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/lit/ - Literature

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11898912 No.11898912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any millennial writers worth reading yet or are they still too young?

>> No.11898929

they are kind of like all the writers between 1900-1920... there's never going to actually be any good ones.

>> No.11898932

Looks like someone’s ass

>> No.11898936

b__ s______

>> No.11898948

.... well what is it!??!?

>> No.11898960

The left cheek is actually a bald head kissing the child's face, you can see the nose pushing into the child's cheek. The right cheek is his soldier, and so on/

>> No.11898968

my dyary desu.

>> No.11898982

What a disgusting and confusing image.

>> No.11898986

yea, me

>> No.11898992

Why is he naked?!?!?!

>> No.11899021

He only seems to be shirtless, he still has some kind of briefs/shorts on, it's not that abnormal anon

>> No.11899027

Oh I thought he didn’t have boxers on

>> No.11899045

He might not, but we do know he has shorts on at the very least

>> No.11899177

>solid, undeniable proof that /lit/ ultimately doesn't read

>> No.11899185

If he made the topic about books or writers he might get some help

Mods need to ban off topic threads

>> No.11899191
File: 82 KB, 658x508, Fierce Soundcloud Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a bald dad kissin his kid, with his wife holding dutifully standing by.

what is your problem my man

>> No.11899420

There's a reason why U.S. Presidents have to be 35 years or older to serve: because nobody younger than that has any business being that big of an influence to that many people. People are still too retarded and self-serving in their 20's

Only the oldest Millenials are starting to approach this age. The bulk of them will achieve their success after this age, while a minority of them will labor in total obscurity for their entire, miserable lives, their works only discovered post-humously, rocking them to fame -after- the day of their death.

>> No.11899508

Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein at 19.

Percy Shelley wrote several of his best works in his late teens/early 20s.

Alexander Pope wrote The Rape of the Lock at 24

Pynchon wrote V at 26.

Plath wrote The Bell Jar at 29

Baldwin wrote Go Tell It On The Mountain at 29

Jane Austen wrote Sense and Sensibility at 19.

Emily Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights at 29

Goethe wrote The Sorrows of Young Werther at 25(if this isn't proof you're talking nonsense idk what is)

>> No.11899513

Sam Sykes

>> No.11899516

all of those suck, dude

>> No.11899533


If you think all of those authors suck you should quit reading and stick to shitposting.

>> No.11899556


Also worth noting that Kafka died at 40 and wrote Metamorphosis at 29.

>> No.11899561

OP agrees with and suspected this. Probably means in the next handful of years we'll see some good works coming out, like that string in the 90s with the gen xers.

None of those are even remotely masterworks, and you included several women for God knows what reason, likely just your poor taste. The works of the best word for word writers on that list, Pynchon and Goethe, are also pretty boring or unimpressive juvenilia.

Writers peak or hit their stride in their 30s like the other poster said. It's rare one produces quality work prior to that.

>> No.11899565
File: 261 KB, 1440x1033, 2CE62CEC-F9B0-49DC-84E2-D801FF85708B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11899577


Piss off incel.

>> No.11899741

But he's right about those all being rare exceptions. Do I have to compile a list of all the great books composed by writers over 35 and compare it to the list of great books composed by those under, and see just how much larger one is over the other?

I mean, fuck, Rome had one leader under 35 who was legendary: Scipio Africanus. But it turns out he's an incredibly rare exception because every other important Roman under 35 was a dogshit Emperor, and the lesson that the founding fathers took is that it's just better to just not let under-35's serve in high office.

>> No.11899743

read mickey rooney you stupid fuck jesus

>> No.11899749

pretty solid b8 m8

>> No.11900525


Millennial here. The issue and obstacle with our cohort producing substantive literature is that being a good author takes self-reflection, a desire for improving your craft, time, and - maybe most critically - some kind of mission or adversity or horror that provides the impetus to write. To want to improve, to force you to reflect, to make you want to spend the time.

Well, when it comes to self-reflection and a desire to improve, Millennials are steeped in narcissism and have been taught no respect for the concept of objective artistic standards. Look at poetry like Rupi Kaur: literally anyone is capable of writing that, just like almost anyone is capable of banging out what constitutes modern art exhibits. They have no awareness of their absurdity or their cruidity nor do they wish to.

On the subject of time or patience, the immersion in digital technology has destroyed their attention span. How many Millennials do you know who actually take it upon themselves to read existing classics? Who wants to challenge themselves of their own volition with Moby Dick or Paradise Lost or Absalom, Absalom? If they don't have the time to read, they won't take the time to write. It's hard and the instant gratification of banging out a slam poem for upvotes is way more appealing. They don't care about learning the beauty of language, they want vindication of their shallowness, which is why Milk & Honey is a bestseller: because they literally could have written it, they feel validated by reading it and that's all they want. Same with stuff like 50 Shades of Grey or Twilight or one of a million trashcan mystery/thriller novels.

Finally, adversity. Most Millennials who actually have experienced pain and adversity are too ground down by a lack of hope and social mobility. The e-bourgeois class of liberal arts vampires, coasting by through sucking on their parents' waning means and affluence, which furnishes the bulk of bloggers and "journalists" and would-be-authors haven't had the life experiences that force them to reflect, to want to improve, and to take the time. Give it another ten to fifteen years, then maybe we'll see something great. Once their parents are dead and they're alone at 50 having had a succession of dog-children instead of an actual family and drunken resort vacations instead of learning anything about the world, the old dread and despair might kick in hard enough. Millennials are going to be late bloomers like they always have.

>> No.11900564

Great post