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11908680 No.11908680 [Reply] [Original]

What do art hoes read? They claim to be creatives and all about the arts, so surely they read something (even if it is just for appearances).

>> No.11908687
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>> No.11908690


>> No.11908694

They don't.

>> No.11908696

Anais Nin.

>> No.11908704

where cute trap arthoes at

>> No.11908705

Angst over angst is still angst. Chill.

>> No.11908706

I dated a art hoe who was obsessed with No Longer Human.

>> No.11908707

>tfw this post is a butthurt redditor trying to make fun of misogynists for being in a he-man woman-hater's club echo chamber but I am a proud member of the he-man woman-hater's club and I fucking hate women so much that I read this post unironically and completely agree with it

AHHHHHHHH! AHHHH!!!!!!!! I FUCKING HATE WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.11908712


>> No.11908720

Uhh, no, it's someone falseflagging as a newfag, keep up

>> No.11908729

Does this tactic even work here anymore? Haven't on this site in a while. I suppose it's evergreen so long as there are always youngfags around.

>> No.11908732
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>> No.11908740

They keep Murakami, Donna Tartt, and various assigned readings from survey lit classes like the Metamorphoses on their bookshelf, but can't discuss them at length and may not have read them in their entirety, possibly at all
t. knower

>> No.11908741

fucking hell 4chan did affect me after all, i'm pretty sure i have 4chan induced foot fagotry. i can't look at her legs without imagining how nice would it be to kneel in front of her and untie her shoes, gently taking it out and burying her feet in my face. she's not even that hot i mean you can't even see her face or her body properly, i can't even comment on her legs that much but you know, the mind still makes the connection to a voluptuous thick thighed female

>> No.11908742

Wouldnt angst/angst be 1?

>> No.11908743



>> No.11908764

I hate Anais Nin but I've jerked off reading about how she seduced and fucked her father.

>> No.11908766

i understand if you're a female yourself but how can you be a male in the current year and not at least have a suspicious attitude over them? i mean jesus, have you ever hang out with college females? they are absolutely the dumbest generation of narcissist ever, surpassing the boomers. i've never met a demographic that shows how much of a 100iq they are. occasionaly you do find a femail that is actually interesting but the male/female ratio is just too big

>> No.11908767

frogs mostly

>> No.11908773

>tfw read classical lit on the train all the time but Boone’s ever said anything
What books should I read in public to allure such jezebels?

>> No.11908777

art hoes that read/like nietzsche are the best art hoes

>> No.11908781


>> No.11908783


>> No.11908799

back to discord, tranny.

>> No.11908801

1. Work on your b8, it’s very low quality and the viewers don’t like that.
2. Don’t use all caps, it strains the viewers eye and they are less likely to respond.
Best of luck.

>> No.11908811
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>> No.11908815

Milk and Honey
They are the worst kind of Nietzsche readers
Nice trips btw

>> No.11908816

You sound like you post on chapotraphouse. No, that’s not a compliment.

>> No.11908817

Okay. You think you are defending women right now with sarcastic caps rambles but what you're really doing is using them as a proxy to boost your own ego. It's a very subtle form of vanity.

Women can defend themselves. They don't need your help, mate.

>> No.11908822

>No, that’s not a compliment.
It is though. Chapo is way better than this shitty board where nobody reads.

>> No.11908827
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That’s a yikes from me chief

>> No.11908828

tfw no gf

>> No.11908829

nice apartment, thanks daddy!

>> No.11908835

FUCK WOMEN GUYS, WHO NEEDS A HAND JACKING OFF????? **munches Cheetos white cheddar™**

>> No.11908840

Are you that discord tranny?

>> No.11908841
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>> No.11908843

This is some 2012-tier gimmick, were you frozen in ice my friend?

>> No.11908848

Are white cheddar cheetos good? I've never tried them before.

>> No.11908850

this is it right here chief (y'all)

chapo listens to lil retard but they also know about Hungarian politics and books. But also they've seen She's All That.

please fuck my girlfriend y'all

>> No.11908855
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>> No.11908856

tell me more about these white cheddar cheetos, I've only seen them in Cheez-it form

>> No.11908865

Those Cheetos sound aryan af my brother

>> No.11908876

>But also they've seen She's All That.
RLC was peak cute in that. Possibly cutest of the 90s in it. Before the makeover scene though. With the dorky overalls and big glasses. She was an art hoe without the hoe and it was perfection.

>> No.11908877
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Theoretically how do I approach this really cute egyptian art-ho sweety-pie if I'm trying to get at her? All I know about her really is that she retweets architecture photos and tweets rupi kaur quotes from time to time.

Really need help lads my heart has never doki-doki'd this hard just over a female's beauty I was content being a lonely frog forever rereading Marshall McLuhan on the bus on my phone pretending I understand it all before but now I desire more.

Is there any way I can approach this without having to read rupi kaur myself?

>> No.11908878

I honestly don’t even know what that image is trying to convey. That individual looks like a decent person to me, perhaps dressed a bit awkwardly.

I’ve had them one time before they are okay but I try to stay away from junk food

>> No.11908890

If you just wanna fuck her talk about middle-brow lit and art and how much you hate Doland Drumf, but if you wanna have an actual relationship with her here’s my advice: don’t. She’s not worth the hassle she will give you for a relationship

>> No.11908895

The girl that got away in my life was a bit of an art hoe and obsessively read War and Peace over and over. She could quote large swathes of passages to me (in translation of course, she was still a pleb).

>> No.11908912

I blame society for placing them into a universe where they can do literally nothing except exist and be showered in attention. The average 5/10 US women is so socially spoiled compared to a guy of equivalent looks (and all that really matters here is looks: you’re absolutely delusional if you think anything else comes into play in the social development of middle-schoolers/early high schoolers). Not just in a vague sense, as in they all have literally been brought up showered in quantifiable social validation on social media since the earliest foundations of their consciousness

>> No.11908924

it’s getting better, anon

>> No.11908934

No, it’s not. The degradation of humankind into pigs has already begun and will only intensify from here on out as it becomes easier and easier to live a life revolving around pleasure. Americans lack the capability to choose for themselves.

>> No.11908941

>Theoretically how do I approach this really cute egyptian art-ho sweety-pie if I'm trying to get at her?
No BS super sekrit advice: ask her what he zodiac sign is. Seriously.

All art hoes love astrology and you will hit a 95% chance that she will love to ramble about it if you bring it up. Best part is you don't even need to know/care about it. As she starts to talk about it just say that you don't know much about it but you've heard people talk about it. You don't have to be interested in it, just engage with her enthusiasm in general and you're already on your way.

>> No.11908950

If you’re not living in the US it will take some time, but eventually it will get better for you too


>> No.11908961
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>> No.11908966

Is it safe to read Lolita in public? I don’t want weird looks from folks.

>> No.11908975

1000 times this. I had an ex who couldn't stop talking about Lolita, and the drummer in my band's girlfriend is the same.
Depends if you're attractive, well groomed, etc.

>> No.11908977

I live in the US

>> No.11908980

>Depends if you're attractive, well groomed, etc
So no

>> No.11908987

I don’t ever read in public so I wouldn’t know, but when I bought the book the guy who usually checks me out, who never talks to me, started asking me questions about the book and giving me weird looks. One thing he really wanted to know was were I found out about the book and if I knew what it was about. He grilled me for about 5 mins about it until he finally finished checking me out and I left, so probably not a good idea

>> No.11908993

Christ this exact formula has worked 100% of the time for me

>> No.11909008


>> No.11909013

I'm telling you. It almost feels wrong letting game this good go for nothing. These guys don't understand.

>> No.11909019

>arthoe thread
>no images of arthoes
Fuck y’all

>> No.11909032

>he collects images of art hoes

>> No.11909047

Doing God's work, anon
the answer's post turn Heidegger

>> No.11909085
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this one hoar I talked to talked about Homer the Greek.

>> No.11909098

How does one care for something that has literally no basis in reality? At least MBTI has a vague sort of pattern to it.

>> No.11909101


>> No.11909125
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Anybody know why Klimt's oeuvre attracts so many art hoes? It's also always the same fucking painting (The Kiss)like in OP's pic related. Is it because his paintings are always themed around love and sex?

It was in you all along, you miserable degenerate. 4chan merely opened the gates.

>> No.11909126


>> No.11909146

>The Kiss
It's because you can't fit the tree of life in a studio apartment

>> No.11909159

are you 14, pig?

>> No.11909169
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I know tons of arthoes and none of them read but they pretend they do
I knew a chick who walked around with this huge ass edition of Platos Apology, she would literally just walk around carrying it for weeks. The book is like 30 pages long, if that, she never actually read it
Books are accessories for them

>> No.11909347
















>> No.11909382

this photo reminds me of my most dearest art hoe. Oh how close I held you to my heart. But fuck, you're problably off screwing some lesbian you dyke

>> No.11909402

they read light bdsm and other sex drama

>> No.11909412

What did he mean by this

>> No.11909426

It's usually an appeal to please. Like many women do.

>> No.11909686
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>> No.11909793

Isn't this mene just a female equivalent to hipsters?

>> No.11909798

you can fuck art whores and they make for good company while you think. No.

>> No.11909804

Well she does have a poster of Gustaf Klimt, that's pretty artsy and creative, no?

>> No.11909807

Women like that tend to read stuff like Eliot, Austen, the Brontes etc.

Basically female authors that write about familial drama

>> No.11909808

They all like Rupi Kaur.

>> No.11909837

The ones I know try to seem intelligent/creative, and call themselves ”creators”. Usually you can sum it up with thrift store fashion and edgy polaroids taken with cigarettes. Fell for the cute girl meme and ended up dating one, ended up left disappointed. We initially bonded over drawing and reading, but it was very one-sided. She would take me on trips with her friends, and they would ask me to for ideas and help with ”art”. Left her after realizing I was just another one of her many accessories. I’d take an average girl with a quick mind anyday over an arthoe, the whole experience was a mistake

>> No.11909839

femoid post lads watch out

>> No.11909851

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11909900

>Books are accessories for them
the same way women are for you

>> No.11909906

Who cares? Modern art is garbage and these sluts are likely as vapid as the art they pretend too enjoy.

>> No.11909911

murakami, vonnegut, pessoa,

>> No.11910705

Glamorous thread, loved seeing the capslock spastic turn wild

>> No.11910781

The indian girl that writes portry

>> No.11910845

>All art hoes love astrology
Why the hell is this true? It's absurd. I never assumed anyone would be into this crap until I kept meeting these types of women.

>> No.11910867

>these replies
get out of my board r9k

>> No.11910873

Knew an art hoe in college. I recall discussing Wuthering Heights, Moby Dick, Lolita, Catcher (she hated it) and 1984 with her. But she was always in the library reading so there was probably a lot more.

why did I let her go anon ;_;

>> No.11910878

Hoes are not worth it. No matter how much she reads.

>> No.11910885

wow hahahah what the fuck he looks like he's actually backwards. americans will call themselves civilized and look like an overweight pushover stacked on a midget looking the opposite direction

>> No.11910904

They have read, but more like YA and Stephen King, and it was during their first half of highschool at the latest.
They haven't touched a book since unless it's to say how much they loved it.

>> No.11910912

Unironic. non-partisan response: Sylvia Plath, Bukowski, Mishima (yeah deal with it), Murakami (1Q84 one, forgot his first name), soft-modernism (except Hemmingway because 'lol dude so manly lmao"), Angela Davis or some other "radical" american politics, the beats, "art" (more likely taschen coffee table) books

>> No.11910933

>Mishima (yeah deal with it)
Yeah, no. I've tried. They think he's too nationalistic.

They usually associate him with fuccbois.

>> No.11910951
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Alright bros, I need an art hoe in my life. What part of the college (library, humanities building, etc.) are they most likely found in and do they like Romantic poetry like Byron and Coleridge?

>> No.11910973

Who cares theyre psueds. Humble dumb chicks are best chicks

>> No.11910980

There's lots of non-nationalistic Mishima books. The official art-hoe ones would be Temple of Golden Pavillion and obviously Confessions.

>> No.11910985

those are very large lips

>> No.11910987

Good for the SUCC

>> No.11911008 [DELETED] 

intro to drawing or something like that. You want one that at least has some interest or talent in creating, no matter if they're bad. Girls turn sour when they have too many beliefs about the world

>> No.11911015
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>> No.11911224

well you should go for the smart girl with well rounded values and ideals, duh

>> No.11911264
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My gf is obsessed with Kierkegaard, which is odd because she's from an indian muslim family and doesn't really do anything actively religious anymore

>> No.11911315

>What do art hoes read?
Real answer: YA literature like Harry Potter.

>> No.11911321

I know it’s sad isn’t it?

>> No.11911329

The morgue

>> No.11911334

My art hoe gf left for art school and I'm pretty sure she will cuck me. I won't break with her until she does it though. I may be wrong and she may stay loyal. I hope so because I do love her.
Sorry for the diary entry but I haven't told this to anyone and it's been bothering me for weeks.

>> No.11911335

How are u gonna know if she cucks u dude?

>> No.11911339

Prepare for it to happen so you don't lose your shit

>> No.11911346

She would confess. I know her well. She has many flaws but dishonesty is not one of them.

>> No.11911355

>What do art hoes read
Harry Potter, The Alchemist, Lolita, The Handmaid's Tale, The Bell Jar, or literally nothing.

>> No.11911402
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Yeah well she will be dishonest when it comes to telling you about it. You'll find out eventually when you try to call her, she doesn't answer. When you text her, she doesn't text back for a day and when she does, it's in short bursts. She won't try to talk to you anymore, it'll be you talking to her. You'll feel it in your gut when it's happening but your brain will tell you that it's bogus and there's no way that she could cheat.
Trust me lad, if she cheats, you'll know.

>> No.11911439

>When you text her, she doesn't text back for a day and when she does, it's in short bursts. She won't try to talk to you anymore, it'll be you talking to her
...We're already there. But maybe she's just busy.

>> No.11911446

You make me fear. Has this happened to you?

>> No.11911459
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Yup, happened twice before with two different girls. This may not be a big sample size pool, but it's been the same with both of them.
Well, buddy... I'm sorry...

>> No.11911464

If shes not actively cucking you,shes at least not emotionally invested in you anymore
People make time for the things that matter to them

>> No.11911465

This but unironically

>> No.11911479

>People make time for the things that matter to them
Yeah. I know she even makes time for some friends of her. We're done. That¡s much is obvious. But I don't want to end it, man. There's still a chance things get sorted out.

>> No.11911499
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Maybe ask her if she's been hanging out with any guys? Tell her to be honest with you because dragging this on will be bad for both of you.
I just ended a relationship with a girl that I've been with for 8 years. Long distance relationship. I couldn't take it anymore, I wasn't getting any attention from her at all. It's like she turned off and I became a stranger once again.
Block, delete and remove her from your contacts once you have confirmation she's with someone else. (Don't delet nudes tho) Trust me, this will be really hard to do but once you get over it, you don't have a choice but to move on. Staying down because of it and thinking that maybe one day you'll be able to message her and be together again is in vein. Surround yourself with friends, family and activities that distract you and after a month you'll feel better.

>> No.11911508
File: 191 KB, 677x676, FD40D0E6-4ABE-49E2-A16D-B8162682A683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just have to cut it off man. Hanging on is only going to delay the pain

>> No.11911513

please kill yourself

>> No.11911532

My gf goes to school in a different province, but we see each other for long periods of time during the summer and the winter and during our holidays during the school year. But of late she has been taking a while to respond to my messages, sometimes whole days. My impression is that she busy now due to midterms but now you have worried me, despite the fact that she just bought a ticket to see me in a month. I think my fear is irrational and that the years I spent on /pol/ when I was younger have made me unusually paranoid about cuckoldry.

>> No.11911549

Long distance relationships don't work when you're young. You're too hormonal at that point, and you don't have the history that keeps long-term couples together. Start seeing other women.

>> No.11911560

To be honest, if I left her it would not be to see other women. If another woman came along I would accept it but to actively pursue women in one's formative years seems to me a good way to waste myself.

>> No.11911563
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That's not a good sign. I've had one girl tell me that she was studying and she was about to turn her phone to airplane mode, and then afterward she would turn it back on and send me pics of the work she's done to kind of soothe me.
I'd still stay on the side of caution if I were you. Maybe she'll cancel the ticket at the last minute? That's when you know something is up. Otherwise, meet her like you would normally and bring up the fact that you're worried that she might cheat.

>> No.11911600

The last time I brought this up she called me an asshole, and when I explained to her I thought she would do this, and why women in general might do this, she began to cry, and told me she wished we were more intellectually intimate and she felt that I was treating her like a divergence. I have been with her since highschool and she is a year younger than me, and I am in my fourth year of University.

>> No.11911625

Moral of the story: don't date women like this.

t. dated 10 women like this

>> No.11911626

Cuck her first pussy

>> No.11911635
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That seems like a odd thing to do, call you an asshole when you brought it up to her. Fuckin' relationships, man. They're so all over the place these days.

>> No.11911647

Instagram comments primarily

>> No.11911662

I've thought about that but I don't think I could. I really like this girl and she's such a good fuck, man. Fucking someone else will only make me realize what I'm losing.

>> No.11911678

Ugh no sexually actives on my /lit/ pls

>> No.11911680

I literally can't be intimate with a woman anymore. I can have sex and go through the motions of being in a relationship, but most relationships fail now and i'm too sensitive to allow myself to genuinely feel the despair of a breakup. Life is easier when your creative passion is your "girlfriend" and your girlfriend is your hobby. Girls seem to like it too, since it makes me less needy.

>> No.11911692
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Well I guess if this works for you then sure, go ahead. Maybe I just haven't had it happen to me enough times but I'd still go for a relationship if I had the chance, rather than one night stands or hook ups. Maybe later in life once we've all matured a lot more we can start proper relationships. Shrug.

>> No.11911696

>since it makes me less needy.
Loving a girl is such an awful thing. I used to be so cold and emotionally independent and now I would give anything for things to go back as they used to be with my girlfriend. My life has become this constant wait for our relationship to be finally over while I hope she could regain her interest in me.

>> No.11911702

She later admitted I was right about everything.

>> No.11911704

She admitted she was fucking other guys?

>> No.11911705

No, that I was right about nature of women.

>> No.11911709

How would she know if she didn't feel the urge to cheat?

>> No.11911717

ITT: whiny unphilosophical faggots

>> No.11911719

Who cares

>> No.11911724

t. incel

>> No.11911733

Art hoes =/= lit chicks

And twitter jewesses also =/= lit chicks

>> No.11911753

That was not really the subject of the argument, but what started it. What actually upset her was that I claimed that there was nothing wrong with being frivolous, that that was the major appeal of women, and that true intellectual intimacy only existed between men. I gave her examples from our own relationship, told her that our best moments together were rarely of an intellectual nature and that there was nothing wrong with this. But she resisted and said this only because she was afraid of being judged. I told her that it was precisely because she feared being judged in a way that i would never among male friends that real intellectual intimacy was precluded. Then she began to cry and I told her that her crying was exact proof of this. Later she hung up and didn't speak to me for two days. Then she called me and, after I told her that I stood by everything I had said and explained myself again, admitted that there was no disagreement.

>> No.11911760

The real problem is that emotional authenticity is suppressed in men because it either veers into violence, or it comes across as whiney and feminine. And now, in a post-#metoo world, the range of acceptable expressions of male frustration and despair is the most confined it's been since the 1950s. It's easier to just set yourself apart and refuse to participate in that system.

>> No.11911841

I like girls

>> No.11911875

That girl spent more time choosing those clothes and taking that picture than she spent reading that day, I guarantee it.

>> No.11911888

I'll spend a lot more time taking those clothes off from her.

>> No.11911901
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And even more time stripping off that skin from her.

>> No.11911907

Poopi Kaur

>> No.11911910
File: 563 KB, 719x1280, 1526782692514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, exactly. I need to sell her kidneys to keep myself afloat

>> No.11911965

You gotta be in their clique to know, so it is usually a mistake to care.

Just have a particular opinion about what you like

>> No.11911983

This is pedantic and gross, but it is true for everyone. Most Negativity gets hard punished now, so stick to your guns, make sure you're being clear in the way you state your opinion and make sure it isn't negative

>> No.11912001

Why do trannys come here?

>> No.11912002

>Margaret Atwood
>Joyce Carol Oates
>Sylvia Plath
>Edgar Allan Poe
>H. P. Lovecraft
>J. K. Rowling
>Joan Didion
Add pretty much any modern feminist fiction.

>> No.11912016

There's no such thing as being too nationalistic

>> No.11912038

For art hoes there is certainly such a thing.

>> No.11912084

It's truer for men than it is is for women. Feminine expressions of despair aren't policed to the same extent as masculine expressions are because they're perceived as being inherently less violent. I remember when Leslie Jones basically came out as an incel. All of twitter became a shoulder for her to cry on, with everyone climbing over each other to be the one to express the most sympathetic sentiment. I don't think that it's unreasonable to say that a man in that situation would be accused of entitlement or whininess by a good number of those very same people. Men and women are just forced to live in different emotional paradigms.

>> No.11912097

saw some art thot reading lolita and dostoevsky.

I think she was carrying those books for style

>> No.11912108

Astrology also makes its way into a lot of queer culture too, art lesbians and stuff seem pretty into it. I think some of the appeal might lie in having someone else telling you who you are and giving you a vocabulary to describe someone's personality, even knowing that it's woo.

>> No.11912146

I'm physically cringing, stop

>> No.11912169

Based and redpilled. What faggots on here don't realize is that they shouldn't be fighting foot fetish, but embracing it.
Feet are very hot.

>> No.11912182
File: 336 KB, 600x1000, ayeye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck right off. Feet are really quite disgusting.

>> No.11912188

>In New York, Anaïs rejoined Otto Rank, who had previously moved there, and moved into his apartment. She actually began to act as a psychoanalyst herself, seeing patients in the room next to Rank's, and having sex with her patients on the psychoanalytic couch

wtf how do i find such a therapist

>> No.11912191



>> No.11912221
File: 43 KB, 662x602, rBVaJFin_NeAEoBEAACskWAfSzY707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're wrong.

>> No.11912237
File: 146 KB, 554x439, 1528406399217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to tell you, buddy. You're at a loss here. Face is objectively better than anything else and feet are objectively the worst part of any human

>> No.11912244


>art hoes
you mean most college girls and beta boys who actually manage to get laid with those ? That's a pretty vast population. I'm sure some of them at least read out of spite.

>> No.11912258

>feet = worst part
>dick ≠ feet
>dick is better than female feet
>(you) = homosexual

>> No.11912260

Feet is a very low fetish, like farting. I’ve been over this before, it’s why all the losers on 4chan like those fetishes

>> No.11912261

You have the big retardation.

>> No.11912264

Please elaborate. I'm interested.

>> No.11912283

You missed it, it was some other thread, but basically feet and farting is objectively morally reprehensible, and if you view yourself as a ‘low’ ‘dirty’ individual then that is your rightful place

>> No.11912293

Retarded faggot. Feet are the expression of feminine beauty and care. Ass, tits, face are the products of random genetic variations and chemical agressive post industrial products while delicate feet are the product of a feminine mind who knows how to carry herself and where to walk as to not hurt her skin. While tits and ass are the product of the animalistic part of the mind, feet is the rational pursuit: there was no evolutionary pressure on the foot fetishism, it arrived after pure contemplation of beauty as you need an intelligent mind to nourish and appreciate it (which's why footfags have the highest mean IQ out of the fetishists).

>> No.11912295

Is this analytic philosophy?

>> No.11912307
File: 71 KB, 360x360, 1317302878867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol he's dressed exactly like the toddler in the background, and he has the same flabby limbs. It's like the universe is mocking him.

>> No.11912310

That kid isn’t old enough to post on 4chan what are you talking about

>> No.11912335

This and know some Audrey Hepburn movies. The art girls live Audrey Hepburn movies.

>> No.11912344

The one i used to date read poetry most of the time.

>> No.11912361

She already has anon. Make peace with it.

>> No.11912367

This anon speaks the truth.

>> No.11912385


>> No.11912404

I mean,long distance wrecked my 3.5 year relationship

Id try to put it out of your mind,but assume its done, and then whether ud prefer to end it via text,skype or in person is up to personal preference
But idk if id straight ask about other dudes if i were you (do you want the details? Probably not) but ask if you've been 'growing apart'

Idk m8
All i can tell you is that the sooner you tear that bandaid off,and delete social media/sever ties (you dont want to get hints of her shenanigans) it'll be easier for you

>> No.11912421

My ex was an art hoe /lit/ major. She read quite a bit of old english works because she was interested in studying how old english turned into modern english, but whenever we went to a bookstore she was looking for women/minority writers. At the time she was interested in japanese lit

>> No.11912538

Damn I'm gonna get an art hoe?

>> No.11912559
File: 954 KB, 770x1062, Albert_Lynch_-_Jeanne_d'Arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modest trad gf > art hoe

>> No.11912573

Art hoe authors. Bukowski, Murakami, Hesse, Wilde.

>> No.11912583

Sounds like /lit/

>> No.11912624
File: 47 KB, 502x1024, 1478843129915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuk u for reminding me of this feeling. 2012 was a bad year for me.

>> No.11912715
File: 110 KB, 519x734, FC7C1106-8AA3-4E5E-A579-31C02B3B88B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly lads this thread is a feels trip. Personally Im in love with art hoes but this love is unreciprocated. Im an attractive guy whos got a bit of charm but for the life of me I cant get more than a ONS or a few hookups from these girls ever. Its infuriating, Ive gone on dates with art hoes Id love to be in a relationship with that have gone well with them and resulted in sex or something else like that, but I never get calls back or can get anything going with them. Part of me wonders if they only see me as fun for a night and nothing worth investing in. I can only guess at the reason but Im starting to think it might have something to do with having a much more blue collar background and going into a military career. Despite these women presenting themselves as open minded and friends of working class people, I dont think they could stomach bringing me around upper class parents and classmates at university. I guess even if I have more charm, better looks, and Im probably smarter than the softboys at unis Im still just discounted from ever being anything real to these girls. Really disheartening desu, and pic very much related.

>> No.11912757

art hoes are just sluts who have learnt to weaponize an intoxicating facade of culture, most of them literally just shop somewhere more up-market and that's it.

>> No.11912778

listen nigga, it's not going to get any better if you're working class.

Art hoes are middle-class by definition. They are moderately intelligent people reaping the benefits of an education their background and parents have afforded them. They appropriate a literary idiolect to indicate their cultural value and stroke their egos; as females, they will invariably find men (plural) to fuck them. When reality broadsides them post-degree they will utilise their personal connections to find better jobs than anyone born in relative poverty could dream of, before proceeding to find an affluent male to settle with. As a fellow student, you are nothing more than a distraction to them at best. You are an opportunity to fuck a pauper, to allow them to actualise their warped sense of authenticity. Be assured, they will be happy preparing packed lunches for the kids and making family meals on the antique Aga stove in a decade's time.

>> No.11912841
File: 65 KB, 473x312, 1535416660258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11912848

how the ufck do i los e my virginity

>> No.11912858
File: 123 KB, 660x495, CFB3DFC0-92E8-4091-A14A-7A045EF58A72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femoid post

>> No.11912865

Please dont do this

>> No.11912925

real shit

>> No.11912950

Women want attention, men want purpose why be jealous? Do you secretly want to be a woman? Once people realize that men are from mars and women are from venus and to stop treating them like men, you'll enjoy them far more for who they actually are rather than how you think they should be. That's not to say that narcissism and laziness is good but there's far more to women than those bitches you see and hate.

>> No.11912953

This is so fucking true.

>> No.11912965

I guess so man. I think Im really caught in a position of uncertainty, never really fit in fully with working class kids because my family sent me to catholic school and I have always had other interests besides just sports which is always a bit unusual in working class white american towns. But at the same time I went to uni for one year and felt miserable and absolutely not part of it since I couldnt afford to stay on campus and I had no friends because I commuted and had no access to social life there. I’ve occasionally gone back there and sat and ate in the cafeterias to people watch, and I realised how very little I had in common with those kids, its not even a rich uni just a state school. But there I was with ratty dirt covered boots and sweats after I was done work for the day and skipping out on my community college classes just to have some kind of time to relax and turn off. There was just nothing linking me with these people anymore. Its over now I guess, Im going into the chair force and the company is much better from my first impressions, whether that lasts I dont know. Art hoes just seeing me as a toy is a side effect I guess. Shame, they at least pretend to be interested in art.

>> No.11912990
File: 163 KB, 324x436, Feelscault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there, Self.

>> No.11913027
File: 340 KB, 1640x2008, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big art books with lots of pictures and few words.

>> No.11913094
File: 52 KB, 1080x642, 324F4D50-887D-4B00-8E62-E1CDFE965317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There there my man. At least we wont be stuck with girls like pic related.

>> No.11913107

That's a pretty funny tweet desu

>> No.11913129

that's actually very funny and it rings true

i love you dad

>> No.11913135
File: 219 KB, 1908x1073, concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize that her family makes 6 times as much money as your mom and their only considered "upper middle class".
>tfw you realize your buddy from 19th century european lit's car is worth more than the house you grew up in and he got it for free
>tfw that same friend gets D's in half his classes and but doesn't have to worry meanwhile, if you fall below 3.0 you're going to loose almost all your funding.
>tfw everyone starts nonchalantly talking about how much fun they had on their senior trips to europe but you've never even seen the ocean.
>tfw you fuck up one semester and have to "take a year off" to earn tuition while those fuckers continue on.
>tfw you know that even when you get the degree you won't be able to get a decent job becuase you don't have the connections they have.

>> No.11913141

Chad dick's tattoo.

>> No.11913144

>tfw you hit it off with girl in class
>no response to your message after a day

why are women so cryptic?

>> No.11913155

if i must suffer the agony of consciousness for the rest of my days the least women could do is be hotter

>> No.11913176
File: 137 KB, 640x640, 3BD7656B-EECE-4A42-AD52-E11559410342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pretty funny, but desu I dont think it pokes fun in a way that is respectful. I think the intention of it was to be mocking of that kind of bond since somehow even having a strong relationship with pops is un hip with art hoes who are up their own ass with faux self loathing and distaste for any kind of traditional community bonds. Or maybe Im talking out of my ass, I really can’t tell anymore. Have a qt on me, lovely girl from Turkey I once knew.

>> No.11913196

don't be such a baby. poking fun is not supposed to be respectful. besides it strikes me as a kind of self aware jealousy like mentally ill people who rail against the "well adjusted" not because they think it's bad to be well adjusted - inherently a contradiction of terms - but because fuck the well adjusted i'm dealing with depression anxiety bipolar disorder etc. over here, basically a tumblr version of fuck chad i'm an ugly beta male

>> No.11913219

Cant say I know all of those feels man, my pops and mom stuck it out together and managed to climb the social ladder a bit and my mom got to stay home and raise me and my brother. But
>when mom has to go back to work during the recession and grandpa picks you up in his old beater truck from the 80s
>when the kids at your new catholic school in a rich town get picked up in range rovers
>when the one uber rich kids house was always rumored to be a well known baseball players house
>when he bragged about his pops having a ferrari
I wish I could say Im doing better than him in life now and all that, but that just wouldnt be true.

>> No.11913220

>hey guise women totally read!
>number of women posters itt: zero
Also why do so many art hoes have skinhead bfs?

>> No.11913226

I can tell from this one picture that she's a total bitch.

>> No.11913242

Not always, sure you can make fun of a lifestyle and still respect it and care about it. That was the whole point of the blue collar comedy tours, it was self aware about the goofy aspects of redneck/white trash culture but you could tell they all still cared about it and loved it for what it was. I’ll have to agree on your second point, it’s like a badge of honor anymore for kids to spout off about having terrible relationships with their parents when they’ve probably got just fine relationships.

>> No.11913265

>women don't read because they don't visit a board whose posters frequently talk about how intellectually inferior women are

>> No.11913273

Nah, she was a really great girl. Something about turkish girls make them very pleasant to be around, I dont think the shtick of irony and aloofness has hit them yet. Really genuine person. For all you lads that are dissapointed with girls in the anglosphere, dont be afraid to look abroad. Sometimes the grass really is greener. I’ve dealt with slavic, middle eastern and a few western european village girls. While theyve got their quirks, they’re sincere which is starting to become too much to ask anymore with anglosphere women.

>> No.11913278

Women come here. The decent ones just don't talk about the fact that they're women.

>> No.11913450


>> No.11913484

got damn pls anon dont hurt em

>> No.11913515

conversation with this faggot
>you sse brittany venti?
>the hammerhead shark butterface?
>her face fucked up, but them toes pham

>> No.11913523

Go back to your room, Calum.

>> No.11913550
File: 34 KB, 801x800, product-image-392431547_1024x1024_55c397ef-f1a1-4433-94d5-bdded1ea3dbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many leftists that I know are obsessed with Harry Potter.

Pic related. Protection symbol from the serie, pretty popular tattoo amongst leftist females.

>> No.11913635

This made me kek heartily
And then I realized you were right
And I keked again

>> No.11913661

Extremely accurate. Only thing missing is - random occult and esoteric texts, maybe some contemporary personal essays like Hilton Als or something.
Your more woke types might be into sci-fi written by PoC and other writing that focuses around race - writers like Octavia Butler and Samuel Delaney are like disproportionately popular with qt art school types.

Probably easier finding a horse girl into Coleridge you fuckin dork

>> No.11913687

Art Hoes read the same as anyone on /lit/, Reddit, etc.

Because they are all pseuds

>> No.11913700

because it's bordering on art deco which is what all of them actually want, but don't want to admit that it's a purely aesthetic appeal

>> No.11913773

Isn't the essence of retardation to apply rationality to instinctual pursuits? To deny the dirtiness of your degenerate fetish and try to reframe its instinctual origins as a result of logical contemplation?

>> No.11913783

Basic stuff like Camus's "The Stranger" and Kerouac's "On the Road". What sucks is that the books that art hoes read are a good start but they never go deeper than that.

>> No.11913886

absolutely based and incredibly redpilled

>> No.11914312

>if it's golden it's art deco

>> No.11914329 [DELETED] 

/lit/ based discord. join if you like at least a few of these things. warning: it's slow moving

1. literature
2. philosophy
3. sports (especially mma)
4. scantily clad/nude women
5. music


>> No.11915595
File: 182 KB, 465x369, aaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about tattoos like this?

>> No.11915600

>The Power
>Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race

>> No.11915625

Thats pretty stereotypical IMO but I doubt it bases on anything.

>> No.11915651

>Puts in Pluto and explained
>Doesn't put in Jupiter's moons
>Doesn't even put in Ganymede or Titan

>> No.11915655

Ffs autocorrect is proof STEM can't English

>> No.11915660

If you dont want to be cucked or used you need a virgin Christian waifu

>> No.11915671

first two yes. art hoes don't read pessoa.

>> No.11915675

Yeah but she cute

>> No.11915678

they don't read pessoa they read saramago and the only book they read by him is blindness what of his worst books

>> No.11915741

It's me again. I think we're done, bros. I wanted to have a last talk with her to see if we could get things back to normal but apparently that isn't even happening.

>> No.11915770
File: 19 KB, 540x429, Better than suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, bro. Shit.
Long distance relationships are too much of a risk. Break down now and pick yourself back up in 2 weeks time. Just block, delete and remove anything you have of her and then you will forget it easier.
I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.11915780

>art hoes don't read pessoa.
>they don't read pessoa


>> No.11915851

>W.B. Yeats
>books about atrology/magic she finds in thrift stores
>I Ching
t. my sister is an art hoe and she stole my deck of tarot cards just to put it on her desk with her crystals and black candles

>> No.11915859

Is she hot?

>> No.11915874


>> No.11915917


Maybe she just forgot you zperg. I do all the fucking time

>> No.11915925

Based and redpilled chad.

Why do women cry when they lose an argument? It’s so fucking pathetic.

>> No.11915940
File: 69 KB, 500x381, 1538780113566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in about the same spot as you, got cucked myself. delete and block that hoe, nothing good is going to come of people like that. keep reading and carry on, bro

>> No.11916004

Well, I guess you might as well just give up. Embrace the black pill and use the suffering to become a better man, one which will eventually be well out of her league.

>> No.11916036

>emphasis on gold and black repeating geometric shapes and hot nude ladies
he might as well be Mucha

>> No.11916266

who here /vergil/

>> No.11916336

Why do American adult men dress like toddlers? Even the dad has the same gear, and so does the man in the back

>> No.11916363


i tried to date a conservative christian art hoe, she turned out to be manipulative and as much of a snobby asshole as all the libtard ones.

>> No.11916394

You don't actually need to read the books. Just remember their titles and say "oh I love that!"
You're never gonna have a conversation about it with them anyway.

It's the same analogy as "oh I love Deadpool XD" but they don't own a single comic. Or "I love that brand of Nirvana shirts" etc

>> No.11916399

Had she dated other people before you?

>> No.11916400

Matt is the best.

>> No.11916407

>that two floor Barnes and Noble

The one me only has a single floor and a lot of it is just hipster shit.

>> No.11916409

Post a pic of her?

>> No.11916412

a girl.

extremely liberal, and gay, but claimed to be christian and put on a conservative front. was practically a pathological liar. i cut her off entirely, there was no point even trying to stay as mutual friends

>> No.11916467

She wasn’t a conservative Christian, then.
Most women are products of their environment, so you have to find one that was brought up in a very secular environment

>> No.11916468

It's not even a feet pic brah wtf you doing

>> No.11916595
File: 1.75 MB, 200x293, 1471862650321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11916612

That is what OP sounds like. A child in elementary school

>> No.11916962


>> No.11916968

Real nigga shit. Keep it a hunded. Even though it feels really shitty to get ducked, there's also something about it that's totally captivating, for lack of a better word. Like part of you just want to watch that shit unfold and get the proof you so desperatly desire (and drew) that your bitch is keeping it loose for other dudes.

>> No.11916971

Chapo is a friend simulator for Bernie Sanders kids

>> No.11917080


They would be extremely pleasurable.

>> No.11917110

>reading out of spite
I like this and I think it describes many anons here who have only begun reading as adults.

>> No.11917121

This anon is correct. But what no one has mentioned yet is that you can easily catch and hold one one for life by being a musician, film guy, author, visual artist, etc

>> No.11917149

I don't understand why you guys hate Peterson so much. He literally said that statistically, females are less likely to marry someone who is less educated than they are. It's much more likely that a college educated male will marry a girl that only has a high school diploma.

>> No.11917210

Anon who posted the ginger art hoe pic here, I simply dont know anything about peterson to know he even said this about women. I suppose that makes sense, women dont tend to date down in the social hierarchy they value. By “they value” Im saying that what social hierarchy and culture/subculture a woman values most is what they’ll use to base whether theyre dating up or down. (Ex: Rich girl who loves punk rock dates a punk rock performer who lives in a squat and has nothing to his name)
This would make sense because in punk subculture the artist would be pretty high up and have social capital and while the girl has more mainstream social capital she values punk subculture more to the point that she prefers punk singers over investment bankers.

>> No.11917215
File: 24 KB, 680x422, 1534916739141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low testosterone, high cortisol. Sort it out!

>> No.11917273

>t. supreme gentleman Chadowski

>> No.11917314
File: 88 KB, 642x960, moltobene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon would also say that even wealth in the entertainment industry is no guarantee of fidelity. Look at Colin Firth. Married to an unknown Italian actress for 20 years, still ends up cucked, and that's in spite of his being both wealthier than her by birth and more successful than her professionally.

There is, and never will be, any such thing as "catch and hold one for life".

>> No.11917455

This opinion says everything i need to know about your personhood and the life you've lived anon

>> No.11917514

After this thread im never talking to womin

>> No.11917556
File: 6 KB, 169x250, 1522597934696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sori i maek u depression :(

>> No.11917591


>> No.11917616

femoid post

>> No.11918206


>> No.11918214


Wrong. Might be easy to snag one but easy to loose em too.

>> No.11918219

They stick like old school glue to glossy paper.

>> No.11918660

Atwood, Murakami, Plath, and Lolita (but no other Nabokov) being the usual suspects in my experience.

>> No.11918677

Klimt is good and women have a good sense for aesthetics, stop being performatively misogynistic there are other reasons to hate and revile them.

>> No.11918683

>this entire fucking thread
They dont read books. Do any of you even know art hoes? they run around doing cocaine and crying and write poetry on their tumblrs

>> No.11918711

I think he means f ' (angst)

>> No.11918887

>tfw dad died when i was 6

good tweet though

>> No.11919120

-Ajencis, The Third Analytic of Man

>> No.11919146
File: 1.22 MB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres one champ

>> No.11919171


>> No.11919296

>the mind still makes the connection to a voluptuous thick thighed female
She's clearly a skelly.

>> No.11919364

>All I know about her really is that she retweets architecture photos and tweets rupi kaur quotes from time to time.
Is a pretty arthoe really worth the whole of you dignity? Who am I kidding? You have no dignity.

>> No.11919409

>(and all that really matters here is looks: you’re absolutely delusional if you think anything else comes into play in the social development of middle-schoolers/early high schoolers)
Some people actually have charm and humor. I don't, I'm just saying some people do, and it can count for a ton.

>> No.11919678

>baseless accusations

>> No.11919683

Does anyone think he looks uncannily like Arnold Schwarzenegger's long lost son?

>> No.11919740

Why do people like this tend to be overly ironic and use comedy like this to prove any of their points?

>> No.11919743

you ok, anon?

>> No.11919765

from my experience one floor is strictly for music and DVD's and one floor is for books.

>> No.11919782

Because Klimt is good?

>> No.11919873

>that absolutely ghost-pale skin
>that absolutely archetypical art hoe haircut

Anon... is there anything you'd like to share with us?

>> No.11919929

>she's going to tell you when she cucks you
You are so naive.

>> No.11920032
File: 454 KB, 668x445, 1446009281734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Femoid detected

>> No.11920408
File: 50 KB, 858x1024, 1497652815385m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like me desu, i would really like a girl and try to make a conversation but inevitably act like a moron by showing my powerlevel.
Im also not very good at making shit up on the fly, especially since english is my 3rd language
I doubt that guy was trying to harass you, he was just slightly experienced and shy. If you where a guy and that was a girl going up to you she would have been applauded and you would probably look like an asshole if you rejected her- try thinking about other people's feelings, different situation and not like a NPC which might be hard, assuming you're a woman

>> No.11920421

i only like the kiss because its comfy to have, the gold accent is not too bright and the painting has both realistic and abstract forms which is reminiscent of a dream or the recollection of a really old memory

>> No.11920434

>Claim to be a creative
>Can't even grasp the ruins of culture
>Only produce low-skill and derivative work

What are they literally doing? Why do they demand respect?

>> No.11920439


>> No.11920443
File: 12 KB, 1214x258, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11920472

How is he wrong ?
Instead of posting an offhand meme pic and using a singular word to surmise your response, why not posit a new idea or persepctive :^) dumb twat

>> No.11920483

I’m not though I’m a dude. He assumed I was a pedo

>> No.11920500

I assumed "check out " was his attraction towards you, but yeah that guy just sounds like a boomer trying to flex with his pseudo christian values, without the ability to form a cogent argument

>> No.11920508


If they knew how to construct Aristotelian arguments based on methodical deduction then by this fact they would not hold the opinions you reference.

>> No.11920664

Yea dude I'm sorry it's over you should just dump her before she dumps you. I've been in in situations like this myself, you're better off emotionally cutting things off yourself before you get it torn away from you. Seriously if I were you I'd dump her.

>> No.11920671

They're called art HOES for a reason chief