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11927454 No.11927454 [Reply] [Original]

>About to buy more books

>> No.11927456

It's a good substitute for reading.

>> No.11927479

I went to buy a copy of Gatsby today but they were out. The only books I have on me now are The Brothers Karamazov and Crime & Punishment but it always seems like too much to take on.

>> No.11927561
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>be NEET failure of a human bean
>still live with mommy and daddy
>brother and his family visiting
>I stay in my room as usual. it is filled with towers of books that I have accumulated over the years. I've read about a third of them
>hear knock at door
>my little eleven year old niece peaks into the room and her mouth drops open
>"woooow uncle Anon, you have a TON of books!"
>y-you too
>she asks if she can look at some and I say sure. she is in awe as she goes through the stacks and keeps saying how the covers are so pretty, how a lot of the books are so big
>with a child's solemn innocence she says "uncle Anon, you must be one of the smartest people I know"
>says when she grows up she wants to have read as many books as I have
>I end up letting her pick out whichever book she wants and she chooses my hardback edition of the complete poetry of Yeats because she said he looked very sad "like you, uncle anon", and so his poems must be very good
>she clutches it like it's the most precious thing in the world and when her family leaves she's still holding it to her chest like it's invaluable
>won't stop thanking me and keeps telling everyone how I let her pick whatever book she wanted and how I had thousands of books and I was a philosopher. everyone's response to this is rather hostile looks in my direction
>get told later by my parents that my brother didn't want me around his daughter and it is weird that a grown man gave a little girl a present for no reason
>probably going to order a used copy of Zizek's Less Than Nothing which I probably won't ever get around to reading
I don't think I was meant for this world desu

>> No.11927568
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Eye kay tee eff bee, broh

>> No.11927571

Move out. Now.

>> No.11927600

Sorry to say that but it sounds like you family is a bunch of disgusting people. Really.

Also this.

>> No.11927621
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>> No.11927649
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>I don't think I was meant for this world desu
me neither

>> No.11927661

maybe u should buy the right books instead

>> No.11927732

LOL goddamn man thanks for the laugh, that's just what I needed right now

>> No.11927742

You're family sounds bad, you sound good or at least not garbage.

>> No.11927750

>weird that a grown man gave a little girl a present for no reason
If you weren't a family member maybe. Why do normies think everything is weird?

>> No.11927757

It would only be weird if they didn't know each other. It would be normal even as family/friend. Sad.

>> No.11927763


I am kind of curious. How did you get here
>I end up letting her pick out whichever book she wants

Or... why did you even go there? What made you think she would appreciate that. I want everyone to notice: he is the one that suggested it

>> No.11927772

I want to add on: my gripe would not be as severe as your family members but it is considerably odd. You should move out of your parents home by now. Some parents are just too nice to say anything

>> No.11927812

Its easy
>8yr old goes around looking at book covers
>anon says "y-you can h-have one if you'd l-like
Nothing weird or creepy.

>> No.11927821

how is it it weird for an uncle to give his niece a book

>> No.11927828

It’s not weird to let her have it.

It’s odd as fuck to suggest it though. Not like perverted odd, just kind of off you know?

>> No.11927835

He didn't suggest anything. His niece was already playing with the books, studying their covers. If I have a box of watches, and you try them on and look at them, and offer you one, is that weird?

>> No.11927841

>It’s odd as fuck to suggest it though
it really isn't

>> No.11927844


>> No.11927849

Yes it is. Here it’s why it’s odd

A) as a little girl she is patronizing him by running around saying these things, and she even suggests he is sad, as a little kid would do

B) here he is giving Yeats to an eleven year old. Fucking ridiculous

>> No.11927859

you are making it sound like the kid was a weirdo for being patronizing and choosing Yeats

>> No.11927867

The two aren’t connected at all.

OP is not a weirdo nor is his niece a weirdo. This event was kind of stupid tho

>> No.11927873
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Serious question with no malice intended, are you autistic or on the spectrum? That is a perfectly normal thing to do and it was quite nice of anon to offer. No normal person would think that it’s weird to offer a free toy or book to a kid who seemed interested, esp. if they’re relatives.

>> No.11927884

Honestly? No, I work in fucking sales. Unlike you retarded losers I can actually see something when it’s off. Why the fuck is OP living in his fucking parents house like some retarded weirdo? How about we ask him why, when his little retarded niece comes over and starts rummaging through his shit, he decides to suggest that she take a book?

>> No.11927892

idk that sort of thing happened to me frequently as a kid. Aduts could tell i was interested in iterature and art and they would give me things related to it, or advice or wahtever. Everybody from family members, friends, teachers, to random old men i would enounter in public. Never felt weird

>> No.11927894

>I work in fucking sales
I'm sorry anon.

>> No.11927899

Meh. I could honestly go either way, like I said OP isn’t a pervert or anything

>> No.11927904

Guys, the story is clearly fake. Children generally do not act or talk like that.

>> No.11927907

It’s pretty fucking nice if you do a good job at what you’re selling man.

>> No.11927913

I think it's a white American thing, they are out of control. You can't even say hi in front of them.

>> No.11927914

Okay now YOURE being really weird. Why the fuck would that be fake? If it’s real, OP did something a little off, he gave Yeats to an eleven year old. Whatever. But it could’ve happened

>> No.11927921

it's possible that it is just the way he did that seemed weird. but if the girl liked the present i really dont see the issue

>> No.11927925

He suggested it though. That’s my issue.

Obviously there are some parts of the story that are missing, or he did something REALLY off that he isn’t typing, because if he’s a loser he might not notice these higher social frequencies, but you know

>> No.11927931
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>with a child's solemn innocence she says "uncle Anon, you must be one of the smartest people I know"
>says when she grows up she wants to have read as many books as I have
>I end up letting her pick out whichever book she wants and she chooses my hardback edition of the complete poetry of Yeats because she said he looked very sad "like you, uncle anon", and so his poems must be very good
>she clutches it like it's the most precious thing in the world and when her family leaves she's still holding it to her chest like it's invaluable
Don't even care if fake, this got me

>> No.11927934


>works in sales
>can’t comprehend generosity
>can’t grasp doing something nice
>can’t understand encouraging a kid to read

>> No.11927939

Why? What the fuck is so adorable about little girls? They are shit

>> No.11927940

>work in sales
>unlike you losers
Ah that explains everything. My condolences anon, I wish you a speedy recovery.

>> No.11927942

I am an adult, okay. I’m sorry I don’t find little kids adorable

>> No.11927945

It’s fine, I make more than you do :)

>> No.11927948

Maybe the guy is a Weeb. After browseing 4chan and watching some of the more fan service oreinted animes like monogatari or even lucky star I can say without a doubt I would never ever let a disgusting weeaboo freak anywhere near my baby girl.

>> No.11927954

my music teacher once randomly gave me two philosophy books because he had heard through the other teachers that i liked philosophy, he inscribed the one with 'A anon, avec tout mon respect et admiration, dans sa quete pour la verité'. We had a little arrangement, i would bring him an espresso at the beginning of class and in exchange i could spend half the lesson hanging out outside chainsmoking.

I was 14, so less weird than 11 but still pretty young

>> No.11927955


Just in general though anime is fucking gay

>> No.11927985

>I am an adult, okay. I’m sorry I don’t find other humans valuable or interesting or worth making connections with or worth facilitating the joy of

>> No.11927990

I would rather live as a homeless drug addled bum then to peddle lies and bullshit to uninformed and naive people. Keep your money.

>> No.11927995
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>> No.11928007

That’s not what I said.

Kids are inherently not enjoyable. Western culture fetishizes little kids like they’re the best shit on earth but in reality they are absolutely the worst things ever.


>> No.11928015
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>> No.11928021

>it is weird that a grown man gave a little girl a present for no reason
based fakefag

>> No.11928022

>Kids are inherently not enjoyable...they are absolutely the worst things ever.
>I don’t find other humans valuable or interesting or worth making connections with or worth facilitating the joy of

>> No.11928024

NEETs don’t point out things wrong with culture

>> No.11928028

I mean NPCs

This is getting confusing

>> No.11928035
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>> No.11928039

>I'm an adult
>I don't find the one purpose of adults good

>> No.11928048
File: 32 KB, 326x244, 7B828823-CD8B-4555-B8E3-EDB61F7FBF60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purpose of adults
based pol retard gaving himself away

>> No.11928056

Regardless of the stupidity of assuming predetermined purposiveness I still feel that your hatred of children is barren and disconcerting and that you should maybe take a long look at yourself and question why you're so proud of being an anti-life misanthrope.

>> No.11928060

>100 or so unread books
>read 1
>buy 2 more

>> No.11928062

how will salesanon ever recover

>> No.11928066

>things that didnt happen

>> No.11928086

It's not about what you do, it's who you are. If anon was some athletic people person with a good job in finance they wouldn't have bat an eye. It's only because he's an introverted NEET. People so inconsiderate and judgemental of others drive people like anon deeper into despair.
As the others said he should move out to take control of his own being.

>> No.11928096

I hate it when tons of people respond to a pasta that's not even funny, but rather only posted for the sake of getting attention.

>> No.11928100

Wasn’t me scrub don’t @ me

>> No.11928102

This guys gets it... kind of.

But yeah moving out is important

>> No.11928103


>> No.11928110

>odd to suggest it
Any kid with decent upbringing would not ask for someone's stuff (borrowing is one thing, but this is taking). If they show obvious interest in it, it's up to the owner to offer it. This is a perfectly ordinary scenario.

>> No.11928173

Innocence unfaltered

>> No.11928385


No, YOU are weird. It's a perfectly sweet and kind gesture. You have a tainted mind, you think every slight diversion from the code is wrong.
Under the pretense of vigilance for the weak, you turn out to be a rigid oppressor. "Everything foreign is bad"
B&W NPC thinking at its finest

>> No.11928436

You made me cry anon. I'm sorry you feel this way. Your niece sounds like a sweetheart.

>> No.11928579

I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more books for a while and I've managed to finish a whopping 4 books since my last purchase but two days ago I got weak and bought two more.

To be fair they're both books I've been meaning to get for a long time and they were in the "on sale" bin.

>> No.11928592

the original post is obviously pasta but if you really think this you're fucked in the head.

every child should be encouraged to read. especially if they show interest. it's a cute uncle-niece bonding moment she'd remember for years if the story was true.

>> No.11928594

>solemn innocence
uh oh anon... she is craving little Chaddy’s cock already

>> No.11928622

● A lot of people are running away on the Shinkansen! Is this related to my father 's grinding a large number of people with a huge mortar? Invincible? 10: 07
- The baby seems to be trained by being able to generate sweet taste and bitter taste etc in the mouth? (I put it on 9: 52)
A while ago, I had imitated that a baby lost to fear would open the valve of my neck,
Well it seems that other guys (tombs) were closed soon, but you seemed to have learned to do so or did not make much fear?
9: 44, October 14, 2018, ◆ Is there a relationship with Dogeza? Is it magical of Abramelin? Daizoba's principal? Vaseline Invincible?
9: 29, 1 October 14, 2018, I see Bald father in my stomach! Is this something of Dogeza laughing? Can you see a cat on the right?
Is this cat somehow resurrected in a bastard or a cabala (qabbalah) fellow? Homo? There seems to be some coixin man ??
Yesterday I noticed that the Inbake filled me with my belly in a barrel or put it under the scalp, but still there
Before 9:29 in October 14, 2018 ● Did you hear Spencer guns? Ruthless 9: 34 Ebola? Hard gay? Fortunetelling?
A lot of people are running away on the Shinkansen! Mantis? Bamboo smell? Battle? Kippo is a decreasing technique? Kabano anatake?
Murder 12 hours? Shortly before this, someone seems to have become a fish? (9: 52 Okama? Call out, the baby's voice ?? ▲)

>> No.11928631


>> No.11929317

>Keep buying and deleting Nook books

>Deleting books when I need more space
>Deleted books need to repurchased
>I literally keep paying to have nothing

I think I have a problem..

>> No.11929340

>Rent a epub with hard earned cash
>expires next week
Should I go to the library, right?

>> No.11929342


>> No.11929350

why don't you just get them on libgen or something

>> No.11929375

>it is weird that a grown man gave a little girl a present for no reason
t. person with tiny family whose line will die out in a generation.

This scenario actually happened to me and I gave a 10 year old girl a copy of the Hobbit. Most kids haven't had their natural love of knowledge destroyed by the factory school system yet. It's not weird. it's cute.

>> No.11929468

Huh, my seven year old niece told me my dog was "with the devil" and that grandpa and I were going to hell.

>> No.11929664

peak NPC """thinking""" right here

>> No.11930001
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>get told later by my parents that my brother didn't want me around his daughter and it is weird that a grown man gave a little girl a present for no reason

>> No.11930389

you've made sure to finish all your other ones right?

>> No.11930392
File: 70 KB, 750x918, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i see. you're one of those people who call fetuses "parasites", think that every parent is suicidal because of their children, and critisise the parenting of others even though you never count on being a parent. did mommy and daddy give more attention to your younger sibling, anon?
>i make more money than you and get to spend it all on myself rather than needy disgusting children
keep going strong, i'm sure sometime in the future you'll realise you can't fill the void with materialistic, over-priced consumer products
>inb4 triggered parent
no, i'm not.

>> No.11930397


your family sounds fuckin weird dude, your niece sounds pretty cool though.

>> No.11930416

Damn, boy... At least your niece is a good person.

>> No.11930635

You can do it

>> No.11930643

>The average Zizek reader

>> No.11930672

t. hasn't interacted with children in years

>> No.11930698

You are not a failure, I love you anon please write these feels down.

>> No.11930740


>> No.11931026
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>>"woooow uncle Anon, you have a TON of books!"
>>y-you too

>> No.11931037

>tfw bought an ereader and have access to millions of books for free
I fucking love piracy.

>> No.11931043

>>she chooses my hardback edition of the complete poetry of Yeats because she said he looked very sad "like you, uncle anon"
oh my

>> No.11931062

>actually replying to the OP at this point

Fucking pleb

>> No.11931074

t. pleb that is accumulating 0 objectified cultural capital from having a tower of books in his pad

>> No.11931080

Ignore these NPCs Anon. Moving out was the worst decision of my life. Even having a gf won't make up for having the responsibilities of bills and a soul crushing job which saps all of your time and energy. Trust me bro.

There is no meaning to be found in the modern civilised world. We are like animals in a cage. Find peace elsewhere. In literature, in art, in what you create. It's not out there in the degenerate, disgusting filth of consumerism.

>> No.11931082

you're a good person, anon.

>> No.11931225

>it is weird that a grown man gave a little girl a present for no reason
How the fuck is that weird? I give my niece presents all the time and my brother thinks I'm a saint for doing it. Is it taboo to give gifts to your family members now?

>> No.11931233

>It’s odd as fuck to suggest it though
It's really not. People who aren't NPCs do these things.

>> No.11931253

People have been going pedo crazy lately. It's the same logic that has made it nearly impossible to show displays affection between males without everyone assuming they're sucking each other's dick.

>> No.11931259

How old are you?
I think my life's headed this way. Gosh! It's depressing!

>> No.11932061

>thinks that modern life is hell
Just get a good job

>> No.11932077

>Modern life is hell, just make it worse, bro!

>> No.11932198

Oh the naiveté