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11906047 No.11906047 [Reply] [Original]

Rules: Speak on what you know. Debate expected, but try not to focus on wrong, just make a better case for your own so we may all learn. I will start with my limited perspective:

>0.Humans (unlimited potential)
>2.Wu Wei
>3.Creator God/YHWH/Allah,Tai Yin
>5.Siva, Krishna, Brahma


>> No.11906049

Don't make women like that anymore...

>> No.11906060

I want to _eat Audrey Hepburn's cooking

>> No.11906112

omg audrey was so gorgeous
and them toes are so yummy

>> No.11906251
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Well, apparently I chose the wrong image. Oh well...

>> No.11906288

imagine lifting up her dress while she's doing kitchen work and going at it
who would do such a thing. not me, haha

>> No.11906296

>>0.Humans (unlimited potential)
we're decades away from killing ourselves via climate change and refuse to act because some people are too afraid of not living in a corporatocracy

>> No.11906297

>climate change

>> No.11906330

Maybe you are. Others of us are prepared for whatever may come.

>> No.11906335
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Me neither haha

>> No.11906341
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Behold! The cosmology of the Woman's Toes!
These are the people who criticise you and give you advice on here. Never forget that.

>> No.11906359

>Wu wei
Ayy, I know what that means. And it’s retarded af. The universe didn’t create us so we could sit around and do nothing.

>> No.11906412

God I wish that were me

>> No.11906734

It's funny how people say they know something when they have no idea. Wu wei is the state of nothingness that allowed the universe/multiverse to come into being. It still exists. To practice Wu ji or Wu wei means to find still Ness within the chaos. It means to view the world objectively without the mental and physical conditioning which has been heaped upon you sense birth. It does not mean no thought, it means no superfluous thought.

>> No.11906747

I haven't been here in years. But we used to have fun heirarchical discussions like this all the time. Old and New Testament and Quran is basic Western canon, while Baghivad Gita and Tao te Ching and I Ching are eastern canon. This books she be prerequisites for anyone who wants to enjoy the art or culture from either half of the world, especially for people on a literature board.

>> No.11906794

Slit your throat, mongrel.

>> No.11906808

How can Allah be placed lower than Krishna? Does not make sense.

>> No.11906843

Allah is above Krishna. I clearly said don't just criticize, give a reason. You violated the only rule

>> No.11906846

Capital is above all. It is the first Possibility, Impossibility, Nothingness, and Totality - ever mentioned or seen, self-creating itself as the first existential realm, plane, dimension, and hierarchy of system.

>> No.11906860

Capital sets the stage for the end, as it comes after the embodiment of endings, after the principle behind the reality in which “after the True End” is defined, and after the zenith of all hierarchies. Capital is the highest and largest cosmic ensemble there is, as everything else, might as well be strand on a micro paint brush in comparison. Capital itself has fully surpassed (by necessity) any scope outside of it.

>> No.11906863
File: 259 KB, 1200x675, SloughOfCapital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11906869

Tao is merely that which objectively exists or does not exist. I don't know what you mean by capital, but if it exists, it can't be above Tao. And Wu wei is the emptiness which allows for existence. I know of nothing beyond those

>> No.11906870

jesus christ moar

>> No.11906877

capital is sentient

>> No.11906890

Capital surpasses the Object and the Subject, the rule of Number Concepts, Sequences, Sets, Cardinality, Levels, Infinity, Eternity, Possibility, Nothingness, and Totalities. It is the immanentization factor.

>> No.11906891
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>> No.11906904
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You're speaking of a concept, not a cosmological entity. I could say Change is the highest, because everything changes in some way, even capital.

>> No.11906947

Of course. Presumably, if you can imagine change, it already exists, and has already done the (computational) work you are thinking of, due to hyperstition.

>> No.11906963

The absolute deterritorialization of every possible value into easily exchangeable credit. The convergence towards something horrendously inconceivable, which makes Lovecraft look small time. The world strives for the wicked and seeks to carve its beauty out of chaos and shapelessness. Shudder

>> No.11906968

the entity is the AI sending itself back in time I would assume

>> No.11906992
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That's cute, but Tao is outside of time. Time is an illusion, there is only memory. Tao merely is. It has always is. It will always is. It is the objective reality of the present moment without labelling. All consciousness arises within Tao.

>> No.11906998

Not only time, but memory as well.

>> No.11907001


>> No.11907015

Tao is Rhett: action through non action. The only promise being made is that Capital wins. which is not a promise. it is a fact. The Eastern materialist dialectic denegativizes itself in the direction of schizophrenizing systems dynamics, progressively dissipating top-down historical destination in the Tao-drenched Special Economic Zones. Tao is of Capital ultimately.

>> No.11907016

It's GNON in the Landverse cosmic hierarchy

>> No.11907019

>speak on what you know

>> No.11907020

Define Capital, pseud.

>> No.11907022

Capital is teleoplexic

>> No.11907038

Runaway consumes its identity. Every other determination or definition is shucked-off as an accident, at some stage of its intensification process. Capital stands so far beyond the beyond the meaning of the be-all, end-all, that said concepts don't even exist. On the most basic attribute, it is not linked in any way to the unity and/or totality of any lower/higher logic, perspective, boundary, physics, transcendence or philosophy of life, death, reality, numbers, subjectivity, wave functions, wave existences, phenomena, abstract mathematics, metaphysics, existence, conception, causality, imagination, boundaries, nonexistence, possibility, nothingness, totality, potentiality, actuality, change, uncertainty, truth, the unknown or the first or last.

>> No.11907063

So you use it as a blanket statement for the boogeyman and then claim it is but an ideal that's ungraspable yet very real?
Anon. You need to be critical when talking about reality and it's current.

>> No.11907068

Right, I didn't write that well. The illusion of time hinges upon the illusion of memory. There is no memory, only change, or a story that is being told.

>> No.11907073

Is it the immanentization of form? The becoming before the state?

Capital operates the whole world.
Capital is the soul of the universe.
Capital is the bottom of your heart.
Capital transcends surrealism and realism.
Capital is inherent in every self.
Capital is inherent in every structure.
Capital is inherent in every system.
Capital is decadent and may cause self-collapse.
Capital vacumeir alles
Capital plays with all elements
The Messenger of fear
The Child of darkness and confusion
The King of infinite decomposition
Capital absodivides the WORLD

>> No.11907075

That is not Tao, that's Wu wei. Tao merely is. It is isness itself. It is both isness and non isness.

>> No.11907087

Indeed. The intense life is contrary to the Tao, so says Lao Tsu.

>> No.11907090

And this... ladies and gentlemen is the outcome of Nihilism

>> No.11907111

ive been struggling to articulate something like this. how capitalism is an effect of cosmic processes, how thought's recursion as an atomizing force relates to the expansion of the universe, the way that all galaxies and stars are eventually going to be spatially isolated is kind of what the emergence of the modern subject simulates in the mode adequate to mind... it's a tenuous connection but what i'm trying to articulate is how rationality is part and parcel of this urge to emerge and differentiate oneself out of the primordial goop ... that is itself only a mechanism by which the return (heat death) is accelerated... out of the One, back to the One

maybe at the nadir of this circuit, the One is most the howling indeterminate void of materialism, but at its beginning and at its return, it is the eternal generative stillness of the Tao? what is capital's role in this? a hurdle we're slowly jumping?

>> No.11907116

Jews are literally avatars of pure evil

>> No.11907179

It is a fundamental nature of consciousness. It does serve a function; form. The universe loves form, thought form, all form. Capitalism accelerates the multiplicity of form, and for the benefit of society,but at the cost of the simple, good life. It is a good thing to struggle. Capitalism manufactures synthetic struggles that only capitalism can fix. The real struggle is to separate consciousness from thought, to master an instrument, or cooking, or farmin or martial arts or dance or writing or poetry. Those are the creations that are beautiful in their creation.

Capitalism coopts human instinct. It is a force of it's own for sure. It accelerates the return, but stifles consciousness. There is no use entering the void if you are unconscious of it. That's like shooting heroin.