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/lit/ - Literature

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11925689 No.11925689 [Reply] [Original]

Just watched End of Evangelion, really fucked my shit up, I'm trying to think about what literature I could read to help me out of this slump its put me in, I was thinking of Kant, Schopenhauer, and Hegel, but where should I start?

>> No.11925692

You should start by killing yourself you disgusting fucking weeb

>> No.11925694

You're better off reading the wikipedia pages for existentialism and Christianity. Evangelion is great but it's not very deep with it's themes.

>> No.11925699

Are you seriously going to waste your time making fun of someone on 4chan, of all places, for watching or even liking anime, fuck off.

>> No.11925702

Start watching some shity pop philosophy, like Ayn Rand, Sham Harris and Jordan Memerson. They are like the Dragonball of philosophy. Really shitty but they are decent gateways to get into better shit. Then you start with the greeks.

>> No.11925706

Trust me, I've already done that, but I was more invoked by the presence of themes surrounding self-doubt, self-discovery, self-hatred, and existentialism more than anything else.

>> No.11925729
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>help me out of this slump
>I was thinking of reading Schopenhauer

It's about as deep as most other art house films go.

>> No.11925740

Havent watched anime in years because of how much I grew to hate it after watching it in my younger years. Is it worthwhile? Keep hearing about it and the theme is catchy.

>> No.11925741
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Ignore all other posts and read this.
It's the only thing you need.

>> No.11925749

I'll be honest, I despise anime, I only watched this after a friend recommended it to me for being 'the anime', so I gave it shot, all the tropes are still there, and they're just as awful.

>> No.11925755
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>Evangelion thread on /lit/
>start Infinite Jest thread on /mu/
>start ITAOTS thread on /a/
Meme trilogy in full circle

>> No.11925759

watch other epic mindfuck kinos like fight club and the dark knight

>> No.11925778

Even in the anime community Eva's polarising, its like Infinite Jest or ITAOTS.
Try something like Lain (only 13 episodes), or LotGH if you're willing to commit to 110 episodes.

>> No.11925799
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>> No.11925803

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11925809

Unironically Gravity's Rainbow. There's a part of the book (not very long, mind you, it's like a couple of paragraphs) that when I read it I went "whoa, dude... This is basically Evangelion" (that thing where all of humanity would become one or some shit like that). I wonder if the creators of Evangelion read the book.

>> No.11925828
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>> No.11925841

People always miss the point of Evangelion.

People always rip it for supposedly philisophical posturing, but superficially usuing Judeo-Christian imagery is besides the point.

Evangelion was groundbreaking because it was emotionally honest, which anime never really was until that point. All the characters in Eva were wretched and weak and had flaws. The characters thought and behaved like real people. It really was a first for anime. Miazaki touched on this when he lamented the state of anime as being based around moe. Characters dont act like real people.

>> No.11925849
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Sort of rough to start yourself on those guys, read a nice overview of the Greeks, then maybe Descartes and from there something about Kant. Those European guys are not easy to read, better off reading things about them at least until you get deeper into it

>> No.11925852
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>> No.11925860

It's basically the same story bro

>> No.11925878

The robots and angels are great, and the fights are enjoyable.
Everything else is awful.

>> No.11925886

>Havent watched anime in years because of how much I grew to hate it after watching it in my younger years.

You'll probably like it

>> No.11925890

You can't escape this slump, because Eva is basically about the essence of human relationships. Evangelion is timeless, because you basically live through it. I've been depressed since I watched it for the very first time. I've written and read countless fanfics of it, I've watched tons of anime, read tons of books, but nothing ever affected me as much as Eva. It's the greatest anime of all time.

>> No.11925896

Cowboy Bebop's better

>> No.11925902

It's good and as thematically important as Eva, but I never got the same vibes from it

>> No.11925903

Go back to >>>/a/ you triggered weaboos

>> No.11925906

2nd greatest anime of all time, after Haibane Renmei

>> No.11925907

This, I have never understood why the people who don't like always fixate so hard on the religious symbolism as if that's what people watch it for

>> No.11925910

I think your missing the essence of everything, human suffering is essential, because forces us to put ourselves into question, and ultimately, grants us the potential to rise above who we were.

>> No.11925913
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>misusing the word 'weeaboo'

>> No.11925943

You mean I didn't mention it? It's just that the human relationships are what the majority relates to. Basically yes, Eva represents the essence of existence, labelling human suffering as something inescapable, something that we must endure if we wish to remain human.

>> No.11925956

There’s nothing more NPC than liking anime. Literally following trend like a blind, brainless robot.

>> No.11925965

Why are you even here?

>> No.11925966

There's nothing more NPC than accusing others of being NPCs in an attempt to convince yourself that you are not one of them. But you are.

>> No.11925985

How come?

>> No.11926032

There’s nothing more NPC than liking literature. Literally following trend like a blind, brainless robot.

>> No.11926036

There’s nothing more NPC than not liking anime. Literally following trend like a blind, brainless robot.

>> No.11926041

Extremely based
Yes, they do. We're here because we read books. You're here because you're board with anime in some respects and view reading as but another hobby.

>> No.11926051

Behold the grand gatekeeper of lit

>> No.11926070

Watch the reboot.

>> No.11926112

so this is how you achieve a synthesis of arts...

>> No.11926191

How do you know he doesn't mainly read and just views anime as another hobby? Evangelion is extremely entry level so he could just be dipping his toes in anime, comics and video games just to see the best they have to offer
not that it matters as long as they read you insufferable faggot

>> No.11926328
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>> No.11926341

Yeah it's legit one of the few worthwhile anime.

>> No.11926918
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At the end of the day, Evangelion stands up a little but falls back being inevitably trash like all animes.
It's somewhat interesting because it entirely derails in the last 2 episodes because that faggot who made it had a mental breakdown or something.
It showed a glimpse of something alternative, one part of it is actually interesting (the psychological dissection of the characters, Asuka in particular) whike the other part (the "philosophical" one) is half assed worthless garbage.
It somehow made an exploit and shamelessly cashed out every bit of it from mentally troubled fans, making remakes over remakes and alternative endings, only showing they had no genuine intention of giving a new direction to anime. The whole thing was just a happy accident for their bank accounts, and the milking of the cash cows is still going on and far from being finished.

>> No.11926941

That girl looks awful

>> No.11926984

It's 18 episodes of somewhat beaten to death tropes with an okay storyline and a slow decent into depression, the darkness of which makes it unique enough to watch. Then the last two eps are without budget so you can skip those and then The End of Evangelion is a straight up non-sequitor gut-punch ending, which I thought was definitely worth it.

>> No.11927005

There's no such thing as a self, you're just making shit up.

>> No.11927032

Asuka is an underdeveloped fetishbait character and Evangelion would have been better if her role in the story was replaced by one of Shinji's schoolmates.

>> No.11927043

am I too stupid to understand the connection between sanjuro and eva?

>> No.11927054


When an eva unit loses it's limbs, blood spurts everywhere like in the film

>> No.11927070
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>people still think the last two episodes of NGE are bad
I bet you think Evangelion's about the robots

>> No.11927096

>hen the last two eps are without budget so you can skip those
gay meme. The last two eps. are its pinnacle.

>> No.11927110

Well, no. I just thought the two last episodes were very preachy and constantly bashing you over the head with: I FELT LIKE THIS.

Which I found annoying. I liked wondering about the themes and interpreting, those two episodes kind of felt like an author-retcon. Might float your boat, but it took me out of the story completely.

>> No.11927145

might have to give them a rewatch then?

What did you like about them. To me they seemed like the author right out stating how I should interpret the characters feelings, which annoyed me. What do you like about it?

>> No.11927159

Bebop is HIGHLY overrated.
>muh poetic death

>> No.11927169
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>as he posts on an anime imageboard

>> No.11927210

Kierkegaard is the correct answer.
>Original name of episode 16 translates to "In sickness unto death, and...", which is a direct reference to Kierkegaard

>> No.11927211
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Asuka is the most tragic character with a mind shattering traumatic past and the closest to an actual (non mentally healthy) human being.
Rei is just a replicant, so we are dealing with sci-fi feels scenarios.
Shinji is really a whiney autistic wimp, annoying beyond every reasonable limit, and utterly unrelatable.
I said the last two episodes were the only thing noteworthy, the rest is obviously non relevant. Just edgy robots, already seen, skip. But even those last two episodes, they aren't really good enough.

>> No.11927244
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>> No.11927260

>utterly unrelateable
Anyone who fantasizes about a magical kraut lolita backflipping out of the blue and onto their dick probably has more in common with Shinji than they're willing to admit.

>> No.11927342

I got dubs and you didn't suck my dick weeb

>> No.11927356


>> No.11927361

The constraint the staff had created a very unique expression. It felt like the inevitable way to go out to me, this simply wasn't a series that could give a conventional ending. As for the character interpretation I think of it as the characters explaining themselves to themselves on their own understanding. It's not like all throughout the series the characters didn't already have these moments of introspection so it wasn't a complete 'this is me this is how i am' out of the blue kind of thing. The way they did it, of course, is not for everyone.
You obviously had a shallow viewing if your conclusion of Shinji is whiney autistic wimp. He actually did everything he was supposed to and had very good reason to feel shit about life. He was a realistic person in the situation and not the usual 'hurr durr robot power fireblood'.

>> No.11927408
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>utterly unrelatable.


>> No.11927420

You triggered some idiots who do nothing but browse this site all day. They came here from the other boards, because, they are bored. Anime is wasteful entertainment. Imperial Japan would have banned it.

>> No.11927425

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.11927478

A featherless biped here for some philosophy, theology and literature discussion with high IQ individuals, which this corner of the internet attracts and retains a very high amount of as a percentage of its user base. There is a reason why you don't see many anime images on /lit/. Many of us are not here for it and simply prefer anonymity as it allows discussions to more freely unfolded without having to worry about some sort of reputation or looking batshit insane when you argue what otherwise would be extremely untenable positions, or contradictory to something you wrote in the past.

>> No.11927488

Anime website

>> No.11927489

Websites change, kid.
This is a literature board.

>> No.11927490

Shit this thread reminded me how unpleasant is talking to weebs. They are literally the lowest tier of NPCs, programmed with gross rudimental and borderline faulty subroutines. Whatever you say, doesn't care if it's well argumented and politely exposed, will trigger the Anime.defend() method.

>> No.11927499

Yeah and last I checked it was on a Mongolian basket weaving tapestry

>> No.11927516
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>>11927490 >> /dev/null

>> No.11927557

>manga; the meeting place of /a/ & /lit/

>> No.11927566

>look ma, no hands!
NPCs trying to use the NPC meme after they've been called out is pathetic.

>> No.11927591

>this entire post

>> No.11927592

>OP asks for LITERATURE recommendations for after he's watched EoE
>'Kill yourself disgusting fucking weeb'
>well argued and politely exposed
The OP was related to literature using EoE as a jumping point, and he even gave some examples to start with. Some people gave him recommendations, and that's fine. A discussion about Eva also started, and that's fine too as long as the OP is related to literature. I have looked through this thread and the only times I have seen anyone argue about anime were when the anti-anime people started it, and they were never 'well argumented and politely exposed'. And, again, misusing the word 'weeaboo' is the most NPC thing you can do. You are not a weeb for having watched Evangelion, and nobody here is waifufagging or claiming that anime is superior to Western culture. If you can give me a good reason why any post here is a weeaboo, please do.
Also the amount of people here who think that liking books and anime is mutually exclusive lmao

>> No.11927599

You can't have deep thoughts with images. Movie or any animation is for kids. Grow up.

>> No.11927602


>> No.11927630


>> No.11927634


>> No.11927646


>> No.11927664

How dumb do you have to be to need things to be literally spelled out for you?

>> No.11927670

But glyphs are images. Nice try absolutist demagogue.

>> No.11927674

I laughed out loud at this

>> No.11927685

Yeah, reading is an exploration with ideas, How can you honetly think with images?

>> No.11927707
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Rakka a cute!

>> No.11928009

>How can you honetly think with images?
lmao this weirdo thinks text, and can't even spell
If I say "Mona Lisa" to you, do you picture the painting or just think a long list of descriptive sentences about it?

>> No.11928149

If i say "Shotpenhauer" to you, do you picture a wall of text or a wall of images with his ideas?

>> No.11928188

Which is why you think with either depending on the context you colossal retard

>> No.11928211


>> No.11928296

>derails in the last 2 eps

Fucking seriousluly. Brainlets were a mistake.

And how many anime have you watched. Interesting you call it a trash medium and yet you have ostensibly watched enough anime to come to that conclusion about it. So I am not sure where that leaves you. Are you a masochist for continuIng to watch what you think is trash?

>> No.11928581

Can someone at least focus on my question, what's some philosophy I can read to help grasp Eva's themes?
>inb4 weeb
I don't even like anime, I find the tropes distasteful, and I cringe whenever the medium tries to sexualize 13-year-olds, I just found Eva enticing enough to watch it in its entirety

>> No.11928587

what possible slump could that movie put you in?

>> No.11929121

Next time don't post an anime picture as it may derail a thread before it's even begun.

>> No.11929677

i don't even like anime but i find it cringey when people get on a high horse like this on 4chan of all places

>> No.11929688

Arrogance is one of mans most admirable traits.

>> No.11929737
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>I just thought the two last episodes were very preachy and constantly bashing you over the head with: I FELT LIKE THIS.
When an anime series, or any piece of visual media for that matter, tries to be more philosophically rigorous than a wikipedia article for a change, you say it's "preachy" and "annoying" like a lumpenprole who consumes pop cultural junk food. Read a book, nigger.

>> No.11929750

good post
Depends how emotionally developed you are and how much you dislike idealizations of human psychology. If you find the species repugnant then no, if you're an insane half-dead monstrosity then sure.

>> No.11929874

this is an 18+ board

>> No.11929886

I don't believe in the absence of redeemable qualities, but I do believe about 90% if not more of anime and manga is trash.

>> No.11930022

/lit/ is unique in its opposition to anime and it being more of a text board than an image board.

>> No.11930053

I've come to appreciate the style of lit more than any other board. I feel like I can actually have a decent discussion here.

>> No.11930057


>> No.11930084
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>bothering with them at all and not just starting with the Greeks

>> No.11930254

I used to think this for a long time, but more recently I've come to see Asuka as one of the more well-developed and tragic characters in the show

>> No.11930281

You have to go back

>> No.11930291

I only watch SoL anime nowadays. Watched NGE couple of years ago, and liked it very much back then, wouldn't bother to watch it again though

>> No.11930299

Go to bed. The literary minds are just waking. You, cry out in desperation, venting frustrating of your miserable empty late nights of anime consumption and randomly clicking the boards of 4chan hoping there is something you can see to drown out the monotony of your wretched existence and alas, here you find something to reply to give you the feeling of power, which you do, hit send and desperately await, hoping to trigger a chain of like-minded comments or, if you're lucky social validation other neer'do'wellls with a direct reply. Well kid, I got bad news for you. You've come to the wrong board. We hate anime here.

>> No.11930366

Is that why there's always threads about what the most /lit/ anime is? And it's always stuff like Mushishi, LotGH, Eva, Perfect Blue, Lain and Haibane Renmei, as well as Berserk for manga? And why there's always Eva threads that usually don't get derailed this badly by false dichotomy NPCs?

>> No.11930375
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>> No.11930413

Perfect Blue, Lain, and Berserk aren't even really that good as stories in themselves.

>> No.11930509

>Is that why there's always threads about what the most /lit/ anime is?
Confirmation bias. There's rarely anime threads. It's just you like anime and they stand out.

>> No.11930562
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Eva is too kino for /lit/lets, but similar literary works would be those by best Murakami