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11914598 No.11914598 [Reply] [Original]

Which books will validate my suppressed desire for destruction?

>> No.11914608


>> No.11914611

What type of destruction?

>> No.11914620

I want to burn my Yugio cards!

>> No.11914621

>the stacy sit
>the femcel slouch

>> No.11914650

I've always thought it would be fun to blow up buildings and watch the news report at home. It would be like a huge prank, and I would laugh so hard. I wouldn't want to kill anybody, but destroying banks, schools, etc. just seems so fulfilling. Also, I don't think I would ever do this anyway.

>> No.11914657

you sound like you'd like fight club in all honesty

but if you want something good try maldoror

>> No.11914658


>> No.11914689

Honestly I think all men have this same desire for destruction. Deep down every single man has thought of raping a woman before, it is just a primal instinct, every man wants, in some capacity, to rape, plunder, murder, and destroy. That's why we enjoy watching gore, executions, etc. And it's why we love to see earthquakes drop buildings and kill thousands of impoverished Indonesians. There's no man in the entire world who doesn't feel a measure of satisfaction when watching video footage of a twenty foot high tsunami sweeping away cars and house like toys in a bathtub. Not really sure why this is.

>> No.11914699

Based honestyposter

>> No.11914706


That’s Satan

>> No.11914723

Because we were the hunters, obviously, duh

>> No.11916081

You sound like a Freudian so I'll say anything by Freud

>> No.11916206

>assuming these drives are primary with no basis

>> No.11916218

story behind this image/shop? it's an impressive shop. has to have another source image. or is it really just another pose? lips look redder on left so im going with shop

>> No.11916267

Sometimes when I'm drunk and I'm walking alone in my city I imagine the buildings collapsing, it's a very reassuring thought... I'm not sure why.
For the past few weeks it has been more vivid: I have begun to have these vision sober and during the day (but only when I'm alone though). Also I have decided that the buildings do not grow again: if I have destructed a building it stays this way and I can "see" trough it. Whole districts have disappeared without people noticing or doing anything about it (I find this idea very funny). I have to walk further everyday to find new buildings I can tear down (I've decided not to demolish the buildings I like, at least for the moment, I have wrecked a very nice pink house i liked a lot the other day when I was drunk I still regret it).
I'm not sure what I will do when my building is the only one left, maybe I'll stop or I'll have to move in another city...

>> No.11916289
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God, this was physically embarrassing to read. What are you, 13 years old?

>> No.11916316

Just become a demolition expert for a construction company.

>> No.11916318

This explains why I want to learn how to make letter bombs

>> No.11916320

I don't know. I feel like a lot of 13 year olds would try to sound cool and mature and intellectual. This guy seems to have a pretty clear sense of himself (if he is being honest).

>> No.11916326

My urge to destroy is tied with my urge to rebuild. it's probably some autistic form of power fantasy for me. There's just something intensly satisfying about the thought of having the power to utterly ruin something and then build something even better on top of it.

>> No.11916327


>> No.11916346

you should write more about this, anon. sounds like an interesting ideia for a short story or something like that.

>> No.11916349
File: 2.68 MB, 640x360, Dresden burning.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a human and nothing of that which is human is alien to me.

>> No.11916444


Its a pose with less makeup, the pic was done on purpose some model way back

>> No.11916504

Yeah like we haven't been literally primed for war our entire lives with the constant bombardment of positively associated violent imagery

>> No.11917030

the temple of the golden pavillion sounds right for you

>> No.11917545

sorry to hear about the pink house anon :(

>> No.11917832

>Deep down every single man has...
>There's no man in the entire world that doesn't...
How do you know this? What's more likely is your a neurotic cretin who is pushing his own feelings onto the world to feel justification and superiority.

>> No.11918540
File: 151 KB, 625x1000, 9781532356667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A young, newly wed couple are leaving the United States in search for a better life, they fell on hard times, Niel lost his job, they were struggling to pay the mortgage, so they are traveling to a new “country” which is really more like an enormous brick building city-state kind of like Rome.

It was built by a poor mother and daughter that struck the lotto and built this place as a “haven” for outcast people – there’s no such thing as money in this society so it does have some allure to those on the outside.

When they get there, though, there’s a ceremony held in their honor, sort of, it turns out it’s an execution for the couple they are replacing. Both couples are up on a stage much like a concert facing everyone who lives in Nioba (which is like 10,000). The previous couple had broken some rules or something, and they were sliced open at the stomach to create as much bloodshed as possible. It’s “customary” in their culture to then “body surf” the bodies through the crowd to cover everyone in as much blood as possible. There was a lot of dancing, kissing, fucking, and what have you as these bodies were being passed around.

This is a world where the noble class holds complete control over the other citizens, things are rationed out based on whether the guards/nobles feel you deserve it or not. You can’t just go buy a skirt or a hoolahoop (things characters tried to barter for), everything has to be approved through the authorities. There aren’t many entertainment venues either, TV isn’t a thing here, and many people start growing tails. I didn’t get far enough in the book for an explanation on that, but it could be related to the pills the couple was forced to take upon entry.

It also follows the Princess and the Prince of this Niobian culture, and their relationship is pretty strange. He’s pretty abusive, forceful, and gets aroused by blood and it leads to some out-of-the-norm sex scenes. She does seem to love him, and it just makes me feel worse for her, not better about the whole thing. The Princess also has a very strained and one-way relationship with her mother, the Queen of this counter-culture. When she told her mother that she didn’t want to attend the executions anymore she was threatened with “replacement”.

It then switched to the POV of “Plum Cake” who is an 11 year old boy having a birthday… he ends up masturbating to hard core porn while a bunch of scientists watch and comment on how quickly he’s growing up.

I like dark stuff, but there are points I just don’t cross and that I suppose is one of my lines.

>> No.11918563

i dont necessarily think it's a desire for destruction, but more complex than that. it's more like a desire for change, which can come from destruction.

>> No.11918567

atta boy, that's the revolutionary spirit in every man

>> No.11918591

this is true and also universal, but destroying something great is much easier than building something great so most people only get halfway

>> No.11918594
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Based and redpilled.

>> No.11918615

I would've said he goes too far. But so far that looks like a lot of replies and no denials.
In any case, the rape fantasies of woman outnumber those of men.

>> No.11918649

Do you play videogames by any chance?

>> No.11918658

based projectionfag

>> No.11918688


My short story, plenty of destruction but mostly absurdly hilarious occurrences. A pandemic survival story with cults, psychos, and raiders.

>> No.11918698

>yeah all those violent urges are from capitalism and ancient culture going back 10,000 years which is all a scam by handsome strong warriors to rob me of pussy
lol, what is genetics, what is competition, what is sexual selection, what are hormones

>> No.11918704

Industrial Society and Its Future

>> No.11918705

I do not. Why?

>> No.11918706

Can corroborate, I'm a woman and I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.11918758

>utterly ruin something and then build something even better on top of it
Really that doesn't sound fun?
How about the rape fantasies, you have those?

>> No.11918835
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>tfw realize my pretentious moral superiority was just my attempt at disguising my destructive misanthropy

>> No.11918839


>> No.11918920

It's not surprising you think that way, Ragnar the Weakchinned

>> No.11919007

I can guarantee I'm more masculine than you but I don't think about raping women or take pleasure from destruction and violence

>> No.11919019

Ok Tyler, take your meds

>> No.11919250

t. pontiac firebird.

>> No.11919659

Death is all natural. So I don't think natural disaster is actually a bad thing. When human when out of his way to kill others, it's bad. But if earthquake, or tsunami happened, I totally approved. Way to go.

>> No.11919781
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This is a good post

>> No.11919849

It's just the knowledge that I managed to tear something down so utterly and completely, leaving not even the soil behind. Something that someone, many someones, may have spent their entire life to build over how many years through so much effort, all laid to waste by my own efforts. Then to further dash their legacy by putting in place something even better, more glorious, more stable, so that no one could look at what they have made without the knowledge that I one-upped them. It's the spirit of competition. Each and every distant star in our sky compels me to burn even brighter, to utterly engulf them with my own brilliance.
There's no greater satisfaction in life than to meet a worthy opponent and then crush him completely, to make him the foundation of my heroic tale.

>> No.11920369

>Really that doesn't sound fun?
Nah I don't think I relate at all
>How about the rape fantasies, you have those?
Yes I fantasize about getting raped.
Nah that doesn't ring a bell at all. I mean I can see wanting to build or nourish a project, but I don't see the connection with first tearing something down, on an emotional level

>> No.11920372

Natural is the biggest spook of all

>> No.11920377

Not an exact fit but Mishima gives a similar feel

>> No.11920406

Not sure what you're saying, frog-poster. You're lying if you say that blowing up buildings wouldn't be fun.

>> No.11920428

unironically based and if any of you niggas say its immature you should better pull out your head out of your ass

>> No.11920438

thats why videogames are such a great entertainment nowadays
god i love doom

>> No.11920478


because the world is oppressive in every way imaginable
just take in for a moment that by merely existing you must endure the weight of gravity every second of your life until you die

>> No.11920516

Why, do , you, talk , like , this ?

>> No.11920526

This same idea (i think) is explored in a short novel called In The Miso Soup, where the main antagonist explains the desire to hurt stems from wanting to know if you are truly alive, to reassure the person they truly exist and "that the world wont end [if you where to do something potentially destructive]"

>> No.11920532

he also explains, that watching things like horror movies and i can only assume natural disasters and decapitations (as mentioned by >>11914689
) stems from a weakness of NPC type people to act on their impulses, instead of physically doing these things. And that those aforementioned people who simply observe arent really living, or at least they cant be sure

>> No.11920536
File: 182 KB, 1399x1400, 71H9ZR6EGFL._SL1400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this booklet

>> No.11920539

ment for >>11920526

>> No.11920598

Temple Of The Golden Pavilion by Yukio Mishima

>> No.11920858

t. Bataille

>> No.11920910


>> No.11921214

You are not the first woman to tell me they have rape fantasies, some in person. Still kind of surprises me though.

And because it is fun to smash stuff!

>> No.11921727


How do you think she comes?

>> No.11921736

true and manpilled

>> No.11921755


I only fantasize about dispassionately forcing them to realize their inferiority through unassailable reason.

>> No.11921772
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>> No.11921775

Dunno ask reddit you fucking faggot

>> No.11921798

conflating the dynamic sublime with violence

>> No.11921824


the will to power my boy. From its primitive expression in plant life to it's most complexe expression in the human brain, the will expresses it self through all of life and manifests itself in destruction just as easily as in a single blade of grass.

>> No.11921830


But being raped and killed is only particularly painful and temporarily so. Knowing you are inferior is absolutely painful and permanently so.

>> No.11921992

Shit mane you might be right

>> No.11922461

by what you have said, i could only deduce from that tha all men are sociopaths, or you are only projecting your lesiure time activities on men in general, if you are one. I do not enjoy seeing gore and executions, or any kind of torture performed on animals or humans, does that means for you that i am not a man. Your thought is flawed. If u think that raping a woman is a form of a domination that men desire, than that could be truth. But, domination does not necesseraly means aggression in the form of rape, plunder and murder. Cmon man, we live in society, how old are you?

>> No.11922797

Same here, my brother was about to sell his car to the car crusher place and told me i could destroy it as much as i wanted as long as he could drive it there after. He had to drag me away before i stopped. You can easily dent the body of a cheap car with a simple kick.

>> No.11924074
File: 186 KB, 720x405, hoplite clash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just as it makes no sense to ask 'why people eat' or 'what they sleep for,' so fighting in many ways is not a means but an end. Throughout history, for every person who has expressed his horror of war there is another who found in it the most marvelous of all the experiences that are vouchsafed to man, even to the point that he later spent a lifetime boring his descendants by recounting his exploits. . .However unpalatable the fact, the real reason why we have wars is that men like fighting, and women like those men who are prepared to fight on their behalf."

>> No.11924091


>> No.11924620

now this and epic-pilled

>> No.11924689

No I'm more masculine, look at my big muscles and my sports car. Lol, masculine people aren't this bothered by some moron on the internet calling them weak chinned.

>> No.11924708

That's a Fight Club reference, you absolute pseudo-intellectual nigger.

>> No.11924740

read siege by james mason

>> No.11925390

What the fuck would I know about female orgasms, you punk bitch?

>> No.11925847

>Fight Club

>> No.11926047

>pretending to not masturbate
Lmao, this isn't church, girlfriend.

>> No.11926182

who is this btw thanks?

>> No.11926190

If it takes a spark, let it burn.
Best let fire have its turn,
Or it will come back hotter.
So where you at fire starter?