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/lit/ - Literature

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1189691 No.1189691 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for something optimistic, funny, sexy, and aesthetically powerful.

I've had enough of nihilistic hogwash to last me a long time. I no longer see value in depressing writing that dwells on negativity, suffering and "serious" issues.

>> No.1189695

Pick one.

No, just kidding, I'd actually like to know this too.

>> No.1189701

Nietzsche. Visceral writing, blows you away, and everything he does is written from a fundamentally hopeful and awe-inspired point of view. Gogo Zarathustra

>> No.1189710

Nietzsche complains way too much. He dwells on the mistakes of the jews, christians and certain philosophers and simply bashes the hell out of them.

I have no time for that.

>> No.1189711

...Now that you mentioned, I don't remember reading many books with a definite 'happy' ending...

I don't mean a silly idealistic "And they all loved each other forever" but just something that isn't a shade of gray or just downright depressing.

Seconding OP's request.

I don't mind if the protagonist has to earn his happy ending of course, that would even make it better.

>> No.1189714


>optimistic, funny, sexy, and aesthetically powerful.


He's only aesthetically powerful. He fails at the others.

His writing is the obvious product of a sad loner who brooded over his weaknesses (health issues & social skills) and imagined a version of himself he would never attain.

>> No.1189716

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse wasn't everything you described but I certainly found it optimistic.

Go read some sci fi, the good stuff makes you feel so optimistic about the future. Try Arthur C Clarke, I'd go with 2001.
Or read some Terry Pratchet.

>> No.1189720


Any specific Pratchett?

>> No.1189729

I'd probably say Good Omens, cowritten with Neil Gaiman.

As for Discworld I started from the beginning with Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic, and I really think reading them in the order he wrote it is the way to go. But if you just want to get a taste of it I'd say Mort is probably the best one that I've read.

>> No.1189752

What about Night Watch? He sure as hell deserves the good end he gets there.

>> No.1189803

haven't read it yet, as I said I'm reading them in order. Last one was Small Gods.

>> No.1190009

OP--who's that slut in the photo? she's so damn hot. i want to find more revealing photos of her and jerk off looking at them.

>> No.1190048

Anything that's not Pratchett? I've already read some of him, something new and more serious but still with a somewhat happy outcome would be nice.

>> No.1190051

Try 1984, the ending will probably cheer you up.

>> No.1190136


she's cheryl cole, a british singer, how dare you call her a slut. apologize at once, sir.

>> No.1190140

OP here.

Seriously guys, just Pratchett?

>> No.1190144

Don't read Pratchett, he's not literature.

OP, I have the answer: Charles Dickens. A writer AGLOW with a fundemental belief in the goodness of man, a hatred of injustice, a joy in the sights and sounds of the city. He loved LIFE. Yes, he does address social issues, but as a campaigner, a fighter, and he never suggests the circumstances are insuperable. Read Charles Dickens.

>> No.1190145


I'm thinking, calm down.

>> No.1190149

Star Trek: The Next Generation X Men: Planet X

>> No.1190152


I don't like his prose. It seems very clunky. His descriptions can be amazing sometimes, I admit. But overall it's really dreadful, to me.

And the content of his books is very gloomy....

>> No.1190154
File: 32 KB, 186x308, planetx-x-186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot my picture. And I'm dead serious OP. I actually own a copy. More like stole it because that's how good this is.

>> No.1190156


calm what lol?

I like pratchett...im just kind of shocked that he is the only suggestion in this whole thread.

Pretty odd.

>> No.1190158


You want a bunch of totally saccarine lies, then? Nothing in literature that I can think of fits the bill.

>> No.1190161


Ulysses. No troll.

If you're up for reading it (and it is a mighty task), it has the most pro-living messages in all of literature. And it's done in a realistic, notdickensblackandwhite way.

>> No.1190163

Cheryl Cole is a magnificent animal, good to jerk off to.

>> No.1190162
File: 15 KB, 119x187, 9780871131447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Fade Away by Jim Dodge. quality lit, as terry southern would say. it made me happy.

>> No.1190166

I know I've read a book that has left me feeling unbelievably euphoric afterwards, I just can't remember what it was though.

>> No.1190174


same...wow this is kind of weird

Can't recall any optimistic books that don't revolve around some tragedy or dull psychological or social issue...blah

gotta change my reading habits

>> No.1190180

>optimistic, funny, sexy, and aesthetically powerful.

>check several top 100 lit charts

lol good luck

>> No.1190182

Cheryl Cole is great until she opens her mouth

>dat Geordie accent

>> No.1190185


I find that hot as well.

>> No.1190189

OP wants the novel equivalent of Cheryl Cole so he can make love to it all night long

>> No.1190207

Does it have to be fiction?

>> No.1190214



>> No.1190766


>> No.1190770



>> No.1190801

Why the fuck was this bumped?

>> No.1190825
File: 12 KB, 270x250, artist_me2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool bump, bro

>> No.1190836

Because the only thing we got was PratchettPratchettPratchettPratchettPratchettPratchettPratchettPratchettPratchett and I'd like something different.

>> No.1190843

Check out some P.G Wodehouse.

The writing is quite clever and funny and tends to be more optimistic overall

>> No.1190845


There is almost nothing of literary worth that conforms to your strictures. Dickens is not depressing - the good guys always win. The only books where nothing bad is even suggested are books to wet your nursing-home bed to.

>> No.1190863

kurt vonnegut - bluebeard

>> No.1190905


yes I said yes I will Yes.

>> No.1190912

no troll. The Fountainhead. shit'll make you feel badass, proud to be a human

>> No.1190919


You meant 'give you a false sense of superiority for reading a book that tells you're superior'.

>> No.1191381


well then maybe someone ought to write a new modern classic with that satisfies my criteria?

it's about time people grew up, and got out of their infatuation with suffering and angst...currently literature only explored half of life.

I'm simply asking for the other half.