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11901225 No.11901225 [Reply] [Original]

Best book on Neuroscience for someone completely ignorant on the subject?

>> No.11901231

why not ask /sci/.

>> No.11901233

Undergraduate textbooks. Start with neural physiology and work your way up to Hebbian theory .

>> No.11901236

Oliver Sacks is a good read, not sure if it’ll actually train you tho

>> No.11901245

not that one
or any that uses the words consciousness in that way

>> No.11901372
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>reading a book about consciousness

>> No.11902554

I hate being *that* person, but one of the best ways to understand consciousness -is through a strong psychedelic experience.
Don't get me wrong... you won't "learn" anything new, but it will let you look at existence and consciousness from a completely alien perspective. It will help you connect the dots, giving you a better grasp of what you thought you already knew.

>> No.11902582

Is it possible to try psychs if you have no friends or strong acquaintances?

>> No.11902616


I had a couple of really good friend with me at the time, which was comforting as I didn't know what to expect.
But now that I do, I think I could have managed doing it by myself.
I'm honestly not the best person to ask about this, but as with most questions, I suspect the answer would be: depends on the person.

>> No.11902650

he's looking for a book on neuroscience, not consciousness

>> No.11902744

The book posted by OP is literally called "Consciousness and the Brain".
I think it's a pretty safe bet to assume that's something he'd be interested in.

>> No.11902932

EXPENSIVE and written too autistically but fuck it, perhaps this is the best option.
Actually I am looking for Neuroscience, not consciousness but I see why you'd think that. If I knew a good Neuroscience book I'd put it as the pic but obviously then this thread wouldn't be needed.

>> No.11904021


>> No.11904033
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>> No.11904164

You want to get principles of neural science by kandel. Then you want to go and get neuroscience by mark bear. Those are two generic books. Depending on your interests you can go to psychopharmacology (drugz) or you can go to cog neurosci. Pretty much if you are serious, you should read all of those things. You shouldn't expect to memorize kandel, but the repeated exposure to basic concepts should allow you to have a firm grasp on basic mechanisms as well as basic circuits and such.

You should also have a good understanding of biology, and chemistry. Those are pretty important for neuro understanding. But that's if you're going an academic route. If you're going for a more layman and fun route, just get neuroscience by bear. Or any other generic undergrad neuro text book. The basic info is all the same. Any technical know how will probably come from kandel and more specific books.

T. Psych student self studying neuro.

Pretty much you'll need several text books for neuro and a couple more for chem and bio.

>> No.11905068

Anyone know of any good books for neurolaw, neuroethics, and neurophilosophy? Rather niche I suppose but if anyone would know it'd be you all here on /lit/.

>> No.11905169
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>> No.11906477

*tips fedora*

>> No.11907459
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To be fair it takes a very high IQ to understand Neuroscience

>> No.11907465

Philosophy people and actual neuroscience people both hate the new trend of appending the term neuro- to everything.

>> No.11908549

Well fuck them then.