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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 300x414, thomas_pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1189286 No.1189286 [Reply] [Original]

Ah-huh! Well howdy y'all! I was just about to polish up mah buck teef sos that I could go and recieve mah good ol' No-belly Peace Prize from that ol' Norway, and I thoughts I'd come by an.....

Oh, oh yeah. I didn't win, because I suck. Ah HUH!! Sorry!

>> No.1189292

It's funny because it's true.

>> No.1189303

He's never going to get the prize, he hasn't written anything good in 35 years. He just sucks really.

>> No.1189310

What the fuck dialect is that supposed to be?
The guy's from Long Island.

>> No.1189307

Ah-Heeee! Well it shore is kindly uh' ya' to come on by and say hello! It's a dog-gone shame more people on /lit/ don't understand dat them crazy Nor-wegian boys don't just give that there prize to anyol' body that can go ta Sweden! Hyuck hyuck hyuck. Yer learnin'-books gotta improve the state of human society, not just be sumpfin' hipsters on the wiley ol' innernet pretend they read.

>> No.1189316

Butthurt Pynchon fan spotted. Maybe you should stop reading shit..

>> No.1189330

Well sheee-yaw! I do knows I do write some crap. But ch'ya see, these here hipsters needs them some 700 pages books sos they can act like they's better'rn everyone else, even though they ain't never read 'em none. That's why three people on 4chan think I deserves me a prize. Yee-haw!

>> No.1189334

>he hasn't read gravity's rainbow

>> No.1189342

>ah-yuh! Betcha a whole tabby cat he done has!

>> No.1189348

too deep for you?

>> No.1189357

too deep? Shaw, no, just too borin' an' crappy' fer me. Just cuz a-body don't find somfin' to they likin', well that don't mean they don't undastans it now. Could be they undastans it perfect-fine, an' that's'a why they don' like it.

>> No.1189360

why the hate? I'm currently reading gravity's rainbow (100 pages left) and I think it's brilliant. I mean, the book's hilarious and it's so much fun trying to make sense of this stupidly convoluted story with myriads of references and shit.

loved crying of lot 49 too

>> No.1189363


>> No.1189366


Chose one.

>> No.1189371
File: 25 KB, 203x222, 1286071817841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1189370

Oh man, you kidding me? Pynchon is shit. Wow, I though /lit/ was better than this. Genre fiction is more literary than Pynchon.

>> No.1189375

Meh, my post was still better written than a Pynchon novel.

>> No.1189377

you'll have to try a bit harder than that if you want to get an outraged reaction here. here, I'll give you another chance

>> No.1189386
File: 19 KB, 420x314, lesmurray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when /lit/, with all it's Anglo-American tendencies, thought a U.S. citizen was going to win the Nobel Prize for Literature this year.

>> No.1189388

Well shucks, pardner, looks liker you're already a little hot'n bothered. Just remember, no matter what these here people may be a'saying, they are right about one thang: Pynchon sucks.

>> No.1189390

Possibly the worst troll ever?

>> No.1189393

At this point in the thread I can tell you don't like Pynchon. Of course you never actually say why you don't like Pynchon, you just like feeling smug and superior to people who do (or "claim they do", since the reason you feel smug is because you like thinking about how much better you are than "hipsters" who may or may not actually exist). If you are not a troll, please prove it. Either be constructive and talk about the books or go away.

I not mad, just somewhat annoyed.

>> No.1189398

>confirmed for mad

>> No.1189402

you're so boring mang. do you have anything to say about Pynchon other than "huh uh he sukcs", like giving actual arguments and shit. Because I was kind of feeling like having a discussion right now, but if you're not in the mood, that's ok too. I'll just get back to my GR and hopefully finish it.

>> No.1189406
File: 22 KB, 638x359, Oh_he_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1189407

Walp, you shore are takin' alotta time away from that there Gravity's Rainbow, seein' how it's so awesome an' such. A-body'd think you wouldn' wanna waste time away from it, lest it was borin'-like....

>> No.1189412
File: 18 KB, 370x300, lol-he-mad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1189408

not that guy... but you are stupid

>> No.1189414
File: 35 KB, 352x300, HeMadLando.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1189415

Obvious samefag.

>> No.1189416

>you are stupid

Nice comeback. You must read a lot bro!

>> No.1189417
File: 63 KB, 279x384, 1277085291950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP says pynchon sucks and he can't even do a decent impression of his writing style

>> No.1189421


okay okay, I mad I mad

But I'm also right

>> No.1189422
File: 58 KB, 251x251, cmonbrutha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP was obviously directing his his choice of dialect at Pynchons' buck teeth, but that was clearly 2deep4u

>> No.1189424

Archive this thread!

>> No.1189427

>If you are not a troll, please prove it.>>1189393

I read that part and the you mad guy didn't and I assume you didn't otherwise you'd try to prove something.

>> No.1189428

Nah, you are right. Can't argue with your Pynchon sucks thesis. It's flawless.

>> No.1189430

alright brah, I see you've made your choice. have a nice night then. may the trolling gods be with you

>> No.1189438

What? I'm >>1189393 I personally uncertain as to wether Pynchon sucks or not. I liked Crying of Lot 49, but Mason and Dixion was a bit too terse for me and wasn't paying off. I'll try V sometime, or maybe try to get back into M&D.

>> No.1189442

Ah-hee! I am varmint from those there posts, and here's mah proof, in easy for you to refute and then ignore 2deep4U (U referring to me) format:

I just don't like Pynchon. I find him overblown, and his 'wonderful decoding of references' and stuff, it does nowhere and I find it tedious and pointless. Alas, that's what his novels are based on. Really? A secret postal service which somehow retains adherents who scribble its logo on garbage cans and bus seats, that's supposed to be 2deep4me? Keep trolling Pynchon.
Now, none of the Pynchon followers ever explain why he's so wonderful. They just yell that it's 2deep4everyone.....kinda blowhard-y/fullashit, kinda Christian sounding to me. No one can ever say why I should blow my load over him, just that they're better than me because they do.

Gleeheh, but he shore does is the best book-maker of'r times!

>> No.1189445



He was saying that if you're going to use an author's voice to criticize him, it would make sense to impersonate his apparently poor writing style rather than use an incorrect accent derived purely from his appearance.

>> No.1189446

This is one of the better trolls Ive seen in awhile on /lit/.


>> No.1189448

Nighty nighty there pal, you haves you some good ol' shut eye. I'ma go look fer that rascally rooster now....

>> No.1189450


Shee-yaw, that wuz a draft, fer shore. Way to make believe like you understood it there, that's some niiice play-actin'.

>> No.1189463

Took you long enough.

Now I'm not going to defend all of Pynchon, as I said, I didn't really like M&D. But I will defend Crying of Lot 49.

> A secret postal service which somehow retains adherents who scribble its logo on garbage cans and bus seats, that's supposed to be 2deep4me?

Not 2deep4u, 2deep4Oepdipa. The story of unraveling and seeing a pattern in everyday life that she can't unsee, a pattern that gradually takes over her life. She's has the role of an average housewife, a young republican, yet she has stumbled into a world that is quite different from what she expects.

>> No.1189473

>took you long enough

Good comeback.

So, ok, I know Lot 49 is about Oedipa being stuck in her life and longing for the adventure that Trystero could possible provide, but outside of personal preference, how is this revolutionary or even different? Hell, Beowulf is looking for adventure because he's stuck in his life too, if you want to read it that way. Everything is 2deep4Alyosha too, but he doesn't have sex with balding guys in a hotel room and then gather a legion of followers that tell you that you dont like it because you just don't get it.

>> No.1189491

ITT: When kiddie trolls get bored and attempt to discuss literature

>> No.1189497

Her "adventure" isn't all that pleasant and eventually the pattern and conspiracy overwhelm everything. It starts off as her seeking adventure, but she can't get out of it. The appeal, for me at least, is in the way it takes over her life and how she is compelled to investigate even when she doesn't want to.

Stop thinking about hipster fan bases. Do you live in a place where these people who talk about pitchfork and brag about reading Pynchon are?

>> No.1189521


>> No.1189548

>Do you live in a place where these people who talk about pitchfork and brag about reading Pynchon are?

Everyone lives where those people are.

I don't think about hipster fan bases. I just find it strange that people rave about Pynchon, but are largely unable to explain why he's so terrific. I don't like him, but if you (as a general term) are trying to convince me why I should like him, then it's not up to me to tell you why I don't like him. /lit/'s stock answer is 2deep4u, and then people still don't give any explaination. I've had grad school professors tell me that the reason Pynchons' so great is because he is a great writer. I had hoped /lit/ could do what people with PhDs can't, and all that /lit/ gives me is more of the same. "Oh, he's great, you just don't get it." Like that's any more valid a defense than "Pynchon sucks" is as an attack.

>> No.1189700

The Pro-Pynchon are stating Pynchon is great because they say so and it's 2deep4u
The Anti-Pynchon are saying he sucks because they say so and he's gay.

Neither sides are providing proof. Also Pynchon is wild ass ugly. My proof is in the picture. Goddamn that is an ugly man.

>> No.1189709

A-hyuck a-hyuck a-hyuck. I ain't all that ugly. Why, once I seen a cornstalk so high I could almost thank it touched that there ol' sun. Then I wroted a book 'bout it. You all youngin's knows which ones that ones is. He-yaw!!

>> No.1189730

Why was the chicken happy?
Because everything was eggcellent.
And also there were no niggers.