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11895740 No.11895740 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, now THIS fucking slaps!

>> No.11895798

>o regine I wish I had more confidence in my cock but I don’t and am scared to show it to you it makes me feel dirty maybe if I were a judge we could skip all the cock stuff and go right to being contendedly married but I’m not so I’ll just hide my cock away and talk to myself about God, which is just a hypostasized metaphor for my cock anxiety xoxo luv ya

>> No.11895802 [DELETED] 

I don't like these ethnic words.

>> No.11895810
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you have to show your cock before marriage?

>> No.11895809 [DELETED] 

Great the /pol/tard strikes again. Languages evolve. Get used to it. Black culture has had a tremendous influence on western culture in the last half century, whether you like it or not. There’s no turning back the clock to your idealized period of linguistic purity. Origins and purity are myths, as I’m sure you know. Get your head out of your ass and stop polluting this board with your racist drivel.

>> No.11895818

No but you have to fuck with it before you can be a contented judge many decades into a successful marriage. The period in between incel and middle-aged man is something K just couldn’t face up to because of his cock anxiety

>> No.11895819

>every relationship is sexual and I know every thing about sexual psychology so I know and understand every philosophical view by default

stop masturbating so much to the 20th century you lagging idiot.

>> No.11895829 [DELETED] 

It is nothing personal and I am not a racist.
Y'all and slaps just don't sound good.

>> No.11895830 [DELETED] 

>uhm sweety, you HAVE to like these nigger words because muh language evolves, mmkay?
retard. you, in attacking people who don't like certain linguistic elements, are effectively more prescriptivist than them. shoo shoo

>> No.11895834 [DELETED] 


>> No.11895837

The sexual revolution was a mistake.

>> No.11895852 [DELETED] 

>I’m not a racist

Right. First time I’ve heard that one.

These words and phrases already exist and are common linguistic currency. By saying “get over it” and pointing out that “ethnic” words (whatever this means) have already entered the popular lexicon, and will remain there regardless of one’s racist conservatism, isn’t prescriptivist. It’s describing the facts and explaining them to a racist prescriptivist.

>> No.11895856 [DELETED] 

Have you ever actually read any papers on genetics or IQ or do you just assume racism is ebul and stoopid because you were told this?

>> No.11895870

I can tell both of you felt an anxiousness flicker in your dicks the moment you read my OP. Stop deluding yourselves, you know I’m right about Kierkegaard and Regine

>> No.11895877

I'm not a homosexual and I don't have nerve damage in the penis.

>> No.11895885

>I’m not a homosexual

Whatever you need to say to build yourself up to go and talk to that girl you “like”, anon.

>> No.11895897 [DELETED] 

Aren’t you late for your klan meeting you ignorant redneck?

>> No.11895930 [DELETED] 

damn you got him dude. upvoted, liked and retweeted.

>> No.11895941 [DELETED] 

Haha thanks. I’m just sick of the racism on this board. I don’t mean to get so heated by sometimes you have to put people in their place

>> No.11895948 [DELETED] 

who /smart/ AND /hates_niggers/ here

>> No.11895952 [DELETED] 

Can’t be smart and a racist. They’re incompatible.

>> No.11895956 [DELETED] 

so you havent lol

>> No.11895959 [DELETED] 


>> No.11895964 [DELETED] 

Already have. It's all vanity.

>> No.11895967 [DELETED] 

Wow! People who live in extreme poverty, are malnourished and are undereducated score lower on tests invented by English speaking white people than English speaking white people! I guess the race realist pill IS the truth!

>> No.11895969 [DELETED] 

You actually can.

>> No.11895971 [DELETED] 

and yet poor mistreated Chinese people score higher than whites
really makes you think

You are repeating the most elementary bitchmade argument possible that shows you have read none of the literature

>> No.11895975 [DELETED] 

If you’re intelligent and a racist it means you have basic, functional intelligence but haven’t used that intelligence to acquire knowledge. Because if you had, you’d have learned all the reasons why racism is rooted in ignorance

>> No.11895978 [DELETED] 

No it means you've acquired knowledge which indicates that some groups of people have lower intelligence. What isn't intelligent is hating them because of it.

>> No.11895984 [DELETED] 

Oh so there’s no superiority for you involved in “proving” whole races of people are less intelligent than your race, it’s just a neat little trivial tidbit of information?

>> No.11895988 [DELETED] 

it's overlapping bell curves. THere will always be someone smrter than you from some other race, unless you are like 160IQ or something, which nobody here is.

>> No.11895995 [DELETED] 

Even if the IQ thing were true in some fundamental sense, what’s the point in bringing it up?

>> No.11896002 [DELETED] 

No. If the data is solid, if is worth considering. Several studies show strong relationship between IQ and race and in the future other genetic markers will be established. Low IQ whites are as bad as low IQ blacks.
Information can be used for policy consideration and further research. We don't need to take it personally.

>> No.11896003 [DELETED] 

>what’s the point in bringing it up?
Because we are told that the reason some races perform less well on average is because of evil white people oppressing them

That's besides the point really though, the data is there, you can do what you want with it. The data alone suggests absolutely nothing praxis-wise. If you think the data should be suppressed that is a legitimate perspective given a certain set of ethics

>> No.11896011 [DELETED] 

>policy consideration
You’re a white supremacist eugenicist. Don’t try and slip your BS past me

The majority of it is constructed, systemic issues though. Whatever IQ differences do or do not exist contribute minimally to the difference in average outcomes and life experiences of POCs and whites

>> No.11896016 [DELETED] 

>The majority of it is constructed, systemic issues though. Whatever IQ differences do or do not exist contribute minimally to the difference in average outcomes and life experiences of POCs and whites
Clearly we disagree here. Discussing this topic honestly makes me feel unclean, I have enver been able to get rid of the racism=evil thing imprinted on me throughout childhood and adolescence.

So im just going to stop, it's off topic on this board anyway. And this is a fucking KIerkegaard thread

>> No.11896031 [DELETED] 

Lol I’m just fishing for (you)s anyways, devil’s advocate shitposting. I hate niggers and spics and kikes to the point of advocating for genocode when I drink and I am an unabashed ethnonationalist. Obviously race and IQ correlate. And it’s more than IQ. Lots of other genetic markers, like you mentioned. That’s what happens when a group of subhumans stays in the land of warmth and plenty while another group of real humans goes north and has to evolve to plan ahead for winter and work cooperatively to survive. The environments select for different things over time.

Niggers will never be assimilable into the western world.

>> No.11896039 [DELETED] 

>white supremacist
Yes. I don't want people born with cystic fibrosis, down syndrome or low IQs. A better world is possible.

>> No.11896043 [DELETED] 

Just admit it. No more “low IQs” means no more POCs. No need to camouflage your bigotry, I see it clear as day

>> No.11896063

so no one is actually going to discuss the fucking book? damn, the state of /lit/

>> No.11896070 [DELETED] 

Cock anxiety my dude

>> No.11896073 [DELETED] 
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This reminds me of when Musk asked who owns the media and everyone lost their shit. He never referred to people with low IQs as minorities, but you sure filled in the blanks, didn't you?

>> No.11896107 [DELETED] 

No more low IQs, no more stupid people.

>> No.11896380
File: 28 KB, 570x356, kilmer phillip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Excited to read 42 posts about Kierk.
>It's another 4chan mudslinging contest

>> No.11896475
File: 74 KB, 570x380, IMG_2550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you ignored the advances of your high school crush so you could be more like kierkegaard and now looking back she's been in a string of shitty relationships while you have crippling intimacy issues and still love her and neither of you will ever be happy because you read fear and trembling when you were fifteen and didn't understand it and wanted to be a knight of faith like kierke

>> No.11896592 [DELETED] 

All boards are /pol/ now, bitch about it or kill yourself. Its the conundrum we are all in these days.

>> No.11896765 [DELETED] 

Even POCs (the higher IQ ones) silently WANT to eliminate the low IQ members of their own tribes or at least to extort as much money as they could from them, the Asians are the good example.

>> No.11898414


>> No.11898761

What has this got to do with his post?

>> No.11899122

faggots derailing the thread

>> No.11899131

What would Kierkegaard say to the modern incel (keeping in mind that he wasn’t one)?

>> No.11899134

How do I prepare for Kierkegaard? I tried just cracking open Fear and Trembling and I realized it was above my level of comprehension. He’s too smart for me.

>> No.11899147

I totally wish I had the capability for such masterful insight into modern conditions required for this ornate and intricate worldview, so I could join the ranks of the valkyries and sing the tales of woe and triumph to rise above the aethers of this benign existence.

>> No.11899152 [DELETED] 

you are gay

>> No.11899160 [DELETED] 

reddit get out

>> No.11899278

Have you read the bible?

>> No.11899619 [DELETED] 

haaaa Anon fucking raped you with logic...shooshoo faggot

>> No.11899674 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11900234 [DELETED] 


>> No.11900282

You read it, then you go away and read secondary source material to inform yourself, then you re-read it. It's not rocket science - you shouldn't expect to understand every single thing he says. No one can ever do that.

>> No.11900287

Most of it. The New Testament and the big Old Testament ones.
Okay thanks fren

>> No.11900300 [DELETED] 

>pagan larp