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/lit/ - Literature

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11923864 No.11923864 [Reply] [Original]

What is he trying to say with this?

>> No.11923874

industrial revolution baayd

>> No.11923876

C.S. Lewis

>> No.11923878

life sucks then you die lol

He didn't have the grambahs to advocate for the blackpill, so we got emo whining instead. Poor me I'm old and drank a lot now I have moobs.

>> No.11923899

Life is shit, especially urban life, and people are dead inside.

>> No.11923910

Everything like sucks, man.

>> No.11923934

I'd recommend listening to Desolation Row by Bob Dylan. It's along the same vein, inspired by Eliot's Waste Land in fact, but simply better.

>> No.11923941

fuck off kike

>> No.11923952

modern life is a barren wasteland deprived of fulfilling relationships and genuine culture. monuments of the past are only used to depict the hell landscape of the present (muh dante depicting a crowd in london). a lot of faggots talk about this as if eliot is condemning or giving a new direction to go but no, he has no answers to give. like everyone else, he's just reporting on the theme.
btw What The Thunder Said is the best section of the poem and if you think otherwise you're a pleb
London Bridge is falling down falling down falling

>> No.11923970

>I'm not a fat waste of carbon! It's da joos fault!

>> No.11923986

>da joos
da joos posters are worse than kikeposters

>> No.11923987
File: 34 KB, 645x729, brainletw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waste of carbon
>da joos

>> No.11924006

>implying carbon or any element can be wasted

>> No.11924067

In truth, Eliot is descrying the total collapse of wes...I honestly have no goddamn clue. for all we know, this was his way of pouring out the insanity which must come with working in a fucking bank day in and day out. Got some big, juicy words in there but other than that it's raving, stark madness. I like it regardless, but I like it solely because it lacks any true literary merit.

>> No.11924085

>it lacks any true literary merit

How can you justify this statement?

>> No.11924088

Because after all is said and done it can still be used to wipe my ass.

>> No.11924094

How is this exclusive to The Waste Land?

>> No.11924107

It's not. No book has literary merit. NO such thing at all, but this poem in particular, with its far-fetched metaphors and linguistic acrobat tricks, makes me gag.

>> No.11924131

Why do people like you come here

>> No.11924138

Boredom. And, even if for a brief moment, I come across a thread with a bit of substance, one going in the right direction, only to derail it as quickly as possible.

>> No.11924139


>> No.11924798

Nothing other than exactly what it says.

>> No.11924897


>> No.11925423
