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11922819 No.11922819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that 4chan was a meaningless mob of outrage culture that lacks the power to transform your life into something meaningful?
>pic related

>> No.11922833

Han is a hack though

And meaning is a farce

>> No.11922846

i use 4chan as a sort of performative exhibitionist therapy
sometimes i dont even bother submitting the post because i have already achieved my purpose just by writing the thing out and realizing it was in my subconscious

>> No.11922854

>outrage culture
Really? Seems pretty chill to me.

>> No.11922865

girardfag stop shilling this gook.

>> No.11924104

You don't notice the moralfagging?
>meaning is a farce
But a farce must be well conducted to achieve the desired joke.
Who is this girardfag?

>> No.11924156
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>who is this girardfag?

why tho? if you like the continentals - hegel, heidegger, lacan, all of them - hey, you get another one. it's not like he's wrong to write a book about Burnout. burnout is for real. facebook is silly and rots brains. neoliberalism is a mess. what's the problem? and if you don't like continentals, that's fine too, he's basically spent fifty years trying to hide from everyone in Germany anyways, but he left a paper trail of teeny little essays and now we found him.

anyways, i didn't create the thread but i still support han-shilling. and besides, he's very photogenic.

>> No.11924270

I'm assembling a podcast. You in? Emails have already been sent to Slavoj, Francois, Alain, Nick, Reza, and Peter. Rene declined but we hope you can fill in both for him and the anonymous representation that is 4chan's memetic magicianry.

>> No.11924329
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i can't believe i know all of those names
>even if i'd prefer lyotard to laruelle

rene declined? besides being dead i can't think of why he would do that. perhaps it's the thought of being in a room full of godless continental freudo-marxists and other types that put him off. he'd get along with Zizek at least. and let's not kid ourselves, the only reason for assembling a squad like that would be to have a Gangs of New York-type brawl with these guys and show them what's what.

as for me i have a face for radio and a voice for print, but i'd be happy to listen in on whatever conversation a posse like that would put together. as for being the anonymous rep of 4chan's mimetic magicianry, i suppose. there are lots of other tripfags who could do this as well. but if the price for shitposting here as much as i do is that i have to wear some kind of ceremonial hat from time to time, ok.

>> No.11924480

4chan is therapy so I don't feel compelled to lash out and destroy the last thing I have in my life

>> No.11924484

what last thing?

>> No.11924666


>> No.11924677

I have nothing else to do anyways. The only thing that cures my depression is weed, but that is only briefly

>> No.11924686

>taking any Korean 'intellectual' seriously
Christian evangelism on 4chan redeems the rest of the site. Your statement is a generalization and wrong.

>> No.11925119
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>> No.11925161

Day 1

>> No.11925227

4cahn is my method of cope for the conplete lack of meaningful relationships in my life

>> No.11925236

When I started visiting Ylilauta

>> No.11925333
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The purpose is threefold. To perform in order to maintain vitality, to inspect the contents of the puke in order to know their origins and therefore the manner of their consumption, and lastly, as an omniist, to reinstate (reinsert?) choice bits and sort the values of possible meanings and effects in order to see what part of an epistemological node these information bits may represent in various subcultures. My aims of course are not those of a trashcan, or even of some incinerator tube where all the thoughtcrimes are placed. (I hate 1984 refs. but given the complicity of certain groups for making someones absurd beliefs a crime, my heart, unfortunitly, goes out to idiots and madmen and murders.) What will happen in the future has nothing to do with me, yet I won't see either side use a weapon that will later be turned on them. This jumping around might be impoverished, but I get a rise out of watching tourists watching grounded boats suddenly walk across the sea legless - meaning, where once the ocean manufactured boatbuilders, now the tide does double duty as architect, or at least when the moon and stars align for that top tier hisser to pour up alongside the land-from-which-all-terms-are-made, the gravity-wave nudging the (you), the soundwave fucking a midget inside the goats ribs to make the spleen read like a weather system, warmaking spellbound full stop pressed in like a cock in Cuba.

>> No.11925374


the entire internet is outrage culture

>> No.11925492

LOL you obviously have not been here long enough. I will say this though: Only the individual has the power to transform life. To that end 4chan is a useful tool that can provide insight and resources.

>> No.11925512

We cockchoke your kind here sweety.

>> No.11925534
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>memed a president into office
>meaningless...lacks the power to transform

>> No.11925638

What mushroom?

>> No.11926427


>> No.11926499

Other social media platforms are even worse.

>> No.11927377


>> No.11928511

Not sure if parody or seriousness.

>> No.11928877

>You don't notice the moralfagging?
This site has always vehemently opposed moralfagging. Those who indulge in it are just interlopers who want a taste of anarchy and freedom they can't have in their usual shitholes. But of course they have to bring their hugbox upboat mores with them.

>> No.11929916

Based Han-shilling girard.

>> No.11929935

The moment I opened the site, tried to stay away for a while but then gave up.

>> No.11929977

I think that applies to a lot of us here friend. You are in similar company.

>> No.11930143

Fuck off, newfags.

>> No.11930315

I wish

>> No.11930578

Will someone one day collect his essays in one big 500+ pages collection.