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11907717 No.11907717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Let the goyim sink their teeth into whatever lowly creature crawls and grunts across the face of the dirty earth, we will not contaminate our humanity thus. Let them (if you know who I mean) gorge themselves upon anything and everything that moves, no matter how odious and abject the animal, no matter how grotesque or shmutzig or dumb the creature in question happens to be. Let them eat eels and frogs and pigs and crabs and lobsters; let them eat vulture, let them eat ape-meat and skunk if they like — a diet of abominable creatures well befits a breed of mankind so hopelessly shallow and empty-headed as to drink, to divorce, and to fight with their fists. All they know, these imbecilic eaters of the execrable, is to swagger, to insult, to sneer, and sooner or later to hit. Oh, also they know how to go out into the woods with a gun, these geniuses, and kill innocent wild deer, deer who themselves nosh quietly on berries and grasses and then go on their way, bothering no one. You stupid goyim! Reeking of beer and empty of ammunition, home you head, a dead animal (formerly alive) strapped to each fender, so that all the motorists along the way can see how strong and manly you are; and then, in your houses, you take these deer — who have done you, who have done nothing in all of nature, not the least bit of harm — you take these deer, cut them up into pieces, and cook them in a pot. There isn’t enough to eat in this world, they have to eat up the deer as well! They will eat anything, anything they can get their big goy hands on! And the terrifying corollary, they will do anything as well. Deer eat what deer eat, and Jews eat what Jews eat, but not these goyim. Crawling animals, wallowing animals, leaping and angelic animals — it makes no difference to them — what they want they take, and to hell with the other thing’s feelings (let alone kindness and compassion). Yes, it’s all written down in history, what they have done, our illustrious neighbors who own the world and know absolutely nothing of human boundaries and limits.



>> No.11907731

Crabs and lobsters are delicious

>> No.11907743
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I want a Jew girl to put an elastrator on my balls and burn me with cigarettes

>> No.11907746

This is unironically amazing. And I say this as a virulent antisemite

>> No.11907761

>a dead animal (formerly alive)

>> No.11907765

Roast pork tenderloin, baked ham, pork chops and bacon are all fantastic
And don’t even get me started on ribs

>> No.11907787

>eating factory farmed meat where the entire life of the animal before slaughter comprises of torture, enslavement, and exploitation is somehow better than killing an animal that has lived a full life of freedom in the wild

>> No.11908011

>Ashkenazis criticizing other cultures' cuisines.

>> No.11908120

*tips stahlhelm*

>> No.11908140

Phillip Roth was a vile Jew that peddled literary poison. The only reason why this Mr. Roth is popular is because he comes from tribal people that have overrepresentation in the publishing industry and press, which gave him undue entry and undeserved popularization.

They are a wretched people who infect nations from the inside out.
Isn't it something that there are almost no pagans or shamans or the like left over despite having once been more numerous than the Jew? It is because they were peaceful and assimilated.
The Jew though didn't. He at all cost, refuse to integrate. He does this under the guise of a religion but in the volumes of their Talmud, they refer to non Jews as beasts and says they are to be put to death for even reading it.
His hatred for gentiles is clear from the passage you quoted.

>> No.11908154

No lie detected

>> No.11908176

Okay, this is woke.

>> No.11908250

So is eel

Stupid Jews

>> No.11908264

Free animals taste like shit. Mostly because they’ve had to fight to survive and sometimes have to stoop to eating random bullshit not to starve.

It’s like how eating the random Mexican kid who lives in the trailer park and survives off of gas station burritos and marlb blacks is probably going to taste worse than a spoiled little shit like Baron Trump, for example

>> No.11908339

What if you read Roth to understand them

>> No.11908352

"bad books are intellectual poison; they destroy the mind."
- Arthur Schopenhauer, Essays and Aphorisms

>> No.11908373

I want to tie her to the back of a truck and drive through the streets of Ramallah

>> No.11908380
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>Free animals taste like shit