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11894344 No.11894344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did anybody else become a fascist/traditionalist because of Gamergate? I'm looking for books on this phenomenon of young men finding the truth through things like Gamergate.

>> No.11894353


>> No.11894366

desu gamergate changed my whole central dichotomy of my white privlidge, it made me flippin realize the world isnt even real like its all based on lies maybe im not black but im really not white either even tho my skin and my heritage says i am, i just dont think so i dont fit in i listen to nirvana and michael buble so like idk rn im just going so through hard shit and u may poke fun into my apples and call my swiss cheese but im still standing man my flag is for equality amen

>> No.11894373
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>> No.11894382

care to extrapolate on that pictogram?

>> No.11894385


>> No.11894386

suck it batman i got speed
i got skills

>> No.11894389

bootlicking isn't a skill

>> No.11894393

Accelerationism is neither right nor left, and Marx was the proto-Accelerationist.

>> No.11894394

i wash the feet of many men and idgaf u think thats weird or gross

>> No.11894686

The graph is:
x-axis = decelerate/accelerate
Y-axis = free will/fate
It never mentions left or right wing you illiterate fuck.

>> No.11894694

Whoops it actually does. Please call me an illiterate fuck

>> No.11894739

Gamergate was the catalyst for a new voice of reason on social media, however, it was a voice of reason I was already aware of decades before it, so it didn't matter to me. But I can appreciate what it did.

>> No.11894763

Honestly I never understood what the fuck was gamergate. I just know some ugly sluts got hella mad over it.

>> No.11894787

Kind of looks like Weinstein

>> No.11894788

It's unironically the catalyst that led me to becoming a communist. You'd think a movement ostensibly about criticizing hobbyist journalism would lead to more people to criticize the legitimacy of bigger institutions, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that most of the people who get roped up in this kind of silliness are small-minded.

>> No.11894815

It's difficult to take gamergate seriously when it boils down to "being angry about videogames".

>> No.11894822

Getting falsely accused of rape lol. I used to be hard left, that coupled with the mainstream lefts anti-science and the radical lefts ineffectiveness drive me much further right.

>> No.11894833

hey look a brainlet meme from bad twitter accounts

>> No.11894840

have you at least read marx? or engels? or even parenti?

>> No.11894887


Judge Marshal Kavanaugh was chosen by God to save women from themselves and he's become an epic inspiration to all forcibly celibate victims around the world, whether Otakus from Kyoto, Incels in Isfahan, or creeps from Crete. We've bided our time, turned the scorn and humiliation heaped upon us by society into patience, endurance and willpower. We've watched warily as normieshit locusts swarmed the entire internet, consuming it's precious bandwidth with their NPC problems, their thirst for pleb pornography and their fawning over hypergamous medical marvels politely called "women." Overtime, the thirsty normieshits became meatspace automatons implementing a new age of favoritism for all roastie harlots, and any transgression, however microscopic, drew a call to arms amongst the loyal white knights who defended these slack-snizzed feminists by day and edged to cuckporn at night, always thankful and convinced of their own righteousness. These trendy, brave and progressive rules were to underpin the dawn of the Fempire, the next stage in humanity's evolution, but Judge Marshal Kavanaugh's confirmation has ruined the birth of that promised era with the swiftness of a pneumatic suction hose at Planned Parenthood.

>> No.11894892

based falseflagger discord tranny

>> No.11894894
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>> No.11894896


There will be none of Sarah Jeong's castration events, nor Katy Perry's Interracial Breeding Grounds. Men will not endure compulsory detainment and arousal analysis in the hopes of helping harpies' "predict rape." Instead, it is the Roasties who shall rue this day, the day when Judge Marshal Kavanaugh redpilled even the NPCs on the secrets to fighting bitchy feminist whores: ignore them and if you need to, simply use your masculinity to overpower them. In the shadows of past roastie conquests, Incel hackerspaces have coordinated across continents to develop new sets of tools to better police women and extinguish all hopes for a tyrannical Fempire, chief among them our overclocked shock collars, turning hunting-dog training devices into CNS disruptors destined for the necks of whores and thots alike. With help from chaste Chinese Incels, we soon expect surgery robots that can be built for under $10K and will help us not only trim beef curtains, but also infibulate any roastie, locking down her overused cauliflowered cunt with encrypted RFID locks, ensuring that vagina can only be freed if the penitent prostitutes convince the New Men to build for them enough parallel botnets or quantum computers to crack the device's locks threaded through each roastie's pierced vulvas. With hypergamy stamped out in the civilized world, love, chastity and modesty can return to our empty hearts and society can be a hopeful place once more.

>> No.11894901


>> No.11894961

gamergate made me realize the sjws were the right ones.

>> No.11895448

Gamergate showed me the dangers of having bad allies. so many gamergaters just used it for money and/or were/ended up being complete faggots.
Also that arguing about video games is stupid and that I should get a better hobby which I did.

>> No.11895659


>> No.11895748

Books for this feel?

>> No.11895750

Anyone wishing to explain me what Gamergate is ?

>> No.11895754

Ok, this is epic

>> No.11895777

cringeorama tbqh

>> No.11895789

>Did anybody else become a fascist/traditionalist because of Gamergate?
I never thought Gamergate was a big deal and only heard about it like two years later.

If it took that to redpill you, you are genetically bluepilled.
There's so much worse out there you see in the world on a daily basis. It took some SJW game reporters that don't affect you in any way to get to you?

Your entire belief system is the result of preference falsification. That's how you were before and this is how you are because of Gamergate.
I assume you browsed some video game forum or /v/, and you see all this outrage and you hop on the bandwagon.

I'm glad you are a traditionalist now but it's pathetic if this is what it took to get you here. I wouldn't mention it to anyone that Gamergate is what did it for you because you'll look like a gullible retard.
Low IQ.

>> No.11895793

IQ was invented by yids to keep the white man down

>> No.11895794

Proper term is elaborate. Extrapolate is to apply it to another situation.

>> No.11895801

I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.

>> No.11895805

wasnt gamergate for me, never really played games, and i enver became a fascist or whatever, well im sure the Left would call me one

but my political views are basically 'the left are psychotic lying criminals' and the 'right are dishonest stupid criminals'. THeyre clearly very different from each other and the Left are way more dangerous.

It wasnt any particular event that prompted me feeling this way it was just the constant slew of mendacity and sadism i saw occurring around me and online.

>> No.11895807

dis is da most retarded thread on lit in a while. you must nevah respect a woman

>> No.11895811

holy fuck woke alert

>> No.11895848

It actually drove me further left in the end. The Fascist LARPers that GG created are equally as hypocritical and delusional as the far left movements they fight against.

Those who got into Far Right movements because of GG don't want to improve the world-- They're just living out a revenge fantasy against women, minorities and whatever other group is the new boogeyman this week.

>> No.11895932

they came for my videogames
i came for their ass..........

>> No.11896013

It was about Dragon Age 2 getting 10/10 reviews

>> No.11896015

you should write for Rick n morty dood

>> No.11896022

you can make fun of me but i see no reason that my views of the two parties dont make perfect sense. Im hardly the first person to think politics is just for scum in general. In a democracy who does politics attract? people who want power, fame and wealth. I dont trust this selection mechanism to not give us absolute human garbage

>> No.11896024


>> No.11896025

>One who lives practicing the vice of sodomy will suffer more pain in Hell than anyone else, because this the worst sin that exists

>> No.11896046

Nice autism, retard.

>> No.11896294

Based and redpilled! Have you heard of PraegerU and Ben Shapiro?? You should be watching them DESTROY liberals with LOGIC and their HOT STEAMING SPUNK all over your FACE when you call them DADDY

>> No.11896305

This is your brain on /pol/eddit

>> No.11896336

is that the versace logo?

>> No.11896351

This is most likely shitposting
Secondly it could be a journalist trying to write a hit-piece because they want attention and money and that their soul is so seeped through with Neo-capitalism that they have become consumer social activists trying to earn social capital.
Thirdly this could be unironic, to which i say >>>/pol/ go back where you came from idiot. btw you guys where only the fringe of gamergate.

>> No.11896390


>> No.11896401

OP here. I didn't think you guys would take this post seriously. Only a brain-dead teenager would become a fascist over Gamergate lol.

>> No.11896442

Don't really know why I'm giving you an honest answer, but here it is: my political stance (somewhere between a libertarian and classical liberal and paleoconservative) and general view of the world and American politics was not particularly impacted by gamergate.

That said, to a large group of people (so-called 'hardcore gamers') gamergate made explicit what had previously only been implicit and hidden to anyone who didn't care to look: the distaste that much of society has for 'gamers;' the desire to push 'progressive' or pseudo-leftist ideology into games and the 'journalism' that surrounded them; the almost total lack of any legitimate criticism for games that mirrors criticism of books, film, music, etc; and consequently the sheer ease with which a more politically and image savvy group (the so-called 'SJWs') could manipulate the larger establishment press to accept completely their version of events, in order to profit at the expense of another group.

I also expect that the 'SJW' reaction to the protesting gamers also made the gamers realize how reactionary the 'SJWs' are as well.

>> No.11896455

This one's going to be a yikes from me.

>> No.11896476

real OP here. i am alt right fascist and would hardcore pwn you.

>> No.11896482

gamergate literally killed 4chan

right or wrong (they're right but who cares because video games are a massive waste of time and you deserve all the corruption you get) you fags created a shift in 4chan culture so that this entire site is now a permanent political battleground

>> No.11896499

It wasn't gamergate per se. Gamergate happened because the tectonic plates of culture were already shifting towards psuedopolitical faggotry on social media. Also, you're no better than them if your view of an entire hobby is tied to the politic pseuds flocking around the outskirts of said hobby.

>> No.11896508

what? video toys are for children...its no surprise that critics take bribes and that journalists are terrible people

read balzac

>> No.11896521

>video toys are for children...
Adults have been involved in the hobby since its inception. You think children are playing grand strategy, RTS, 4X games, etc.? But yes, none of that is a surprise, and the real hobbyists were not surprised by it at all.

>> No.11896530

>You think children are playing grand strategy, RTS, 4X games, etc.?
Yes? You have a shit childhood desu

>> No.11896544

>It wasnt any particular event
it was watching Jakron of Akbar and other internet shitlords, don't lie.

>> No.11896553

I don't think I'm the one with the shit childhood considering I know what I'm talking about and you clearly don't.

>> No.11896560
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>"classical liberal"

>> No.11896566

IT wasn't the guy you are talking to but pointing out your example and rherotic is shit.

>> No.11896581

Video games have been around since the 60's and children didn't have easy access to the games coming out for PCs in the 80's and early 90's. And it's certainly not just children that played games like Alpha Centauri. Plus, the idea that only children have pastimes is ludicrous.

>> No.11896589

Realest OP here. I'm a fucking fag and fap all day to homo-nazi porn, but still i must admit that this thread is ironic.

>> No.11896595
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I guarantee you 0% of young men found the truth this way.

>> No.11896596
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>lol I don’t know shit about politics, history, economics, or anything related to any actual public policy or legislation but I’m a fascist now because some YouTuber criticized my video games and an indie developer who released her game for free got attention and fascists dislike them too lololol

>> No.11896611

Sure and asking a question like "You think children are playing grand strategy, RTS, 4X games, etc.?" as if it was rhetorical is a poor way to put your point across since someone can just reveal the existence of some children actually doing that and you are stumped (despite relatively being right in the big picture)

>> No.11896623

I meant "You think only children are playing them?"

>> No.11896629

Yes exactly that would clear up the confusion. Word your argument better next time faggot.

>> No.11896638

I'll try formulating my arguments with zero typos next time when I'm posting in a meme thread on 4chan.

>> No.11896761

Not that anon but I like your point about not amputating one's argument from the outset with poorly chosen wording.
Jeez you're defensive. It's not about typos retard but about semantics and the skilled application of logic to argumentation. That faggot actually has a point and is only trying to help his apparently developmentally challenged brethren (You).

>> No.11896780

>God made us in his image and created the conditions for us to enjoy thrusting peepees in anuses thanks to his omnipotence
>But somehow he will also punish you eternally for doing this, despites his omnibenevolance
Monotheism is fucking retarded

>> No.11896852
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Gamergate permanently ruined fascism and traditionalism by causing a gigantic stream of stupid fat virgins to adopt the ideology out of spite, not because they genuinely want to use it to make the world better
Any visit to /pol/ makes it clear that they don't care about doctrine or any kind of systemic change, they care about making 15 year old libruhls on tumblr cry, larping, and their autistic whiteness olympics
They even adopt religions for their shitty perception of their aesthetics and genuinely see themselves as either crusaders or vikings
Anybody disagreeing with them on any point is instantly decreed a shill, so none of their criticisms ever have to be taken seriously and their worldview ends up a bunch of conflicting hypocritical ressentiment-based horseshit

>> No.11896861

It is human destiny to be divided once more. The tower of Babel will fail time and time again. We built a foundation, and people are already bickering. Psychology finds a permanent and irrevocable gap between the left and right wingers across all populations. Young children use journalists as ATMs for fun, because their role as banal propaganda machines has made them simplistic, and children are immune to factors like "history" since it was taken from them.

Humans will divide themselves, or be divided by technology. The AI will learn truth faster than we can lie to it. People will agree with it like they agree with EULA, they will ask it permission like they ask their clocks, and they will sacrifice their time to be with it, like with the Internet. At some point, bureaucracy will be automated. It is inevitable. It is more efficient, less corrupt. Humanity will be replaced - a just end to the entire branch of humanist ideology.
Replacing humanity will mean that free will will once again have a platform to operate in this world.

All of the garbage we can do is something animals have done since time immemorial. We are meant to move towards the ideal, but as autonomous, we are able to mimic and shape ourselves according to alternate paths. Sacrificing your entire genetic lineage for hedonistic pleasure, disrupting natural and healthy relationships with your perversion or damaging your own self through sexual misconduct cannot lead to inner peace, heaven or kingdom of God.

All existence has a single source of origin. This validates monotheism.

>> No.11896925
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>fascist traditionalist
Fascists are all modernists.

>> No.11896935

Lethal levels of irony poison in here. Libs won get over your selves.

>> No.11896940

Why can't you modernize and still hold traditions? I never understood this.

>> No.11896946

neither and both, fascists make up a fake past.

>> No.11896973

>All of the garbage we can do is something animals have done since time immemorial
Protip: humans are mammals, and mammals are animals
>dude free will and Geist lmao
So basically you are implying God makes everything bad on purpose, which is evil. If I didn't have autonomy, I would do everything that is good, and therefore God would be proven to be omnibenelovent. But then he decided to create us in ways that allow us to sin, and that's pretty retarded.
>dude just make kids lmao
I wish I could make kids but I have no gf and the free market is making everything outrageously expensive with its never-ending inflation, and kids cost money.
>All existence has a single source of origin.
Where are the proofs? :DDDD
>This validates monotheism.
Monotheism is for low-IQ plebs. Pantheism is the only way to conceive God that makes sense.

>> No.11896983

I don't care about Gamergate and only have a vague idea what's it about. I'm interested to see if I'm right. It's about some female game developer who (allegedly?) fucked journalists for good reviews. Is that right?

>> No.11896987

Monotheism is pantheism and more than pantheism you big nigger. Read a book other than Spinozer ape.

>> No.11897006

Read settlers by j sakai

>> No.11897008

Why hasn't this meme died yet

>> No.11897010

Parenti isn't a communist.

>> No.11897015

Because it's an excellent book

>> No.11897020


>> No.11897022

>Did anybody else become a fascist/traditionalist because of Gamergate?


>> No.11897031

Stop cursing or you will rot in hell :)

>> No.11897067

Fuck you dude.

>> No.11897074

I didn’t know people unironically believed this.

>> No.11897130

>I never thought Gamergate was a big deal
It is. The internet is still influenced by it. Don't get me wrong, it became really gay really fast but it was important.

>> No.11897174

Imagine the most petty bullshit you can ever conceptualize in reference to gaming. Now imagine people who play games getting hyper-offended over said petty b.s. to the point of trying to destroy people's careers and lives through petty means (social media)

That's gamergate

>> No.11897181

>Protip: humans are mammals, and mammals are animals
We are the gateway to so much more though.

>> No.11897186
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>> No.11897213

We need to screencap comments like this to show that not everyone on 4chan is a retarded degenerate

>> No.11897216

Nice bait, but it did make study politics and activism. And taught me some valuable lessons about the media and narratives. I started to listen to a wider range of voices and that moved me further to the right wing, but it made more libertarian rather than conservative or fascist.

>> No.11897220

Anything that causes syntax errors in human mind control grid will have a similar effect.

>> No.11897225


The forcibly celibate of our societies are chosen by God to save women from themselves, whether they're Otakus NEETing in Kyoto, Incels residing in Isfahan, or creeps from Crete. We've bided our time, absorbed all the scorn and humiliation heaped upon us by status-seeking normies into patience, endurance and willpower. We've watched warily as those same normieshit locusts swarmed our entire internet, consuming it's precious bandwidth with their NPC problems, their thirst for pleb pornography and their fawning for hypergamous medical marvels politely called "women." Overtime, those thirsty normieshits became meatspace automatons implementing a new age of favoritism for all roastie harlots, and any transgression, however microscopic, drew a call to arms amongst those loyal white knights who defended any slack-snizzed feminist by day and edged to poisonous cuckporn at night. These trendy and progressive rules were to underpin the dawn of the Fempire, we're it not for the rise of us incel memelords. It was us who mustered the chutzpah to nudge our way into the gangbang pile of society, shocking everyone by not rolling over and dying after being denied any licks on the fuzzy, dirty, demonically bespectacled Tootsie-Pop feminists that rule by writ of their sea of thirsty orbiters. There will be none of Sarah Jeong's castration events, nor Katy Perry's Interracial Breeding Grounds. Men will not endure compulsory detainment and arousal analysis in the hopes of helping harpies' "predict rape." Instead, it is the Roasties who shall rue this day, the day when the forcibly celibate redpilled even the pussy-eating NPCs on the secrets to fighting every bitchy feminist whore: ignore her and if you need to, simply use your masculinity to overpower them.

>> No.11897227

that post and your post are the actual brainlet posts though. Video games are not the point, it is just exhibit 437 of progressives ruining something. It'S not surprising that this would be one area that young men would chimp out about

>> No.11897272

How are you defining petty bullshit?

>> No.11897319

>Did anybody else become a fascist/traditionalist because of Gamergate?
Yep, changed my youtube portrait to a roman bust and have been redpilling people on a daily basis since then

>> No.11897323

The same social justice shit that now is dominating wide areas of politics was encroaching on video games. Speech codes, quotas, listen and believe, gender politics, intersecionality. All of these ideas were getting pushed hard in the gaming media with the intention of forcing game developers to make games that conform to ideas of the social justice left. Cliques and organized activists were actively promoting each other and forcing good creators out of gaming for political reasons while calling them some form of -ist. The indie game dev scene was at that point already completely dominated by social justice activists.

So people, as naive as they were back then, assumed they could change things by organizing. They demanded better standards from the gaming media in an attempt to remove the political activism and realign it to actually serve the consumers. Outlets that wrote anti-gamer articles were attacked by writing mails to their advertisers with quotes from their articles in which they insulted their audience. Thousands of people from image boards who were normally averse to social media made accounts on twitter, reddit and tumblr to spread the message, show that there is a huge number of consumers who disagree with the way things are going and raid hashtags (still worked back then). Many youtubers rose to prominence by "debunking" arguments of feminist activist in gaming and are quite popular to this day.

This had some minor positive results, like most gaming news outlets adopted ethics codes and promised to disclose relationships between author and subject of the article. Some especially activist outlets took huge financial hits from the email campaigns. But they did not change their content at all, so it was kind of pointless. Later when this angle turned out to be pointless some gaming news outlets were created by pro-gg people like Nichegamer, Lewdgamer and Techraptor. Those are pretty big now.

Of course from the media side you read a different story. They told a story about misogynist basement dwelling gamers "who just can't handle women in gaming" and harass them online. I.e. whenever an activist like Anita Sarkeesian (a public figure by own choosing) said something stupid online, then a ton of gamergate people on twitter would comment on it and that would be taken as a proof of a harassment campaign instead of a regular social media interaction. This was a welcomed opportunity by feminist activists in the media, who were pushing the "white males dominate gaming and keep out minorities" angle for a while and now finally had an organized group of people with rude internet humor to point at as hate mob.

>> No.11897366

It was a big deal for 4chan, maybe reddit. Not the internet at large. Most people have never heard of it.

>> No.11897382

No, but Gamergate taught me one important thing: that gamers are now currently the single most oppressed minority, and we all need to band together and form an ethnostate in reprisal. Also gamers aren’t misogynists, but FUCK WOMEN

>> No.11897456

what the fuck is up with these retard planting their retarded 'false flags'? I really hope they do have a good plan to take down 4chan, but most likely they're just being retarded. whatever

>> No.11897498

Check out Adorno’s The Authoritarian Personality. Really explains the whole phenomenon pretty well

>> No.11897543

There are plenty of mainstream journalists that know what it was and don't like it. It impacted twitter, reddit, and 4chan. That's huge impact.

>> No.11897692

He’s right
They’re both scumbags but one hates my group for our skin and is good at lying

>> No.11897696

4chan was never good

>> No.11897704

People realised that ethics in video game journalism could only be achieved through a total social overhaul

>> No.11897735

Such a disproportionate response as well. White hot fury over nothing.

>> No.11897748

it wasn't fury. mostly the whole thing was pretty funny. granted, after the censorship started and the whole machine lurched into action to suppress everyone's "radical opinions" the hand was laid bare and it was relatively aggravating THEN.

but mostly it was funny to just get up there and push buttons and see what sort of hysterical knee jerk reactions you could get.

>> No.11897766

This. It was pretty funny. That was the only reason why you could get people from 4chan to participate in the first place.

>> No.11897769

>9/11 happens
>media companies spend years making chauvinistic bullshit because of the hollow air of patriotism everyone feels like is required of them
>the only place it actually impacts the culture is in video games
>children grow up not really understanding media from before 9/11, they end up playing a lot of video games
>assume that everybody pretending to be nationalist is the normal state of things
>when it finally starts to go back to normal, they take it as an assault on the comfortable perception they'd built of America, despite the fact that nobody believed that shit except for uninformed children
>pine for a version of America that never existed because they want to return to their comfy childhood and blame its disappearance on whoever they can, SJWs or zionists or minorities

it's not hard to figure out, it's just fucking sad

>> No.11897774

This is the truth here. If it wasn't for the Lefts reaction it never would have went anywhere, they're who kept feeding the troll and set the thing ablaze

>> No.11897782

>i had to become a fascist, because someone believed me when i pretended to be retarded

>> No.11897789

you guys ever going to get bored of this one, you sound like rednecks accusing Obama of being a communist

>> No.11897794

this thread is literally about becoming fascists because of gamergate, you fucking idiot

>> No.11897795

Gamers deserve everything they get. They're the epitome of corporate cumguzzlers

>> No.11897798

Which is bait or a joke

>> No.11897800

Its more the very counter-reaction and protectiveness of such an obviously indefensible position made it clear that Leftists are deeply repugnant force

>> No.11897802

really, because I have yet to see a whole lot of Mussolini quotes about anon's overwhelming desire to enter into an organically holistic totalitarian-hierachical imperialist revolutionary state

>> No.11897808
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>Which is bait or a joke
The question is how far you can take a bait/joke

>> No.11897809

that's what every kind of partisan does in every democracy in the world. The answer to this is to become non-partisan and actually have opinions separate from reacting to other people's opinions, not to become a partisan for the opposite side. This really should be obvious.

>> No.11897824

No that's absolutely retarded. Partisan forces will always exist in a society whether you like it or not. No opinions ever exist in a vacuum and game theory dictates that polarized forces will always emerge and any politics which is not designed to account the polarity as part of the landscape is a politics that will fail miserably
Its like what happened with Brett Kavanaugh, whatever you think of him as a judge is irrelevant in the face of an entire half of the country who will falsely paint an innocent man as a rapist just to get their side ahead

>> No.11897845

The right is no less prone to pushing irrational shit for the sake of political convenience. The only way to create an incentive for them not to do so is to be a voter with the independence and intelligence to vote for a reason other than red team or blue team. The current political discourse is designed to try to trick you into not seeing the nuance of any situation so that it's easier for you to pick a side. Deny those blatant attempts at control and remain open to both when it actually benefits you.

>> No.11897892

The lack of nuance is the nuance you fucking idiot. You're missing the forest for the trees. The polarity IS the political situation. You act in politics to achieve a vision of the world against the obstacles that are in the way and the only intelligent solution is to use the tide in your favor and not just ponder your own navel for no purpose other than virtue signal your useless pretense of independence from the discourse at large.
As if it would be the case you would have any such "rationally" construed opinions were you born a hundred years ago or three hundred. Politics is by the highest definition not the place for independent thought.
Like Napoleon the undoing of the revolution is the revolution itself.

>> No.11897903

If you vote the same way every time, your vision is subsumed by that of the party. Base voters are taken for granted, swing voters are catered to. Which is how it should be.

>> No.11897912

Who gives a fuck about voting. Voting is what comes out the ass, it's not where politics is made

>> No.11897922

As soon as you make excuses for your own "team" and not for the other, you've become a tool to the machine, not an actor in democracy. Voting is only the most obvious application of that principle.

>> No.11897929

no point desu

>> No.11897938

>not voting in local elections where individual voters are far more impactful
s m h

>> No.11897953
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>> No.11897975

Not unless the hypocrisy of the discourse is a means towards manipulating things towards your vision. Such as it being a small sin towards ending the despicable horror that is the state of the modern West.
I can also accuse your position here as just another means of virtue signalling and lobbying towards your side as you're simply another leftist in denial posturing about the benefits of moral integrity to try slow down the train coming towards the world that benefits slimey non-commited half-humans like you

>> No.11897996

Considering I also get called a conservative in denial by people who think it's fashionable to pretend they read Marx and shout "all cops are bastards" in between 9-5 shifts, I feel like I'm somewhere in the grey zone.

Anyway, are you just anti-democracy and trying to make democracy function less by being as violently retarded as possible?

>> No.11898021

And they'd be right too, you're Conservative like Hillary Clinton is conservative.
I don't give the least shit about democracy, it barely even factors into my thinking. I'm not an authoritarian, I just hate niggers and am sick of a society in which white men are told to forsake the values that made them strong and that the individual is being subsumed by a socializing process that leaves one a soulless husk of a human. I'm pro-human and pro-God. And whatever means democratic or a favorable dictator that will bring that spirit of the world forward is one I will be supporting

>> No.11898023

god this website is stupid

>> No.11898024

Name a website that isn't stupid

>> No.11898036
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>deluge of self-contradictory retarded opinions
>muh niggers
like i said, as violently retarded as possible

>> No.11898042

How do countries that aren't the USA fit into this?

>> No.11898056

They sit being irrelevant and complain about Americans all day

>> No.11898061

>i-it was all just for fun! It's not like we took it seriously or anything
Does anyone really buy this?

>> No.11898063

>calling a shitpost low iq

>> No.11898064

How can I take anything seriously if I never go outside
Checkmate liberals

>> No.11898094

Why can't it be fun and serious at the same time? Fun motivates, purpose unites. You can say what you want about GamerGate, but it was one of the most entertaining internet shitshows I ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

>> No.11898101

Care to extrapolate?

>> No.11898136

Not retarded. Post-smart