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11908471 No.11908471[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to love women in this era? Girl i write a poem broke my heart

>> No.11908484

If you had wrote it in proper English, maybe she wouldn't have laughed at you.

>> No.11908485

Yeah if you're not a broken manchild

>> No.11908495

Sorri, ïnglish is n'ot my phirst länguag

>> No.11908497

No. The women of this era are not women at all, but the intentional half-measure of manhood. Consequently, contemporary women are divorced from any and all feminine virtues in order to better suit their disposition within the domain of men. Contemporary women are vulgar, crass, immodest, and aggressive. They put on the illusion that they can be crypto-men, yet are in all cases hindered by their biology. The inverse is likewise for men. So, anon, your grievances are legitimate and you're not entirely at fault here. Instead of writing gay poetry, you should be embodying the volcel Chad who redomesticates the modern harpy like a bronco and forces her to adopt feminine virtues.

>> No.11908518

Yes. Maybe harder if you are in Anglo country as the media seems to be playing men and women against each other, creating a lot of unnecessary antagonism. I personally think it mostly trickles out of America and the deep tension, the underlying conflict, between their rhetoric of freedom/liberty and their puritan nature. Some people somewhere in north America seem heavily invested in making men and women bitter over each other. This is not a universal condition of modernity though.

>> No.11908523

If you weren't a faggot, yes.

>> No.11908530
File: 97 KB, 1080x942, 18AF2C0F-0F45-46ED-84E3-6EDDCEBAC611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today’s women are just pseudo-men and today’s men are just pseudo-women

Aaaah, why does this feel so true, I’m not even into this kind of shit but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.11908552
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It's true because it's being done intentionally. What do you think has been happening for the past few hundred years? You're on a literature forum, read some books.

>> No.11908579

Modern women hate poetry. It creeps them out. They want you to treat them like whores because they see themselves as whores. There's a reason slimy PUA tactics work; modern people see each other as talking objects.

>> No.11908583

Not all woman, you gross neet

>> No.11908606

I never show my poems to anybody, let alone the girl i like. Btw thanks for the advice

>> No.11908610

It's a generality of how people interact with each other our modern society, you spastic. If you had enough reading comprehension to understand the use of the word people in my last sentence, you'd have inferred that.
Love is a commodity today. Women don't expect the romantic and thus when they meet it, as anything other than novelty or kitsch, it violates a norm and produces disquiet.

>> No.11908634

I actually believe that a woman can only love once in her life. After she is destroyed in love for the first, she reduces her capacity for emotional substantiation to meaningless sex. I have observed it many times.

>> No.11908655

>you spastic
First, you're typing like a spastic, you can't even type clearly.
>It's a generality of how people interact with each other our modern society
Yeah, viewed from a disgusting viewing lens that has no real formality with actual Woman, and how they behave. People are degenerate and always have been. You're inquisition upon the general populace is niche, and is just plain retarded.

>f you had enough reading comprehension to understand the use of the word people in my last sentence
I understood you loud and clear big boy, cool those guns. Your view is just sad and pessimistic.

>Women don't expect the romantic and thus
Says you. Who obviously doesn't engage in romantic relationships.

>it violates a norm and produces disquiet.

>> No.11908674

I don't think that's true. The meaningless sex is what reduces her to nothing but a pornographic image and our culture incentivizes her degeneration away from being a self. Other people fall prey to different excesses of "Liberty" but it's always the same result - wasted potential and walking corpses.

>> No.11908683
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I've had multiple successful relationships with women and female friends. You're projecting your incel/femcel rage.

>> No.11908697

I'm a man and I've dated woman. I don't chase sex like you, which is my whole point. You care about sex to much.

> multiple successful relationships with women
Wrong, none of them turned to marriage.

>> No.11908716

>I don't chase sex like you
My entire point is the modern trend of people having an inability to connect with each on a genuine personal level because of the way objectification bleeds into relationships and subverts the self. You can't read.
>Wrong, none of them turned to marriage.
I'm 22. Get off my back about grandkids already, Ma.

>> No.11908727

>My entire point is the modern trend of people having an inability to connect with each on a genuine personal level because of the way objectification bleeds into relationships and subverts the self. You can't read.
The point is your the same as the people that you're being critical on, you're a hypocrite.

>I'm 22. Get off my back about grandkids already, Ma.
You need to be looking for love anon, if you're not, you are being materialistic.

>> No.11908745

Women won’t cuck you if you’re not some effeminate liberal bugman. It’s up to you to not be a fucking pussy.

>> No.11908765

>you're being critical on, you're a hypocrite
What about my original statement indicates that I objectify women and only think about sex? My statement is obviously bemoaning the current state of affairs. Are you angry that I said the fact that women want to be treated like whores because the see themselves as whores? It true, you know. It's not a universal but it is true for a lot of modern women. It's sad.
>You are being materialistic
You don't understand what that word even means.

>> No.11908784

>Girl i write a poem broke my heart
Your problem is you probably lack self-awareness, are naive about contemporary society or deny attuning yourself to contemporary standards. Probably not the last since you seemed to expect success for such a ridiculous, eccentric act as writing girls poetry in this day and age.

>> No.11908796

>Modern women hate poetry.
Seems like an objective stance, no?
What about this one,
>They want you to treat them like whores
>You don't understand what that word even means.
I do obviously, as the context I used it implies you think having sex is what makes a successful relationship.
Now, by your stance on how you view woman, you have objectified them to their sinful pleasures by treating them by whores.

How else would you view woman if it's not by your past relationships?

>> No.11908869

She didn't cuck me, it is just platonic love. I would never white-knight a girl and i hate guys doing that, but i would be lying if i told you that i want to save her from her abusing partner

>> No.11908898

As i said before, i never show my poems. She's like my muse. But you're probably right, maybe i'm just naive about contemporary society. Yesterday i was reading sorrows of young werther and i got depressed af

>> No.11908908

Like I said before, I'm speaking in generalities. Obviously exceptions exist but you don't need to state them every single time you make a general statement about a group of people as a whole - especially when that group of people is all people like it was in my statement.
>you think having sex is what makes a successful relationship.
I literally said the opposite, you fucking brainlet.
>you have objectified them to their sinful pleasures by treating them by whores
Stating that women want to be treated like whores and advocating for the treating of women like whores are two different things.
>How else would you view woman if it's not by your past relationships?
You know jackshit about my past relationships but, even presuming that you could have been correct (which you weren't), perhaps those past experiences of meaningless sex with no real connection and the void that leaves in a person could be the reason that said person would criticize the way our culture sets up relationships.

>> No.11908956

Then why call those relationships successful anon?

You realize your using your own experience and projecting it across all of society and then claiming it to be the de facto position to hold on this topic?

> perhaps those past experiences of meaningless sex with no real connection and the void that leaves in a person could be the reason that said person would criticize the way our culture sets up relationships.
Yes, and I also think you deserve those relationships if you can't be more grown up than than "Every girl wants to act like a whore", no, simply those are the girls you have chosen in the past to interact with, and then claim 'woe is me'.

>> No.11908963

You're a fucking retard and you can't read.

>> No.11908967

Okay buddy! Continue hating woman :)

>> No.11908973
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>She didn't cuck me, it is just platonic love.

>> No.11908978

I never said I hated women. You're being disingenuous.

>> No.11908982

Your philosophy says otherwise

>> No.11909002

The philosophy of thinking that women should view themselves as people rather than objects and that relationships should be viewed as more than just a simple commodity exchanges? Because that's the only "philosophy" that I advocated for in this thread.

>> No.11909016

I'm glad you have changed your ways
God Bless

>> No.11909023


>> No.11909494

Only poltard incels like that book.

>> No.11909589

>"no, u!"
the post