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/lit/ - Literature

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11918240 No.11918240 [Reply] [Original]

Violence would be good as well considering the last thread was deleted.
Something like The Gulag Archipelago in liberal societies.

Yes, LITERATURE, please.

For jannies and mods, this is a question about LITERATURE and violence. Also hypocrisy. Thanks for your unbiased efforts.

>> No.11918253

camattefag SEETHING per usual

>> No.11918270

Hi, jannies.
Yes, I'm the seething one considering how you hate this so much you have to ban and delete all posts.
Great work.

>> No.11918627

Why liberalism failed. Has to be one of the most precise criticisms of liberalism I have ever read. However, it's not talking about liberals in the sense of right vs left mind you, its talking about the entire philosophy of liberalism and why it has lead us to the current situation we find ourselves in. It does highlight not hypocrisy but actually cognitive dissonance that liberals unfortunately suffer from.

>> No.11918676
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