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11894397 No.11894397 [Reply] [Original]

What comes after the collapes of Christian and Enlightenment values? Is Islam really the only option?

>> No.11894401

Christianity wont collapse anon.

>> No.11894434

first will come the dominance of american culture (we're halfway there) then in retribution will come an era of allah without whores drfessing like whores and beggers starving for food

>> No.11894478
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Expulsion of jews and the muds they let in.

>> No.11894488

>What comes after the collapes of Christian and Enlightenment values?
Everything from the 19th century on.

>> No.11894493

Christianity's non-theistic variant is doing fine (comparatively).

Eventually we'll see the rise of some new religion from Japan or Korea that will take its place. If you want to get your foot in the door, find the religion that looks down on sporta and videogames.

>> No.11894496

The Jewish conspiracy is self-fulfilling.
>Established powers experience decline in prosperity
>Jewry, as civilised and wealthy outsiders, are easily scapegoated and expelled
>Jews must adapt, pragmatic and intelligent individuals survive
>These Jews gain prosperity and status while remaining non-established

>> No.11894501

>religion that looks down on sports and videogames
I could see that happening. It sounds ass-backwards enough.

>> No.11894504

Why do you think an Eastern religion will break into the West? This is basically unprecedented in history and Asia has pretty much no cultured influence in Europe and America. Even relatively common Buddhist circles are basically seen as fringe and impractical.

What form will this new religion take?

>> No.11894575

All abrahamic faiths believe in a spiritually unified world. Jews believe that their work is towards bring about this world no later than 2240 (year 6000) at which time humanity will be granted a millenium of peace and all old, karmically resurrected souls will connect with the new birth of humanity, bring about the children for a new era of humanity.

Judaism holds the unity of masculine + feminine energy as its centrality. The first offshoot of belief was Christianity i.e the Son. Christian nations thus expressed an unconscious feminine side through conscious masculine action. The result is a system that acts towards fulfilment of earthly desire, I.e feminine desire.

Islam is the conscious feminine expression and unconscious masculine. We can note that the ideal sexual selection strategy of women is harems rather than more strict monogamy as in the appolonian Christianity. Hence we can assume that Islam is in fact a greater expression of religion from a feminine perspective. This is also viewable in many of the signs and symbols i.e the cube representing a closed up cross (symbol of female reproduction) and the use of the cresent moon (the reflection of the sun and the light of the night/unconscious/darkness)

Given that the unconscious expression of feminine energy via Christianity has brought about a system that whilst providing abundance, also risk destruction, then Islam can serve as a valuable tool to restrict humanities excess and bring about a more experiential spiritual existence, ushering in a new age upon which the feminine and masculine can be unified once again and fulfill the prophesy of a unified world.

>> No.11894622
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>Given that the unconscious expression of feminine energy via Christianity has brought about a system that whilst providing abundance, also risk destruction
That's precisely Christianity's strength, that it is its strongest in utter defeat

>> No.11894626
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You know where you are, don't you? No one here is going to buy those jewish lies. Jews are a parasitic race that destroys everything it touches.

>> No.11894655

Yep. It's also why it necessarily must become weak and suffer. Through bringing humanities suffering into consciousness, and then taking masculine action in order to repair the suffering, the Christian will ultimately be the builder of the new age and the conscious unifier.

>> No.11894678

Ie, Christ will come again in the form of broader Christ consciousness and likely the building of new structures of society that once again place God the highest at his rightful place above humanity.

>> No.11894679

Hopefully metaphysical satanism.

>> No.11894684

neo ancestor worship invoked by a potent enough prophet, you know who im talking about

>> No.11894696

How come Jews are strong enough to survive post-multiculturalism but whites aren't?

>> No.11894715

You're right.

It already collapsed.

>> No.11894728

The jew is a subversive foreign element that promotes multiculturalism because it provides the jew cover it doesn't have in a homogenous environment. The solution for whites is not to adapt to multiculturalism, it's to remove the jew and the invaders the jew let in.

>> No.11894733

Far higher in group preference, ethnocentrism, and a history of being a rootless minority that's taught them that they're actually better off in multicultural societies.

>> No.11894736


>> No.11894738
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The spiritual revivals as a result of the endstage of capitalist nihilism and pressure will not have any singular form. They will be as diverse and varied as the people seeking to find them. Everything from devotional Buddhism, shamanism, folk magic, mystic Christianity, Islam, heterodox Hinduism, neo-Gnosticism, neoplatonic theurgy, Catholic revivalism, pagan heathenry, New Age UFO cults, and everything in between will be present. As the excesses of materialism became too obvious to ignore and people find their souls devoid of strength, they will turn in masses to non-rationalistic explanations for theirs and societys malaise.

Expect a lot of neo-prophets, evangelical revivals, charlatans, medicine men, oracles, mystics, zealots, Islamic converts, ecuemanical religions and so on to appear in the coming decades. If you have any beef with the spirits, now is the time to make ammends.

>> No.11894753

>Expect a lot of neo-prophets, evangelical revivals, charlatans, medicine men, oracles, mystics, zealots, Islamic converts, ecuemanical religions and so on to appear in the coming decades.
So the future will be Blade Runner?

>> No.11894893

Unironically yes.

>> No.11894958
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>tfw none of us will live to see this

Interestingly George Grant had predicted this back in the 60s, that Western civilisation would eventually collapse due to internal contradictions, but that afterwards Christianity civilisation would be reborn in a purer, stronger, and more sustainable state.

>> No.11895031
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>> No.11895097

Obviously it didn't anon. You are very misguided, you have been deceived.

>> No.11895125
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>> No.11895138

I take that back. Christianity is still going strong in backwards shitholes like africa and latin america but in the west (aka the relevant parts of the world) it's pretty much dead

Look at yourself anon. Your whole belief system is based on shitty 4chan memes. Please rethink your life.

>> No.11895141

>in the west
But this is a pretty false thing to say.

>> No.11895182

No it isn't. The western intelligentsia stopped believing in Christianity a long time ago. Even here in the states a lot of people only consider themselves Christian in a cultural sense but they certainly aren't true, fully practicing believers that live the faith.

Don't be fooled just because the GOP likes pandering to evangelical retards for votes.

>> No.11895192

What? No, anon I actually talk to people in my life out on the street and faith a Christianity is still there, thriving.
Like I said, you have no basis for these claims, you live in a secular bubble.

>> No.11895212

>you live in a secular bubble.
And it sounds like you live in an ecclesiastic bubble.

>> No.11895217

Not really, I live In Washington state, it's really liberal up here.
But I talk to literally everyone that I can, and I'm telling you Faith still grows among the people that believe, and more and more people believe everyday.

>> No.11895262

jesus christ, you know its going to be super awkward when burgers start to talk about christianity

>> No.11895270

There was nothing awkward until you said it was awkward.

I bet you're a woman.

>> No.11895292


>> No.11895309

Jews can't live in your country if it bans baby torture.

>> No.11895311

you resorting to calling me woman speaks about how insecure and fragile you are in coping

>> No.11895313

Jews are actually fleeing the west following their disproportionate role as the victims of islamic attacks and mobs.

Think of Christ; willing to die on the cross so that you may be saved. The antichrist, aka. jews, are willing to die on the cross so that you may burn in hell.

>> No.11895317

>Far higher in group preference
That's factually wrong.
Jews mix with non-Jews more than others.

>> No.11895324

Jews are born out of baby torture, not human breeding.

>> No.11895348

I don't see a future for Christianity and such being a real radical force against the current powers.
We'll (continue to) be ruled by ultra-rich corporations or corporation-like institutions and they'll own everything, including the Christian churches and the populist revolts, which will get some limited free-reign.
At the end people will slowly adapt and morph into a different species, so to speak. We won't even realize we're being manipulated and/or we won't be bothered by it, because it will just be called 'life'. And outside of it only death. No redpills, no revolution.

>> No.11895349
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>more and more people believe
Anon's clearly wrong to write off Christianity, but that claim is nuts.

>> No.11895383

I think the only way out of this is if in the next few decades we come up with a UBI type scheme and we free a critical mass of people from the shackles of 8h work days.
The problem with democratic societies right now is that most people are way too ignorant, partly (but not exclusively) because they just don't have enough time to think.
If a critical mass of people start educating themselves and manage to produce rebel movements that snowball into real political power something genuine could happen.

If it doesn't happen soon enough, power will be concentrated too much and it's game over.

>> No.11895422

>We won't even realize we're being manipulated and/or we won't be bothered by it, because it will just be called 'life'
Why the future tense? You're just describing how society always works.

>> No.11895435

>taking part in christiananity vs actual faith

You cant be serious anon.

>> No.11895479

>I've got faith in Jesus Christ but I'm going to deny that faith and say 'no religion' in this here survey

>> No.11895616

You agree then

>> No.11895627

Cult of reason, under anarcho-syndicalism

>> No.11895631

>If you want to get your foot in the door, find the religion that looks down on sporta and videogames.
Bahahahaha not a chance.
I agree that the religion of the future will take more from eastern cultures (will be similar to Buddhism and the like but with less autistic dogma) than monotheism, which is dead.

>> No.11895633

Depends. I'm not sure if you think that the survey under- or over-estimates the number of faithful Christians.

>> No.11895711
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>> No.11895717
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>> No.11895796

Well I can relate to the anons discussing the fall of western civilization as it is atm and after the purge epoch returning as a stronger more refined state of conciousness.
I have long known that the world as we know it will eventually burn. I always envision it as a kind of zombie apocalypse but with niggers instead of zombies. Just look at what is happening at the southern boarders of europe. Even if the people wake up and vote against the un migration pact... Being overrun by the negros is inevitable if we don't just start killing them at somr point. And that won't happen in the gruesome size that would be needed to prevent us from being flooded by them.

I do want to try and spin this conversation around tho so bare with me. In many philosiphical/spiritual traditions there is a strong emphasis that the realm of erathly time and space is a place for us to learn and expand our wisdom so that when we return (reincarnation) we can pick up were we left of. The point I want to make is thst I don't let myself be dragged down or be ruled by the current socio-political situation. Instead I try to gain as much wisdom as possible while helping others for a living. I think we all need to start with ourselves and looking outward onto society moght infact be a good way of seeing what is generelly wrong here so we can look for these same faults within......

>> No.11895817

Is oil sentient?

>> No.11895854

Is sperm sentient?

>> No.11897263


>> No.11897330

Dogmatic academic egalitarianism and scientism

>> No.11897466

I think you radically overestimate the power making a living has had throughout the years.
On /lit/ it's easy to make that mistake. You're seeing the world through the eyes of those who are preoccupied with spiritual hoo-hah and philosophical navel-gazing. The average guy regardless of situation just wants money, women, a nice car, and some satisfying grub. So long as people can profit off that, capitalism will reign supreme. Mass religion comes about for practical purposes, not as a result of the kind of fancy realizations and soul-searching epiphanies you imagine it would.

>> No.11897482

Anon, there are legions of people on this site who will gulp down Jungian nonsense and spiritual fuckery till they can't breathe. What you're saying here doesn't resonate with most of them, because it implies that leading a good life requires working for it, and being positive in the face of adversity, instead of just subscribing to a snowflake belief system as if it were a Netflix account.

>> No.11898089
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Elaborate. Good books for this subject?

>> No.11899031

Sad if true. Still doubtful.

>> No.11899110

>neoplatonic theurgy
Nigger read The Elements of the Theology and tell me this isn't rationalistic.

>> No.11899121
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>> No.11899998

No idea and no.

>> No.11900028

It will be super monotheism

>> No.11900288

The future is 1984 and China is the prototype. How will spiritualism play into it? Probably as a means of escape from a world the average person can no longer influence.

>> No.11900292

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