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11913914 No.11913914 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he push that woman down the stairs?

>> No.11913935

She deserved it.

>> No.11913972


>> No.11913990

Because she was being intolerably noisy.

Obit anus, abit onus.

>> No.11914094
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>father drowned himself in a canal, called his mother a whore for trying to remarry
>got expelled from school for IRL shitposting about a professor
>knocked up a woman in Dresden and ran away to Italy
>caught syphilis in Italy
>told some dancer that he'd save her from a cholera outbreak if she abandoned her kid
>sent an essay to the Royal Danish Society for Scientific Studies but didn’t win the prize despite being the only contestant.
>threw a woman down a flight of stairs because she was in his way
>stalked Hegel relentlessly, scheduled his lectures at the same time in an attempt to get rid of him. nobody showed up to his course
>became a shut in and spent the rest of his life alone with his poodle

>> No.11914121

aha fucking links? Currently reading world as will and representation, and im on the second volume. would def like to read more about his life?

>> No.11914153

look at this nigga's face and tell me you'd expect him to not do it

>> No.11914163

oh wait its...just the wiki page..thanks for nothing you bastard

>> No.11914200
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>just the wiki page

>> No.11914269

wait a minute...i have a theory about this. I've read the introductions to both the world as will volume 1 and fourfold path of suffiecient reason, and it seems contemptous in regards to shopenhauer...that name, again! this person does not seem to like schopenhauer...at all, and throws jabs in every so often... closested hegelian?

>> No.11915064

He did enjoy the philosophical prestige he sought so hard late in life, after he published the Parerga and Paralipomena, a collection of aphorisms and short essays, which in turn generated interest in his main work. It's a shame he seems to be so forgotten in mainstream academia, although I can sense a revival coming up.

>> No.11915312

Why has he been forgotten anyway? Is it because Hitler loved him so much?

>> No.11915317

He was a slave to his desire. If he wanted to push that woman down the stairs, then he could not possible alter that desire.

>> No.11915330

Well, he is called "the artist's philosopher" because of his enduring views on aesthetics, but philosophers didn't seem too interested in picking him up (except for Nietzsche, and he said Schopenhauer was wrong about basically everything.) If you ask me, it has to do with his philosophy itself. In S's system the world is fundamentally a blind, irrational, striving Will. Not much to work with - as opposed to the work of Hegel, who caught on much better because his metaphysics is about a rational Spirit developing itself. You can reason about this. With Schopenhauer reasoning is right out of the gate. There is only Mitleid (compassion) and trying to live an ascetic life or getting absorbed in art.

tl;dr Hegel was more popular

>> No.11915348

has there ever been a more cringe and brainlet philosopher who gots massively famous like our lad schoppy?

>> No.11915425

Has there ever been a more cringy and brainlet post on /lit/?

>> No.11916393

Huh, just looked this up and apparently Hitler read his works throughout WW1. Imagine him running between trenches with The World As Will in his satchel.

>> No.11916424

He's "forgotten" in mainstream academia because Nietzsche supplanted him in literally every way.

>> No.11916469

Bruh its common knowledge that Hitler was a huge fan of Schopie. Moreso than any other philosopher, he praised Schopenhauer as the greatest philosopher in the German language.

>> No.11916567

This is a myth.

>> No.11916626

>despite being the only contestant

>> No.11916679

But N did build on S's idea of the Will, which forms the bedrock of his metaphysics, even though he wants to take it into a life-afforming philosophy of life.

>> No.11916914

I kind of feel like we would hear more about that if it was actually true.

>> No.11916917

Schopenhauer was such a fucking asshole that it's just annoying how right he was about things, but it just goes to show that being right isn't always the best.

>> No.11916924

What was he right about then?

>> No.11916929
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cry more bitch boy

>> No.11916933

talked back

>> No.11916965

It is true. Look more into Hitler’s ideas and you can see how much of an influence Schoppy had on him. He even mentions him in Mein Kampf and many times in (if you find them to be real as I do) the table talks.

>> No.11917503

This all relies on Table Talk, however. Simply saying his name in Mein Kampf isn't indicative of inspiration, but merely recognition.

Hitler does not apply any of Schopenhauer's solutions to the Will in anyway whatsoever.

I could see an argument to be given based on Hitler's understanding and appreciation for Wagner that he is thus "related" to Schopenhauer in some roundabout way, but clearly Hitler was not driven by Schopenhauer's views on Mitleid.

>> No.11917551

Well, I haven't read him, but people who are always right tend to be hated. There's a reason why they made Socrates drink hemlock.

>> No.11917560

Obit anus, abit onus. The old woman dies, the burden is lifted.

>> No.11917589


>> No.11917594

do elaborate

>> No.11917597

What utter nonsense. Your level of connecting concepts across ideologies (or even attempting to understand these ideologies) is truly embarrassing.

>> No.11917604


>> No.11917610

Because she was a woman.

>> No.11917757

Where do I start with Schop? I'm more interested in pessimism.

>> No.11917836

>biting Obit's anus a bit

>> No.11917849

Because he was a stupid, asinine, Polish-posing- as-an-almighty-German-ubermensch, misanthropic, autistic, incel, poodle-loving, big nosed, smelly, unkempt, and downright rude fucking bastard.

>> No.11917913
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>>sent an essay to the Royal Danish Society for Scientific Studies but didn’t win the prize despite being the only contestant.

And then he unironically blamed it on Hegel. Schoppy's hatred for Hegel gets more hilarious every time I hear about it.

>> No.11918080


>> No.11918087

No Schopenhauer was a horrible person who had good ideas and was well read. Its really common among geniuses to be a fucking faggot towards others. Not all of them are friendly golden retrievers like Einstein or Feynman

>> No.11918476

t. woman

>> No.11918561

Start with the basics on Kant and then to The World as Will & Representation.

Pass to the Two fundamental problems in Metaphysics and then to his essays (Parerga & Paralipomena)

>> No.11918860

he acknowledged he was a hypocrite
he didnt have the strength to deny his apehood

>> No.11919214


>in schopes system the world is fundamentally blind will
>you can't reason about this

What about the other part? The world as representation? Also, he wrote like thousands of words about the world as will, why can't you reason about what he said?

I think ultimately Hegel was just more charismatic, and schope was a bitter asshole, that's why Hegel was more popular. I don't really understand Hegel's work but I really like schopes

>> No.11920917

>utter nonsense
>no actual rebuttal

Talk about embarrassing.

>> No.11920924

>being right isn't always the best.
I bet you're wrong about that and you'll live to see why.

>> No.11920978

What are you on about?

Even Counter Currents pretty much states that Hitler was closer to Nietzsche than Schopenhauer: https://www.counter-currents.com/2016/03/schopenhauer-and-hitler/