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11904181 No.11904181 [Reply] [Original]

Dear american /lit/izens, did you ever know that no one else ever heard of Ayn Rand outside the america?

>> No.11904183

Stop Rand posting. If anyone else replies to this thread but me your mother will die in her sleep tonight. F she’s already dead she’ll come back to life and die again but more painfully and slow. I’m serious

>> No.11904184


>> No.11904185

every country with a sizable jewish population is familiar with her work

>> No.11904202

enjoy ur ban faggot

>> No.11904209

I've heard about her but I dont carem

>> No.11904260

Tits or gtfo.

Also, timestamp.

>> No.11904839

>Ayn Rand general
Objectivist here. Kill yourself.
stop trying to poison my well r/philosophy. Subversive bitch, I know it's you.

>> No.11904852

She looks like a fucking reptile

>> No.11904868

I saw an Indian bloke reading The Fountainhead on the train the other day. This was in Australia.

>> No.11904892

Read Nick Land or Stirner or Moldbug or whatever instead

>> No.11904899

Decent sized Objectivist scene among the pajeets actually.

>> No.11905037

if true, she's America's best kept secret, maybe the rest of the world could stop living in the deplorable poverty they complain about existing within and build a decent civilization for themselves enriching themselves on her work and taking some initiative instead of blaming the west for all their problems. It's incredible what embracing a life-affirming philosophy does for a society, rather than resigning itself to one of desire and suffering, isn't that a strange coincidence?

>> No.11905052
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Yes, if only they embraced Rand instead of leftist charlatans they too could live in trailers instead of sleek Parisian apartments

>> No.11905062

>there are countless americans that still think america is a 1st world country
It really is amazing what a little propaganda will do.

>> No.11905075

It's one of the shocking things when you travel there. Elderly people collecting cans on the roadside and sleeping outside etc. You expect to see it in India or places like that, but I couldn't believe it when I went to California. Makes you so grateful you live in a country with a proper safety net

>> No.11905131

yeah, what's even funnier is when an American attempts to address destitution in the US only to be met with foaming at the mouth liberals screeching about Americans not knowing how good they've got it, the conditions of Africa, the conditions of India, the conditions of China, 3 billion people living without access to drinking water, half the world being illiterate, that the only people in poverty in America are blacks and Mexicans held hostage by systemic racism. You Pinkos love to have things both ways, with your homogeneous, nationally socialist ideals. Enjoy your kinder, gentler Nazism, with your Greek islands swarming with detainees living in squalor, drinking bleach trying to kill themselves, your junkies all over Lisbon with government provided syringes and decriminalized heroin, self-medicating, "Addicts treat themselves, they overdose and there's one less to worry about," very progressive attitude, dyed in the wool social welfare.

>> No.11905173

Rand was a favourite of both the former Moderate Party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt and the current Center Party leader Annie Lööf of Sweden. The former was responsible for the 2006 - 2014 government that passed ridiculous migration reforms and created the sick debate climate that existed in the country in the first half of the 2010s. The latter's still pushing for a generous migration policy coupled with a new reform that would make low wage labour both possible and encouraged; all to create a new ethnic underclass with no rights. Uninformed idiots on 4chan will spout angry shit about leftists causing it, but the fact of the matter is that we were fooled by neo-liberals disguised as economic conservatives, with the comically tiny green party as their useful idiots on the left flank, and a bourgeois journalist corps that bought every little lie about economic and humanitarian prosperity they were selling.

>> No.11905176

Nope, my sociology teacher explained me her works during our tea time in a local Moscow cafe five years ago. Every well-read university professor heard of her.

>> No.11905200
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>I like pensions

>> No.11905207


>> No.11905264

What’s telling, though, is that you see this kind of severe inequality in the liberal states the most, like California. It makes you think that to some degree, the Democrats are brainwashing people just as much as Republicans.

I just want someone who will go against the two party system and scale down the government AND military for once

>> No.11905286

I'm not american so I can't really talk to much about the issue, but it seems to me that outside of a few reform-minded people who joined the Democrats out of a lack of options, they're just as full of people willing to exploit the underclass, no matter its colour. They just lie about it in a different way.

>> No.11905620

Not surprising since the Cthulu that is capitalism has lifted millions of them out of dollar a day poverty.

>> No.11905631

Heil Rand! Heil Objectivism!

>> No.11905635


Lisbon is genuinely one of the most beautiful places in the world, you're just a salty faggot.

t. Hans

>> No.11905646

Rand flourishes in that sweet spot where material prosperity and a sheltered upbringing meets being an angry virgin. The Indian middle class is perfect

>> No.11905679

In all my years on this board I have not seen a single sound argument against Objectivism and Rand.

>> No.11905732

Rationality is impossible, the self doesn't exist, and you can't derive values from facts. Rational self interest is therefore an absurdity

>> No.11905735

Can you show where any of that is written in the Talmud?

>> No.11905742

>look mom I posted it again!

>> No.11905755

Here are things Kant and Rand agreed on. (notice that Rand called Kant the most evil man to ever live)
>Objective morality
>Free will
>The freedom of the individual
>That objective knowledge is possible
>That solipsists are dumb
>That god can't be proven theoretically
>That utilitarians are fake and gay
>That the american revolution was good
>That man should strive for happiness

>> No.11905778

>Uses rationality to conclude thay rationality doesn't exist

>> No.11906023

He might have come to that conclusion on completely irrational reasoning. Like all reasoning. Reason as Rand envisaged it doesn't exist in humans

>> No.11906046

Of course. She's the quintessential anti-European, anti-white writer.
Yanks love her because she sugarcoats their degeneracy in unearned pride and a transvestite freedom.

>> No.11906053

LMAO look at this tribalist

>> No.11906085
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>lifted millions of them out of poverty
>the Cthulu that is
See the disconnect here champ? Or do you think Cthulu is good and cool in some way I'm not grasping?

>> No.11906093

yes goy, become an atomized individualist, every man for himself kekekeke

>> No.11906096

I remember the first thread I ever made on /lit/ was about an ayn rand book. I got banned quickly after creating it

>> No.11906099

Technology =/= Capitalism

>> No.11906100


I don't think Rand ever even read Kant's actual works

>> No.11906121


>> No.11906125

Larger contingent of r/philosophy mods then. I too remember the Rand wars?

>> No.11906131

Capitalism is responsible for the implementation and proliferation of said technology.

>> No.11906134

Ignore that

>> No.11906141

>The professional businessman is the field agent of the army whose lieutenant-commander-in-chief is the scientist. The businessman carries scientific discoveries from the laboratory of the inventor to industrial plants, and transforms them into material products that fill men’s physical needs and expand the comfort of men’s existence

>> No.11906145

That is one... Ugly... Motherfuckee

>> No.11906154

I common smear. Borne out of the disconnect between what Kantian's think Kant's work essentially amounts to and constitutes vs Rand's identification what it actually amounts to and constitutes.

>> No.11906194

A. Old
B. You don't need to be pretty when Ludwig von Mises names you an honorary man.
Still waifu tho.

>> No.11906195

No, capitalization does and it is a mere byproduct of technology.
Capitalism is the generalization of that mechanism into a system, one that crushes individuality and identity under materialism if left to its own devices.

>> No.11906198

*A common

>> No.11906209

This is why Ayn Rand is Murrica's patron saint. She studied the modern world and not the history of humanity. The world started in 1776, when liberalism became a country.

>> No.11906211

"That mechanism is conceived by and maintained by... whom? Blank out." as Rand might say to you.

>> No.11906213

>what Kantian's think Kant's work essentially amounts to and constitutes vs Rand's identification what it actually amounts to and constitutes.
But I've read Kant and Rand's writing about him misunderstands him so wildly the fairest conclusion is that she hadn't read him. I'm pretty she had read his entry in an encyclopedia, or Russell's History of Western Philosophy, but I see no evidence she actually read him herself.

>> No.11906222

>not understanding obvious sarcasm

>> No.11906224

where do i start w/rands philosophy, like not her novels but her other texts

>> No.11906234

Hard-incorrect. She fully acknowledges John Locke's acheivement. Read her nonfiction. You verifiably haven't.
I bet you're historically illiterate enough to not grasp what it means to draw a line from John Locke to Thomas Paine to Thomas Jefferson (& co.)
All ears.

>> No.11906238

just get a pamphlet from the shoahberg von shekelstein institute of freedom from whiteness

>> No.11906364

>Virtue of Selfishness
The best extolling of egoism ever penned
>Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
Tackles and dissects the most commonly cited anti-capitalist fallacies
>Philosophy: Who Needs It
A wide range of essays on meta philosophic issues such as the Objectivist Theory of Concepts.

Any of those 3 first OR Leonard Peikoff's OPAR as it is a masterful summarization of Objectivist.
For the New Intellectual
Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology
The Romantic Manifesto
+her other non fiction if you desire more afterwards.

>> No.11906419

Thank you! I'll be starting with Vitrue of Selfishness later this week

>> No.11906468

I’m so, so sorry

>> No.11906485

Kant: .99999... != 1
Rand: .99999... = 1

>> No.11906504

I hope you enjoy it Anon. Flex every critical bone you can at Rand, you will find she withstands all of it. Funnily enough the worst mistake Rand ever made was distancing herself from an earlier genius formulation. She is right in that determinism is shit and that the volition of free will warrants defending but in the eagerness to do that she accidentally curtailed the thrust of her I/S/O Trichotomy.
This article is a fantastic read and is an example of one of the few criticisms of Rand I've accepted. Which are so few I can count them on one hand.

>> No.11906518

They are both fucking retarded then

>> No.11906634

Let it be known that OP is a faggot and I suspect he is actually an r/philosophy reddit bitch that is trying to incite shit. Or I suppose it's simply what it appears to be and is some newfag fellow Objectivist that think it's a good idea to post a "general" on /lit/
In any event you're a faggot in either case.

>> No.11906684
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Now I find to have an equally glib but annoying comic to banish Randposting like I banished NEETposting.

>> No.11906849

Oh I concede my blunder

>> No.11906886

rand drips jewish pathologies. her work is characteristic of it, and she was deeply hypocritical as most of the jewish pro """"freedom""""" intelligentsia are.

clannishness for me, but not for thee.

>> No.11906901
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>> No.11906982
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Let's be honest skipper; her advocacy of laissez faire Capitalism and extolling of bankers and banking as exemplary of utter moral excellence remind you of le happy shekel rubbing merchant maymay and that's all the thought you put into the matter.
Echoesposters are tards and useful idiot cryptoleftist tools to make rightists render themselves ineffectual. Now call me a jidf and be on your way. Adults are talking.

>> No.11906993

I think I hear your mother calling you inside for dinner, you still have some homework to finish too dear, your sister has such an easy time motivating herself and we still have to keep looking over your shoulder to make sure you're getting your work done

>> No.11907011

she flourishes in that sweet spot where years of easy pussy in a small town meets homeless friends hitting you up for a place to crash while you work two jobs and attend night classes and start wondering what's the point.

>> No.11907153
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>> No.11907192

She got Kant exactly right. http://rebirthofreason.com/Articles/Younkins/Immanuel_Kant_Ayn_Rands_Intellectual_Enemy.shtml

>> No.11908060

>That second video
>tfw no Objectivist pajeet princess gf to go save scimitar in hand
Feels bad man

>> No.11908183

You're simply delusional if you think otherwise

>> No.11909033

Have fun sweetie

>> No.11909173

Dear American Snowflakes,

Yes I do know about Ayn Rand.

Mainly because my country happens to consume every single aspect of your culture, and now social media has brought that culture even closer to home. I have no interest in the plight of Kavanaugh, the politics of the so called "alt-right" and many other things. Yet I know about all of this because your country has brainwashed my fellow citizens of Australia. Please, make it fucking stop. I have no room for your political bullshit in my already severely depressed brain.

>> No.11909406

I've read Kant, and I'm saying she didn't. She doesn't seem to have read him at all, she attacks a strawman.

>> No.11909442
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The industrial revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.11909465

That was cringeworthy.
>Pure reason is an inexplicable instinct for duty
Actually morality stems from practical reason which stems from the application of pure reason.
>Kant rejects self intrest
Actually Kant said that we have an imperfect duty towards ourselfs to be happy so we can fulfill our duties.
>Kant said that no act was moral if you derived a benefit from it
Actually no, he said that an act only was moral if it was done out of a good will. If you go to the gym out of duty, then you derive a benefit for it and is thus morally praiseworthy
>Kantianism is actcentered and not agentcentered
Does objectivists know that thoose to terms actually have established names like "deontology" and "virtue ethics"?
>Pure reason is an intellectual instinct
No pure reason is just reason itself
>Morality is therefore derived through feelings from the noumenal dimension of reality
No morality is derived from pure reason applied to practical matters and indivodual autonomy. Kant didn't think the noumena was knowable.
>Duty is a categorical impulse that one just know.
Duty comes from the Categorical Imperative, not from "Categorical Impulses"
>Kant hated reason and favored emotions
Actually no, feminist moral philosophers hate Kant becuase he ignores emotions.

>> No.11909473

>tools to make rightists render themselves ineffectual.
Don’t need that much help with Randfags lmao

>> No.11909485

Can we cool it with the anti-semitic remarks?

>> No.11909612

They didn't read Hume either. The writer made a strawman of Hume, made a strawman of Kant's answer to the strawman of Hume, then attacked the strawman of the strawman.

>> No.11909638

Neet was wrong about the whole slave morality thing. We do desire and need approval.

>> No.11909944


Ironic, since NEETzsche himself was essentially a twittocrat. The common denominator of his rants, other than bad prose and contradiction, is the principle of him being buttmad.

>> No.11910560


>> No.11910958

What do you think happens when you import the 3rd world.

>> No.11911948
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The tumblr screenshot, the inclusion of the tags, the bad cropping, all intentional to induce MAXIMUM buttmad.