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11931097 No.11931097 [Reply] [Original]

>How do you like your magic anon, hard and well defined or soft and mysterious?
>Tell us about your favorite magic system.

Monthly Reading for October: Sword in the Storm (The Rigante, #1) by David Gemmell



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


>> No.11931106

First for Throne of Glass is great.

>> No.11931109
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Posted in a previous thread, but I'd still like your opinions, so pick the best one and rank 'em. Didn't write any of these btw. If you like this, I'll make another one for another thread

>> No.11931110
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Sylphrena is my wife!

>> No.11931114

None are great. 7, 8, and 9 are stupid

>> No.11931125

Personally I prefer my magic to be hard and defined on the back end, but we don't need to know the whys and hows on the front end. There has to be a reason why Borealis Thunderhand doesn't just electrocute everyone from a mile away. This continues especially into the more folk, fairy tale magic where its almost a soft science that confirms to morality and best practices. One must adhere to social rules if one wishes to prosper, and sacrifices must be made if you want to gain magical power. Without a good core to your magic then there's no real payoff or meaning to it, its like watching a wrestling match with no psychology, or seeing a strongman lift effortlessly without making a show of it or demonstrating the burden of the weights.

In general I actually really like folk magic, wherein you use items that have meaning in rituals to create an effect. Think reading a verse from the bible, then leaving it open facing east if you wish your loved one to come back safe. In specific I love the contract system from the New World of Darkness Changeling. It gives you ways to rules lawyer and is pretty expansive with ways to pay a price for it so one can reasonably be trying to befriend redheaded men so they can show up at your house so you can invoke a clause in your contract to avoid paying ponits.

>> No.11931131
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List the last 5 books you've read, in the order descending from most to least liked.

>Priest of Bones
>Perdido Street Station
>Sol's Harvest

>> No.11931132


>> No.11931139

2 is best. Makes a promise for the story, doesn't fall on its face.
5 is alright for a similar reason.
7 is trying, but kinda falls on its face.
8, 4, and 10 wouldn't make me put a book down immediately.
The rest would.

>> No.11931143

>Still, she felt his eyes upon her face, judging, weighing, testing. She stared right back. The Captain of the Royal Guard would be an interesting opponent. Maybe even worthy of some effort on her part.

>> No.11931170


>> No.11931173

>Courts of Chaos
>Hand of Oberon
>Soldier of the Mist
>The Parthian
>Gold Age The Shifting Tides

>> No.11931179

Forever War
Cyrano de Bergerac
Hull Zero Three
The Fifth Season

>> No.11931181

I follow authors that I like on GR and even some I don't since they are active and write good reviews. Usually that's enough to tell if there's a buzz around a new release, sometimes one of them even gets an advanced copy to review so I have them marked well in advance as to-read.

I also check Tor once a month as they have monthly new release articles for sci-fi and fantasy and they include blurbs so I read those and mark anything interesting.

>> No.11931226

>Dread Empire's fall trilogy
>Century Rain

>> No.11931230
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Such a nasty, nasty girl.

>> No.11931246

>Still, she felt him upon her face, judging, weighing, testing. She preferred it on her back. Major Cum Loudly would be an interesting opponent. Maybe even worthy of some effort on her part.

>> No.11931274

I love neal stephenson too

>> No.11931306

Will be reading Seveneves next on the list, though I've already been told Cryptonomicon and Anathem are both superior.

>> No.11931318
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So, anon... tell us about Shallan.

>> No.11931332

shes a slut and a bad character.
she frequently makes bad choices and never admits any wrongdoing and instead blames it on men or the people around her.

>> No.11931360

But her entire character is self-blame and unhealthy coping through self-induced multiple personality disorder.

>> No.11931371

thats just a facade.
in reality she doesnt give a crap and is as emotionless as a rabbi sucking on a babies dick after extracting stemcells from it.

>> No.11931391



I miss when a novel could be a thin veneer of plot covering up an author doing a what if on a scientific principle.

>> No.11931755

Have you ever come across a well written romance or just a romance you liked out, be it science fiction or fantasy? Something that just happened along the road, so to speak, rather than take center stage.

I remember reading Silverberg's Nightwings and enjoying that one.

>> No.11931764


Curse of Chalion made me feel comfy as fuck with its relationships.

>> No.11931790

Throne of Glass is made for you.

>> No.11931802

I particularly liked the part where the king allows the queen to be raped and gang banged.

>> No.11931812

Is this Priest of Bones really good or are you just shilling? Looks like generic grimdark to me.

>> No.11931823

Just like in my visual novels.

>> No.11931827

it's as fake as a girl posting a picture on social media and saying >buuh im like so ugly you guise

>> No.11931828


Cucks literally ruin everything. Bujold is based and redpilled.

>> No.11931831

No, I genuinely liked it. If you watched Peaky Blinders, it's pretty much exactly that but well executed in it's own way

>> No.11931835

I want to read Robin Hobb but Farseer sounds fucking retarded. Which series should I start with?

>> No.11931855

If Farseer sounds retarded that probably means you're going to like it because the book titles are completely misleading. It has barely anything to do with assassins.

>> No.11931856

it's a long and continuous story so it would be stupid to start in the middle
what about assassin training for royal bastards sounds retarded do you?

>> No.11931864

Someone should prepare a list of all fantasy novels that feature cuckshit in them so that people can know what to avoid reading.

>> No.11931868

It's the 'magical link with animals' that makes me hesitate. That sounds stupid.

>> No.11931877

Good idea desu. Also love triangles.

>> No.11931887
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Not quadrangles though.

>> No.11931891

Love triangles, etc. are fine as long as its multiple females trying to get one male. If there are multiple males then its basically cuckshit.

>> No.11931895

I just realised RJ went for ultimate wish fulfillment there with a redhead, blonde and a brunette.

>> No.11931902
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Genre fiction literally has the worst covers, and whats written on the paper beneath really isn't any better. Change my mind.

>> No.11931904

Goes without saying but even then I would say it's better not have "love triangle" but something like polygamous marriage or something like that. Better if all parties involved are happy with it.

>> No.11931913

I see. Well it's more like he can communicate with some animals in a way that other people can't. A kind of thought sharing thing

>> No.11931917

Sure, but sometimes it's nice to see one of the women lose and get btfo.

>> No.11931925

Not for me desu, that's were I draw the line.

>> No.11931943

>ultimate wish fulfillment
>not some cute mulatto tomboy

>> No.11931963

>wish fulfillment
Shitty wish.

>> No.11931971

>How do you like your magic anon, hard and well defined or soft and mysterious?
I dislike vague magic where it's just an excuse for the author to do whatever they want if they wrote themselves into a corner. So I lean hard, I guess. But I also dislike it when magic is over-explained and too reliant on symmetrical logical systems that feel too perfect. Stuff like Sanderson's systems is just too precious, too artificial (which I guess is the point with the whole cosmere lore, but that doesn't make it any less unsatisfying). I like it when magic can throw something unexpected at you, and I feel that's harder to do when your magic system is rigidly defined by a bunch of deeply interconnected concepts and rules.

I prefer a small number of axiomatic rules that set clear boundaries and expectations. This lets the audience know for sure what can and can't be done, how it usually works, but doesn't give away everything that's possible.
>Tell us about your favorite magic system.
I really like Trudi Canavan's magic system in the Black Magician trilogy. It's fairly simple stuff but mostly adheres to the principles of good magic I mentioned earlier.

>> No.11931983

That's rude.

>> No.11931984


>> No.11931985

>those cunts
>wish fulfilment

>> No.11931989

>Lord of the Silent Kingdom
>Eye of the World
>Tyranny of the Night
>Surrender to the Will of the Night
>King of Ashes

I liked all these books a lot. Glen Cook writes really good military fantasy.

>> No.11932006

Multiple males going after the main female is literally a key plot device of 90% of YA novels aimed at women (twilight, hunger games)

>> No.11932026

>aimed at women
Yeah, exactly. It's like with visual novels, the ones made for men have a male protagonist with girls hanging all over his dick, while the ones made for women have a female protagonist with lots of dudes trying to fuck her. I'm a man so I want to read the version of this made for men, not the other way around.

>> No.11932060

>I'm a man so I want to read the version of this made for men, not the other way around.

Insecurity much?

>> No.11932068

How is it insecure to want to read a fantasy scenario crafted to my sexual desires rather than one crafted to women's sexual desires?

>> No.11932124

The Crossing
The Nigger of the Narcissus
The Game-Players of Titan
Time out of Joint
World War Z

>> No.11932128

It's insecure because you're looking for dick braille to fulfil your needs through books.

>> No.11932136

I think that guy's being kinda close minded but there's nothing insecure about not pretending to be interested in escapist harem fantasy for anything other than wish fulfillment.

>> No.11932138

And? If that's "insecure" then I'll just be "insecure".

>> No.11932152

>waahhh look at me I don't want to read series with a women protag because dicks are ew.

Listen to yourself, moron. Maybe then you will understand.

>> No.11932173

There's a difference between "female protagonist" and "female protagonist in story created for female wish fulfillment," the latter of which is not targeted at me in any way.

>> No.11932194

>everything with a fem protag I don't want to read is fem wish fulfilment

Are you another 200 IQ who can judge books before even opening them?

>> No.11932242

You're right, I should read books before deciding whether I should read them, rather than researching them a bit to find out what they're about.

>> No.11932278

>looking up spoilers

>> No.11932305


>The Scorpio Races
>The Shadow of the Wind
>The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
>The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making
>The Freeze-Frame Revolution

Scorpio Races is the best book I've read in years. Period. I loved everything about it.
I adored Shadow of the Wind.
Harry August is really great, pales in comparison to the two aforementioned books.
The Girl who bla ... is a really well-written modern fairytale which is too shallow for me to properly enjoy. Pure whimsy can not carry an entire book.
I was really disappointed by FFR. Neat idea, poorly explored and barely executed, just so utterly mediocre I struggle to believe it's a product of the same mind as Blindsight and Starfish.

>> No.11932310

I have to ask, since this is a recurring thing with you, just how bad is the signal to noise ration regarding fantasy novels? It's not exactly a genre filled with literary giants and you insist on reading absolutely everything that crosses your path.

>> No.11932331

What do you mean by a poor execution? The FFR was a fun read for me, with a nice little twist at the ending.

>> No.11932351

It just doesn't hold up. As soon as you think about how they're trying to fool an AI it just utterly falls apart. It's paper-thin, in my opinion.

>> No.11932418

I don't think it was ever meant to hold up. They were doomed the moment they boarded that vessel. Besides they were not going against some fantastical omnipotent AI. Chimp was literary retarded in his development, just intelligent enough to steer them a good chunk of universes existence but certainly not intelligent enough to get *ides* unlike the crew, who, for all the manipulation and engineering that went into them, were to first thing to brake down.
Just another mode of failure to take care of.
The interesting tidbit was that the true AI was kept under the lock and key, let out only sporadically and always reset after that... just so it also wouldn't get *ideas*.

>> No.11932435

I have never read any Sword and Sorcery but it sounds like something I would enjoy, what are some good ones for that /sffg/?

>> No.11932460


>Throne of Glass follows Celaena Sardothien, an 18-year-old assassin in the kingdom of Adarlan. After being imprisoned for a year by the king, she accepts his son's offer to compete with other assassins and thieves for a chance to serve as the king's champion, after four years of which, she would be granted freedom. This leads her to form unexpected bonds with Chaol, the captain of the guard, and Dorian, the crown prince of Adarlan.


>> No.11932503

The Amber books by Roger Zelazny are pretty great

>> No.11932562

Any good Scifi Horror? Something other than Blindsight

>> No.11932570

Magic in real life is called science. So my favorite magic is microwave ovens.

>> No.11932576

Oh, I didn't know those were Swords and Sorcery.
People recommend them here all the time, might as well check them out, thanks man.

>> No.11932592

Blood Music

>> No.11932596 [DELETED] 

Dude, it's really no problem. If you need more help, I'm here for you. Just tell me. You're a brother, a fellow human, from another parent. My motto is that we should always stick together and help each other in need; I'll make the world a better place one person a time.

>> No.11932625

how would you write an incel character to make him sympathetic enough immediately that people are willing to stomach him long enough to see him grow as a human being?

Im thinking of giving him an alpha bitch bully and having his issues stem from that

>> No.11932631

>go back in time to the 1600's
>hide wires to microwave
>place in wall
>pops meat in and it cooks
>is praised as a wizard before being hung and burnt at the stake

>> No.11932633

>Moderate iq
>Only read normie young adult stuff as a teen
>Enjoy books with unexpected plot twists and endings that aren't obvious
What book would you recommend me (could be fantasy or scifi)? I checked the list but maybe someone got a nice suggestion.

>> No.11932655

Daniel Black
Trymoon Saga
Everybody Loves Large Chests
Super Sales on Super Heroes
Demons of Astlan
Confessions of a D-List Supervillain
Dr. Anarchy’s Rules For World Domination

>> No.11932661

Chronicles of Amber

>> No.11932671
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>> No.11932684

Last thread people talked about Hybrid Child. Anyone know where to get a ebook of it?

>> No.11932701

Why do people only like the first 5 Amber books but not the other ones?

>> No.11932712

>Will be reading Seveneves
Dont do it anon, it's shit. You can tell on every page that the author did a shit ton of scientific research for that novel and he absolutely insists on cramming every bit of it down your throat for fear of letting all that work go to waste.

>> No.11932721

Hegira is much the same. Such a cool concept though, what a shame the "ending" was so utterly lame.

>> No.11932736

>Sword and Sorcery
Conan of ccourse

>> No.11932737

>Any good Scifi Horror
Ship of Fools.

>> No.11932835

You must be new to Stephenson

>> No.11932867

this. expect tons of side tangents, worldbuilding, and a plot that only begins 200 pages in in stephenson books

>> No.11932990
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>At that moment there was a knock on the door, and Sam came in. He ran to Frodo and took his left hand, awkwardly and shyly. He stroked it gently and then he blushed and turned hastily away.
>'Hullo, Sam!' said Frodo.
>'It's warm!' said Sam. 'Meaning your hand, Mr. Frodo. It has felt so cold through the long nights.
post your favorite BROMANCE moments :3

>> No.11933033
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Sorry for missing a couple of threads. I was banned for posting dubs.

>> No.11933051

Guess you will be banned again then....

>> No.11933104

You're partially wrong.

>> No.11933117

No one one wants to read your diary, anon.

>> No.11933252

Series 2's hero is fairly clueless, the plot is unfocused, over reliant on Earth stuff, etc.
I still kind of like them because i like Zelaznys prose and themes but i don't recommend them unless you're a fan

>> No.11933310

Incels are fundamentally non-sympathetic.
Nobody wants to read about Lord Fedora vs the Thots

>> No.11933410
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>> No.11933414
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>> No.11933417

involuntary celibacy isn't real unless they are legitimately retarded or disfigured

>> No.11933421

Don't make him the sort of dude who yells shit like "toastie roastie", red/black pill mumbo jumbo. Make him someone who's been deeply hurt by women and has put up walls around his heart.
Don't make it the core of his character, have him be a good person at heart, doing selfless deeds from which he has nothing to gain.
Happy end to character arc would be him caring for a woman who will then pull his walls down.

>> No.11933428

>Happy end to character arc would be him caring for a woman who will then pull his walls down.
and then inevitably, as all women do, betraying him again

>> No.11933453

Are you ok?

>> No.11933493

Howard's original Conan stories along with his Solomon Kane stories, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, Moorcock's Elric series, David Gemmell's Drenai series.

>> No.11933506

Karl Edward Wagner's Kane as well if you want straight up horror in a S&S setting. But start with the short stories first. They're the best ones.

>> No.11933582

Grabbed the Gutenberg app. And I'm ready for Fantasy books.

May I have titles? I read some YA thing and I'm disappointed with it so I dropped it.

>> No.11933615

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table by Sir Thomas Malory
TheMerry Adventures of Robin Hood by Pyle

>> No.11933635

>banned for posting dubs
>gets dubs

>> No.11933667

Live love and prosper, good fellow.

And many thanks.

>> No.11933785
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There is an ocean of sadness in that post.

>> No.11933911 [DELETED] 
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Maybe this is more your speed.

>> No.11933952

spoiler that boar

>> No.11933961


>> No.11934013

The works of Henryk Sienkiewicz.

>> No.11934140

>go to check out this book
>one of those books where the kindle version is $3 more than paper
>see another interesting book recommendation below called the traitor god
Thanks anon

>> No.11934172 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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My bad.

>> No.11934174

Which one of you goons changed Vinge's wiki page to say he wrote Fast Times at Fairmont High?

>> No.11934180


>> No.11934200

Funny thing is I've read Traitor god as well and shilled it here once or twice in the past. It's pretty decent as well although the ending is a poorly executed clusterfuck and I think Priest of Bones is much better.

>> No.11934259
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>black authress
Anybody read anything by this niggnogg? The synopsis don't sound too bad, but this a huge red-flag in today's political environment. I'll eventually try at least the samples, but I wanted to know if maybe someone read anything if I should perhaps put it on top of the pile.

>> No.11934281

Fuuuuck why is everybody posting trannies all of a sudden?

>> No.11934318

>Tell us about your favorite magic system.
A spell for Chameleon did it for me. It was great. It's magic, ain't gotta explain shit, but there's still certain rules: magic that survives thrives, just like darwinism. Besides, the whole book is great.

It's too bad that Chameleon was a second-hand used goods rapee, and then turned into a cunt on the second book (which I still haven't got around to reading). But the book itself was great.

>> No.11934323

>the ending a clusterfuck and the other book much better
Welp you’re a nigger and I’m spending the extra $3 I guess. I don’t play the shitty ending game ever since reading half a king. Also never read the sequels to half a king...

>> No.11934331

>magic that survives thrives
Da fuq does that mean, survives what?

>> No.11934336

Any stories with evil mommys?

>> No.11934353

yeah yours lol

>> No.11934354

Magic in the Xanth series is mostly contained in magic beings, so some animals (plants, etc) are magic. If they have magic that helps them survive, then of course it will propagate. People too are restricted to one kind of magic, although different from other species, each one has a unique spell they can use.

>> No.11934385

I thought we were over this.

>> No.11934408

Well, let me know if you can lose your conscience for a second and i can upload the books for you and you can read both.
That said if you insist on buying before reading,you must understand that Priest of Bones is basically Peaky Blinders, don't buy it if you didn't like Peaky Blinders or don't care to read a similar story.

>> No.11934436

She's negligent not evil.

>> No.11934446

She did the best she could anon, you're not exactly a prize I'm sure.

>> No.11934449

The Lathe Of Heaven is fucking shit.

>> No.11934455

It's gotten worse, it seems. I genuinely don't know where to go. I guess reddit.

>> No.11934461

This is the reason people who like Stephenson like him.

>> No.11934469
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I scored a bicycle kick to win the school cup and she wasn't there to see me lift it.

>> No.11934471

Well then you can't read anything written by women.

>> No.11934509

If my kid played soccer like a fag I'd probably disown him so yeah I can relate with her.
Have you considered that maybe she couldn't get the time off work to come watch your dumbass? It's not always about you anon, you self centered prick.

>> No.11934526
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>> No.11934534

You got it all wrong: parents put their kids into soccer to get rid of them for an hour.

>> No.11934553

hang yourself
>Have you considered that maybe she couldn't get the time off work to come watch your dumbass?
>matches only on Saturday
>an hour

>> No.11934557

Speaking of magic systems, I remember reading a book in which the spell casters have to memorize spells from magic scrolls to cast them and once cast the spell fades from their memory.

Anyone know which book I'm talking about?

>> No.11934567

Alright fine you win, she just didn't like you all that much I suppose.

>> No.11934573

Thanks. Really didn't want to consider the fact this relationship could be my fault.

>> No.11934592

I’m halfway through Urth of the New Sun.
Is this genius or did Wolfe go nuts?

>> No.11934794
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>> No.11934925

Vance's Dying Earth

>> No.11934938
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>fell for the Sanderson meme
>fell for the Rothfuss meme

>> No.11934962

That's the one, thanks anon.

>> No.11934976

Don’t fall for the Wolfe meme too

>> No.11935010


>> No.11935026

Claiming that YA shit as "the best book you've read in years" literally invalidates any other opinion you give for the remainder of your natural born life, you worthless faggot.

>> No.11935414

Being insecure isn’t a good thing

>> No.11935480

"The golem and the jinni" had some romance elements, but it wasn't the focus.

>> No.11935507

Not that guy but I thought Dying Earth was sci-fi?
I've kinda neglected looking into it because I prefer fantasy.

>> No.11935610


>> No.11935625

It is, but it has "magic" that works that way. Although all the competent mages force bound jinn to do magic for them instead of bothering to do it themselves.

>> No.11935633

Also the lines between sub-genre of speculative fiction can get pretty blurry. It's pretty definitely sci-fi on the (mostly fantasy) Appendix N reading list, for what that's worth.

>> No.11935640

Sounds cool.
Maybe I'll check it out, I did enjoy Lyonesse a lot.

>> No.11936052
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Went into this book with zero expectations except knowing it reads Clive Barker on the cover. I think it was nice fantasy book especially for some younger folks. Meanwhile goodreads reviews are below 3 stars going "hurrrdurrr this book insulted my high intellect!!" and "this isn't my traditional mature horror for mature people such as myself, rrreeeee!!"

Fuck that. It's just as mature as any slice of life Murakami book despite having fantasy theme and some literary gimmicks. Are people seriously this fucking insecure and elitist when it comes to reading that they can't enjoy stuff like this?

>> No.11936186

How do you guys feel about magic type stuff in a scifi-ish setting.
As in people can get upgraded in some ways and through that can do magic type stuffs (generate fire, hard light clones and so on, the sky is the limit). I'm currently writing a series of novels that kind of switches between more sci-fi and more fantasy depending on the setting but the mechanics behind how it works stay the same, it's just that in the more fantasy oriented parts people just attribute it to magic instead of advanced technology that they don't understand.

>> No.11936397

I like that anon, was thinking of doing some world building with such systems myself.

>> No.11936413

If you think those writers are shit then who would you recommend in their place?

>> No.11936422

Has anyone read a book about a frozen axe? By frozen I mean untouchably frozen except for some chosen one, like Arthurs sword

>> No.11936477

>The Crying of Lot 49
>Perdido Street Station
>Somewhere in Time/Bid Time Return
>Hell on Water

I’m currently ~2/3 of the way through Killing Commendatore and it’s either first or second place so far.

>> No.11936626

How can I write a dystopian story about wizards controlling contemporary Britain with an iron fist without drawing too many Harry Potter comparisons?

The Dickensian tweeness would be dialled down to 1.

>> No.11936746

I suppose it attempts to answer the elevator-pitch question: How would dark wizards take down industrial society, and what would be the result?
It almost entirely focusses on the personal experience of the protagonist in this collapsed society occupied, surveilled, and policed by untouchable mages.

I would avoid broomsticks, since they're a bit silly. Wands - could go either way. Magical creatures - all incredibly rare and endangered.

>> No.11936755

Even then I'd suggest creating his own lore and belief system for these puppeteers in order to make them feel like their own unique entities rather than just more of the same run of the mill wizard.

>> No.11936774

Just don't end up becoming a mess like To aru.

Would you mind sharing a summary of your story with us?

What would be the reason for the existence of magic(if there is one)? Are upgrades regulated? How do this really impact the setting?

>> No.11936795

What's some good climate change sci fi (pref short story)?

>> No.11936809

No idea if it's any good but there's The Drowned World by J. G. Ballard

>> No.11936923

Neither is reading something you are not interested in just to prove you aren't insecure. That would be being insecure.

>> No.11936964

>Just don't end up becoming a mess like To aru.
I haven't read either A Certain Magical Index or A Certain Scientific Railgun so I don't know the exact specifics of either story I'm afraid other than the main protagonist of A certain Magical Index being useless except against magic users and that the other one is more about ESP than magic.

>Would you mind sharing a summary of your story with us?
The story is divided over several little stories, each being their own contained story (going from the 1950's to the 80's and early 21st century) which provide some backstory to the main plot device with the main story beginning in the future that is close to us but far enough away that I get some leeway with what level of technology they have.

The main plot device of the story is what can only be described as technology so advanced that it even goes beyond the theoretical models of the Kardashev scale, a model that implies how advanced a civilization is ranging from 1-5 where 1 is only a single planet and part of the star being used (we should be at this level within another century or two) and 5 being a multitude of universes being fully utilized (equal or possibly even greater than what we can think of being gods).

The people that found it originally in Africa in the early 30's (the nazi's of course) called it the Wundermaschine or Miracle Engine considering that it could create fully functional technology far more advanced that could be created by humans by having a person simply think about it (this is not without consequences of course)

This device eventually becomes both the savior (creating leaps of technological progress equal to hundreds of years in mere decades since the aquisition by the UN after the war) and downfall of humanity several hundred years later, but why it was the downfall is one of the main mysteries in the storyline.

>What would be the reason for the existence of magic(if there is one)? Are upgrades regulated? How do this really impact the setting?

Technology went by pretty fast due to the Miracle Engine, it allowed for the quick development of tech that was really only a dream before, augmentation, resleeving, personal backups and even nanite technology. Eventually it was safe enough to be injected at birth and allowed humans to improve themselves any way they wanted. Want red hair instead of brown hair ? No problem.

Do you want to feel like a superhero and be strong enough to lift a car with your bare hands ? That's possible but regulated, either for military or police, but some people have it through other ways due to the technology not being as perfect as they thought it was.

Magic or at least what the people see as magic (this is thousands of years in the future after the fall of civilization) are just the nanites with the limiter off, since this is far enough into the future and people don't really know any better they just see this as magic or the work of a god.

That's pretty much the outline I have

>> No.11936986

Sounds pretty alright.

>> No.11937044

Thanks, I'm very new to writing so this is all uncharted waters for me.
I am pretty excited to be working on this story, I've always wanted to write a novel or a larger storyline spanning several novels if possible.
I don't even really care if I make any money from this, I just want to have fun and share my idea's with people.

>> No.11937105

It’s only related in the cyclical rise/fall/rise/fall of humanity aspect, but you should read A Canticle for Leibowitz.

>> No.11937121

>It’s only related in the cyclical rise/fall/rise/fall of humanity aspect, but you should read A Canticle for Leibowitz.

I will do so the first chance I get, I'm currently also busy with some studies which eat up a lot of my time, as well as other small tasks I need to do.

The description of the storyline on wikipedia sounds fairly intense when you think of when it was published (1959).

A Canticle for Leibowitz is a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel by American writer Walter M. Miller Jr., first published in 1959. Set in a Catholic monastery in the desert of the southwestern United States after a devastating nuclear war, the book spans thousands of years as civilization rebuilds itself. The monks of the Albertian Order of Leibowitz preserve the surviving remnants of man's scientific knowledge until the world is again ready for it.

The novel is a fixup of three short stories Miller published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, inspired by the author's participation in the bombing of the monastery at the Battle of Monte Cassino during World War II. Considered one of the classics of science fiction, the book has never been out of print. Appealing to mainstream and genre critics and readers alike, it won the 1961 Hugo Award for best science fiction novel, and its themes of religion, recurrence, and church versus state have generated a significant body of scholarly research. A sequel, Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman, was published posthumously in 1997.

>> No.11937152
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Any of you fags ever read this book? There is no audiobook, so I suppose it was so bad that no one (audible) wanted to buy the rights and record it?

>> No.11937156
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Why are older authors better than the new ones?

>> No.11937162

Because the future was soon as fun and exciting (rayguns ,spaceships and saving a cute girl from incompetent aliens) and all we have to look forward now is pretty much a dystopia where everything is terrible.

>> No.11937173

That's easy enough, but the basic premise is that magic is hereditary (or passed down as a learned skill in families) and that mages live(d) in a secret parallel society.

I suspect this is too similar to HP. It's not really necessary for 11 year old to have magical skills in this setting, so I could emphasise a secret master-apprentice system that passed down magic. But then there would be very strong incentive among mages to keep their numbers low, which means they wouldn't really have a completely separate society, just due to sheer lack of population. The sheer miserliness of a magical guild system is depressing to think about. Guildsmen are coupon-cutters, not conquerors.

>> No.11937176

It’s an amazing book and I don’t see near enough people talking about it.

>> No.11937186

Part of the issue is there haven’t been any “bad guys” since the Cold War. We had that back for a little bit with terrorists from the Middle East being acceptable as commonplace villains, but now we’re not even allowed to demonize the enemy anymore.
Fiction is more fun, for lack of a better term, when you don’t have to worry about moral shades of gray. Give me a swashbuckling hero fighting the clearly evil villain over some grimdark edgy antihero any day.

>> No.11937204

Read the Bartimaeus Sequence.

>> No.11937224

Only good ya ever written.

>> No.11937225

That is honestly, why I'm putting the nazi's in my little story here in one of the earlier novels >>11936964

They're my favorite villain in almost any storyline, especially fantasy nazi's that actually get a little bit of an upper hand due to things working out for them.
I was also considering using the russians as well in my stories and having the cold war about the main plot device and them pointing nuclear weapons at everyone was because weren't allowed to use the deus ex machina device that made modern tech work.

I think the nazi's and russians were the last real villains you could use in a storyline, everybody is too touchy about using muslims or blacks as a villain.

>> No.11937238

I mean, you could try to use cannibals

>> No.11937262
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>unironically going muh ebil nazis

>> No.11937273

An entire nation of cannibals? I’m not the guy you replied to but that seems silly.
Wolfenstein is great though

>> No.11937291

Wouldn't posession of a device like that allow any group to turn into a new kind of villain?

What would happen if it was discovered in the 1880s by King Leopold's Congo Free State? He was practically a real life supervillain even without a Miracle Engine. Maybe add a little coup that kicks him out of Belgium and into his private colony, to avoid the weirdness of Belgium as a superpower and gain the weirdness of an obscure colonial company as a superpower, especially since it would have no obvious side to take in WW1 or WW2. This is just an example of going a slightly less Hollywood route for finding a villain.

>> No.11937305

>An entire nation of cannibals? I’m not the guy you replied to but that seems silly.
You're right but I didn't consider the size of the enemy, just what quality was unforgivable

>> No.11937322

Animorphs is great as well

>> No.11937337


>> No.11937372

It's the most well known most disliked group of people that can comfortably be put in the evil section.
Add a little bit of fantasy with them and they become quite entertaining (Wolfenstein).

>Wouldn't posession of a device like that allow any group to turn into a new kind of villain?

Essentially yes, first novel of the storyline (at least the earliest novel in the storyline for now) has nazi's filling that hole but there's no reason to believe that there wasn't an evil group using it even before them.

I'll need to look into what really evil bastards I can find in history to make a good story around if they had ready access to a deus ex machina type of device.

There's probably some really evil people in history that I'm just simply not aware of.

>> No.11937460

One of you fags answer. I was reced this and it doesn't have a blurb, nor audiobook. Want to know if it's worth it to tts

>> No.11937482

Because only the good are truly remembered while all the shit has been forgotten. Same thing with music.
Plus nostalgia.

>> No.11937537

Stormlight is not as bad in that aspect I think, but it does have its moments that made me roll my eyes. Several of Sanderson's books (Stormlight and Elantris among them, and Mistborn Era 2 as well) have these scenes of characters thinking "I can't wait to be married to that person because I'm horny". That is a line of thinking that just doesn't sit well with me, because I think placing value on abstinence until marriage is a very toxic thing to do.

>> No.11937613

>because I think placing value on abstinence until marriage is a very toxic thing to do.
t. fornicator

>> No.11937626

Read the goodreads reviews nigger, several of them go into detail about what it's about.

>> No.11937644
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> Genre fiction literally has the worst covers, and whats written on the paper beneath really isn't any better. Change my mind.

>> No.11937654

Nice bait

>> No.11937655
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>> No.11937766
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Older stuff has nice covers

>> No.11937849

I suppose the biggest ripoff is the concept of spaces that are bigger inside than out. I intend to develop this to an almost psychedelic degree. Portals to interiors that have no exterior, doors that lead to the room they are apparently the exit to, Tatami Galaxy type recursions. If at all possible I want a setting that could give M C Escher a headache.

Okay. I'm a chapter in so far.

>> No.11937851

Also, some inspiration from Twin Peaks Season 3.

But all this in a setting that recalls the height of the Blitz and 1984.

>> No.11938123

Sounds like unimaginative shit but good luck anyway.

>> No.11938407

Prydain, The Dark is Rising, Narnia

>> No.11938452

Fuck, could you have said that last night? I already started it.

>> No.11938486

The Culture series was a lot of fun whenever they busted stuff like that out. Though it did lower the stakes into the ground, unless there was some transcendent being or equivalent civilization around. It worked in that series cause it was usually more about the society as a whole than any one conflict, so if you're doing something on a fantasy world without a galaxy spanning conflict you might need a very good reason to gimp the grand wizard.

>> No.11938507

The Bartimaeus series was pretty much this except in the 40's, I think. Its been a very long time since I read them but my young self really liked it. The whole magic system was something like Persian paganism (?) mixed with satanic ritual stuff, pentagrams and incantations and binding Djinn spirits (Im not familiar with whatever real world stuff inspired it) but it certainly did not remind me of HP whatsoever.

>> No.11938601

More fantasy needs to take after Mulholland Drive/S3. Give me a protagonist realizing they aren't who they think they are after ten chapters and instantly disappearing from existence; that's the good shit. Give me tiny old people scuttling around for a climax, no more handholding "firendship wins" stories.

>> No.11938632

>Culture series
I am glad I stuck around after I made my post, I'm just going to copy the description from wikipedia again in case other people than myself don't know a lot about the Culture series

The Culture series is a science fiction series written by Scottish author Iain M. Banks.

The stories centre on the Culture, a utopian, post-scarcity space society of humanoids, aliens, and very advanced artificial intelligences living in socialist habitats spread across the Milky Way galaxy.

The main theme of the novels is the dilemmas that an idealistic hyperpower faces in dealing with civilizations that do not share its ideals, and whose behavior it sometimes finds repulsive.

In some of the stories, action takes place mainly in non-Culture environments, and the leading characters are often on the fringes of (or non-members of) the Culture, sometimes acting as agents of Culture (knowing and unknowing) in its plans to civilize the galaxy.

Now the setting I have planned for now (at least in the more future setting of the novels) is that it's mostly just humans, automatons (robots with human equivalent AI or a digitized human brain/cyberbrain) and synthetic humanoids (humans that have DNA that is more than 50% altered from the base human DNA) attempting to make a utopian society, and for the most part they have succeeded.

There isn't much conflict and most conflicts are easily dealt with since most of the world is pretty much united, sometimes they have some issues over who owns what exactly but most things are easily dealt with

The only real divides between them are those that were born as a pure human and possibly altered afterwards in life, automatons and humans that were converted to automatons, this includes cyborgs or people with for example cyberbrain upgrades or things that might include them not being the first version of themselves since it might not be the same person before and after the transfer to a cyberbrain and fully synthetics humanoids which can vary greatly since it allows for a full editing of the human genome.

The point in the story where it is seen as magic or what would be the magic of this series is the nanites and other "invisible" upgrades humans have gotten over the years when human society was at it's peak. Eventually when they figured out things weren't going to end well they removed some limiters that allowed two very crucial things to happen.
1. allow the nanite upgrades to be passed on from parent to child
and more importantly
2. allow the user to develop it's own abilities.
Now what the second one means is that wanting a certain power (the thing that the people in this setting see as magic) is mostly a mental thing, so believing that you can develop a power and focusing enough on it can allow you to actually develop it. Instead of going to a local supermarket and buying an upgrade package.

I hope this answers the questions you had for the setting because I've run out of characters to write with

>> No.11938643

The summoning stuff is similar to Solomonic goetia, iirc.

>> No.11938695
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Far future nanny state. Disgusting.

>> No.11938696

>five chapters in to a detailed outline of my story
>it's not falling apart
Gonna make it this time

>> No.11938714

No story survives contact with /sffg.

>> No.11938754

You can do it anon I believe in you

>Far future nanny state. Disgusting.

It was a far future nanny state for the most part, then everything went to hell for reasons that people forgot over a long period of time.
95% of the human population died because of it and everything kind of went back to square one with the remnant of the old word seen as the work of gods. I mean what else can build skyscrapers higher than the clouds.

I don't intend to spend a lot of time in the super clean future world where everything is chrome covered and lovely. I want a world where that time is a distant memory but in order to get to that point I have to set the utopia up so I can knock it down.

Nothing is more boring than a world where there is no conflict and honestly I just want to have that world set up as a stepping stone so I can get to the story I want to get to. Which is a world that is like the pre-industrial era but still has some parts of the utopia intact. AI, Synthetic humans living thousands of years or are still sleeping in hypersleep pods, and roaming packs of smart tanks but also one that has humans believing in gods that they think are real (they're not) and resorting to barbarism and butchery in order to please them.

>> No.11938961

How many pages a day is a good amount if you want to write a novel ?
I know you're going to cut a lot of them out when editing but when writing a first draft what is a good amount
10 pages
20 pages
more than that ?

>> No.11938989

Pretty sure you should go by the number of words; not pages. And I have no idea, but I'm sure the more words the better.

>> No.11939010
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Thanks for the response, I had a bit of a free day today so I can focus on writing a bit more.
I'm currently at 11873 words and 26 pages after about 4 days of working 2 hours before bed and a bit more today since I had a day free from everything.

>> No.11939040


See if that helps any.

>> No.11939043
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Patrician taste. Fuck all the other Anons

>> No.11939056

Neuromancer sucks

>> No.11939082

I was repelled by the first book. The universalist heroes genocide a culture they deem too backward to continue. Too much of that about to enjoy hearing from an enthusiast like the author.

>> No.11939091

Well at least I'm at least making some progress if some of the bigger authors only did 2k words per day.

>> No.11939104


>> No.11939136

Yeah but their output was good.

>> No.11939145

>Not sticking your dick into pagina if your own literary work
Fucking plebs

>> No.11939149

Well maybe my work is good too, you cant tell me it's bad if you haven't read it.
Buy my book anon

>> No.11939151


>the "red queen" of a nonsense world is named Mayor Triumph
>he possesses a magic refrigerator called the Fridge Between Worlds that the MC needs to get home
>Despite owning a portal to other planets, he hates extraterrestrials with a burning passion and does everything in his power to be rid of them, often randomly accusing innocent people of being martian spies
>His voters cheer as he splits up whole families, shoving women in the refrigerator and children in the ice box
>he then takes the men, hands them a bag of skittles, and then shoots them on the spot
>"Wait, why does he hand them a bag of skittles"
>"Ooh, that's the brilliant part. Because he hands them the skittles first, nobody thinks to question why he's shooting them"

>> No.11939168

I am confused as to what the point of this story is.

>> No.11939174

To be as random as possible obviously.

>> No.11939179
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>Buy my book anon
Fuck no. You would have to be the hottest new shit just for me to entertain the thought of pirating your novel.

No. Nah. Just no.

>> No.11939184


well, if you didn't get the joke then apparently I was being way less ham-handed then I thought

>> No.11939195

Well what kind of sci-fi stuff do you like. I can always use new idea to incorporate into the story.

>> No.11939405

Since we seem to be sharing ideas, I'm curious how shit you guys think mine is:

The setting is essentially an fantasy version of the Roman Republic, where a few decades prior to the story, several beings now revered as gods arrived and infused certain people with magic. There are no discernible patterns in who has magic, and afterwards certain people start being born with it. Society starts collapsing as !notRome has to deal with the consequences of having the most magical enemies in the world, from their history trying to conquer everyone and everything.

The story follows a group of people recruited into a new organization of magic users formed to protect the people, essentially a spy agency. They hunt down enemies of the state, ranging from lone criminals roaming around doing what they please, to internal groups who want to take control, to people from other nations trying to take advantage of the discord. I'm not sure if I want to have some kind of worldwide crisis but if I did it'd probably be related to having one of the "gods" returning again and things happening from there.

I haven't put much thought into a magic system because desu I'm not really big on them. I initially wanted everyone to have different types of magic, but that ended up feeling kind of like capeshit, though maybe the setting/style is enough to differentiate it. I don't want the whole story to revolve around magic, but instead just have it be another aspect of everything else going on. Is there anything like that or have I subconsciously stolen this from something else?

>> No.11939445

I wonder how big his penis is when he untucks it from the bikini

>> No.11939490

I actually like the idea of everyone having different magic. It would be kind of boring to be all the same stuff. Maybe make it based on personal growth where it changes as the person using the power develops.
I am curious who the main character of your story is, as in who gets the most time on screen of your group.

>> No.11939528

Which YA series is the best? Or at least the one you remember the most fondly. There was this French trilogy called Ewilan's quest about a girl that lived in the real world all her life getting sent to a fanatsy world where her disappeared parents apparently come from. Pretty generic but I had a lot of fun with it. The complete trilogy edition also had a fun "making of" where the author detailed his thought process behind the characters and where the idea of the book came from.

>> No.11939543


>> No.11939568


>> No.11939587

The Chronicles of Prydain

But the Jinx series was pretty great too

>> No.11939592

The Dark Is Rising

>> No.11939612


>> No.11939780

Book Of the New Sun

>> No.11939942
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>> No.11940004
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>tfw sippin' on some hot tea about to start in on some obscure heroic fantasy

>> No.11940154
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Paul Allen was a fellow Jack Vance fan. In fact, he hosted Mr. and Mrs. Vance for an Alaskan cruise on his yacht earlier this century. I had been debating writing him to ask about this event when I read about his relapse but the worst occurred.
Godspeed, sir.

>> No.11940235

Thanks, I like that idea. Gives me some options, I'll try it out. Originally planned on having an ensemble cast between the four/five members of the group, but figured I'm not skilled enough to do that properly. Currently debating between two options:

A con man who was forced into the job when he was caught for a minor crime, with the ability to inflict damage to anyone he touches but he suffers the same damage in return (break their arm, his breaks too, cause blindness, he goes blind as well, etc). Because of the way his magic works, he dislikes it in general and especially having to use it, preferring to outsmart his foes. He starts off kind of selfish/manipulative and tries to escape, but grows close to the others over time.

A woman whose sister died due to a serial killer going on a rampage, who can protect people by touch, including herself. Because of survivors guilt, she has both a near autistic drive to protect people because of survivors guilt and poor social skills, expecting perfection from her teammates. Prefers combat, where her resilience gives her time to come up with strategies and the ability to use more unorthodox tactics.

The other two I have currently for the main crew are a runaway heir from a foreign country who is a sort of childish neutral good adventurer wanting to explore the world that can form solid objects from air, and a woman that can turn into a water elemental, who fears fighting but is pressured into it because of her family's history of soldiers.

>> No.11940294

anyone know whats happening?
i mean hes been kicked of amazon but apparently his audiobooks are still allowed on.
tamer 6 was pretty much done when they kicked him off amazon and im pretty pissed that i cant read it.
i dont have a facebook account so i cant keep up with news there and his newsletter isnt being updated since august.

>> No.11940315

Where am I supposed to get my Epic High Fantasy from if Sanderson is shit?

>> No.11940316

Why did he get kicked from Amazon? Is this the dude that manipulated and bloated his page counts?

>> No.11940322

no one actually knows for sure but thats the running theory. since KU pays out based on pages read.
i just wanna know whats happening next since there are no updates what so ever from him.

>> No.11940327

You move on to the much superior genre of Heroic Fantasy.

>> No.11940366

I just looked into him, this absolute cock tried to copyright the term "dragon slayer" and also book covers with with guys holding a weapon under the title. Fuck him.

>> No.11940418

Redwall, duh

>> No.11940437

yeah that's bullshit. the good news is it sounds like he's been fucked already. no books on amazon or google play store. only a fraction of his books available at kobo and nook.

>> No.11940447

His Dark Materials
Everworld and Remnants - K. A. Applegate
A Wrinkle in Time Quintet (Many Waters is the best but gets overshadows by the first three)
The Queen's Thief
I never see William Sleator talked about here which is a shame. He wrote very weird YA novels that were like a mix of H. P. Lovecraft and Bruce Coville. House of Stairs and Singularity could be considered soft SF.
So much this and Robin Jarvis is another awesome British author who writes about anthropomorphic animals, fortunately still alive and churning out books.
Not strictly sci-fi or fantasy but Zilpha Keatley Snyder is pretty good. Her stuff usually veers more towards magical realism.

>> No.11940456


>> No.11940624

>try YA sff
>retarded romance everywhere
This shits worse than regular sff

>> No.11940638
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Seriously though, what an embarassing end to the series. What happened to fun, space battle pulp? Why the fuck did it become this autistic shit past book...9?

>> No.11940651

>Book 9
Well there is your answer

>> No.11940670

>William Sleator
thanks for the reminder, i've been meaning to read the stairs book. but the pig one sounds pretty cool too.

>> No.11940699
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quick give me some good space scifi

>> No.11940718
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That pictures reminds me of the covers for the Gap Cycle

>> No.11940777

>start reading Dune
>writing absolutely atrocious
I want to give up already

>> No.11940789

Just go reread your Lo-lee-ta if you can't take it

>> No.11940815


Lensman Series

>> No.11940845

Is there a sci-fi book with Lolis in them.

>> No.11940860

>1. Wrath of Empire
>1. Blood Song
>3. Amra Thetys
>4. Sword in the Storm
>5. Poppy War

>> No.11940869

I could make one, but you will not like to see this.

Or you could read this garbage


>> No.11940874

Can sci fi fags go away, thx. Sci fi is dead, this is a fantasy general.

>> No.11940889


House of Suns

>> No.11940961
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Eat my dick fantasyfag

>> No.11940966

Fantasyfag pls leave.
Everything after tolkien has been a derivative from what he made.
There hasn't been anything original in the genre after his works.

>> No.11940978

Is using onomatopoeia to relate sound to a reader acceptable in a serious novel ?

>> No.11940986

Not at all. Shakespeare was a hack

>> No.11941006

I think it's kind of nice in a way, it forces the reader to slow down a bit to take in the thing that is happening, I like it especially in more tense scenes like a fight or if there's shooting happening.
But I'm just one person I can't speak for everyone.

>> No.11941047

I mean I was being sarcastic

>> No.11941051

>Not at all. Shakespeare was a hack
I couldn't see any sarcasm there, I could only see the truth.

>> No.11941061

It feels like Tolkien is unique in his ability to get away with epic fictional history world-building fantasy because his is one of the few worlds that don't feel contrived. Other fantasy can be good but as soon as someone who isn't Tolkien dedicate entire chapters to geography and histories of now-dead kingdoms it's just like "bla bla the elves elufemor mecafafe and ilisafe found the sword of epicness in the lake gorgadobots"

>> No.11941070

Nah, it's just as shit as anything that came after, he gets a free pass because he did it first

>> No.11941071

Is the Lord of the rings any good?

>> No.11941074

Yes but the writing is dated as fuck, just go watch the movies, they're pretty good too.

>> No.11941076

yes, but read the Hobbit first.

>> No.11941079

>writing is dated
you are stunted

>> No.11941085

Yeah I read the hobbit about 10 times it's pretty good

>> No.11941087
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>Yes but the writing is dated as fuck
The writing is literally the reason LotR is amazing.

>> No.11941088
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>> No.11941092

I'm actually being serious as well lol I used to read it all the time when I was ~10. It was the only book I read for ages

>> No.11941094

Then you should love the Lord of the Rings. It doesn't have the light-hearted travel journey feel that the Hobbit has and it's a bit edgy/serious in comparison but it is very good both for the plot/story and for the extended building of the Hobbit world. also Sam and Frodo are so CUTE

>> No.11941129

Tolkien derived Middle Earth from rural England and its folklore while living there. You could say he was writing in the genre of local history, with added depth from philology.

Most other epic fantasy writers are monolingual, and write in an apartment in a 2nd tier American city with a copy of Lord of the Rings on the shelf, steadfastly ignoring everything about their life experiences and immediate environment.

>> No.11941136

It's better to use real words that evoke the sound, like crackle or thrum.

>> No.11941141
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They are simply not as good as Tolkien.
Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.11941144

I see what you mean, but what if there isn't a set word for the sound that you want to give to the user.
Like for example a gunfight
>the hero is going through some dunes and someone is taking potshots at them
>the bullets whizz past him and hit the sand
>A larger man takes up what looks like a grenade launcher and fires it
>about five seconds after they hit the sand they go off

>> No.11941147

That is a sexy tummy

>> No.11941156

>the 31th


>> No.11941161

He's gotta lisp. Leave him alone.

>> No.11941165

If you mean the sound of bullets hitting sand, maybe a thud or a muffled boom, with the sound of sand falling compared to drizzle or a gush of steam. Or a shower. Analogies are your fallback, I suppose.

>> No.11941177

...Or even "a dry sizzle." Dryness does have a recognisable sound quality.
Rasp, susurrus.

I should be writing my own book, but here I am procrastinating.

>> No.11941180

>bullshit, it can't have happened again
Woe is me.

>> No.11941181

I suppose so, in a story i'm writing a character kind of goes into shellshock for a moment and isn't fully aware of what the sounds happening around him mean anymore.
He is kind of wondering why the sand is dancing a couple of feet from his face but decides it's probably not something too important to worry about, it looks kind of pretty when it gets really close.
Until the reason the sand is dancing kind of makes him whiplash back into reality and all the sounds kind of make sense again.

>> No.11941184

Don't worry anon, I was procrastinating for years until I got started and now I already have 27 pages and 12483 words after only 5 days.

>> No.11941186
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There is no set word, party because every weapon sounds different and partly because most people have never actually heard a weapon in real life.
How do you describe to someone that meaty thudding sound that reverberates in your chest?
Watch (and listen):

>> No.11941188
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No way. When Tolkien's books go into geography and history it feels as genuine as pic related. And the prologue to Fellowship of the Ring where he talks about Hobbits is even better. The fucking part with the Hobbit scholar writing about pipe-weed is soooooo good.

>> No.11941201

>How do you describe to someone that meaty thudding sound that reverberates in your chest?

Honestly I would use THUD or THUMP to try and get the sound over as much as I could.

Although I would use THUMP as well for a heavy heartbeat.

Here is a small bit from what I'm writing for example


The notice changed back to hidden, most likely meaning that the machine lost interest in whatever it thought it saw.

My heartbeat was all the sound that I could hear now, it was all the sound that ever mattered to me at this moment, it was so loud that it was hurting my ears.




>> No.11941228

I am not sure what you are going with in that scene but thudding and thumping is so generic it could be used for almost anything. It could be a weapon discharging or it could be someone unloading bags of cement.
You are would fare far better being more descriptive. You have to impress on the reader the magnitude of the energy released and the effects of it.

>> No.11941234

ah I see, I'm still very new to all of this, I'm just putting everything on paper as fast as I can so I don't forget the idea's I get.
I'm not really considering any kind of polish at the moment.

>> No.11941284

Once you have the rough draft, you can start polishing it.
The more you know about the machinery and equipment you are describing the better you will be at it.

>> No.11941346

Having played and read most of the warhammer fantasy lore on the skaven and the great horned rat I find myself wanting. Any particular books on the skaven I should pick up?

>> No.11941350

Is alternative fiction fantasy or sci fi?

>> No.11941375

This shows that you don't read period
>Tolkien started fantasy and everything fantasy copies him
An hero

>> No.11941383


>> No.11941390


Gotrek and Felix pretty much have the skaven as their arch nemeses, with one of the best Skaven villains in the setting being in several of theira dventures.

>> No.11941404
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Why are there all these reddites users praising Tolkien? When were we invaded? I know they are redshit because only redshit still have lists with Tolkien in the top 10.

>> No.11941405

Thanks, I'll check it out

>> No.11941418


>> No.11941457
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I shudder to think what badly written fantasy novel you expect will be inflicted upon us.

>> No.11941460

I didn't say that the fantasy genre was started by him you talking cumfart.
I said that a lot of the genre has become derivative of his works which makes the genre as a whole very boring since a lot of authors piggyback on what he made.

>> No.11941469

Anything fantasy with a medieval setting is automatically discarded.
There is not one good modern work based on it
>muh game of thrones
>muh tolkien
all of it is terrible and boring

>> No.11941520

t. thinks Isaac Asimov is deep

>> No.11941576

he can at times be relatively deep, definitely one of the brainier classics - in a Foreword to my Collection of the Foundation Novels the commentator said, that he understands how to make action happen without any action happening - which I agree with totally: Mostly People sit around, entertain ideas and think Problems through before rationally deciding on a course of action, and usually these conversations are quite clever if compared to modern dialogue and drama out of nowhere (say for example in the conclusion of reynolds redemption ark)

>TLDR: Asimov is Smart and nonAction Action

>> No.11941591

Foundation action is mostly manga-esque exposition outsmartings, except with geopolitical maneuvering instead of magic systems and power levels. Not that deep

>> No.11941623

Your description as manga-esque I can subscribe to; it not being that deep I cannot - the story about the second foundation, the mule, the Admiral and the Emperor and the development of the scenario over literally hundreds of years is superb pingpong famalam

>> No.11941651

Who are you trying to kid? Your to-avoid list have been the laughing stock of this thread for years.

>> No.11941660

For me I enjoyed the first and second books and the third book disgusted me so I couldn't finish it. The Mule's inner monologue about being ugly and how ruling the universe wouldn't make him happy because he'd still be ugly was grating.

>> No.11941810

>A Princess of Mars

>> No.11941830
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>Tell us about your favorite magic system.

I'm going to have to shill Unsong again, won't I?

It has worldly kabbalah, where you say a Name of God in order to get a particular effect. The Names are copyrighted; the main character works at a sweatshop where they brute force various syllable combinations in order to discover new Names.
It has applied kabbalah, where you discover secrets and manipulate reality by noticing correspondences between languages and concepts. Magic based on anagrams, translations, poetry, etymology and puns, basically.
It has placebomancy, where you can perform minor magic by "convincing" the universe via rituals. Latin chants help, but one of the antagonists uses random phrases from a Latin textbook and they work just as well

>> No.11942115

Well for starters don't use apostrophe S for plurals.

>> No.11942172



>> No.11942193

The third book has a great ending

>> No.11942471

Wait have I been doing it wrong my entire life ?

>> No.11942703

's = possessive. "Anon's post got three replies."
's contraction of "it is" = "It's a good book."