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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 186 KB, 460x429, 1538695283977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11895557 No.11895557[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are books about this feel

>> No.11895559

"you have to go back", by me.

>> No.11895653
File: 6 KB, 219x230, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11895706

Is she preparing to give oral sex?

>> No.11895710

That’s a dude anon...

>> No.11895723

!!!!!!!!!! OwO

>> No.11895733


look i changed the s to an f because a dark skinned person did it

>> No.11895762


>hue im fluent in sarcasm

W*men were a huge mistake

>> No.11895768

Shit like this literally makes me want to die.

>> No.11895779

shut the fuck up incels

>> No.11895785

that roast was lit AF, fampai.

>> No.11895787

Got 'em!

>> No.11895791


Being this new

>> No.11895822

Why is that lady putting her hair up?

>> No.11895828

based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11895835


>> No.11895841

Men do not have long hair, anon

>> No.11895847

it's actually a beard

>> No.11895850
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>> No.11895853


>> No.11896077

then call me a tranny lmao

>> No.11896086

Woe from wit.

>> No.11896125

Dang, she grew up hot.

>> No.11896147

Somehow I managed to get a girl to like me while being like that and also ugly. I have been open about not giving a crap about 90% of sjw bs and she is all about that facebook feminism stuff.
The literal "just be yourself" meme kinda worked, lads.

>> No.11896149


Unironically The Rules of Attraction by BEE

>> No.11896152

>also ugly

>> No.11896153

>look i changed the s to an f because a dark skinned person did it

Its short of "as fuck" you idiot

>> No.11896155

Female sexuality is so shit tier, i cannot hide my distaste for it.

>> No.11896159

Every day I wish Hitler rounded up woman instead of Jews

>> No.11896173

I'm really not memeing. I'm not going to post myself but I kind of look like Steve Buscemi, and he has a way better jawline than me.

>> No.11896174

what? are you saying succin dick is bad

>> No.11896176

but how would mankind survive then

>> No.11896178

Would you suck a dick?

>> No.11896181


Breeding farms perhaps?

>> No.11896183

Is your girlfriend ugly too?

>> No.11896184

how to become gay

>> No.11896185

Asexual reproduction via autofellatio

>> No.11896192

She isnt my gf. I think she is a solid 7/10.

>> No.11896199


>> No.11896204

Unless you can suck dick in a powerful way then kys.

>> No.11896237

>she is all about that facebook feminism stuff.
Had a girl like this. It’ll work until a new buzzfeed article comes out saying that when you use some commonly used phrase that you say a lot you’re “gaslighting” her or something. Feminist propaganda drives wedges between heterosexual relationships. That is one of its primary functions.

>> No.11896252

She already told me I "gaslighted" her a few times lol

>> No.11896403

>look i changed the s to an f because a dark skinned person did it
Imagining this anon reading paradife loft and getting mad because he thinks Milton is black

>> No.11896412

This. All sexuality should be banned until incels are given the girlfriends we properly *deserve*

>> No.11896418

You have to go back.

>> No.11896419

So you settled for low tier feminist garbage? Are you even happy?

>> No.11896439

Same, literally 3 feminists ended up having a crush on even though I thrashed them every single time. Legit be yourself and remain confident.

>> No.11896609

She is not my girlfriend so I have not "settled down". There has been sexual tension between us since day 1 but I also know she isnt "gf material", but the more a get to know her that changes. Probably is just female poison killing my common sense but I really don't care.
I also preffer a "low tier feminist garbage" to an uptight hoe.
And she isnt really low tier compared with the psychotic ogres that I see on a daily basis in campus.

>> No.11896649

I had an sjw gf and I made fun of her views all the time. Girls don't give a fuck about your views if they think you're hot and you fuck them every night. Fact.

>> No.11896652

>totally base OP
stop it I don't like it

>> No.11896671

I would say not just girls, most people dont care about what you think or whatever, just how you "make them feel". Now if thats a good or bad thing, I don't know.

>> No.11896699

>powerful way
what do you mead by that

>> No.11896723

How do you make people feel good? How do you avoid instilling feelings of awkwardness and mild disgust in others.

Asking for a friend. Well more of a friend of a friend really.

>> No.11896751
File: 784 KB, 1200x1200, 1537256393070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cant even maintain a platonic male friendship because the psychology is too complex and intense for me

i am good at first impressions. a couple weeks into a friendships it's all dead air. friends i maintain much longer than that begin to openly put me down or argue with me.

>> No.11896882

>How do you make people feel good? How do you avoid instilling feelings of awkwardness and mild disgust in others.
I have never been able to avoid doing that so I just exaggerate my own unpleasantness so I can find the people who like it or tolerate it and the ones that just can't stand it. I then continue hanging around the former and ignore or just be the most polite and boring with the others.
I did this in my first day of college and made a decent group of friends (and the hoe that likes me)
I would improve the just be yourself meme for a just be an exaggeration of yourself
I reallt doubt this could work if you are totally charmless and/or if everyone around is sober

>> No.11896904

Based and redpilled about thots.

>> No.11896916

Christine is a woman.

>> No.11896918

He's a qt3.14 tho.

>> No.11896922

Well maybe I'm a qt too then

>> No.11896980

So, she’s about to blow some guy for his non-normie views?

>> No.11896991

other than being politically incorrect, all of those things sound normie as fuck

>> No.11897019
File: 17 KB, 335x378, 1537730508472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, who gives a fuck. But is the roastie about to blow the guy or what? I don't get what putting her hair in a ponytail insinuates.

>> No.11897029

yes, you can stop being autistic and get back in the robot now

>> No.11897090

She wants him to face fuck her.

>> No.11897113

This, I go on long winded diatribes about the jews with my gf and the sex is amazing afterwards.

Women literally don't give a shit about these topics.

>> No.11897135
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I saw this on my campus the other day.

>> No.11897153


>> No.11897158


>> No.11897180

Kek a dude could be the polar opposite of that as long as hes not socially retarded and good looking most chicks dont care.

>> No.11897345
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 1538278562480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rational Male, unironically. It's poorly written and full of editing errors, but it'll get you there.

>> No.11897387

>argue with me.
Over what?

>> No.11897538

Why is she so turned on by these traits, though? It suggests women don’t like effeminate liberal chicks after all.

>> No.11897541


Sorry, I’m phoneposting.

>> No.11897555
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1527438056534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that oral sex is a perversion.

Reminder it is literal sodomy. While you are not committing it with a beast or a man, you are still committing it.
Male or female, you are abusing the procreative organs and drive. This is not God's design.

>No sin has greater power over the soul than the one of cursed sodomy, which was always detested by all those who lived according to God's law. ..
>Such passion for untenable practices borders on madness. This vice disturbs the intellect, unbalances an elevated and generous state of soul, drags lofty thoughts down to base ones, makes men pusillanimous and irascible, obstinate and hardened, servilely soft and incapable of anything.
>Furthermore, the will, agitated by the insatiable drive for pleasure, no longer follows reason but rather the tumult of the passions. ...
>One who lives practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pain in Hell than anyone else, because this the worst sin that exists.

>> No.11897573

Power bottoms rise up

>> No.11897579

Its just the woman making that particular meme. Women love soibois for the most part. Their relationships usually arent long though since modern women and men are crap at commitment

>> No.11897581
File: 18 KB, 200x251, 200px-Four_Horsemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is a board for new atheists.

>> No.11897593

For Catholics having your penis in a girls mouth isn't bad, its cumming in a girls mouth that's bad. I guess if your seed goes anywhere other than inside a vagina its sinful

>> No.11897618
File: 243 KB, 556x530, 1527564626014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11897671

wtf dude that’s my room

>> No.11897675

/lit/ meetup in my dorm when

>> No.11897741


>> No.11897821

This picture decimates me. It has eviscerated me to my core and as I lie out ontologically disemboweled in the gruesome metaphysical bleeding I find neither relief nor reason for the ultimate miseries of not just my own life but that of the universe's as well. It is the simplicity of this picture that does it for me, that makes it too much to be borne by my pornography-softened mind; too much for my virginity contaminated body to bear. Because I come to realize just how simple such pleasures are to other people. Just how ordinary. To the girl (who is most likely beautiful, or at least, too beautiful to ever even consider me as a potential mate of hers) who made this image, who posted it publicly without any shame at all, because to her such acts of intimacy are so natural that to even suggest the abeyance of them would seem a perversion. 'How could a life be devoid of sex?' her goggling mind gropes in a teehee of questioning. So too with all of the girls who saw this on their twitter feed that they checked while sipping the seasonal run of pumpkin spiced lattes that are now once more being served by the Starbucks where they go with their girlfriends to glibly gossip about Brad's penchant for giving oral sex, how long Chad was able to do it in reverse cowgirl last weekend, and whether or not they enjoy getting choked with one hand or two--so too do all of these girls experience so regularly such casual sexual acts that to them this picture is nothing at all odd to them. In fact it makes them laugh. It is humorous because Becky can remember how just last Wednesday she pulled her hair back just as adroitly as the girl in the image does before sliding the full throbbing eight inches of Tyrone's dick down her throat. Virginia sees this image and laughs because she knows that she will be in a similar situation this Friday and so she posts 'oooooh u knowit gurrl' along with a few eggplant emojis and monkeys or whatever shit they use without a second thought. It is such a decimating thing, to realize that I have been denied such foundational elements of life's joys. To know that I shall never know them. To know that the majority of the male population sees this image and thinks 'hell yeah, exactly how Samantha pulled her hair back for me before unzipping my pants--fuck I better call her.' It is a holistically alienating thing, to encounter an image that to so many is such a familiar, ordinary instance that they have habitually encountered whereas with me it is an almost unthinkable fantasy. To just imagine a girl ever doing such an act with me is almost too tragic to carry into the completion of any sort of sensual dreaming--I gag on the pathetic reality of my life, finding only endless humiliation with myself upon seeing this blasé implication of a sex act and swiftly following this: the wish to have never been more than the dust to which I will return. I would that the hour of my conception be blotted from the face of Time's cruel calendar!

>> No.11897842

this but unironically

>> No.11897877


>> No.11897882

based purple prose blackpill poetry. I wish I could crawl into a hole and fester until death.

>> No.11898066
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>> No.11898081

Lennon said it first

>> No.11898086


>> No.11898195

i dont even believe but it s good reasoning.

>> No.11898343


>> No.11898352

Men are responsible for most violent crime, though

>> No.11898401
File: 91 KB, 626x800, saint bruno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quote by Saint Bernadine, (a Catholic..) , literally explains why it is bad.
Catholicism isn't "well the rules so this so looks like I found a loophole!".
God resents this legalistic sense of pride more than anything else. To think you can sin with impunity because "well technically this one old testament thing says this" is to be like the Pharisees, who were led to sin by the very laws designed to prevent it.

As today's Gospel clearly says

>And the Pharisees coming to him asked him: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him. [3] But he answering, saith to them: What did Moses command you? [4] Who said: Moses permitted to write a bill of divorce, and to put her away.
>[5] To whom Jesus answering, said: Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you that precept. [6] But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. [7] For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother; and shall cleave to his wife. [8] And they two shall be in one flesh. Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh. [9] What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. [10] And in the house again his disciples asked him concerning the same thing.
> [11] And he saith to them: Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another, committeth adultery against her. [12] And if the wife shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

An omnipotent, omniscience, omnipresence Deus sees beyond your trite excuses and by your transgressing of his intent, you transgress and sin against the Almighty. He sent his Son, willingly, spotless and blameless before all to die for your sins at the great cost. A perfect man who did no wrong yet suffered the most. All you need to do is repent, to turn away. Instead, by the coldness of your heart, your pride rejects this and says you are not doing anything wrong. You exchange truth for a lie and blaspheme God's own words, not to worship him but his creature. Keep on doing it, you will pay for your sin not only in this life but the next.

I close with Saint Paul writing to the Ephesians
>This then I say and testify in the Lord: That henceforward you walk not as also the Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind, Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their hearts. Who despairing, have given themselves up to lasciviousness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto covetousness. But you have not so learned Christ; If so be that you have heard him, and have been taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus: To put off, according to former conversation, the old man, who is corrupted according to the desire of error. And be renewed in the spirit of your mind: And put on the new man, who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth.

>> No.11898479

imagine how good her hair smells

>> No.11898482

what does the latin say in pic related?

>> No.11898484

same tbqh

>> No.11898488

wow this pic is literally me

>> No.11898648

>because this the worst sin that exists
That doesnt seem to have much of a basis either in the bible or the works of the Church Fathers

>> No.11898652

I'm literally only feeling disgust right now. Perhaps you should look no farther than your diary desu.

>> No.11898666

No, you're not

>> No.11898672
File: 1.51 MB, 326x275, 1538890328144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even

back to fb

>> No.11898679
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>> No.11898699

How do feminist square the fact that female sexual selection does more to encourage problematic behavior in men than any culture indoctrination ever could? As long as traditionally masculine men get all the pussy, and as long as those men are attracted to feminine characteristics, then the more dimorphic our culture becomes. My dad didn't have to lift weights to attract my mom, and my mom didn't have to wear chokers and high heels to attract my dad.

>> No.11898745

why would this be more the case now than before? not that I disagree

>> No.11898769

When there's no expectation of monogamy women can put a greater selection pressure on men. Men have to actually compete for their breeding rights now, rather than it being semi-guaranteed like it was before.

>> No.11898778

>women start to finally be allowed equality in society
>man can't control themselves and cross continual the line with the women they encounter because "muh machismo"
>somehow it's the women's fault because of the way they dressed
>this line of reasoning unironically leads to the "they were asking for it" mentality that most men have for rape survivors
just stfu

>> No.11898782

based and redpilled

>> No.11898802
File: 120 KB, 634x653, 1a056f5c3e332b7cf552467083ec419c907986ece8500cd7ee8a84fbd52a5e1d_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting women to be self-reflective
Something I've definitely noticed. Women can point to other women and say "she's a crazy bitch lol" but they'll never take a step back on their own and realize when they're being crazy. I imagine this rule holds true for almost every facet of their life. A feminist can say "those women over there should not be attracted to strong men" but she'll never reexamine her own attractions. It all really goes back to Schopenhauer's On Women, desu. Men think in-abstraco while women think in-concreto.

>> No.11898804

Damn I envy you, my first impressions are mediocre, but after a solid week or so I am already on the level of being able to suck their dick and it be no homo

>> No.11898807

Who was this reply aimed at because it certainly wasn't my post. I'm not saying that women don't value consent, I'm saying that the behavior that feminist theory point out as problematic in men (i.e. being emotionally blunted, being aggressive, being narcissistic) is deliberately selected for by women. Sheryl Sandberg talked about deliberately seeking out aggressive "bad boys" in her book marketed to women.

>> No.11898863

Just ate my girl out this afternoon

>> No.11898876

That has nothing to with the post you replied to though. Retard.

>> No.11898915

>get no pleasure from it
>only reason to do it is because you can't last long enough during sex
>feel announcing it makes you more of a man but actually makes you look like a cuck with PE

>> No.11898941


>> No.11898957

Bullshit, you get the same kind of existential pleasure as you get from sticking your dick in her, knowing that you're the one in control of her getting off. Like fuck, blowjobs physically feel a lot better than pussy but pussy has that whole other dimension of control to it that makes it more fulfilling. Eating out pussy I guess is kind of like the anti-blowjob, in that a blowjob is all about physical pleasure whereas eating pussy is all about the existential pleasure that comes from controlling a girl's orgasm. Sex is the dialectical synthesis of these two antithetical theses, combining the physical pleasure of a blowjob with the existential pleasure of eating pussy. That said, I'd never brag about eating pussy and I'd never eat a girl's pussy unless she was my girl.

>> No.11898962


>> No.11898964

>fucking your gf makes you a cuck
retard or kike?

>> No.11898997

Start with traps and move upward from there

>> No.11899004


>> No.11899011


>> No.11899014


>> No.11899017


>> No.11899028

>fucking your gf makes you a cuck
retard or kike?

>> No.11899032

K u k

>> No.11899034

>fucking your gf makes you a cuck
retard or kike?

>> No.11899037

>fucking your gf makes you a cuck
retard or kike?

>> No.11899039

>fucking your gf makes you a cuck
retard or kike?

>> No.11899042

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.11899043

>fucking your gf makes you a cuck
retard or kike?

>> No.11899048


>> No.11899076

>fucking your gf makes you a cuck
retard or kike?

>> No.11899077

>fucking your gf makes you a cuck
retard or kike?

>> No.11899080
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thanks fren

>> No.11899086

For most nerds having a girl simply look at you increases her attractiveness by 5 so that isn't promising.

>> No.11899150

It makes you a degenerate that engages in premarital sex. If your intent isn't to have kids, the only one being cucked here pal is you.

>> No.11899220

>he'll never know the feel of marrying his high school gf

>> No.11899221

Propagating this meme is a bulletproof NPC test

>> No.11899274


>> No.11899276

Is this board beyond saving?

>> No.11899282

The multiplicitous last of the romans focused on doing what they could in the moment

>> No.11899301
File: 477 KB, 2000x1331, Isaac Newton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do feminist square the fact that female sexual selection does more to encourage problematic behavior in men than any culture indoctrination ever could?
When people are young they make mistakes and learn from them over time as they gradually figure out what they are looking for in a long-term partner. If men don't like women's choices, it's not the women's fault that they don't like them, so the women do not deserve to be punished for making them. It's the men who need to check their problematic behavior, and until the desire to score pussy provokes a war as big as World War 2, you're talking out of your ass on that point about culture indoctrination. The majority of men have no problems keeping their impulses in check, it's just the fraction of them who are control-freaks that are the issue.

>My dad didn't have to lift weights to attract my mom, and my mom didn't have to wear chokers and high heels to attract my dad.
On one hand you complain that only traditionally masculine men get all the pussy, then flat out admit that your dad didn't need to engage in traditionally masculine behavior in order to score your mom's honeypot. Do you really think there weren't jocks, douches, and staceys when they went to high school? The phrase "high school hero, life zero" exists because social dynamics change as people age, and except for the tiniest minority who made it to the big times, people who were the hot athlete in their late teens end up as an aging meatheaded shmuck in middle age who can no longer coast through life on his boyish good looks and ability to compete physically.

>hot people should get with hot people
>normal people should get with normal people
>ugly people should get with ugly people
Makes sense, to me, don't get why that picture makes you so butthurt. If you think you deserve a hotter girl than what is roughly your equal in terms of looks, you can still get one if you got good game. If you think you're entitled to one and shouldn't have to put in the hard work to have a cute girlfriend handed to you, well, that's the reason you're still celibate: there's only a finite number of exceptionally cute girls in the world and if you're a flabby, oafish jerkoff with no money well, you're not exactly on the short list in terms of reproductive desirability

>quoting Schopenhauer to discuss women
Literally Stirnerfag-tier

>> No.11899349

Stirner hated Schope

>> No.11899350

Yes. It is unrecognizable even from the beginning of this year.
A few months back when a few "throwaway" threads began to pop up, stuff that is "okay, this fucking slaps" or "what am I in for"-tier, a guy made an interesting comment. He said that this sort of content always pops up right before things turn to terminal cancer. The mentality becomes that of memeing for the sake of garnering (you)s rather than to have any substantial content, and this climate inevitably attracts the flippant and the underages. Soon they gain a majority in the population and so too does the only content they are capable of making: trite threads posted for the sake of receiving the same sort of attention they see being given to similar meme-y replies. Eventually the whole board becomes nothing but this self-perpetuating cycle and it is grossly evident that things have without a doubt reached that point.
/lit/ has become just another shitty meme-factory like /tv/ or /r9k/, but with less exoteric value. It's sad because some truly quality stuff used to get posted here. Critique threads were full of really promising works, insightful advice from people genuinely interested in their craft and reaching out to others who took a similarly serious interest, and the threads discussing specific topics or books were usually focused on deriving something of value from the dialogue. Now it is all just a race to see who can spout the meme-iest post possible so they get the "based and redpilled" response that they assume is the height of this board's content. (Also, the fact that "based and redpilled" has become such a prevalent response here over the past few months when it was nowhere to be seen on this board while being popular on others is the most definitive testament to how far this board has been contaminated by a foreign populace. It is such an inane, meaningless gesture that cultivates through constant, ubiquitous reiteration a glib mentality from which I doubt there is any escape, dooming all posts to be reduced to that level of thought from their conception. A subconscious wondering of "will I get called redpilled for this" or to have the reflex when seeing any sort of unique or baiting post at all being "heh, based and redpilled" and no further thought entering the head of the person replies.)
A shame.

>> No.11899355
File: 455 KB, 256x256, 1489826015362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you even want to date the kind of woman that would suck your dick on the first date?
>"bruhhh OMG you're so smart lemme suck ya meat!"
>Women, 2018

>> No.11899356

That's all well and good, but besides the point. Any discussion of women where Schopenhauer is mentioned is the equivalent of retards with their "le spook" memes

>> No.11899369

sexuality in general is awful. I wish I was asexual

>> No.11899400

values mostly, sometimes aspects of our relationship itself, only very abstractly. arguments over little things that stand for larger parts. it's very hard for me to keep people happy.

>> No.11899409


>> No.11899412

why would you even want to date the kind of woman that would suck your dick at all?

>> No.11899427

Sexual selection isn't the issue in itself (there's always been selection pressure on both men and women), the issue is that that there's an incongruence between the behavior that women tend to find attractive and the behavior theorists claim that men should exhibit in an ideal world. If gender theory is more than just an exercise in rhetoric, then men have a right to complain that the personality traits that indicate dominance are sexually selected for despite the fact that male dominance on both an individual and structure level are becoming increasingly taboo. Most studies show that women have a much harder time dating down than men do, and specifically seek out men who make more money than they do when looking for long term partners. How is this compatible with wanting the pay gap to shrink?

>On one hand you complain that only traditionally masculine men get all the pussy, then flat out admit that your dad didn't need to engage in traditionally masculine behavior in order to score your mom's honeypot.
Traits selected for now are more primal than traditional, but there are plenty of traditional aspects of masculinity that are still selected for more so than they were a decade ago. My point is that we're becoming more dimorphic, not less, despite the gender-critical trends in popular culture.

>> No.11899434

Emma Watson is nowhere near as good-looking as that guy. She got him because of her status.

>> No.11899445

this tbqh I view it as an ideal when people characterized Victorian sexuality as "laying on your back, closing your eyes and thinking of the flag"

>> No.11899452

Is Emma Watson actually as cute as I think she is or did I just internalize a waifu complex for her from HP

>> No.11899460
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-lust-indulged-became-habit-and-habit-unresisted-became-necessity-saint-augustine-76-74-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No healthy man is asexual. Asexuals are sexual deviants that admit on their forums to masturbating still ultimately amounting to a paraphilia. I also suspect ulterior motives.

It is possible to be celibate/chaste and have your sexual drive die down (which, is increasingly being shown to be driven by habit/feedback mechanisms which means you are responsible for it's strength depending on your indulgence), even the most sexual people can have their sex drives tempered with effort (very relevant pic related).
You just need to remove sexual stimuli from your enviroment and make strong effort to cease the habit of sexual release that you instilled. This takes tremendous effort but if done correctly and abstinence is practiced mentally as well as physically, you will find abstinence incredibly easy and the no longer have the whims of your sex drive directing your day.

>> No.11899462

She's pretty, but she's attainable pretty. Every other thot on instagram mogs her badly

>> No.11899485

I'm not prepared to concede that not finding "conventionally accepted 10/10's" attractive is just cope having to do with attainability; overly done up women I find sexually inauthentic, in those left-right comparisons with and without make-up the one without make-up looks better and this isn't an invalid virginal defense mechanism preference

>> No.11899509
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>her goggling mind gropes in a teehee of questioning
simply excellent

>> No.11899514
File: 484 KB, 1080x1350, 1535934376745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if collagen-lipped, fake-tanned thots with big tits doesn't do it for you, there are plenty of woman who pull off Watson's subtle prettiness much better than she does. I'm not saying that I wouldn't gladly date her, only that i've dated women in her attractiveness range and i'm not particularly good-looking. She wouldn't be a sex symbol if she wasn't a lot of boys' first crush

>> No.11899528
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>the issue is that that there's an incongruence between the behavior that women tend to find attractive and the behavior theorists claim that men should exhibit in an ideal world.
Tiger Woods was married to a literal Swedish supermodel and cheated on her constantly with Normie-tier girls, why would he do that when men claim that having money, power, and literally one of the hottest chicks on Earth is the key to happiness? Men that exact same problem you are describing women as having: it's called "immaturity", most people grow out of it sooner or later, some take longer than others. People should be judged on an individual basis

>Most studies show
And most studies show that men commit the overwhelming majority of violent crime. Do you think men as a collective should be punished for this? What would YOU accept as a punishment for the actions of your gender? Or do you think it's not fair to pigeonhole half the entire human population into arbitrary behavior markers?

>How is this compatible with wanting the pay gap to shrink?
Because pay should be proportionate to the merit and level of skill of the person performing in a strictly professional sense and should have nothing to do with their identities as individuals. That's both ethical and fair not just between men and women, but between men of differing identities, as well. This is also going to help ensure that their employer is attracting and retaining the top talent, and also in the interests of the shareholders who expect results.

This is especially true now that technology is liberating humans from the need to form social castes based around what type of rote physical labor you're qualified to be handling. Human behavior is not static, it is in a constant state of adaptation as our material circumstances change, and we shouldn't cling to traditions just because they're traditions, you'll only be beautifully equipping yourself for a world which no longer exists.

>> No.11899563

Are you a woman?

>> No.11899578

no, just a normal guy who never had problems getting a girlfriend and can't believe that 4chan has become a place where the hot new contrarian thing to do is be a virgin who can't into women

>> No.11899582

Chris Chan big lol

>> No.11899585

That's a pretty feminized response

>> No.11899598

My point is more pragmatic than you think it is. If the theory doesn't explore how selection affects which traits men exhibit, then you end up in a never-ending cycle of impotent rhetoric and alienated men unable to live authentically. Right now the problem isn't that the praxis doesn't live up to the theory, it's that the praxis isn't even explored in and of itself or acknowledged to be distinct from the theory. The hypocrisy isn't even noticed. And no, people can't be judged on individual bases now that we've turned gender into a tribal identity. If people refer to "men" when talking about #metoo and Kavanaugh, then I can refer to women in similar terms.

>Do you think men as a collective should be punished for this?
Again, i'm making a pragmatic point. I'm not saying anyone should be punished, i'm saying that if women specifically select for financial success, then men will always seek to make more money than them (by valuing their careers over everything else and working more hours) in order to not be lonely.

>Because pay should be proportionate to the merit and level of skill of the person performing in a strictly professional sense and should have nothing to do with their identities as individuals.
Literally no one disagrees with this. Thinking that this isn't already mostly the case is feminist propaganda.

>> No.11899604

The fact that you'd frame a reasonable disagreement in these terms makes me think that you're a woman

>> No.11899612

Autism, get your dick sucked and give your wife a baby anon. The sexual act has a unifying element too

>> No.11899625
File: 1.63 MB, 1458x1342, 1535743503128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism and femininity are the two wings of the Jian

>> No.11899636

>Most studies show
>Do you think men as a collective should be punished for this?
I mean, far more men are in prison than women. What's your fucking point? Dating down isn't a crime, its just a reality and the behavioural stats go against feminist rhetoric.

>Because pay should be proportionate to the merit and level of skill of the person performing in a strictly professional sense and should have nothing to do with their identities as individuals
Pretty much every company has become openly anti-meritocratic to try and desperately solve the wage and number gaps. What happens when you purely rely on meritocracy and 90% of the people in a particular field are men?

>> No.11899677

>And no, people can't be judged on individual bases now that we've turned gender into a tribal identity
no, YOU'VE turned gender into tribal identity, and it goes to your accusation here:
And my answer is that it's fucking exhausting to be accused of having a vagina just because I'm not a sleeve-bearing member of the He-Man Woman-Haters Club, and I enjoy the company of women and fucking their pussies. Most men do this, especially capable, successful, mature men. If you have a problem with that, recognize that YOU are the minority deviant, here. This "alienation" you speak of occurs at the margins of society, the pathetic losers who aren't exactly prime real estate in the cold world of natural selection. They might be able to do something about it if they right-size their priorities and expectations in life, but how can they do that when they spend a large fraction of their spare time staring at naked pictures of incredibly hot women? Maybe that's the problem: free unlimited access to sensory stimulation is completely skewing men's perception of reality and hoisting them with fantastically unrealistic expectations?

>If people refer to "men" when talking about #metoo and Kavanaugh, then I can refer to women in similar terms.
Only cunts do that. Stooping to their level just makes you a cunt, too.