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11926062 No.11926062 [Reply] [Original]

All the postwar books look like they end up being about ways Hitler was wrong. I tried to read Mein Kampf and "Hitler's Table Talk" but these books are basically, "here are ways in which I, Hitler, am right".
This is boring. I want a book where Hitler is forced to explain WHY he is correct, and be threatened by other points of view? Like some kind of dialogue?

>> No.11926072

Not pre-war but 'The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H.'

>> No.11926097

Why are you even entertaining this, /pol/? To fit in with the memes? Or do you consider yourself the wiser one, the one who is (((skeptical))) of Hitler? So you came here to ask your more well-read siblings (not /his/ interestingly enough) to give you some material so you can sort out this difficult question of whether Hitler was a good or bad guy?

Hitler’s speech at the putsch trial is him defending himself. It’s considered to be very powerful and played no small part in his rise to power.


>> No.11926110

Not /OP/ and not a Nazi but it's a very interesting thing. Books on Nazi Germany.
There was quite an allure about it in the US, especially with their massive air ships coming in. Surely there had to be some books written out of fascination or curiosity about this suddenly new form of Germany.

>> No.11926115

Yes, but OP wants a commentary on the validity of Hitler’s ideas, not an explanation of how the Nazis so quickly became a formidable threat

>> No.11926195

Yeah you pretty much got it right. I am very skeptical of hitler

>> No.11926240

Get outside the 4Chan bubble and expand your interests. To only be "skeptical" of Hitler is to be delusional, or at the very least to entertain delusion.

>> No.11926277

Wyndham Lewis, Hitler (1931)

>> No.11926441

>Don't entertain delusion
It's pretty non-controversial to say that people today are in our own way just as delusional as 1930s Germans. I think you are implying I am out of touch with reality. So perhaps you understand why I would be interested in people who are out of touch with reality, but are perfectly high functioning members of their own societies!

>> No.11926582

>Why don't you just unquestioningly accept the great Satan our rulers made to stop us from thinking too much, like the rest of us?

>> No.11926599
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>Get outside the 4Chan bubble and expand your interests. To only be "skeptical" of Hitler is to be delusional, or at the very least to entertain delusion.

>> No.11926646

Right you are, us rational folks aren't only "skeptic", we're Esoteric Hitlerists.

>> No.11926665


>> No.11926669
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this, any ''skepticism'' towards Hitler and Hitlerism can only be a product of a deep spiritual blindness. Devi and Serrano talked about this. NPCs= Slaves of Atlantis, mere mounds of flesh deprived of an immortal soul. There are also (((those))) who come for other stars and tho the bidding of the demiurge. If the call of the blood can get through the ZOG programming, then congratulations, you are one of the elect few, as a knight of Agartha, your task is to pave the way for the coming of Kalki. That is to say, Quetzalcoatl, Luci-Bel, the Atlantean Solar Khristus. Hitlerism is synonymous with the secret doctrine of the Cathars and the divine Vedas.

>> No.11926693

Lol you all must be very proud of yourselves for outsmarting me with a new meme. Thou are truly wiser, O thou who believe in white nationalism and the purging of Jews.

>> No.11926709

To elaborate: the issue isn't that he's questioning the conventional understanding of history, the issue is that he's simply subordinating himself to a different dominant subculture (the shitty /pol/ one). Hitler was a meme ideologist. If you want true subversion, read the anarchists, or Stirner, or someone who's actually a respected thinker. And if you want good history of WWII and Nazi Germany get off 4chan.

>> No.11926710


>> No.11926720

It's not a meme nor is it "White nationalism" you unthinking unit. Seriously, examine the Meta-narrative that's been constructed around Hitler and ask yourself if it seem organic or fabricated.

>> No.11926726

What about Hitler is commonly accepted but not true? Specifically.

>> No.11926727


>> No.11926732

>there's such a thing as an organic metanarrative

>> No.11926733

That he did anything wrong for starters

>> No.11926735

>If you want true subversives read the anarchists or stirner.
I can't even imagine being as dull as you.

>> No.11926738
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>If you want true subversion
>"""""True subversion""""
You are buried in shit and don't even know how deep it is

>> No.11926743

That he perpetrated "the greatest crime in human history" rather than just committing one of the many enormous genocides.

>> No.11926750

Most religions are organic metanarratives and there are a lot of other examples. Not everything has to be made the culture Industry.

>> No.11926755

That he instigated WWII rather than being forced into a war he didn't want. Have you even read Pat Buchanan, shitlord?

>> No.11926756
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All archetypes of rebellion are ultimately Hitlerite archetypes. The only means to rebel against the universal levelling tide of the Kali Yuga before we all turn into blue hair queers and marvel consumer NPCs is the total embrace of Hitlerism. not 'white nationalism', not 'conservatism', nor any transfiguration of Christian slave morality but Hitlerism, unrelenting unreconstructed unmitigated and Esoteric Hitlerism. Hitler is God and Charlie Manson His Prophet. Hitler and Manson remain the only names still able to put the fear of God back into the establishment pigs and their NPC lackeys. What are you so afraid of? you probably don't even know what you are afraid of. Helter Skelter. Helter Skelter. Helter Skelter. It's the end of the world, all it takes is a crack team of skinhead cultists who can give it a push.


>> No.11926757

remarkably retarded

>> No.11926764

Wow nice argument! You sure showed me.

>> No.11926772

I have read Siege, what else should I read to get further into Mansonism?

>> No.11926779
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>So perhaps you understand why I would be interested in people who are out of touch with reality, but are perfectly high functioning members of their own societies!

>> No.11926797

if anything history is more subject to an "organic" explanation and understanding. Religion is myths underpinned with moral messages and by the time it's passed down just two generations there are typically already several schools of thought. If we're talking about religions anyone will give a shit about, anyway. History is obviously subject to interpretation and lies and other forms of meddling but a respectable historian, at the very least, attempts to reconstruct the closest thing to the truth they can find and prove.

>> No.11926799

Stirner, Marx and the anarchists are mere ideologists for the reigning ZOG/NWO and its ethos of slave morality, spiritual nihilism and narcissistic consumption. a mere cover for Jewish interests. All their representatives online, no exceptions, happen to be malignant narcissists, brain dead potheads, furries, mentally ill transexual pedophiles and other sexual degenerates. how do you explain that? the foremost goal of all leftists is to further sexual perversion by all means necessary up to including and even going beyond the mere sexual corruption of children. Long gone are the days were they hid behind the lie of the proletarian international, the truth has come to the fore, it is really out there for all to see. Why are pedophiles/Jews/bankers/media/establishment so afraid of Hitler? they sure aren't afraid of Marx. Hitler is the Lighting before which all the Demons and all the Filth flee in holy terror. the sole invocation of Hitler's name is enough to expel the demon. Mahayana Buddhism. Death is the Way to Eternity. With us will perish the universe.

>> No.11926808


oh no

>> No.11926812

I've been reading interviews with Mussolini and he talks about how his political movement has got to be mystical.

""For me the masses are nothing but a herd of sheep, so long as they are unorganised. I am nowise antagonistic to them. All that I deny is that they are capable of ruling themselves. But if you would lead them, you must guide them by two reins, enthusiasm and interest. He who uses one only of these reins is in grave danger. The mystical and the political factors condition each other reciprocally."

I want to do what you're doing for the right. But I want to do it for the left. I'm thinking about Christian mysticism.

>> No.11926818
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>> No.11926831

To what extent do you think "respectable historians" influence the common conception of history? You over estimate the sanctity of your institutions.

>> No.11926844
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I don't understand how modern society benefits Jews? They may have a bit of money and power for now, but in America at least there is so much mixing of Jews and non-Jews that it is difficult to see them as having a long-term future here.
Israel isn't much better- it is actually rather precarious and surrounded by enemies with higher birthrates.
Pic unrelated

>> No.11926846

Historians create a narrative, sometimes out of evidence, sometimes out of thin air. There is no such thing as "true understanding," it's a religious myth, whether perpetuated by a historian or a prophet.

There is no absolute truth. But for our purposes attempting to come to an accurate retelling is useful, and good historiography comes pretty close sometimes. It will of course vary depending on the topic and the historians involved.

When it comes to Hitler there's plenty of primary sources just to get started.

>> No.11926856

I read Debord, I read Deleuze and Guattari, Baudrillard, Plato and Plotinus, Hegel and Nietszche I spent years hanging around radical leftist circles, studied Buddhism, experimented extensively with psychedelics, researched MKULTRA, and sorry to tell you, but everything points to the Esoteric Truths of Hitlerism. Insurrectionary Apocalypticism, applied Mansonism, Helter Skelter, whatever you want to call it you know what i'm talking about. Hitler/holocaust denial/holocaust affirmation is the glitch that can break down the Matrix.See noted French ultraleft intellectuals Robert Faurisson and Dieudonne M'Bala M'Bala. Debord secretely became a negationiste later in life, he regarded Dieudonne as his rightful succesor the next leader of the SI. whole post war MKULTRA memesphere (AKA hyperreality, PKD's black iron prison burrough's control, the society of the spectacle) was designed by jewish scientists in the CIA in order to retard the coming of Hitler/Kalki AKA the GNOSIS/LOGOS/ESCHATON

>> No.11926858

Jews have their own mysticism which at least some of them are trying to put to its conclusion.
Might want to look at that.

>> No.11926869

Ok can you dish out some quotes from these philosophers you mention which indicate Hitler to be anything transcendental?

>> No.11926873

The narrative of Hitler as the greatest evildoer and the Holocaust as the greatest evil in human history (which is absolutely the modern narrative) is not an accurate retelling. It's an ideological defense mechanism.

>> No.11926885

Well, they own the media and dominate academia in a way that wouldn't be possible without the Holocaust narrative. Also, the rich Jews in the American government that you mentioned are the only reason that Israel is even able to exist.

>> No.11926903

i mean, i don't even care enough to debate whether or not the Holocaust was the worst of all genocides. so sure, let's say the Holocaust wasn't the absolute worst of all genocides. its still a genocide, it's still horrific, no?

>> No.11926904
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>> No.11926920

I'm too much of a goy to get anything out of that. Sorry.

>> No.11926926

Not saying it doesn't have its merits but all that nazi stuff is CIA mind control just like everything else.

>> No.11926927
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The Family=Maenads and Bacchantes

>> No.11926937

hear it from the man himself. he was innocent and Sane.maybe the sanest person you'll ever hear. we gotta take the biggest fear symbol there is.

>> No.11926944

this is the obvious question that no one will answer

>> No.11926951

How do you feel about the Holocaust? Good? Bad?

>> No.11926952
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Truly, I am an NPC for I cannot be played

>> No.11926966

you are still ideological and closed minded, a rational person would allow himself to question the historical facticity of the holocaust, which is far, far, from established, whether it went far enough and whether if such 'holocaust' theoretically, wouldn't represent a positive unambiguous good.

>> No.11926977

Simply put, No. Genocide has been a part of the human experience since pre-history and it's not going away; it's a perfectly natural thing when viewed from a civilizational perspective. The Holocaust, Holodomor, extermination of insert native group, etc are all just events that are equally unimportant to the discussion of ideology. That's the cold hard truth, but I'll try to appeal to your Liberal sensibilities as well.
Do you see how the framing that is around modern discussion of the Holocaust directly delegitamizes the other genocides in a way that's not representative of the facts and serves a political goal?

>> No.11926990

how am I close-minded if I'm asking you with open mind to explain to me whether the Holocaust was bad or not? to me, the systemic extermination of an entire race seems kinda unethical. but maybe you know something I don't know which would justify genocide

the fact that genocide is a routine part of the human experience says nothing about its ethical implications. rape, murder, cannibalism, etc have all been "part of the human experience" but I still consider those unethical.

>I'll try to appeal to your Liberal sensibilities
>talking about the Holocaust delegitimizes other genocides

>> No.11926994

you're wasting your time with a retard

>> No.11926999

What do you think about James Mason?

>> No.11927001

I feel that it is a totally unexceptional historical event in a long series of historical events that are very similar to it. The only reason people talk about it or it's countreparts is to win political arguments without putting in the due effort to understand what their opponent is actually trying to say.

>> No.11927007

i guess that's the difference between us National Socialists and you liberals. we have access to this world of spiritual exaltation and triumph, while you are condemned to a shadowy existence as slaves of atlantis, what you were taught in school weighting above you forever, never access to anything higher, i mean. i merely pity you, i reserve my hate for the real enemy. hitlerism is something spiritual for me

>> No.11927014

thanks for being honest, /pol/-lite

>> No.11927019

It's not about ethics or morality. It's a statement of fact. I'd still like an answer to my question.

>> No.11927023

the reason people talk about it is because the press and academia are like 50% composed of Jews, and Jews are obviously going to fixate on the holocaust

I agree with you that there is nothing unique about it, it's just another genocide

>> No.11927025
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can't be a slave to what you read in school if you can't read

>> No.11927034

wow thats pathetic if you're serious lol

my original reply (>>11926903) was purely a question of whether or not the Holocaust was unethical. so yeah, it is about ethics, at least the discussion I'm engaging in. if you don't want to talk about the ethics of the Holocaust then you're replying to the wrong person.

>> No.11927046

I've never used 4/pol/. I was a /leftypol/ user for two years before I saw through the moralizing bullshit.
Regardless of the system people are going to be people and given the right conditions they will kill whoever they need to.

>> No.11927055

Do you believe in universially applicable ethics?

>> No.11927062

i think it's too big a question for me to really say I have a strong opinion of one way or another, but I'd lean towards no

>> No.11927082

leftypol is trash as well

if it's authoritarian, it's garbage. here's to catalonia.

>> No.11927086

Hitlerism is the ultimate form of Anarchism.

>> No.11927089

whatever your weird interpretation is, I want anarcho-syndicalism, or the closest thing possible that is under the libertarian socialist banner

>> No.11927091

what so like a few months in one country that rapdily degenerated is your standard for sensible government? That's kind of retarded

>> No.11927097

not a standard so much as a principled example that we can learn a lot from. Obviously Catalonia did fall after the fascists and communists both went after the anarchists.

>> No.11927103

Anarchism will devolve into the same situation. At least Authoritarian systems are honest.
Stop shitposting.

>> No.11927124

What a bunch of nonsense. There exist systems that aren't authoritarian. Certainly there will always be some authoritarian manifestations, and no system will be permanent, but this is a retarded line of reasoning. We can't preserve perfect liberty forever, so let's just create a fascistic state so we can get the hard work out of the way. No thanks.

>> No.11927135

A fascist is merely an anarchist who won't let the freedom of the weak get in the way of his freedom

>> No.11927137
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>> No.11927143

think about how the left has become the moral police, and how Hitler remains the ultimate dirty word, the last taboo. the establishment fears nothing more than a punk hitler youth. the only true counterculture involves worshipping hitler

>> No.11927155

imagine caring about how you're perceived this badly

>> No.11927157

>the only true counterculture involves worshipping hitler
it's beyond me how people don't seem to grasp this. There is nothing more transgressive than Hitler

>> No.11927160

in practice 'anarchism' amounts to a totalitarian government led by blue haired women and jews

>> No.11927165

I too enjoy reading the Daily Stormer.

>> No.11927171

do you have an actual argument though? Holocaust denial is one of the only things that is outright illegal in Western countries. How is that not by definition counterculture

>> No.11927180

Fucking kek
God, I hate Liberals.

>> No.11927187

I was being a cheeky dipshit, actually. I am a zoomer that does enjoy reading the Daily Stormer.

>> No.11927233

It's so crazy reading Hitler's life and the way he conquered power because it's literally Bolsonaro in Brazil this year. We're fucked. Both speechs are identical, both risings are the same, even their motto are the same. It's like a literal recreation of the 30's.

>> No.11927242

I'm very happy for you. I hope I can experience something like that in my country too.

>> No.11927252

Bolsonaro is the best thing to happen to politics since Salvini


'I wouldnt rape you because you don't deserve it'

>> No.11927259

Fuck off /pol/tard
/lit/ is for actual literarians

>> No.11927261

I've probably read more books in my second and third languages than you have in your first

>> No.11927270

And still didn't learn anything, how?

>> No.11927281

Bolsonaro and Trump are Zionist puppets like the lot of them. at some level, (((they))) can sense the Kali Yuga is coming to an end and are willing to make a few minor concessions, but its all for show. this is not a time to celebrate, but a time to relentlessly stand against and expose the false nationalists while enacting the revolutionary apocalyptic upholdance of an unrelenting and esoteric Hitlerism-Mansonism, no apologies no survivors, Helter Skelter is what we are after.

>> No.11927287

do you really think just adopting the views of the NYT counts as learning anything? What you've learned is how to fit in with the petty bourgeois progressive culture. You arent even capable of assessing something for its likelihood to be true, only for how fashiionable it is.

>> No.11927574

>I hate the dominant nyt culture so I will advocate for it's worst enemy
You are failing to consider the possibility that our system is evil but that its Nazi enemies are even worse.

>> No.11927651

you're promoting a man that thinks you should beat the shit out of gay children in order to correct their behavior. it has nothing to do with progressivism, only basic ethics and an educated understanding of the world. there are more options in life than being a massive piece of shit and being a NYT-branded dildo operator

>> No.11928165

>bad president
>let's elect an even worse president to get better
i will not even talk about basic ethics, because most of his electors don't even care about this.
this man don't even know the basics of economy, i'm not trying to be sjw here, i'm an economist and this guy know shit, he doesn't even go to debates
he knows nothing about nature
he doesn't know about nationalism
fucking nothing, man
30 fucking years in politics and haven't done shit besides putting his own children in politics too, fuck man

there's no change with him, he's even worse in BASIC levels, it's crazy that we need to talk about this man. i mean, country that elects porn actors and clows, that's kinda expected.

amigo, read before doing more mistakes to this fucked country:

>> No.11928185

nazis weren't a literary thing.........it was a visual thing

>> No.11928189

>Why are pedophiles/Jews/bankers/media/establishment so afraid of Hitler?
I cannot think of a single reason a jew would be afraid of hitler

>> No.11928203


>> No.11928241

>you see, I am an enlightened individual. have you ever heard of... kantbot? ah, I see. your pathetic onions-addled brain wouldn't be able to comprehend his virtuosity anyway. Ho ho!
>*straightens trenchcoat*

>> No.11928783
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p o w e r f u l, i bet he didn't think of that!
humanist ethics are absolute garbage; an exaltation of humanity's worst, most decadent features as not only something to defend in the name of liberty, but to be upheld as some kind of ideal worth pursuing, sucking the life out of everything innocent, noble, in touch with nature and in touch with the transcendent by its mere existence. the unholy fusion of english liberalism and judeo-bolshevism you espouse is the cause of the rot you'll see all around you if you just open your eyes, but you'll keep making excuses, justifying practices that increase suffering, that needlessly bring life into this world that was born to do nothing but suffer.
kalki can't arrive soon enough.

>> No.11929473

Every day you must be shitting yourself in paranoid anger more than the previous one. What is it like as every single day, the world changes around you, and you are unable to understand what caused it? You know it's changing, every day you are confronted more and more with stimuli that hurts your feelings, but you just can't wrap your head around where it comes from.

>> No.11929519

In a couple thousand years he'll probably be as irrelevant as, say, Cornelius Sulla. Future historians we'll be able to look at him more objectively and rationally, they won't be as encumbered by ideology, they won't have to worry about getting shunned if they say the wrong thing in public. I'm not saying I like or approve of Hitler, but it's interesting how emotional people get about him and his regime, even after seventy years. Nobody gets this worked up about the Armenian Genocide, except the Armenians of course, but they don't enough movie studios or publishing houses to get people to care. I doubt more than a handful of people on this entire website could name the Turkish officials responsible for the atrocities. But we've all heard of Hitler, Himmler, Hess, even Eichmann - who was only a colonel. You know, I've actually heard leftists say that Stalin's crimes weren't as bad because "it for a good cause." Those people are the ones who seem delusional and unbalanced to me.

>> No.11929531

Hitler killed 10-17x as many people in his genocide proper than the Turks did, and caused about 23-40 million deaths in Europe. Its not even vaguely similar, the Turks weren't trying to conquer the known world and exterminate the native populations of other continents.
>Why are pedophiles/Jews/bankers/media/establishment so afraid of Hitler?
that's some good NLP

>> No.11929543

You know you sound just like the people who shout about how "Communism killed 200 million people", right? Those figures are obviously inflated for political reasons.

>> No.11929550

hitler wasn't trying to conquer the world either, he didnt even want to fight England

>> No.11929571

Look you idiot, the entire world was the "known world" in the 1930s, it wasn't like in Medieval times when part of the map was blank. And for the record Hitler was never trying to conquer the entire world, he simply wanted to seize the vast wheat fields of the East so Germans wouldn't starve if the British blockaded them the way they did in the first war. Was it cruel and selfish? Yes, but it wasn't some crazed lunatic scheme either. And if "conquering the known world" was so evil and wrong, why did we ally ourselves with the Soviets, who were trying to do the exact same thing? Were the Soviets nice to the countries they invaded? Were they a nice people to be occupied by?
>The Turkroaches only killed 1.5 million people! They were practically saints!
You know, to be completely honest with you, I think that after you murder a certain number of people any further massacres are just running up the score.

>> No.11929606

No they're not, I even gave the low estimates you just don't know anything about WW2 casualty numbers
Yes he was, and yeah because he was fucking retarded and assumed his banker friends in England and the Foreign Office would execute a coup for him
>Look you idiot, the entire world was the "known world" in the 1930s, it wasn't like in Medieval times when part of the map was blank
Yes I know anon, thank you for correcting my colorful hyperbolic speech.
> And for the record Hitler was never trying to conquer the entire world, he simply wanted to seize the vast wheat fields of the East so Germans wouldn't starve if the British blockaded them the way they did in the first war.
No he wanted a Neo-German Empire and Germanic dominion over Europe, to seize colonies in the Middle East and Caucasus and to restore all former Aryan territories including Asia to the Germanic race's dominion. Himmler talked about war with the Mongoloid race extensively before the war, they were not simply discussing the Russians by any means. You can lie to retarded normies, liberals and reactive commie homosexuals you can't lie to me.
> And if "conquering the known world" was so evil and wrong, why did we ally ourselves with the Soviets, who were trying to do the exact same thing?
Because they were evil retards controlled by similar banking cabals as the Nazis were.
>asks dumb rhetorical propagandist questions that only work on stupid people who don't care about history
wow I never thought about it that way Stormnigger really interesting.
>You know, to be completely honest with you, I think that after you murder a certain number of people any further massacres are just running up the score
Turks are subhumans and no one was excusing them, above it was asked (again rhetorically) why anyone would kvetch over all the dead slavs and jews but excuse the Turks, that's because the British allowed the Turks tacitly to do whatever they wanted and the Americans are allied with Jews; also because there's a massive difference in casualties and Armenians aren't really as European as the races slaughtered in WWII. I agree on the last point its sort of just showing off and a show of force against other races at a certain point.

You know I never even said that Hitler was a bad guy or that I disapproved of any of it you fuckwits. I just pointed out solid reasons for being upset or making those distinctions. Very disappointing how stupid rw's can be.

>> No.11929620

>his banker friends in England and the Foreign Office would execute a coup for him
m8 where on earth are you taking this from? the banks across the entire Western world were completely hostile to HItler, forget about Jews, it transcends race, they fucking hated his populist reaction, he liquidated the central banking system in Germany

>> No.11929624

You're brainwashed and I'm not right wing.

>> No.11929645


>> No.11929646

>I even gave the low estimates
15 - 26 million (1.5 million times 10 & 17) is not a low estimate for the holocaust's death-toll. Even if you gave the minimum estimate for the Armenian Genocide 10 - 17x would still be 8 - 14 million which is also not a low estimate for deaths in the holocaust.
You don't know anything about WWII casualty numbers.

>> No.11929658

Most of the countries that outlaw holocaust denial also outlaw denial of other genocides.

>> No.11929670

This is incorrect. Most of those countries (like the ones former Warsaw bloc or states like Rwanda) only outlaw denying genocides that are convenient for their current government. It's all about the narrative it's all about power.

>> No.11929689

This and Diana Mitford.

>> No.11929705
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Certain officials had grandiose schemes, but you're the one who's historically illiterate if you think any of them would have ever been put into practice. I don't think Hitler was a "good guy" I'm just tired of all the emotionalism that surrounds him and the war in general. I don't want my kids to grow up with an ingrained sense of guilt because of something that happened on a different fucking continent before they were even born. Because it's not just the Germans, we're all expected to feel responsible for what happened to God's Chosen People. It's like remembering the Holocaust has become a type of secular cult.

>> No.11929712

It's the foundation myth of Liberal hegemony.

>> No.11929850

Correct about what?
What are you talking about specifically?
Was he correct about the shitty state of Germany after WW1? Yes. Did he fulfil his promises and fix the situation? Yes. Was he right about the degenerate nature of Democracy and Capitalism? I think so. Was he right about the Jews? Debatable. Personally I believe the things spoken about in Mein Kampf are genuine. But after he found the Jews to be an easy scapegoat he started blaming every problem on the Jews and took it too far. The Jews were far from innocent though, the Jewish community were intentionally trying to crash the German economy. They were extremely hostile to the country giving them a home.

Wages of Destruction is a good book about the pre-war economy and the incredible feats Hitler and his economist achieved together. Hitler's Revolution is another great book using first hand sources. Orphans of Versailles is another good one, this is part of the real reason Hitler invaded Poland (that the allies tried to pass off as pure made up propaganda, it may have been exagerrated but it definitely did happen). There is a national geographic magazine from 1939 where an american reporter visited Germany and reported what he saw, and it was pretty much the most glowing positive review imaginable. Good luck finding that though, its so hard to find online.
Hitlers Peace Offers (on amazon) is another great book documenting the many times Hitler actually tried to avoid a second world war and had Britain spit in his face. Publicly Britain pretended they were against another war, but they secretly wanted one because the Reich was a threat to British Imperial power.

>> No.11929859

good post

>> No.11931412

Nice to see the truth being spread.

Heil Hitler!

Om Sri Kalki Avataraya Namaha!

>> No.11932639

mon champ

t. adolf