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11927507 No.11927507 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most erotic thing you've ever read in 'serious' literature?

>> No.11927520

The scene in American Pastoral where the Swede meets his daughter’s friend in a hotel room with a bunch of money and she’s all like “fuck my little pussy daddy” had me sweatin

>> No.11927521

The works of von Sacher-Masoch and de Sade if you can't tell by their names already

>> No.11927532

The gay butt-rape scene in The Kite Runner. Sometimes when I'm having sex with a girl and struggling to cum I'll close my eyes and imagine I'm an Afghan street urchin establishing my dominance over another by pounding his boy-pussy. It makes me cum buckets every time and I'm not even gay. True story btw.

>> No.11927541


>> No.11927548

Havent read it in years, so the names might be off, but the seen in 3 Musketeers when D'Artagnan hatefucks Milady Winter.

>> No.11927558

Joyce's letters

>> No.11927565

Lolita sitting on Humbert's lap
My god, my dick

>> No.11927594

Not bad, but I actually liked the beginning scene better, especially in a romantic way.

In a nervous and slender-leaved mimosa grove at the back of their villa we found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall. Through the darkness and the tender trees we could see the arabesques of lighted windows which, touched up by the colored inks of sensitive memory, appear to me now like playing cards — presumably because a bridge game was keeping the enemy busy. She trembled and twitched as I kissed the corner of her parted lips and the hot lobe of her ear. A cluster of stars palely glowed above us, between the silhouettes of long thin leaves; that vibrant sky seemed as naked as she was under her light frock. I saw her face in the sky, strangely distinct, as if it emitted a faint radiance of its own. Her legs, her lovely live legs, were not too close together, and when my hand located what it sought, a dreamy and eerie expression, half-pleasure, half-pain, came over those childish features. She sat a little higher than I, and whenever in her solitary ecstasy she was led to kiss me, her head would bend with a sleepy, soft, drooping movement that was almost woeful, and her bare knees caught and compressed my wrist, and slackened again; and her quivering mouth, distorted by the acridity of some mysterious potion, with a sibilant intake of breath came near to my face. She would try to relieve the pain of love by first roughly rubbing her dry lips against mine; then my darling would draw away with a nervous toss of her hair, and then again come darkly near and let me feed on her open mouth, while with a generosity that was ready to offer her everything, my heart, my throat, my entrails, I have her to hold in her awkward fist the scepter of my passion.

>> No.11927834

That Japanese scene in IOAWNAT...

>> No.11927863

In the book The Godfather, describes every single possible detail of Sonny's sex scene

>> No.11927868
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>> No.11927889

The Song of Solomon

>> No.11927902
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holy shit, I gotta reread that book

>> No.11927923

this if we're using the proper definition of erotic (eros)

>> No.11927959

In story of the eye when they fuck in the thunderstorm

>> No.11928008


>> No.11928031
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>> No.11928041

my god. thats perverted.
m....m...m....m...m..y. my god. hnnnng disgusting

>> No.11928073

Mmmm those tits like fawns

>> No.11928127

Sex scene in Siddartha.

>> No.11928443

How can a Russian write such prose? How did he acquire the vocabulary and sense of the words?

>> No.11928554

You don't know anything about ol' Nabby? He was stupid rich, a genuine member of the Russian aristocracy. He first learned to read English, and was trilingual (French) at a very young age on account of his english and french governesses. He studied Slavic and Romance languages at Cambridge, and claims never to have stepped foot inside their library, presumably because he already read all the necessary books. He read, wrote, and spoke all three languages "natively".

>> No.11928569

rape fantasy in 1984

>> No.11928589

She was what fate had given him to love, and he did his best to love her. He knew her too well for her conceits to be offensive most of the time, to be anything but pathetic.
She was also more of a source of courage than he cared to admit.
She also had a sexual genius that gave Paul his one unqualified enthusiasm in life.

from Player Piano. Probably not the most erotic, but it's what came to mind. I remember it came out of nowhere, and I was really titillated, imagining what that could mean exactly.

>> No.11928593

P.S. No one makes me feel like more of a pleb than Nabby. I doubt the man opened a thesaurus in his life.

>> No.11928600

no, he did, he opened it once, and kept it open on his desk the rest of his life.

>> No.11928607

Nabokov was the first author I read where I thought 'ok well I am just never even going to come close to this'. The way he uses language is almost shocking

>> No.11928650

Even if I could assimilate some of his more ingenious "tricks" into my own writing, I'm way too old to even dream of learning a quarter of the English vocabulary he used with perfunctory aplomb.

>> No.11928733

Nabokov was in his 50s when he wrote Lolita. If you're only 20-30, you have no idea how much your writing will develop after a decade.

>> No.11928787

I legit Jacked off to this when I was 12

>> No.11928803


He was a very privileged child with access to all the opportunities that comes with wealth. He turned around and used his advantages to write some dope shit. Fair trade off.

>> No.11928825

The feely in BNW.

>> No.11928850

And he wrote Mary when he was like 22 or something. Even that simpler prose style I could never hope to achieve.

Don't forget, filthy aristocratic wealth. He wasn't the nigger rich inheritor of a Rockefeller.

>> No.11928989

Yes, f-fucking degenerates, r-right...

>> No.11930303

In "The End of Alice," when Chappy is tied to the bed and Alice mounts him, saying, "You're my precious pony, my best horse," while, as he puts it, stroking his skull, and the description of the sound of his prick slipping out of her snatch as being a, "Thick, popping(?) sound, like a suction cup being released." Mmmm, sounds pleasant.

>> No.11932025
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>> No.11932240

Descriptions of FRONTAL face sitting?

>> No.11932272


>> No.11932352

>struggles to cum with a girl
>imagines sex with a man
>cums buckets
>"I'm not even gay"
Uhhh anon?

>> No.11932365

shhh, he's clearly not ready yet..

>> No.11932409

It's the taboo and primitive animal-like nature of one young teenager raping another that is sexually stimulating, not the male form itself. I think anal sex even with girls is gross.

>> No.11932414

That Lady Chatterley's Lover scene where the forest guy is rubbing the girls tailbone with his thumb and tells her she's got a good shitter.

>> No.11932437

While we're on the subject, how do you do to learn new words?
I use an improvised bookmark made out of a paper sheet on which I write down every new word I learn; after I'm done reading for the day I study them and reread the old ones.

>> No.11932442

Narcissus and Goldmund is also quite good.

>> No.11932546

Sounds like a solid method. I usually just open up a browser tab for each word I want to learn, reread it now and then, then close it when I feel like I'm ready to start using it. I'm thinking of using a GRE vocab list in Anki and adding other words as needed, as that would be way more efficient. But yeah, I'm a lazy procrastinator.

>> No.11932619


>> No.11932845

What is IOAWNAT?

>> No.11932877

If On a Winter's Night a Traveler

>> No.11932983

>entertaining erotic literature
not gonna make it.

>> No.11933326

Final scene in Ulysses honestly, "O that awful deepdown torrent O and the sea the sea crimson sometimes like fire and the glorious sunsets and the figtrees in the Alameda gardens yes and all the queer little streets and pink and blue and yellow houses and the rosegardens and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a girl where I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down Jo me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes."

>> No.11933344

W-where ca I read this online, like right now?

>> No.11933352

Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

>> No.11933358

That's erotic? Emotional, perhaps even romantic, but I don't find it erotic.

You don't know where to pirate books? undernet channel #bookz

>> No.11933446

The vocabulary is impressive, but prose- the musicality of language, transcends any single tongue. If you understand how to make a beautiful phrase in one language, and you have the vocabulary in another, it wouldn't be that difficult to transfer the skill.

>> No.11934129

just perfection

>> No.11934190

>serious literature

>> No.11934271

What about when Bloom masturbates while looking up the dress of a teenage girl:

And Jacky Caffrey shouted to look, there was another and she leaned back and the garters were blue to match on account of the transparent and they all saw it and they all shouted to look, look, there it was and she leaned back ever so far to see the fireworks and something queer was flying through the air, a soft thing, to and fro, dark. And she saw a long Roman candle going up over the trees, up, up, and, in the tense hush, they were all breathless with excitement as it went higher and higher and she had to lean back more and more to look up after it, high, high, almost out of sight, and her face was suffused with a divine, an entrancing blush from straining back and he could see her other things too, nainsook knickers, the fabric that caresses the skin, better than those other pettiwidth, the green, four and eleven, on account of being white and she let him and she saw that he saw and then it went so high it went out of sight a moment and she was trembling in every limb from being bent so far back that he had a full view high up above her knee where no-one ever not even on the swing or wading and she wasn’t ashamed and he wasn’t either to look in that immodest way like that because he couldn’t resist the sight of the wondrous revealment half offered like those skirtdancers behaving so immodest before gentlemen looking and he kept on looking, looking. She would fain have cried to him chokingly, held out her snowy slender arms to him to come, to feel his lips laid on her white brow, the cry of a young girl’s love, a little strangled cry, wrung from her, that cry that has rung through the ages. And then a rocket sprang and bang shot blind blank and O! then the Roman candle burst and it was like a sigh of O! and everyone cried O! O! in raptures and it gushed out of it a stream of rain gold hair threads and they shed and ah! they were all greeny dewy stars falling with golden, O so lovely, O, soft, sweet, soft!

Then all melted away dewily in the grey air: all was silent. Ah! She glanced at him as she bent forward quickly, a pathetic little glance of piteous protest, of shy reproach under which he coloured like a girl. He was leaning back against the rock behind. Leopold Bloom (for it is he) stands silent, with bowed head before those young guileless eyes.

>> No.11934287

Wait a second, that book has a gay butt-rape scene? That shit is on my local high school's list of "pick one of these to do your semester book project on" books.
I'm not complaining, I'm just surprised.

>> No.11934422

I liked Törless

>> No.11934434

from reading just that it sounds more like he just fantasized about her, not actually masturbated. The roman candle does represent a dick though, clearly.

>> No.11934488

That one scene in Brave New World when Lenina's all over that Savage dick and he spergs out got me hard when I was younger.

>> No.11934865

>You don't know where to pirate books? undernet channel #bookz

Library Genesis is even better.

>> No.11934950

nah, he blows a load. what follows is him feeling weird about jacking off to a crippled girl

>> No.11935109
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>> No.11935198

Yeah, this is the first one that came to mind. It was written very well desu.

>> No.11935205

the "horny" entry in urban dict

>> No.11935214

That scene I wrote where the girl presents her gaping asshole to her unsuspecting friend.

>> No.11936036

I prefer the scene with Antoine"...he pulled out one of her tits...she sat there beaming...we watched the corrida..."Shut up you old cow! Open your basket..."he was madder than a hornet..."Oh, Antoine, please, don't make me a child...I'm wringing wet..."That was for the birds, she was begging for more..."
All from memory my man.

>> No.11936038

Cool, thanks for the tip.

>> No.11936060

>the only audio book of venues in furs is by librivox
Fuck me

>> No.11936082

Alright, now I'm curious. What is this smut? I absolutely love the IDEA of literary smut, but can't think of any examples I'm particularly fond of. Need to fix that.

>> No.11936083

All those scenes were hilarious. The one where Antoine butters her asshole "like an expert" was great too.

>> No.11936101

I loved in “What Dreams May Come” when Richard had the daily task of using two fingers to scoop yellowish cottage cheese out of Alison’s pussy. The different descriptions of the rancid smell were especially titillating for me: “reeked like the rotting carcass of a beached salmon”, “stank like the alleyway dumpster of a seafood joint in high summer”, etc. I’m pretty into filth porn and trash play and stuff like that, so it’s probably idiosyncratic, but man I’ve blasted hundreds of loads to those passages. I loved how she would just make him do it, and when we went to wash it away, how he would slurp up and swallow the putrid pussy goop

>> No.11936103

Death on Credit by Céline
Not really much smut in the book apart from those few passages. They just stuck with me cause of how it was written

>> No.11936189

in dh lawrence's The Rainbow a bloke's pelvic thrusts into a woman's vagina are decribed as "the roaring pulse of creation" and he describes all the sexual encounters in similarly sublime imagery

>> No.11936230

Thanks, brah, Céline has made my list anyway, but now he's been bumped up.

You are truly an incorrigible pervert.

>> No.11936245

The phone sex part is Sabbath's Theater hands down

>> No.11936584

DH Lawrence’s entire philosophy revolves around the spirituality of sex, he’s one of the best at writing about it simply as a result of how seriously he took it to be sacred