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/lit/ - Literature

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11921459 No.11921459 [Reply] [Original]

what is the most /lit/ instrument?

>> No.11921470

probably either piano or guitar

>> No.11921477
File: 197 KB, 1536x1024, metheny-xguit3-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing personnel kids

>> No.11921504

The banjo might be the single most fun instrument to play there is. I promise you, go to a music store and try it, it's excellent.

On topic though, piano.

>> No.11921514

That's one beautiful picture

>> No.11921530

The violin

>> No.11921552
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The biwa lute

>> No.11921567
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sauce? what song?

>> No.11921587
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>F L U T E

>> No.11921606
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Harp or lute.

>> No.11921623

Piano without question.

>> No.11921635

tfw learning violin as an adult

I think it's piano though, and I'm going to start learning piano too

>> No.11921644
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Le tambourin, bien sûr.

>> No.11921662

Planet of Apes ahah

>> No.11921668


>> No.11921669
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>> No.11921672


>> No.11921677
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Piano is the gayest and most pretentious instrument in the world. Not even a top 10 instrument choice. If it's a /lit/ instrument it's only because of the high amount of pseuds on /lit/. Who the fuck thought of such a boring sounding and non-portable box like that. Very stupid idea.

>> No.11921685

space alien guitar custom made by Linda Manzer.

>> No.11921687

Name anything more versatile.

>> No.11921704

Anything? Your mom's vagina was pretty versatile.

>> No.11921708

Not an instrument.

>> No.11921715

The flute she plays is :^^^^^^^^)

>> No.11921718

>tfw really want to learn the banjo but can't bring myself to learn even the harmonica
How can anyone live and die without having experienced the creation of music?

>> No.11921735

Guitars are for plebs.

>> No.11921750

You didn't say an instrument, faggot. You said "anything." Also, it's debatable whether your mom's vagina is an instrument; on the one hand, it's not a standard instrument and it lacks many features that characterize an instrument, on the other, it was squeaking different sounds according to the amount of cock inside it and rapidity of my gestures. So in some ways, yes, your mom's vagina is an instrument and I played a concerto with it.

>> No.11921756


>> No.11921758

A pen

>> No.11921837

Jazz drumming

>> No.11922039

>picture of a reeded instrument
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11922054

/lit/ instrument power rankings:
1. Organ
2. Harpsichord
3. Hammered dulcimer
4. Assorted improvised percussion instruments
5. French Horn
All other instruments are for gay asians

>> No.11922138

IDK seeing as how a lot of western music, and in extension most modern music around the world, is based on the piano's scale and how many famous and noteworthy historical pieces use it, it is hard to argue its reputation is not well earned. Its only so boring sounding to you because it is such a ubiquitous instrument.

>> No.11922144

>French Horn
Found the loser who played French horn in high school

>> No.11922170
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How can an instrument be pretentious?

>> No.11922171

Must agree on organ. Especially those mega ones that are the size of houses.

>> No.11922194

the organ is the most based of all instruments. Spengler on organs is revelatory

>> No.11922221


Organ and hunting horn

>> No.11922272

it's not based on the piano's scale wtf. do you think the piano was the first instrument? do you think the chronological scale didn't exist prior to the piano? hahahahah western music is based in the harp. piano is a harp wrapped in a box. very dumb. let the harp be free!!

>> No.11922285


>> No.11922365

Harmonicas aren't really fun to play, IMO. You've got to continually lick your lips as they dry out and the front end of the harmonica turns into this gross salty-metallic thing, while your breathing gradually gets more and more tired even though you're just trying to play a simple melody, which, let's be honest, usually isn't contributing much to the song. If you're a blues fan you will obviously like it some, but it's harshly limited outside of that, and even just for a first instrument I'd tell someone to save up for a guitar or even buy a recorder instead. For you, anon, that's definitely what I would recommend, since those with neither a natural intuition for the harmonica nor a particular interest in blues/folk will have little reason to stick to it.

>> No.11922424

Ever see someone play a theramin?

>> No.11922531

Banjo is fun to mess around with but you're not going to get much out of it unless you're actually pretty skilled
Same with mandolin- it only really shines in an ensemble, which is a shame because it sounds great

>> No.11922845
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The lyre.

>> No.11922869

Reaktor 6

>> No.11922876


>> No.11922878

Guitar (classical)

>> No.11922919
File: 43 KB, 193x266, 84F9DCB5-1407-4F5E-ACCE-EB060D4082D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sousaphone and The Kazoo

>> No.11922930

>guitar (classical)

>> No.11924240
File: 94 KB, 900x750, richard-feynman-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don' wanna leave the Congo oh no no no no no

>> No.11924591

jesus what gauge are those guitar strings

>> No.11924681


>> No.11924695
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drums, of course

>> No.11924706

The voice. Singing is the literary man's choice. Let's see you how you recite poetry with any of your dumb-ass instruments, you faggots.

>> No.11924881

Clavichord or Organ

>> No.11924946


>> No.11924958

my dick desu

>> No.11924965

My dick.

>> No.11924977
File: 61 KB, 362x483, 09newsom-miller-slide-OBHZ-tmagSF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct choice.

>> No.11924981

Sorry but the answer is obviously guitar, most of the /lit/ music is primarily guitar driven. Bob Dylan, Nick Drake...

>> No.11924988

im so mad

>> No.11924989

>t. pleb who couldn't do a barre chord so he gave up

>> No.11925002

Don't forget Leonard Cohen

>> No.11925885
File: 306 KB, 1280x853, 1280px-Buffet_grand-orgue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously the pipe organ. Nothing else has its combination of tradition and flexibility.

>> No.11925895

>it's not based on the piano's scale wtf
Yes it is. Equal temperament tuning was popularized by the piano, so it's perfectly acceptable to call it the piano's scale.

>> No.11925936


>> No.11925967
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anything that makes heavy metal

>> No.11925989

>Piano is the gayest and most pretentious instrument in the world.

That's /lit

>> No.11926058

this is such shitty bate im honestly ashamed that im responding, but you are a colossal faglord

>> No.11926106


1. Field Recordings
2. Self-coded (C++17, no libs) computer music
3. Modular Synth
4. Amplified Glass
5. Amplified Kazoo

>> No.11926622

Why does richard feynman not want to leave the congo?

>> No.11926631

Is mayonnaise an instrument?

>> No.11926637

violin duh

>> No.11926640

They look double-wound, my child.

>> No.11926753
File: 284 KB, 2000x1133, accordion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*plays literally anything in your path*

>> No.11927364
