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11907774 No.11907774 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that made you start believing in God.

>> No.11907824
File: 25 KB, 600x337, al quran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11907837
File: 31 KB, 303x475, 616F06A2-1F5D-4E36-BBC8-644C46D4C18C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t criticize Pascal until you’ve actually read him. Atheists hate the wager, yet cannot name the book in which it’s found, and know nothing of its contents.

>> No.11907841


>> No.11907846
File: 126 KB, 1439x1000, e691-fxpwyhw3469137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the Complete Plato

>> No.11907862

but why?

>> No.11907874
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>> No.11908076

If you "start" believing in God, you lowkey already believed.

>> No.11908092

This desu >>11908076 I was 'le edgy atheist' in middle and high school but now in my early 20s I wish I believed in something but none of it speaks to me. If I joined a religion my belief would be inauthentic regardless of my desire.

>> No.11909177

Same for me. I was raised catholic but passed through a genuine atheist phase, and when i wanted to believe again, I found it to be impossible.

>> No.11909195

this was a favorite book of mine and I've never seen this beautiful cover. thanks for posting it

>> No.11909200

Unironically same here

The Christ is the Philosopher King

>> No.11909207

>the wager is refutable nonsense but dont worry it's in a book!

>> No.11909208

God is Not Great and The God Delusion unironically reinvigorated my desire to know God better.

>> No.11909209

Brothers Karamzov made me a believer in God. Sickness Unto Death made me a Christian.

>> No.11910178

the bible

>> No.11910189


>> No.11910206
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>> No.11910222

>goes through an atheist phase
>tries to get back into it once

weak wills tb h

>> No.11910228

I get that believing in a god might not be retarded, but organised religion is such an obvious con that's it's really put me off desu

>> No.11910388

I have a strong will, but believing in God again would be lying to myself.

>> No.11910397

A church should be a place where a community gathers and lifts each other up, and share in worship. Your relationship with the Christ is personal and your alone. Don't allow someone of this earth to claim authority over this; for only you alone have right to this. The Christ's position is clear : Grace is given should faith be given. Do not fall for snake oil salesman who promise the gift of the love of the Eternal Christ should you submit yourself to their tyranny. See Acts 8:9-24, Simon the Sorcerer attempting to barter for grace of the Lord.

"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you." - Luke 17:27

>> No.11910448

Thanks for proving my point, retard. Atheists cling to ignorance and pride. Don’t respond to me until you’ve read Penseés.

>> No.11910473


Primitive Christianism: ok
Catholicism: ok
Orthodox: meh
Protestantism: the delusionos of a horny Agustinian monk and also working yourself to death, don't touch