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File: 548 KB, 1867x596, ba7ca9c727fe0faf5a5a7db0bd9bd0fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11933498 No.11933498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What works of literature explain this phenomenon?

>> No.11933503

She got hotter

>> No.11933517

Wow imagine being this person and taking so many pictures of yourself. But this isn't a lit thread you just added that sentence to pass it off here. Try >>>/r9k/ frendanimo.

>> No.11933536

The myth of Narcissus

>> No.11933540

Women really need to stop fucking with their eyebrows.

>> No.11933546

She's the typical
>I'm just your average girl, the kind with 500 pictures of herself on the internet in different cute outfits

>> No.11933565


grow up

>> No.11933587

t. kaffir

>> No.11933591

Dressing like a whore
Whoring herself out on the internet

>> No.11933594

Kind of is the norm man lmao
It is 4chan man comes with the territory just ignore it if you can

>> No.11933605

Being a woman is like being rich and having all the best toys as a little kid, so all the other kids include you in their friend groups by default, and you never get to develop a real personality or learn what having friends really means

Then you become broke 5-10 years later

>> No.11933607

she looks so much better in the first image, she just looks like a generic thot in the second one

>> No.11933611

she looks like a sheboon in the second image

>> No.11933617

that's why the universe is re-organizing through the sheer titty power of MILFs. Lisa Ann is the new Hegel

>> No.11933620

Expression is an awful word. What exactly is this thot pressing out, creating, making exterior taking a picture like that you dumb yuppie.

>> No.11933622

Before and after BBC

>> No.11933630

The Bell Jar

>> No.11933637

Try to think like psychoanalysist for a moment

>> No.11933638

Looking at her gives me a craving for Mcdonalds

>> No.11933641

>it comes with the territory
Don't you get tired of it though? These threads are always the same shit with nothing insightful being said.

It's ironic that given the constant rhetoric around here that women supposedly don't matter, no one around here can seem to shut up about them.

>> No.11933647


She got kardashianized.

>> No.11933656

>It is 4chan man comes with the territory just ignore it if you can
It's just annoying because this girl is literally not doing anything wrong or even abnormal.

If you honestly are upset by the image then you are an outright Puritan and I feel sorry for how out of touch with the modern world you are

>> No.11933660

Who called in the thot defense force

>> No.11933664

Society of the Spectacle

Now please stop making these shit threads, thank you.

>> No.11933670

>It's ironic that given the constant rhetoric around here that women supposedly don't matter, no one around here can seem to shut up about them.
I always point this out to the women hating loserd (incels, mgtow, etc). They claim to not care about women and accuse us (men who enjoy women) of pussy worshipping while in reality they think about women far more than we do. Some of them define large parts of their personality in opposition to women. If these losers only had more self awareness, they wouldn't be incels.

>> No.11933673

>It's just annoying because this girl is literally not doing anything wrong or even abnormal.
People like you who normalize this kind of sexual degeneracy are the problem. Stop white knighting and think about the potential repercussions of an overly sexualized culture.

>> No.11933686

I’m a Puritan

>> No.11933690

How is this different than making a post on 4chan in hopes of having someone coming along and validating you?

>> No.11933692

>6,000+ years of open male sexuality in society is fine
>half a decade of women expressing their sexuality isn't

also lol @ being so terrified of people being sexual. go be amish if you want to see women wearing bonnets and ankle-length dresses

>> No.11933694

Move to a muslim country and put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.11933705

How the fuck has society been for ‘open male sexuality’?

>> No.11933711

I'm not a Muslim.

>> No.11933719
File: 52 KB, 322x600, david-full-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh and also the 1000+ years of laughing off the idea of women having any rights at all in western society

>> No.11933746

>Nudity is inherently sexual
So this..is the power...of women

>> No.11933757
File: 390 KB, 1266x616, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes just trying to fit in

>> No.11933758

The invention of contraception was the biggest mistake humanity has ever made. Women now spend their most fertile years on birth control pretending to be businessmen only to leave the workforce and become mothers once they recognize their careers are dependent on their withering beauty. Only an incredibly small percentage of women are suited for careers in intellectually rigorous environments like law and engineering, but the rise of feminism (a result of contraception) has created this false ideology of universal equality across the sexes.

>> No.11933775

Yeah it’s not like the Greeks and other cultures fawned over and exhibited the female body in works of art...

The royalty and propertied (rich hoes included here) had rights you dumb nigger, not men as a group.

>> No.11933782

I wonder how disgusting your body has to be to have such a disgusting mind

you really can't let other people be happy, can you? who tf are you to try and police everything so we live out your 1950s nuclear family fantasies? the world doesn't conform to your opinions of what's right or wrong

>> No.11933789

I want to hurt my cock and balls for you
I would drink your piss without hesitation and savour your saliva in my mouth, grovelling on the floor beneath you, I don't deserve anything but pain and I'm sorry for not being raised a proper man. You are a goddess

>> No.11933790


>> No.11933792

You type like a woman lol

>> No.11933794

Are they actually happy though?

>> No.11933799

Just a heads-up to all the lefties out there. To support this >>11933498 type of behavior is to act in the interests of global capital. Women of this kind are walking talking nodes of capitalist desire. "Self-expression" is the means by which capital propels itself. Thanks.

>> No.11933800

You're absolutely correct but the idea is so reprehensible to modern sensibilities the problems you describe will never be recognized or addressed and instead fester long into the future.

>> No.11933808

I'm 99% sure you're a women because only they could think what they perceive to be nasty mind would correlate into a nasty body.

>> No.11933815

Fuck no. My girlfriend had a high school friend who became like this and her social media presence is alternating waves of extreme vanity (including sluttiness. Literal videos of her sucking dick) and emotional breakdowns. I have no contempt for her, mind you. I really hope she gets her life together.

>> No.11933816

yes, very

do you have any idea how great life is when you are allowed to live it? and who cares if things collapse later on. there's been like 6 extinction events already on earth, you really think there won't be a 7th?

live your life like you want it while you have. it's not like you're getting another one

>> No.11933820


>> No.11933823

Why are women so transparent?

>> No.11933827

great responses incels

>> No.11933833

>Woman claims life is great after undergoing third divorce

>> No.11933842

>t. hasnt read the greeks

>> No.11933850

she clearly gets paid to model now

>> No.11933852

luisdoee seems a bit creepy

>> No.11933855

You are a nihilistic hedonist cunt. I hope you spend the rest of your life on birth control getting railed by niggers.

>> No.11933869

why's that?

can you articulate a thought that doesn't involve racism, misogyny, and being upset that life doesn't go on forever like a fairytale?

>> No.11933873

Because if you don't use birth control you'll end up as a single mother.

>> No.11933916

>they could think what they perceive to be nasty mind would correlate into a nasty body.
Actually quite a commonplace idea in ancient rome and greece, two supremely patriarchal societies.

>> No.11933924

This is an opinion, not a fact.

>> No.11933925

We don't live in ancient Greece or Rome so it's irrelevant. That is the way women act now.

>> No.11933955

That doesn't change the fact that there is a truth in the idea, probably why it had credit in rome and greece. Show me a self declared mgtow that is 6'4, 230lbs ripped, handsome, and emotionally mature/stable. There aren't any. Most mgtow are undesirable to women because of their physical or mental traits (ugly, fat, weak, cowardly, etc), which is why these men adopt mgtow as a psychological defense mechanism ("women not wanting my dick is because women are evil, it has nothing to do with me smelling like shit and dressing like sperg!").

>> No.11933963

Jesus Christ you're a fucking nut. Who is a MGTOW?

>> No.11933970

>6'4, 230lbs ripped, handsome, and emotionally mature/stable
thats like 0.000001% of people bro, everyone has problems, even famous actors and models.

also whats wrong with coping mechanisms? everyone does this

>> No.11933972

Found the newfag.

>> No.11933987

Can you tell me what is factually incorrect about it? Are you saying it is factually incorrect that women, on average, leave the workforce to start families and raise children? Is it factually incorrect that women tend to gravitate towards more social career paths like teaching and nursing instead of more intellectually demanding career paths like engineering and mathematics? If a woman's career has nothing to do with her attractiveness or beauty, then why do women wear high heals and makeup and big hoop earrings (which are all overt displays of female sexuality) in the workplace?

>> No.11933989

I'm not asking you what MGTOW's are, I asked who is one. As in, why the hell do you think I'm one? You're a nut because your ranting is irrational.

>> No.11933991

>These threads are always the same shit with nothing insightful being said.

welcome to the internet retard. wait, no - welcome to earth. you might find insight here or there but not everywhere.

>> No.11933997

My point is that ugly cunts and autists are blaming their own unattractiveness on women and using it as a pretext for misgony. The real reason all the incels (mostly from /pol/) want to take away women's rights and go back several centuries is that they believe they will be able to get women and keep them like cattle. They want essentially guaranteed access to women, something which eroded with the rise of womens rights. Women can now freely choose who they fuck. Naturally they don't want ugly fat fuckers or manlets.

>> No.11933999

how do you know he's mgtow? he could be a pua who are also notoriously misogynistic

>> No.11934004

She looked better before honestly

>> No.11934008

neither incels or feminists actually exist. Normal people don't care about this shit. They ignore it.

>> No.11934009

mods please nuke this shit thread

>> No.11934015

>what's wrong with coping mechanisms

Trying to create safe spaces for people only drags society down.

>> No.11934017

>ugly cunts

>> No.11934021

I wasn't calling you one, you tard.
It was an example of a case where the condition of the physical body and mind are reflections of one another. Learn to read properly.

>> No.11934023

>and keep them like cattle
I agree with everything besides this. My experience from /r9k/ tells me that these kinds of people crave love more than anything. They don't want to own someone like you imply, I think they just want a partner.

>> No.11934024

you mean obviously

>> No.11934028

Guessing you fall into each category.
Sucks to be you.

>> No.11934034

Almost every social movement post-1967 is compensatory. And most of the people who adhere to them aren't bad. If a particular social order doesn't benefit someone, they have every right to want to upend it.

>> No.11934036

Maybe manlet depending on how strict your definition is. That's about it though.

>> No.11934038

They want social conditions that will force a woman to be with them no matter what. That isn't love, that's enslavement.

>> No.11934049

>you should be okay with a social order that excludes or oppresses you for not having the right genes
Resentment isn't cured by explaining that it's resentment.

>> No.11934051

How about you improve yourself instead of subverting the social order? Bring yourself up instead of shitting in the pool for everyone else.

>> No.11934052

They mistakenly conflate love with lust and that's what leads to them becoming dissatisfied with their interactions with women, which in turn leads to misogyny.

Sexual objectification on both sides has really fucked with gender relations.

>> No.11934056

you sound like you aren't very attractive

>> No.11934057

It's not enslavement; it's the basis of civilization. It's what marriage is. It's impossible to name a single successful civilization that doesn't acknowledge the concept of marriage.

>> No.11934059

Jeff magnum isn't dead tripfag

>> No.11934060

Sounds like an awfully npc thing to do.

>> No.11934063

>muh rigid social order

how reactionary

>> No.11934066

>women don't want to fuck me because I'm an ugly autist, I'm so oppressed!
That's a consequence of biological reality. Nobody wants to sully their offspring.

>> No.11934070

>They mistakenly conflate love with lust
how do you know?

>> No.11934071

I used to post pictures of myself on /fa/. They're still floating around
Attraction, particularly when it comes to men, has a strong genetic component to it. Men can't be taller or have a more symmetrical face than their genes allow for

>> No.11934072

Forcing someone to be in an abusive relationship they can never leave is enslavement.

>> No.11934081

Kafka's Metamorphosis is literally this, with the corresponding and parallel male transformation thrown in to boot

>> No.11934082

Some people are born with a very low IQ and can't compete in the job market. The point is that expecting people to be okay with their alienation is unreasonable. Those people are unfortunates. Making fun of them is like making fun of retards.

>> No.11934085

clownshoes reasoning. ugly people have produced attractive children and attractive children have produced ugly children. besides, since when are looks everything? you're posting on /lit/ where some of the most discussed and brilliant authors and philosophers were literal gremlins. though in retrospect i doubt they were this pathetically obsessed with sex and cummies but we're all products of our environment and this post-sexual revolution culture is a whole new frontier.

>> No.11934088

>Attraction, particularly when it comes to men, has a strong genetic component to it. Men can't be taller or have a more symmetrical face than their genes allow for
But men can overcome this with money and success. Sure its much better being tall and handsome, thus having women open their legs to you for free, but if you aren't that guy, increase your social standing in some way and you'll get women.

>> No.11934089

Because they talk about wanting to be loved, yet mainly express a desire for sex and losing their virginity. Everything else is just seen as an added bonus, when in reality it's that everything else that's the most important part of a relationship.

>> No.11934092

That isn't necessarily true and you know it. For once can the people on this board just stop assuming bad faith? Can we also stop with the false opinions? There aren't any (or many) incels OR their opposites in this thread, yet you faggots take sides as if this argument ought not be ignored.

>> No.11934093

You're the kind of woman who thinks every relationship is an abusive relationship if the guy isn't attractive enough for her pretty princess standards

>> No.11934099

Don't expect people to be okay with their lack of self awareness, especially when it morphs into misogyny.

>> No.11934104

>Because they talk about wanting to be loved, yet mainly express a desire for sex and losing their virginity.
Both of these can happen independently. Lust is more impulsive and short term while love is stronger and long term. Since the desire for release (through sex) is immediate, it's stronger like a stubbed toe, while a desire for love is ever present like a dull ache. You're more likely to shout in pain for a stubbed toe than a sore back that you've dealt with for weeks.

>> No.11934107

IQ also has a strong genetic component to it. Some people are stuck in a low-value body that they can never expect to escape. Some people just look like Houellebecq, but without his talent for writing. Those people (some of them are women) deserve our sympathy more than anything else.

>> No.11934110

I'm not a woman.

>> No.11934115

Well you definitely think like one

>> No.11934117

You might as well be. Thought about buying some thigh highs?

>> No.11934123
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>a bunch of loser virgin outcasts hate women

>> No.11934126
File: 342 KB, 666x648, BF05DA67-3A8C-434C-8E26-FF7F5C759894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femoid poster

>> No.11934130


>> No.11934135

That temporary nature of lust is exactly what makes making a big deal over it so base and barbaric. Once lust is satisfied it can't be explored any further, whereas love often requires self-reflection, making it a more transcendental experience.

In short, pursuing lust without restraint only stunts your emotional and intellectual growth.

>> No.11934137

Those are not the people I'm talking about. Most self identified incels or mgtow from reddit, 4chan, and other websites are average looking at least and with some modicum of intelligence, which is why they often try to back their ideas with science or philosophy. You seem to have the impression that I'm talking about the mentally or physically disabled. I'm not. I'm talking about a segment of young, abled bodied men that are average or even above average that fall into these online groups.

>> No.11934138

>The invention of contraception was the biggest mistake humanity has ever made

>> No.11934142

The toxicity is off-putting and makes them hard to defend, but I think Simone Weil is right about how suffering is perpetuated. People who are full of self-loathing discharge that frustration onto other people, which then causes those people to push them away even more which increases their alienation. But if you're nice to mean people, you'd be surprised how often they become nice in return.

>> No.11934143

oh come on

>> No.11934150

Name a single bigger mistake

>> No.11934151

i mostly post on 4chan in the hopes that people insult me, there is nothing better than 20 (you)s calling you a faggot

>> No.11934153

Not an argument, dyel incels.

>> No.11934170
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Why make so big a deal about sex anyways.

>> No.11934175

Most incels fall into the spectrum of mental or physical disability. It could be social anxiety, mild autism, or schizoid personality disorder. Or it could be someone with a negative outlier physical characteristic, like someone who's very short, or very unsymmetrical, or someone who has a micropenis. People with a sound body and mind don't become incels.

>> No.11934176

In other words you want attention.

>> No.11934181

Because my fucking dick is dry dawg, what the fuck? You ever try living your whole life with a dry ass dick?

>> No.11934182
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Your day will come, roastie.

>> No.11934187

Because the validation you get on 4chan isn't tied to anybody's identity. The validation you receive has to do solely with the validity of your argument without the negative social repercussions of ostracization or even jail time. With instagram whores, the validation they receive is SOLELY based on identity. More specifically, the sex appeal of the identity. Women love to complain about objectification except when they objectify themselves under the guise of empowerment and expression.

>> No.11934189

>dick is no longer dry
Problem solved.

>> No.11934191

>how is posting something anonymously that has to succeed on its merits and get attention from people solely based on whether they found it funny or informative any different from showing your CUNT HOLE and mammary fats that you passively possess from birth by virtue of having two X chromosomes?

Wow, actual woman detected. Is this really what it's like inside your disgusting fucking brains? You see Einstein and you see a disgusting whore, and you think, "Both of them are receiving attention; both of them feel good; therefore their vocations are analogous."

It really is like a missing lobe for you, or something. You genuinely don't know what ambition or accomplishment are, you don't know what manful competition or self-cultivation look like. You ONLY see the rewards, at the basest material level. I really think your gender would have been better off vestigial. Your existence is proof that there can be no conscious, intentional creator. No God would allow women to exist as twisted mockeries of everything good about men. Parasite gender.

>> No.11934194

Daily reminder that women, just for being of that sex, never had to deal with the kind of rejection and disdain us "undesirable" men have always deal with.

>> No.11934203

That isn't any different. It is still your opinion which is your identity which you are having the Other validate for you. You wouldn't be on a social networking site if this wasn't the case.

>> No.11934206

tough shit pussy

that's life. wanna cry about it?

>> No.11934211

Yikes dude. Hope for your case this is a troll.

>> No.11934223

fellow american here, i unironically lotion my dick like black people do with their hands because otherwise it gets way too dry. at one point in my life the head of my booner was so dry it was a grayish color and honestly looked fucked up.

>> No.11934226

Jesus fucking Christ you're the most insufferable type of woman on the planet. Do everybody a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.11934231

thats why god mad foreskins moron

>> No.11934235


There's the rub. Everything bottoms out into "validation," for you, because you don't differentiate "validation for something created out of one's spirit" from "validation for anything at all, even something one possesses passively from birth, like an innate phenotypical trait."

Again, you literally look at Goethe and you look at a pathetic whore selling her cleavage on some streaming website and you think, "Both of them are receiving 'validation'. There is no difference." This relies on an implicitly presumed definition of validation that nobody with a functioning soul would agree to.

I seriously pity you. You are basically admitting in these posts that you live life like an animal. Nothing matters except creature comforts. You don't even possess the cognitive category of "achievement."

>> No.11934237

basically yes, but i want to be sort of degraded specifically
i make really long blogposts making myself sound as pathetic as possible

>> No.11934241

Yeah, the "undesirable" must keep their heads down and accept their destiny. That's what the defenders of the status quo have always parroted.

>> No.11934244

I've rejected quite a few women. Even had some women (who were friends) fall in love with me without mutual feelings on my part.
I once had a girl buy me lots of stuff and soon afterwards I ghosted her (I was a teen and a complete prick). Lots of women get screwed over by men without deserving it.

>> No.11934248

yeah silly me, my newborn ass should have slapped the snippers out of my mohel's hands and told him to fuck off back to israel

>> No.11934255

or they could kill themselves?

I mean, they're going to die anyway, so why wait around? just return to the void and stop wasting our oxygen

>> No.11934265

Take your misogyny and shove it

>> No.11934270

Nice mental gymnastics. Don't strain yourself now.

>> No.11934272

imagine unironically using the word misogyny, the word even sounds like a vagina, a petulant passive aggressive vagina

>> No.11934274

I'll shove it up your cunt

>> No.11934276
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>only straight white males are allowed to enjoy life the way they want to!

>> No.11934277

You can just see the sheer resentment women have for less attractive man in any workplace. They wont even say good morning or acknowledge these dudes existence. Hell they get pissed at me for not saying anything back when Im really caught up in my thoughts. Or those nice smiles they give you. You might think oh thats just flattery and being nice but you can literally see the ugly dudes not get this acknowledgent pretty easily. And these guys often arent even bad people usually just awkward.

>> No.11934280

If you want an actual answer, look at the comments. Then look at the difference in likes. It is a fairly insecure person using social media for reassurance. She slowly moved in the bimbo direction after realizing bimbo photos get more attention than other photos.

It is fascinating, really, so much of what social media has unveiled about how desperate the unalienated is for external reassurance. These moments are thrown out by the insecure to study the reaction, only to go back and equip what was learned. These slow mutations take shape in the content, controlled, and accelerate into the optimal. This media reaches into reality, and changes perception of the insecure outside of social media. This change in perception from the external makes the insecure form what they create, their character used for attention online. Security as addiction, and the effects are the same. Appearance warps, mindstate warps, interaction warps, until every original part has been replaced with another, plastic. The last visage of the former insecure can only be found in the past, archived on the insecures account, existing as a before to the after, an image of what once was and is not and cannot be. An empty simulacra, with the last moments being what would cause its becoming. Generation after generation, marking changing personality warping to the exteriors perception of the insecure combined with the insecure's view on the external combined with the infection that is trend viralization. Memetic becoming is only a piece in the jigsaw puzzle that is the system of unbecoming. By being the commonality you are defended by the commonality, by the abstraction that is the commonality. Security shuts out the danger that is everything risk-oriented. Passion is only relevant in its absence to the unalienated insecure. Virtualized digital object information self-optimization for the generation of human reassurance.

>> No.11934282

Make yourself more desirable to women you little pussy. It starts with not spewing bile on a Chinese toon forum.

>> No.11934283

I remember how fascinated an American girl I fucked at uni was when she saw my uncut dick. First time she had seen one in person. In total, she must have spent hours playing with my foreskin. Fiddling with it, stretching it and blowing into it to turn my dick into a balloon. Cut fags are missing out.

>> No.11934284

I disregard the opinions of misogynists. No one is going to take you seriously outside 4chan.

>> No.11934285

I laughed at an ugly girl for asking me out to homecoming and I still feel bad about it. Fat girls have it especially rough

>> No.11934288

We are here to help anon. You can at least feel at home here, we all go through this.

>> No.11934289

Regardless of what incels and MGTOW say, they're just the radical left on Opposite Day.

>> No.11934290

Strain is ennobling. You'd have learned this if your father had stuck around and done his job.

>Make yourself more desirable to me by doing what I say and not saying the bad things that I don't like!

Hang yourself, whore. No one cares about your soft censorship bullshit here. I hope you enjoy slowly withering into your mid-to-late twenties, while watching younger versions of yourself look twice as good as you with half the effort, every day. Enjoy being a 27 year old frump who still pathetically tries to "look nice" for your office job.

>> No.11934293


>> No.11934299

One of the only intelligent posts in the thread.

>> No.11934304

I am not having sex so sex is degeneracy. All women not having sex with me are degenerate.

>> No.11934306

>this thread
Stop LARPing as /r9k/

>> No.11934308
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>> No.11934310

This dude is so fucking mad lmao.

Holy shit get laid bro.

>> No.11934313

A man has as many masters as he has vices

>> No.11934314
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>> No.11934317

this thread in a nutshell
>ur a virgin
>ur a whore

>> No.11934319

why are those peepole so white
i thought brazil was black

>> No.11934321
File: 121 KB, 520x588, holes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit get laid bro.

Try not resorting to your holes in replying to posts about how you are a series of holes.

>> No.11934322
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>> No.11934324

This general unironic sentiment has always made me question whether autist have a very good reason, if not obligation to be embittered and disruptive to the wider society.

>> No.11934325
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>> No.11934330

There are a lot of single men in their 20s here that need to use 4chan as a support group for not being able to find a partner.

>> No.11934332

Nobody is going to take you seriously outside of the kitchen.

>> No.11934334

See >>11934321

Try making a single post that doesn't ultimately fall back on "I bet you can't get laid!" or "I wouldn't have sex with you!," either implicitly or explicitly.

>> No.11934342

We are pointing out the cause of your insecurity and anger. Why else would someone be so hostile toward women?

>> No.11934343

thats what i imagine the dudes from chapo trap house look like, you can just tell from how they talk those dudes dont fuck

>> No.11934346

You're reading into it too much. People don't acknowledge anyone's existence in general unless that person makes the first move.

I'm probably a 6/10 at best, but I talk to women on a daily basis due to the fact that I actively try to put myself out there and engage in discussions.

>> No.11934352

I thought Elliot Rodger died, how is he posting on 4chan right now.

>> No.11934356

Why don't you grow a pair of balls for the first time in your miserable life and admit you have the views that you do because you are undesirable to women as a mate. We both know it's the reason man.

>> No.11934357

Im not that guy but i am pretty hostile to women. I am hostile to men as well but I hate the two sexes in two different ways, seeinga s they are not the same.

Also having girlfriends did absolutely nothing to make these feelings go away, the exact opposite, they entrenched my deep feelings of contempt and irritation.

I can stand about 5% of each sex. Even women themsleves are well aware of how unbearable most women are

>> No.11934366

So you both admit that you literally can't make a post without mentioning the social status or sexual background of the person you disagree with. Actually surprised. I thought you'd at least try.

I'm gay, and thank god for it. Anyway, see: >>11934321

Save that image, and if you ever wonder why 99% of all achievements in history are made by men, and all institutions and industries are dominated by men, and generally the history of humanity seems to be "about" men, look at that image. Maybe some day you'll develop a thought that doesn't revolve around your vagina.

>> No.11934367

You're what in polite society is called a self-important wanker.

>> No.11934368

I talk to women daily because my field of work (Medicine) is basically dominated by females now and I can attest that the difference in treatment an ugly guy and a good looking guy get is like the difference between a slave and a king.

>> No.11934377

Most men are unbearable too. Most people are shit and life is about trying to find the good ones.

That makes it even more irrational to hate someone on the basis of gender, since a woman is equally capable of being a good or bad person as a man.

>> No.11934378

nah i keep it to myself im a polite person irl. people cant help what they are

>> No.11934381
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plot twist

>> No.11934383

Careful, man.. They might call you a virgin or imply that you aren't popular or cool in real life. How can you possibly counter that?

>> No.11934387

But do those ugly people try to be part of the larger group, or do they just sit there quietly and not say anything?

Most women I've met are incredibly open to discussion as long as you're willing to make an effort, and this only becomes more true the older the woman in question is.

>> No.11934388

Men are at least rational.

>> No.11934390

I'm not a women. Not surprising that you hate women. You are a failed woman wannabe, basically. Sucking dicks and taking dicks is submissive, feminine behaviour. You are a woman in your psychological make up. That's why you hate them.

>> No.11934400

This. Only women see women as competition. Real men will know how to treat women and not live with some kind of slave morality toward them.

>> No.11934402

Do you treat ugly women in the way you would treat a model? Let me answer that for you. No.

>> No.11934409

>Assblasted beta males actually believe that Stacy will love them if they white knight for her on 4chan

>> No.11934410

Men are more sympathetic to women as a whole than women are to men as a whole. Both men and women are more likely to stop and help a woman if she's in danger than they are a man in a similar situation.

>> No.11934413

It's because as children we're taught that everybody is equal and that it's what's on the inside that count. Obviously people aren't equal. Whites have higher IQs on average than blacks. Men are better at math than women. Indians literally shit in the street. But for some reason we're still taught that everybody is equal in school, in the media, and even at home (especially if you have a single mother). So when unattractive men with good intentions get rejected for being sexually repulsive, they start to realize they've been lied to their entire lives about everybody being equal (especially the part about men and women being equal) which manifests in the form of "misogyny."

>> No.11934415

You are a fucking idiot.
I used to be attractive. Life was great. Then my hair fell out and some other shit happened. Now I'm no longer attractive. The difference in the way I am treated by everyone bust especially women is like bight and day.
The only people who say otherwise are not actually attractive but just run of the mill npc tier bland nonthreats. Which is what you would be classified as.

>> No.11934416

That's only because I am lying to one in order to try to get my dicked suck while the other I am showing my real self to because I have nothing to hide or gain.

>> No.11934418

>men are rational
>when men are far more likely to be slaves to lust

Don't pretend that men aren't capable of irrationality. This thread itself is proof of that.

>> No.11934426

men are unbearable in a different way, men are naive and idiotic, full of insecurity over their masculinity and incapable of seeing things that harm their egos. Constant dick measuring contest with most of them, and they just act confused if you dont play along. A minority of them arent like this at least to some degree.

Women are duplicitous and cowardly, prioritize their own feelings above everything else, and exhibit constant low level sadism. They can be very nice and fun to be around but they are little balls of irrational conflict and they just cause drama about literally everything.

>> No.11934430

You sure that you aren't just making a baseless assumption?

>> No.11934437

What makes you think it's baseless?

>> No.11934441

What makes you so sure you know why people defend women in this thread? Why do you think they are doing it in hopes of getting laid?

>> No.11934443

Meanwhile a good person is a good person, regardless of gender.

Like I said, that mindset really only applies to the shitty people of the world.

>> No.11934450

I asked you first

>> No.11934456

>I'm not a women.
I'm literally a faggot and your posts are 10x more effeminate than mine could ever be. Your obsession with social status, and the fact that you view life as a popularity contest (and nothing else), immediately demonstrate to any men reading that you are a woman.

You can't call me a virgin anymore so you're scrambling for a backup tactic, which shows just how reliant you are on being able to call others virgins, which itself shows that your entire life revolves around your function as a sexual selector. There is no room in your consciousness for dignity, achievements, ambition, because your whole mind is just a vehicle for asserting your primordial right to judge potential mates.

Even in the third millennium, after thousands of years of civilisational achievements and the progressive sublating of baser instincts into higher morality, women still can't resist their essential biological function, even at the basic level of conversation. Even in a simple conversation, a woman can't help but revert to "I must solve all problems by reaffirming that I have the vagina and I am therefore the most popular and desirable and highest on the social ladder and therefore everybody must do as I say."

For another ten thousand years, men will continue to dominate all high achievement. And for another ten thousand years, women will continue to be brood mares.

>Without the higher powers of the imagination and reason, no eminent success can be gained in many subjects. These latter faculties, as well as the former, will have been developed in man, partly through sexual selection,--that is, through the contest of rival males, and partly through natural selection, that is, from success in the general struggle for life; and as in both cases the struggle will have been during maturity, the characters gained will have been transmitted more fully to the male than to the female offspring. It accords in a striking manner with this view of the modification and re-inforcement of many of our mental faculties by sexual selection, that, firstly, they notoriously undergo a considerable change at puberty, and, secondly, that eunuchs remain throughout life inferior in these same qualities. Thus, man has ultimately become superior to woman. It is, indeed, fortunate that the law of the equal transmission of characters to both sexes prevails with mammals; otherwise, it is probable that man would have become as superior in mental endowment to woman, as the peacock is in ornamental plumage to the peahen.
- Charles Darwin

>> No.11934457

>anyone who points out how shamelessly lookist women are must look bad

no actually the way i can tell women are shallow about looks is because i'm poor and autistic but some how get laid and also a lot of times chicks will take me out to do "date like" things even tho were just friends which they dont do with short or fat guys

when i was growing up i used to smoke weed with this literally insane guy who lived in a homeless shelter on the edge of town, but he worked out all the time with all his spare time and had long curly blonde hair and a square jaw like fucking fabio or some shit, and total club thots that only go for chads would like hit on him, give him their number, cling to him, but he was totally child like and lived in a fantasy world so he wouldnt even try to fuck them, but like the other dudes in that shelter who werent even insane might fuck a white trash landwhale at best this dude was pulling like glam club chicks n shit

i dont hate women or any shit like that but these blackpill dudes arent wrong

>> No.11934460

In other words you are just projecting. Opinion dismissed

>> No.11934462

This is basically correct but there are complex evolutionary instincts that go into this. Without a lot of these behaviors we never would of evolved to be the highest form of life in the galaxy.

>> No.11934463

>People have literally been having orgies, gang bangs, homosexual, and a million other kinds of sex for literally as long as there have been animals capable of sex
>It's not degenerate to enjoy your body!
I want /pol/ to leave and never come back

>> No.11934472

Haha shut up faggot

>> No.11934473

I have never had a problem getting women, for relationships or short term fuck. On dating sites they often messsage me first. My current gf of 3 years approached me first. What now faggot?

>> No.11934475

I am talking about 'good people' here. The actual scum of society arent even worth discussing, they are barely human. This is how 'good people' are. There is sin literally everywhere.

'good people' have generally good intentions ont he whole but many of their subconscious processes are founded in pride, envy, sadism, etc. People get hurt, and they dont deal with the pain, they erect mechanisms to hide from it, and these are very often thigns that harm other people. Fear drives a great deal of the small evil in the world

>> No.11934476


>> No.11934482

>What now faggot?

i rate your fanfic a 2/10

>> No.11934486 [DELETED] 

oh some chick i was fucking started talking about how men had a fragile male ego and she had to to coddle them mentally, i ghosted her before ghosting was a thing, she gave really good bjs so i guess she thought no man would give her up, but she didnt know my fap game is next level, bye thot

>> No.11934487
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Rofl, what a literal faggot.

>> No.11934495

just because something exists doesnt mean it should be normalized. also doesnt mean it should be criminalized either.

>> No.11934500

Holy shit dude

>> No.11934501

>paki from the UK

of course

>> No.11934504

If a person is truly good, then their positive qualities will be able to compensate for any flaws they have. If men and women have both sinned, but can both still possess positive qualities, then there's no point in discriminating because the differences between them become tenuous at best.

>> No.11934505

>he has never had attractive girls approach him
Sorry son.

>> No.11934506

What you are really saying is it's OK to enjoy things as long as you are a white male. Otherwise you are just stealing pleasure from other white men.

>> No.11934508

hey i said make your fanfic more realistic, don't just start making it autobiographical

>> No.11934512

Get the fuck off my board you stupid cunt

>> No.11934518


grow up.

>> No.11934529

the differences are in my opinion very large, we're almost like separate species. The genetic distance is after all quite large, comparable to that between the chimpanzee and the human.

The differences don,t matter that much though, because what truly matters, what makes people actually human is in both sexes maybe 5% of the population. The mind may be different for each sex but the basic level of sapience, self-awarenes srequired to stop acting like an animal and control your own behavior, is limited to a small subset.

There are maybe 4 species of human, the anthropoid male, the anthropoid female, the man and the woman. The latter two are what should properly be called human, and the former two should be reviled as two separate abominations.

>> No.11934530

Women and leftists are allowed to use /lit/ and their opinions matter just as much as yours.

>> No.11934535

Very amusing. You must force yourself to believe I'm lying in order to preserve your worldview. This is because your worldview is half baked and the result of ressentiment.

>> No.11934542

How about a real argument for why women are not allowed to get dressed up if they want to

>> No.11934544

does anyone in this thread unironically believe what they're saying?

>> No.11934546

>You must force yourself to believe I'm lying

the burden of proof is on you, roleplayer. no one is interested in some random sad virgin trying to convince other anonymous posters that he's a MEGA STUD.

>> No.11934547

Leftists aren't even human

>> No.11934548
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>What you are really saying

>> No.11934555

yes. i am the only genuine poster in this thread.

try and find my posts

>> No.11934561

No one is saying she isn't allowed to be a pathetic whore whose only contribution to society is showing off fat deposits that will begin decaying rapidly in 2-5 years.

They're just saying she's pathetic and a whore, and it's a shame that she didn't develop her personality instead. A strong father figure and good cultural values would have helped her a lot.

>> No.11934563

I'm not saying they can't. They just aren't free of criticism. Just because she is a women does not make her exempt from what people think of her.

>> No.11934566

not really lel, im trying to see how misanthropic i can be and not sound like a parody. Pretty sure the gay anon genuinely hates women though

>> No.11934570

I am balding and still get female interest, which I also did before balding. I'm pretty jacked though and can laugh at myself. You seem very neurotic in your post

>> No.11934583

Which means we are free to enjoy women who dress up like that if we want to and disregard the people who are against it.

>> No.11934585

>being this jelly

>> No.11934591

>They're just saying she's pathetic and a whore, and it's a shame that she didn't develop her personality instead.
kek why?

she'll know more pleasure and life in a month than you ever will. then we all end up dead and all your "cultivation" of your """personality""" comes to nothing. dumbass.

>> No.11934593

What inheretly makes dressing up a bad thing? How is it different than you showering and wearing clothes that aren't 10 years old? Are you not also pathetic for trying to attract people?

>> No.11934596

>posting on a weekend evening how you GET MAD PUSSY on an anonymous internet forum
>get told "lmao okay bud"

hahaghahaha it's like i'm really on a vbulletin video game forum in 2004!

>> No.11934600

yes I am. I'm glad you are one of the people who can survive balding without it decimating your looks. I am not one of those.

>> No.11934604

Yes exactly.
We are exactly in the same spot we started though. You being ignorant to criticism to things you may like will never allow you to grow as a person.

>> No.11934609

Just nuke this thread. It's trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls and there isn't a sincere comment to be found.

>> No.11934610

Dressing up for women means something entirely different than it does for men

>> No.11934613

>she'll know more pleasure and life in a month than you ever will. then we all end up dead and all your "cultivation" of your """personality""" comes to nothing.

"All that matters is feelin' good."
- women, the gender that has never produced a single world-historic figure in 10,000 years of history

Glad you admit to what you are, you pathetic roastie.

>Are you not also pathetic for trying to attract people?

When it's all you do, and it's on the basis of something you didn't earn and that contributes nothing to the collective spirit of mankind, then yeah. It makes you a parasite and a prostitute, which is pathetic.

>> No.11934614

Look, all i want is some good soft asscheeks to grab and a hole to fuck. If women can't provide me that they're non-entitites. This isn't even a discussion. They don't exist, it's fucking psychic vampirysm to even feel anything about them beyond lust when they're there.

>> No.11934616


>> No.11934618

Why is it inheretly a bad thing to engage in social activities and wanting praise?

>> No.11934620
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will the bitch learn, anons?

>> No.11934621

Why are you assuming that? There are ex strippers who are now multimillionaires from business, music, films, and so on. They are objectively contributing more than you. Women doing that doesn't take anything away from you. You are not forced to be with them. Go marry a Mormon and you can have the lifestyle you want.

>> No.11934627

>business, music, films, and so on
Ah yes, the jewish arts

>> No.11934640

k lads i have to go but hopefully we have established which sex is superior by now.

here is Aristotle on the sexes:
The female is softer in disposition than the male, is more mischievous, less simple, more impulsive, and more attentive to the nurture of the young; the male, on the other hand, is more spirited than the female, more savage, more simple and less cunning. The traces of these differentiated characteristics are more or less visible everywhere, but they are especially visible where character is the more developed, and most of all in man.
-- History of Animals

Woman is more compassionate than man, more easily moved to tears, at the same time is more jealous, more querulous, more apt to scold and to strike. She is, furthermore, more prone to despondency and less hopeful than the man, more void of shame or self-respect, more false of speech, more deceptive, and of more retentive memory. She is also more wakeful , more shrinking, more difficult to rouse to action, and requires a smaller quantity of nutriment.

>> No.11934645

>it turns out the misogynist has been /pol/ all along

Who would have expected it

>> No.11934647

>There are ex strippers who are now multimillionaires from business, music, films, and so on.

literally all of those are irrelevant. film is either brainless or for pretentious faggots. music is run by jews with nigger puppets now. and business is just gay, being concerned with money is for plebs. shut up faggot, gay anon. go to reddit.

>> No.11934651

u sound like such a faggot, dude. this is the wrong site for you.

>> No.11934652

They seem to be enjoying life though. Why should I trust the venting virgins on 4chan over what seems to objectively work in reality?

>> No.11934654

a fertilization flesh-bag cannot learn.

>> No.11934657


>> No.11934666

It doesn't matter what you think of her anon. She is happier with her attention then you ever will be being a mopey incel.

>> No.11934671

why are you even here? many of us on here have social lives, aren't virgins, and enjoy life. sure there are lot of spergs, but the way you categorize us all is dumb. go to fucking reddit if you want to call us mysoginists. you're making yourself miserable by being here. many of us are happy here. fuck off.

>> No.11934676

Who is 'she'? There is no such thing. Neither can it feel happiness like you say.

>> No.11934679

>They seem to be enjoying life though
"Seem to" is the most important part. It's all surface level with these whores. Their entire existence is a fucking fugazi, a vapid labyrinth of smoke and mirrors in which they stare at themselves for hours upon hours as their beauty slowly fades away.

>> No.11934680
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>> No.11934685

Let's delve into the mind of a roastie, here.

>There are ex strippers who are now multimillionaires
"All that matters is if you get paid, because all that matters is pleasure, and it doesn't matter how you got the money ;)"
>They are objectively contributing more than you
"I can't tell Robert Musil apart from a whore who sells sex to old men in advertisements. The sole criterion of 'merit' or 'contributing to society' is whether you get paid! I'll sell my holes for money!"
>Women doing that doesn't take anything away from you
"Ummmm it doesn't affect you??? You aren't allowed to judge me! How dare you judge anyone!!! You can't shame me, I can do whatever I want!!"
>Go marry a Mormon
"If you have standards or morals or cultural priorities other than shameless, self-serving, materialistic hedonism, you're a fucking prude luddite from the stone age!!! Wow do you want all women to wear BURKAS too??"

Note especially her aversion to shame: this is the essence of roastiedom. The key thing to understand about women is that they don't understand morality, principles, or ideals. They only understand shame. A woman will do anything, say anything, commit any degrading act, let a powerful and high-status man debase and degrade her in any way he likes, and feel nothing other than warm fuzzy contentment - until the MOMENT that she finds out other women, and society at large, are shaming and judging her for it. That is what women truly fear, that is ALL women truly fear, all they are capable of feeling: self-serving joy, counterbalanced by the threat of shame. And when a woman is shamed, she goes down fighting, she lashes out and tries every counter-attack she can think of - and of course, all of the things she can think of are attacks on the social status and popularity of her accusers. "You can't shame me! Why does it bother you? Are you such a low-status loser that you are 'obsessed' with what I do in my own private life?"

Delumeau and many other scholars have written of the transition from a "shame culture" to a "guilt culture," the transition from what the Chinese call "face" to what Westerners properly call morality. Most of these analyses are lacking the atavistic and primordial shame-aversion of femininity. Women cannot be civilized, they cannot be saved or converted into moral beings. A woman will eat a billionaire's hairy asshole, sell out all her friendships, betray her own family and drag her own dignity through the dirt, until the moment she is shamed for it.

>> No.11934694
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ITT: Supreme gentlemen

>> No.11934701

the irony is that you sound like the most miserable one here. you don't like this place and you consistently characterize fellow anons as shitty virgin spergs, yet here you are arguing with us instead of "enjoying your life" stfu, you're either one of us or not, you can't be fucking defending some roastie NPC whore and saying she is happy, when you don't even know her while simultaneously being the most miserable twat in the thread and calling us miserable, fuck youuuuu. go "enjoy your life" faggot

>> No.11934700

>go to /r9k/
>there is a link to this thread

That explains everything.

>> No.11934706

"Elliot Rodger here..."

>> No.11934717

fertilization flesh-bag tier arguments

>> No.11934723

The guys that get angry at young women for seeking attention with their beauty and bodies are weird as fuck. Are they themselves jealous that they can't do that, show of their bodies and looks (very feminine thing to do)? Are they secretly fantasizing about wanting to be attractive, young women? I get that impression from some of these incels. There's definitely some of that. They really envy that women can get praise and attention so easily for their looks. That is such a feminine mentality for a man to have.

>> No.11934735

And yours consists of sitting on the internet and crying about them. That's even worse.

>> No.11934736

I don't think it's a feminine mentality to think praise should be earned through hard work instead of winning the genetic lottery

>> No.11934740


>> No.11934745

wow, the faggot really replied to himself. embarrassing. not even subtle

>> No.11934746

It's just an outcry caused by the alienation society causes and they need scapegoats and out-groups to blame their problems on.

>> No.11934748

>bitches at name calling and being labeled


>> No.11934751

The mind of a roastie:
>He's attacking the substance of my post and replying to its content.. I'd better post, right after someone else just did so three posts prior, that he's a real-life loser.

Now call me a virgin. And again, wonder why your gender literally never invents anything, ever.

Why are 95% of patents filed by men? Instead of thinking about this question, instead of ever thinking of anything ever or putting any effort into something other than social status and popularity, why don't you just dismiss the question by questioning whether I'm popular or a virgin.

>are weird as fuck.
Social status and popularity.
>Are they themselves jealous
Resort to emotions and emotional supposition. "The only possible reason for someone doing anything must ultimately be a social power-play. Why is he claiming to have principles..? Why is he claiming to make moral judgments? I bet he's just JEALOUS!" Just because you've never held a genuine principle except as a pretext for venting your feminine emotions, doesn't mean men are the same as you.
>Are they secretly fantasizing
More effeminate supposition about emotional reasoning behind principled statements.
>They really envy that
And yet more.

>That is such a feminine mentality
"You're not going to be very popular, holding those principles you claim to hold.. Don't you want to do as I say, and become more popular and have higher social status? People will think you're cooler if you do as I say."

Verdict: Roastie, possibly on her period and feeling extremely emotional right now.

>> No.11934755

Pearl clutch if you must, but these bitches didn’t start the fire

>> No.11934757

How does society cause alienation? That seems antithetical to the essence of society.

>> No.11934762

its just another kind of entitlement of millenials, as a gen x if u were hot u fucked, if u were ugly sucks to be u, no one got all mad about these facts of life

>> No.11934765


i'm curious about what two in a row means

>> No.11934766

Maybe, but why pour gasoline on the fire?

>> No.11934767

Alienation is happening and you can't do things outside of society.

>> No.11934768

>a women creates vast psychological complexes that don't exist to absolve herself in reckless regard for their profound implications when she brainwashes society with it

>> No.11934771

The behavior is definely commodified by capital with advertisement, endorsement and shit but it isn’t inherently capitalistic

>> No.11934773

girls don't come to 4chan, i think it's a transfaggot, possibly in the closet

>> No.11934776

It is a feminine mentality. You are man that is jealous of women for doing what women do. You are no diffferent than some feminist dyke complaining about a group of men competing aggresively to prove whose the biggest, baddest, hardest cunt in the room. It's what men do.

>> No.11934780

obviously it means she sucked off two tyrones in a row

>> No.11934788

Except that reply is by me to a completely diffferent poster.

>> No.11934792

>soul vs. souless
>base girl vs. succubi corrupted mode

>> No.11934793

Again, how does society cause alienation?

>> No.11934795

exactly what an anon would say when he just replied to himself

>> No.11934798

When I was less mature in my thinking, I often resented women for what they have largely become. But now it has become pity and sorrow. I feel so bad for them as in most cases it is not their fault. How many young women who could have been something, somebodies to love forever and be loved in return by not just him but many children who will cherish her, with warm hugs and sincere kisses. How many women would be soft, kind and feminine in there demeanor. How many women would, although few, would contribute to the development of important parts of academia and art but instead pursued "alternative" areas of expertise instead. How many Ayn Rands were lost to the modern poison that women are destined to ingest at a young age, slowly rotting, eating their very nature. Do not hate women anons, pity them. And if it possible, if in your life there is a girl or women that you can guide on a path of minimal corruption, do it. A single women who will have children and in so raise them with the values our society needs, it will be worth it, no matter the time and effort it took to break the conditioning- just be wary of their nature, women are delicate, remember that.

>> No.11934799

I shitpost on 4chan with my gf. Sometimes we make bait threads for the lulz. Not on /lit/ tho.

>> No.11934803

made it through like two lines before i realized this a foid pretending to be a lonely dude

>> No.11934804

Do you think women think they deserve praise in the workforce for looking prettier than everyone else? Or do you think women in the workforce think they deserve praise for working harder than everyone else?

>> No.11934807

Why would I pity a non-enitity?

>> No.11934808

how fat are u guys?

>> No.11934812
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>> No.11934822

This is probably the most embarrassing thread I've read on /lit/ in a long time, for everyone involved

>> No.11934827

including you

>> No.11934834

nah dude there have been waaay more embarrassing threads than this

>> No.11934835

Why not? If anything the people pouring gasoline into the fire is /r9k/-tier whining that will only accelerate this shit

>> No.11934842

got any examples? I'm having a hard time remembering ones worse than this


>> No.11934850

this is literally exactly what a faggot would do if he replied to himself lol so EMBARRASSING grow up dude, not everything i about winning arguments on 4chan

>> No.11934851

nice inspect element cuck

>> No.11934853

I haven't given up on things getting better?

>> No.11934856

t. femcel
Truly these are the most loathful, as they have the worst of both sides and greatest self-hatred.

>> No.11934858

I just feel sorry for them

>> No.11934864

i can't remember exactly but it was one of those threads with that jewish conspiracy crank guy, but then there were so many, oh and some jordan peterson threads were fucking quite bad, luckily peterson ran afoul of the trump movement when he said kavanaugh should resign and now his fanbase is like 99% gone

>> No.11934866

People use the means they have to get ahead. That is human nature. You sound like a coddled little bitch that is angry the world doesn't change to his whims. ALL attractive people use their looks to get ahead. Adapt to reality or get thrown to the wayside.

>> No.11934874
File: 13 KB, 255x248, 1505076378681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11934876

That's an inherently feminine mentality you fucking homo

>> No.11934877

>I haven't given up on things getting better?
You should since the internet is encouraging more echo chambers that will encourage more behaviors like that

>> No.11934878

i knew a femcel once she killed herself when she started pushing 40, she wasn't bad looking but her depression meds made her balloon up like a whale which then pretty much sealed her fate

>> No.11934881

This. Same shit happened to me when I turned fat due to an accident. now that I'm back to normal, the difference in treatment from the same women is quite stark

>> No.11934885

the greeks were all about gymmaxxing bro the greeks are the manliest and also the gayest dudes of history, but not fem

>> No.11934887

sounds like a nature fallacy to me
why don't you grow out of this darwinist kiddy phase and adapt to higher goodness for all man?

>> No.11934890

Oh that reminds me of all the Peterson/Harris/Rogan/etc threads, you're probably right

I'm a proud white male anon, but when people say things like 'femcel' or 'virgin' you gotta just walk away, that's literally day 1 internet trolling senpai

>> No.11934896

And where are they now? They're the same faggots who invented democracy, which was the second biggest mistake in human history next to contraception.

>> No.11934897

When I say not their fault I am not saying women should be void of any responsibility of the current delima we face. I am assuming this followed by the previous line of feeling sorry for them made you assume I was a women. If it were not for women in the past, and the way they influence political pandering we would not be in as deep as we are. But some random "thot" that had ten or twelve partners before settling down as a by product of the culture other women and cucked politicians help create couldn't be expected to become self aware and enlightened on her actions. Most people, women more so than men are truly products of their environments where genetics are not applicable, and behavior, especially of the sexual nature is largely determined in those first 5 years. If something goes wrong, and society isn't strict on its imposed repercussions for those who are promiscuous it can be a nightmare. Well it is.

>> No.11934898

Quality post from a faggot

>> No.11934910

I'm pretty sure you mean ShindoL's Metamorphosis.

>> No.11934919

I would also like to add a full on libertarian state with a set in stone constitution would fix this problem, from what I understand. Preferably (perhaps necessary) homogeneous.

>> No.11934923

based and redpilled desu

>> No.11934934

Because the validation you get on 4chan isn't tied to anybody's identity. The validation you receive has to do solely with the validity of your argument without the negative social repercussions of ostracization or even jail time. With instagram whores, the validation they receive is SOLELY based on identity. More specifically, the sex appeal of the identity. Women love to complain about objectification except when they objectify themselves under the guise of empowerment and expression.

>> No.11934939

Lmaoing at the people who unironically try to reason with the roasties in here. Foids are a cancer to 4chan and need to all be banned.

>> No.11934941
File: 130 KB, 450x400, ea6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this thread is shitting up the board but /lit/ is so slow that it will probably survive for another hour

>> No.11934943

whats a foid

>> No.11934946

lurk moar faggot

>> No.11934948

i've been on 4chan for a number of years on and off and have no idea what a foid is

>> No.11934956

>stretching it and blowing into it to turn my dick into a balloon
Nigga what

>> No.11934958

They're the inferior version of moids

>> No.11934968

Federal Oral Investigation Department.
Like the feds, they go around looking for problematic internet posts.

>> No.11934970

Females. Short version for female is foid

>> No.11934982

seem to have taken a dna taste and found out she's 100% nigger

>> No.11935011

holy shit real life is a metal gear plot

>> No.11935022

What was that Nietzsche quote about old people being delusional when they think they can have a beautiful soul in a cadaverous body

>> No.11935025


>leftist politics

LOL. That is the biggest joke of the screencap.

>> No.11935049

I don't hate women, nor do I blame them for any of the misery in my life. But as an ugly dude, I do find it dehumanizing how they do not even acknowledge my presence. It's like I'm literally invisible. They don't show contempt, they just entirely ignore me