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/lit/ - Literature

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11913923 No.11913923 [Reply] [Original]

not mass pleb/bestseller stuff, but /lit/ type reading

>> No.11913940

That I speak to often? In real life, not online? Two, maybe three if I'm charitable.

>> No.11913951

this 7-8/10 tier of women is so frustrating, once you’ve actually fucked them and realized not only are they disgusting whores but that there are legions of them and they’ll never ever be satisfied with any man or partner it just breaks you. The 9-10/10’s are obviously unattainable or only good for a random hookup so you’re just left in this sea of insecure retarded used up women somewhere on the descending arc of their sexual primes. God I hate everything

>> No.11913959

That woman is perfect

>> No.11913991

Online doesn’t count

stop derail thred

>> No.11914117


>> No.11914130

Three actually

>> No.11914208

Being charitable

>> No.11914219

Only one, and he's mostly stopped reading since graduating from university. Not only do most of my friends not read, they question me about why I do. They genuinely don't understand why a person would want to read a book. It's weird to me because I really believe my friends aren't unintelligent at all, but they wouldn't ever read a book unless they had to.

>> No.11914252
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My dad likes Blood Meridian and Walden. He reads from time to time but mostly he listens to audiobooks when he’s working becuase he’s an illustrator.

>> No.11914266

The last time I knew someone who read at all was in elementary school.

>> No.11914270

Oh, forgot to mention that he really likes Murakami and I’m trying to get him into Russian lit like Dosto and Tolstoy

>> No.11914277

I have three friends who read, but one of them recently admitted he’s done reading fiction altogether and regrets having “wasted his short life” reading literature, which is “pointless” and “no better or worse than video games.”
So two, as of this moment.

>> No.11914278

That is weird, my friends already knew I was one of the smarter ones from our group but when I tell them I read something that's not Harry Potter-tier they automatically think I'm smarter. Hell, even random normalfags will think I'm smarter for having read something that they know of but would never read. You must be friends with retards.

>> No.11914382

That's the thing, my description there definitely makes them sound like idiots, but I really don't think they are. More of a STEM brained purely practical approach to everything in life I think. They're not critical or insulting when I talk about books, they just have this confused curiosity.

>> No.11914411

Oh okay, they're science-worshipping materialists. It's not that they're stupid, they just don't appreciate humanity.

>> No.11914835

My work crush. Im so hard for this woman.
She reads mostly self help and morbid shit. I dont care I love that in a female.

Who hurt you Anon?
This is why you should turn gay. Bros wont do that.

They are commonly refereed to as normies

>> No.11914870

So far, in college, as an English Major, working as an editor for the literary magazine, two people. Pretty sad.

>> No.11914899

My mom was a big Dean Knootz fan.

>> No.11915091

My german prof's a hot babe that read Heidegger and is obsessed with Junger

outside professors though maybe 1 person

>> No.11915156

My dad is the only person I know that reads, and he was the one that got me into it. All my friends say they'd like to read but don't have the time.

>> No.11915165

My mom reads Coelho.

>> No.11915166


>> No.11915686

This thread is discouraging

>> No.11915706

Five or six that I'm reasonably sure of, probably more in reality.

>> No.11915792

>> No.11915794

>why the fuck you reading a book!!
that's sad

>> No.11915810

None. I had the same experience with the guy whose friends were confused about him reading. Everyone thinks that reading is just a "another video games".

>> No.11915820

my mum

>> No.11915841

If you watch that Vox's Explained series on Netflix about the female orgasm, you'll also know that many women actually can't orgasm through vaginal sex so sticking your dick in there doesn't exactly work always if you want them to cum too. You gotta learn how to use the clitoris, but even then that isn't always going to work.

Sex has to be a two-way street though. Make sure you ask her how she masturbates and if she knows how to make herself orgasm because that's useful knowledge to you. It honestly varies from touching their legs, breasts, ears, clit, vagina, anus, g-spot, etc. It's sometimes only one or two of these things and sometimes it's all of them. Women vary in that way whereas us guys really just have a dick, derty bollocks and a prostate that when massaged is enough for us (it's how it's massaged that makes a difference, but there's not as much a guessing game as to where the spots are for us).

>> No.11915861

My mother has read a lot of the stuff I'm currently reading and my dad has some Shakespeare and Bill Bryson at his house so that's something at least.

I knew a guy in college (at the time I didn't read much) who I liked talking to because he knew of all these books that I would later fall in love with (McCarthy, Hubert Selby Jr, Confederacy of Dunces, The Doors of Perception, etc etc).

One of my lecturers at uni seemed to have read everything I was reading at uni as I waited for lectures to start or during my lunch break which was cool because we could have a good talk for a while about the book and give recommendations.

That's about four people I know.

>> No.11915863

>Everyone thinks that reading is just a "another video games"
So they think reading is a form of entertainment? What's wrong with that?

>> No.11915873

There's no such thing as a 'female orgasm'. The concept of orgasm is tied to ejaculation. Since women can't really ejaculate they can't orgasm either.

That doesn't mean they don't enjoy sex; they do, and probably more than males. It just means you're applying male sensations to the female psyche, which is retarded and a recipe for disaster.

>> No.11915886

Zoomer here
Literally no one
Including bestseller/pleb shit

>> No.11915910

are you crazy

>> No.11915911

My parents read both plebby and /lit/ stuff

>> No.11915916

I've never even seen another person reading a book outside of assigned school reading or textbooks, let alone personally known anyone.

>> No.11915918

At least 2 handfuls, but they all know what /lit/ is, so

>> No.11917305

Went to Costco recently and handn't browsed their book section in ages. There is this really long table full of self-help, thriller, and other bestseller trash, and there is this small little corner of it with stuff like Dune, Harry Potter, and Azimov. Don't think I saw anything that wasn't fantasy or sci-fi. Hardly anyone reads anymore, and the few people who do only read genre fiction (not that I think there's anything wrong with genre fiction). It's a sad comment on where we're at. I have one friend who reads occasionally but I don't trust his taste at all. He liked Lolita but for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.11917456

All my friends read. My family too. My mom got a side by side mediaeval Latin text about obscure island flora and fauna the other day because she was afraid it might sell out of the first print.

What are your friends doing while you read? Do you all not read near friends? I understand if it's the nofriends gang answering but wtf else do you talk to people about?
Pls explain why you no storytiem with friends 4chan, this thread makes me feel weird.

>> No.11917464

Where are you from?

>> No.11917466


>> No.11917469

Be more specific. Germany, France, Britain etc. ??

>> No.11917478

One of the tiny ones where I don't want to dox myself by having you talk to a bookshop. Why?

>> No.11917489

Because you've contradicted most of this thread.

>> No.11917501

I'm not in a country that reads that much. I always hear Iceland and the colder areas read way more than the rest of Europe. Is the thread mostly America?

>> No.11917509

>mostly America?
Probably. I wish people had said where they come from in their posts.

>> No.11917527

I should probably specify I have maybe 20 friends divided into small groups. I know one guy doesn't read but he doesn't count because he's a poet and afraid he will plagiarise from books.

>> No.11917540

>Do you all not read near friends?
Never. I talk to my friends, and sometimes we watch something, but we'll talk over it instead of watching together in silence. Maybe that was a typo (you meant "have" not "read), but I talk to my friends about the news, what's going on in their lives, and visual entertainment (tv and movies). We philosophize and share values, talk politics occasionally, but we don't talk about books. Not much to talk about, honestly. Who was that writer that said all literary criticism basically comes down to "Did you like it?"? Might have been Orwell but I really can't remember.

>> No.11917603

>Never. I talk to my friends, and sometimes we watch something, but we'll talk over it instead of watching together in silence
I think the only times I have done this with friends it was an accident when we were on drugs. It might be a cultural thing. I don't talk much about tv and movies with my friends, but very few of my friends have tvs except for game screens. We go to movies in theatres so I think maybe sitting together in silence for two hours with a book isn't so strange. I recommend books more than movies to my friends but watching tv apart from football together in a bar seems like an old lady activity. Everyone streams series so it doesn't make sense to talk about except maybe if you saw something you would recommend like a book or movie. Though we stream a lot of American and foreign series, so if your tv was showing those series it might be a more cohesive part of culture than here.

>> No.11917626


/lit/ type reading? I'd have to say two. I am good friends with a professor and his wife; they both read, and I often ask them for recommendations and discuss books with them. My friends read Harry Potter and stuff, but none of them would ever read anything that's not mainstream. I have a good friend who loves to pretend that he is smart and reads a lot, but I'd bet my balls that he barely reads 4 books a year.

>> No.11917635

My mom and aunts, and uncle. I don't have any immediate friends that read (anything besides techincal matters pertaining to their various niche interests)
That's because I don't have many friendships in my home town and am terribly asocial, that's why I come here for conversation. I know a handful of hip-people in cities far away from home that seriously read, but I only really meet with them in my travels.

>> No.11917643

>I have a good friend who loves to pretend that he is smart and reads a lot, but I'd bet my balls that he barely reads 4 books a year.
That's /lit/. He definitely counts.

>> No.11917645

0 nobody cares about your autistic word wanks

>> No.11917662


What bothers me is that all he reads are books that have been made into movies, but he reads them *after* having watched the movie. His (modest) book shelf has all that shit like "Life of Pi", "Cloud Atlas", etc.

>> No.11917668

three, one being a minister, one being a 14 year old boy, and the last being a young kept woman

>> No.11917673

This sounds like a great premise for a novel.

>> No.11917685

My friends share tv recommendations (and they all watch by streaming), and then if they get someone onto a series, they talk about it. I'm the one who reads the most of all my friends, so I know they won't read my recommendations and they don't recommend me anything. If they read more, I'm sure we'd talk about books the same way we talk about shows and movies. Even my really smart out-of-state STEM friends rarely read literature, from what I can gather.

>> No.11917693

>friends with several women
>they ask for recommendations
>give them
>silent staring
>never talk about books again

>> No.11917743

My friends more often talk about it if it is a factual series, but you don't know how many episodes they have watched so it's normally, Watch this. If they like it they might tell you but most of the time we recommend movies to each other and talk about that.
What is strange to me is that you seem to read in a culture that does other things. Most of the people who don't read here are drunk 24/7 types, and people read on buses, in cafes, bars, and so all this makes it seem like reading is normal. Bookshops next to each other don't go out of business and people go in them.
Is it treated as being normal to read there? I know about the Harry Potter crazy women, but I mean normal for normal people. Is the choice only Harry Potter or solitary reading? Do cafes have books there? Why do you read when it appears it is rare I think is my question.

>> No.11917760

>Why do you read when it appears it is rare I think is my question.
Because I read as a child. Read a lot of Roald Dahl, and never lost the enjoyment of reading, luckily. (There was a huge gap between Tolkien and finally finding "real" literature again in Nabokov, and the only book I really enjoyed that I had to read for school was by Kawabata, who I never followed up on.)

>> No.11917791

Books for schools are always terrible, I only remember all ours had either WWII or the horrors of drugs if they thought killing Jews wasn't hip enough. I watched more tv as a child because my parents had one, but a lot of the stories for cartoons came from books. I was very upset that Dumas père did not write a book about the dog musketeer rescuing and fighting the cat lady.

>> No.11917804

literally like two IRL. One of them never liked talking about what he read though.

>> No.11917841

>Most of the people who don't read here are drunk 24/7 types, and people read on buses, in cafes, bars, and so all this makes it seem like reading is normal
Most people don't read in public over here, not even on buses (just play with their phones or listen to music), and especially not in bars. Bookstores have been going out of business like crazy over the last ten to twenty years. ('Murrica)

>> No.11917907

I think some of that is America more broadly. Here independent bookshops and cafes and fast food places are more likely to gain a second property than a Starbucks or McDonalds. We have Starbucks, but it is positioned where tourists are dropped off. In small countries it is easier to see the bookshop owner or cafe owner as a neighbour or friend. It helps Starbucks doesn't make real coffee. Bars have to pay to get allowance to show sports, to show entertainment shows, to have live music, so there are venue bars for that, and cheap bars where you go to read and drink and hang out for hours like cafes. Venue bars normally cost more and are further away. The closer to tourists they are the worst the price and they have two tvs minimum and live music and jukebox and all playing at the same time. Reading bars are comfy and have fewer students than libraries.

>> No.11917910

I have no friends.

>> No.11918025

My best friend has probably read more than I ever will. I know for a fact he comes here occasionally.
I introduced him to his gf who studied in the same English Lit classes as me at university. She reads a ton too but unsure if she has ever visited /lit/.
Don't know her but my gf's cousin's gf posts here. She just came back from Japan, I believe. However, I don't think she actually reads that much, same with her bf - they seem to be more about that clout.
My grandma reads a lot.
My other friend's gf has bragged to me about how fast she reads but she has childish, shit taste.
My mom reads on holiday.
My dad reads a lot of autobiographies.
My other friend reads shit like Wheel of Time.

I understand what you requested in your question but that is a list of everyone I know that simply READS.

>> No.11918036

when you're a fat small dicked retard who thought that the best way to respond to a post-ironic shitpost about the banality of attractive women was to immediately pivot to snarky sarcastic quipping about sexual dysfunction

>> No.11918060

Based and redpilled

>> No.11918393

One that tries (but it takes him 3 mos to finish a 250pp Zola-tier novel) one that can but just reads shit (the lone female of the group- novels by contemporary female authors, self-help, and Buddhist core stuff) and one that does.

>> No.11918624

No one. I've never actually met a person who reads non-mass-market books for fun. Other than myself and /lit/.

>> No.11918630

Pretty sure I've had orgasms before, senpai. Sorry you lack skills? Please go back to your containment board.

>> No.11919207

I think this is honestly worse than just being stupid

>> No.11919225

My friends and family are all highly educated but I'm close to alone in reading literature.

My brothers mix Stephen King and massive amounts of nonfiction.

My sister reads constantly but mostly fantasy with the occasional lit mixed in.

My mom reads everything but none of it very frequently.

My friends mostly read nothing except for one who reads nonfiction and one who reads philosophy and theology.

You retards are all I've got for discussing lit. Sad.

>> No.11919302

One (1) of my closest friends since childhood is the only person I know that still reads. Another girl claims to read but its mostly bible studies and romance novels. The other gave me his audible account and its mostly books on self help/memory improvement techniques, and some about the singularity.
Theres a philosophy major here at my work who says he hasn't read a book since school.

>> No.11919315

As girl who exclusively reads the Bible and romance novels sounds perfect

>> No.11919318

This sounds awesome

>> No.11919452
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>> No.11919836

just myself. and you, /lit/.

>> No.11919879

No one. One tried to impress me and bought some philosophy classics where you could tell from looking at them that he doesn't know he's doing - and I'm not even into this stuff.

Non of my friends or even colleges has more than 2-3 "current years Bestsellers" on some shelf. Meanwhile I have over 700 books on ancient and modern history and politics plus a couple fun books like Hancock. Whenever they visit they act like I'm some Gandalf-tier wise creature and try to adapt my world views as far as they understand them - which is nice for my political goals I guess.

But to be fair, they all work lik 50h a week in STEM fields and I'm a neet since I left school (some 15 years back - so I guess I am a wizzard).

>> No.11920289

>a neet since I left school (some 15 years back

>> No.11920315

3, and they all post on /lit/.

>> No.11920320

I wasn't posting to be snarky or sarcastic, I'm not really sure how you came up with that, anon

>> No.11920322

Nigga you projectin

>> No.11920366
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Yeah, the train has left the station for me, as they say. I don't even give a fuck anymore, I actually glad to be honest. I spend all my money on books and eat and drink like a monk to save more. My goverment and society has long given up on survival and just decided to flood my country with unironically millions of third worlders which wage cucks will need to pay for despite tax already beeing at 70%. I got a cute co-neet gf and I'll use those gibsmedats to raise them well.

Embrace /fitlit/ NEETism instead of slaving away for the Moneylenders.

>> No.11920368
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My friend reads translated Chinese web novels. Does that count? Even reads machine translations sometimes. That's it.

>> No.11920370

At least third worlders sometimes pay taxes

>> No.11920381

I can't really do this because I want a family

>> No.11920388
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I worked since I was 14 thanks to being thrown out my a whore mother. I payed enough to realise that this system only works if those in power don't consider the people to be exchancable and import shitskins to lower wages. Just at pic related. While having a financial boom in the lat years the paying power for my country has fallen worse than a fucking bankcrupt country like greece. We have around 10 Million more people than jobs and our politicians just yesterday said that the new migrational pact is not that bad as we will import (probably) fewer peole than already live here. And germany already is at 60% naives out of the 85million. This is simply done to lower the wages of europe even more and destruckt the homogenity and therefore ave a better chance of implementing a police staate, as its already on its way. This anarcho tyranny is not a meme, or conspiracy if you follow european political news and know alittle bit about history.

I know that my children or at least their children will live in their own homeland in a South Africa 2.0 and that they will be pushed out from their soil if not outright wanted dead. Why sould a shane person help this system run longer than necessary? I would love to give my part to my community, but I will not waste my life to help others replace me. And once this welfare system collapses I can still get by very well, due to being a big brain neet and having a good education.

Judge if you will, but it doesn't bother me. I'm not a neet because I wanted to be one, I simply accepted the TED Pill and the first step is the destruction of the welfare system. Become more /lit/.

>> No.11920389

I sometimes bully friends into reading things.
Right now I'm trying to bait someone into reading Lolita and it looks promising.

>> No.11920399

You can affort a bigger family on gibsmedats. You only need to accept that you will not live in fancy luxuries and can go on vacation three times a year. As soon as you get tweo kids you will get more money on gibs than the average worker can make. The more people work for a better income the less children they get. Money isn't everything and you can make do with far less than you think in a good way. Beeing raised in a rich household only ruins your kids.

>> No.11920403
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Pic related was this, I forgott.

>> No.11920437

/lit type reading? 0, i do know several people who read professional literature, research papers etc but outside that they just read couple bestsellers a year if anything. Hell, even i dont read "/lit/" literature anymore, just stuff for work, hobbies and few other areas of interest.

>> No.11920442

lol being smart and all I go to an elite academic institution where everyone reads intelligently

just kidding everyone's retarded here too - just work hard

>> No.11920447

Which country are you talking about though?

>> No.11920453

Antisemites alternate, chastising Jews as either communists or ultra-capitalists.

Now that's some commendable ideological athleticism. Bravo!

>> No.11920475

Germany, the ideological epicenter.

Socialism aka communism and capitalism are just sides of the same coin. But keep spouting your hollow phrases, there is a reason jews have been expelled over 400 times throught their history for similar reasons. At some point a rational human would consider himself as a possible reason for this instead of always blaming the supposedly inferiour cattle goy.

>> No.11920486
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>goyim: it's not the jews
>jews: it's us tho

>> No.11920930

I thought the clit was the g-spot? the three chicks that I've been with all went wacky when I played with it. Is there another superduperer sensitive spot? teach me anon.

>> No.11920954

I know a fair few people who read, though not necessarily my friends. Only a few of them do, and rarely. Reading in general isn't seen as weird here though, atleast not in my social class. It's not classics or philosophy however, but murder novels and other such fiction.

That said, the most /lit/ individual I know is my grandmother. She's got a master's in Nordic Lang., and german ontop of that. She's provided me with plenty classics like Dosto, Tolstoy, Mann, etc. Mann being her absolute favourite. Makes me sad that we only started sharing this interest as she entered her 80s.

>> No.11920980

Same. Except they are more successful in life than me.

>> No.11920996

ayy you must be saying that cuz ur a vergen

>> No.11921142
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Do any of you guys know actual adults or are y’all just shut ins?

>> No.11921185
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My dad has 20 copies of pic related. They are the only books he reads ever. He keeps them in every corner of the house and if he ever wants to not be disturbed he picks one up, and if someone speaks to him he yells 'I AM POOING, SORRY' then goes quiet. He sometimes makes notes in the book about the ideas in their and sometimes writes little stories about me and my mum trying to do the things in the book and failing. I dont know anyone else who reads.

>> No.11921224


Define what you mean by /lit/ stuff. Barely anyone I know of my age (24, English) reads anything at all, and most of the exceptions just read daft novels and young adult stuff. One of my friends is training to be a doctor and she only reads young adult supernatural stuff. Having said that she's dyslexic so I'm glad she's reading something rather than nothing, most of my mates don't read at all

>> No.11921232

Based pooing dad

>> No.11921281

what is this book even about ?

>> No.11921336

I don't think anyone I know reads, but then again, never do I lol

>> No.11921547
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52 things to do while you poo. pic is a page from one of my dads copies, my dad noted this page

>> No.11922043

reading is not normal

>> No.11922073

I know like 2 people who have read at least a couple books this year, but don't know anyone who reads the amount or the types of books I read

>> No.11922263

Three; a professor, my manager at work and a guy I don't know the name of whom I talk about books with for an hour like twice a year whenever we happen to meet at the train station.

>> No.11923597

stop eating onions

>> No.11923615

Imagine if the three of them walked into a bar!

>> No.11923929

introduce finger in vag, palm up
bend your finger upwards, towards her front
you will feel a little area that is less soft, more corrugated
its the g.spot

>> No.11923943

Then you’re profoundly stupid
No not at all.

>> No.11924250

Is your dad schizoactive? Also, post more pics of his books

>> No.11924399

My grandmother will read any book that she can get her hands on. I love hearing her tell me about them desu, she's a fan of Butcher's Crossing, she likes westerns. Any recs for gramma?