFTIST
pic related is you

>> No.11934139

Fuck off back to /leftypol/

>> No.11934159

i don't go to any /pol/ or any other cesspool

>> No.11934205

Try reading Whitehead, he was three centuries ahead of his time.

>> No.11934219

You haven't read Deluze, you merely did a Google search and skimmed a Wikipedia article.

Prove me wrong, poltard pseud.

>> No.11934236

Proto-Zizek academic troll
Blends Marxist and Freudian word salad and third-rate literary criticism
Pointless reliance on metaphor
Literally no reason to ever read him

>> No.11934267

Your opinion is informed at best by a combination of memes, wikipedia-skimming, and reading whatever aut-right blog.

You and your kind is transparent here. Go back to /pol/ knowing that you have been called out for what you are, and know yourself to be: a bullshitting blowhard.

>> No.11934292

>desperate ad hominem
>not responding to any of the points I made
OK then

>> No.11934296

Reading someone who glorifies mental illness is a waste of time.

>> No.11934300

try reading Peirce, he was half a century ahead of whitehead, according to whitehead.

>> No.11934307

he's so superior he doesn't need to respond to you anon

>> No.11934445

Stirner is what NPCs find deep. They're like woah, these social constructs are just spooks man! Like if they didn't know that from the start. Every stirnerite is usually a degeranate that finds validation in his work for their bad activities.

>> No.11934521

Pretty much all french "philosophers" from the 20th century can be discarded without further questions.

>> No.11934525

you understand that i'm just talking about the staying power of the memes right

>> No.11934689


>> No.11934732

>Will it be retorted that the schizo is not joyous either? But doesn't his sadness come from the fact that he can no longer bear the forces of oedipalization and hamletization that hem him in on all sides? Better to flee to the body without organs and hide out there, closing himself up in it. The little joy lies in schizophrenization as a process, not in the schizo as a clinical entity.

>> No.11934932

Try heading me, he’s half a century ahead of Peirce according to me