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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 189x266, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11892354 No.11892354 [Reply] [Original]

Would you read books if you looked like this?

>> No.11892358

That looks exactly like me and I read books all the time

>> No.11892361

>That looks exactly like me

>> No.11892370

This is literally me and I read books constantly

>> No.11892377
File: 121 KB, 680x497, 94f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be good looking
>still be an avid reader
>strive toward Vitruvian Man tier perfection and cultivation of mind and body

>> No.11892390

Nothing wrong with expanding your territory into the trendy art-thot crowd.

>> No.11892391

Wrong, sex is degenerate

>> No.11892397

t. featured in hotdudesreading

>> No.11892400

Oh shit, I'm the guy that runs that

>> No.11892405

Based /fit-lit/. You can't reach peak virtue unless you actually live your literary ideals out in your life.

>> No.11892407

Are you implying that being desired by women would take THAT much time that you won't have time to read?

>> No.11892408
File: 39 KB, 333x500, 95E09A58-AEB9-4322-99CD-EC4A887A1267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not. I’d just use my brainlet+ intelligence (125IQ) to become a stemfag and bang art-hoes

>> No.11892412

I look a lot like the guy and yes, I read books, although in 2018 /lit/ considers my favourite books to be meme tier trash.

>> No.11892415

would i still have autism?

>> No.11892428

Oh shit, I'm the guy that financed that

>> No.11892432

i'll be honest with you chief. i'd tap that twink's ass

>> No.11892436

Who is he? I would like to suck him off in his bathrobe?

>> No.11892442

Faggots leave. This is a /pol/ occupied board

>> No.11892443
File: 254 KB, 500x531, 407216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, why would my looks affect if i read books?

>> No.11892445


This might be a good threat to pick up /lit/ twinks in

>> No.11892448

/pol/ out. /lit/ is a fag board.

Your tired mommy issues aren't needed here.

>> No.11892454
File: 645 KB, 722x525, IMG_1297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh please, /pol/ can't even read their own posts.

>> No.11892455

How is he so beautiful bros?

>> No.11892456


>> No.11892459

That wasn't a question. Fuck off you parasite infested shitstains

>> No.11892474

I think a Jew went that way. You might want to go after him. An uncultured swine like you has no business on this board. Go bitch and moan with the other incels on your containment board punk.

>> No.11892477
File: 83 KB, 539x960, 1526406272679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think a Jew went that way. You might want to go after him. An uncultured swine like you has no business on this board. Go bitch and moan with the other incels on your containment board punk.

>> No.11892481

>t. newfags who don't know /pol/ is the gayest board

>> No.11892482

genetics, make-up, lighting, photoshop, the usual

>> No.11892492

I don't even read books now

>> No.11892495
File: 284 KB, 2303x1598, painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me, what are the last 5 books you've read? If they are actually good i will submit and say that /lit/ is part of /pol/. But if you read some pop philosophy or a mainstream book then you need to leave

>> No.11892520

Don Quixote
Hunger by Knut Hamsun
Speak Memory
Journey to the End of the Night
The Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.11892536
File: 590 KB, 566x582, 666-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, you're good. I guess that's to be expected when we have conservative threads.
> what's hunger about?

>> No.11892543

>> what's hunger about?
Mostly, Hunger

>> No.11892605

I wouldn't do any of the dumb shit that I do if I was a Chad.

There's no reason to do anything like read or study when you're living life on easy mode and go put partying and get laid every night. But I can't do that so I have settle for this.

>> No.11892708

Trust me, there is no substitute for high art and philosophy, even if you’re exceptionally good looking.

>> No.11892744

People should stop these threads, I feel like killing myself when I'm reminded of how ugly I am.

>> No.11892758

This is part of the plan to induce the incel uprising v2

>> No.11892763

The saying, "there are no ugly people, only neglected ones", is extremely normie and shallow, but fuck me if it isn't true. A proper haircut and some muscle gain can literally save anyone from loneliness.

>> No.11892765

He looks like a dick

>> No.11892794
File: 308 KB, 768x768, 1532104809637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should really be near women and see how they behave and hear what they say.

>> No.11892809

Are you talking about teenage girls or young adults?

I hang out with plenty of women, most being friends I made during university times. They might be normies, but they wouldn't quite drop a like on these edgy teenage girl twitter accounts' posts.

>> No.11892859

I hang out with college girls and they're exactly that twitter type. I remember once i was in a bar when a couple started fighting and the guy said "why did you cheated on me then" and she said "i'm genuinely sorry, but he was so fucking hot", the guy left crying and she returned to her group of friends and explained the situation. When she said "i told him the truth that the guy was hot" they started screaming "yaaaaaaas", a girl said "holy shit that's savage but so true tho" and another "yeah you go girl don't settle for shit". These weren't also your basic girl that you'd find on the club or whatever, at least not by appearance. They were quite the type of the fragile bookish maiden that doesn't have much friends and prefer to chill out at a friends house smoking weed and "talking about really deep stuff like the universe and stuff" rather than large parties.

>> No.11892920

are you american?

>> No.11892924

We made a mistake when we gave them rights.

>> No.11892944

I'm more attractive than that and spend all my time reading

>> No.11892960

post pics

>> No.11893040


>> No.11893109
File: 183 KB, 800x1000, kierkegaard2_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this man.
Don't let the sketch fool you. He was horribly deformed and all real life accounts state that his hair made him look ridiculous. His father kept him in doors all his childhood because he knew his son would be made fun of and even as an adult Kierkegaard was such a weirdo that the children of the city used to chase him around and abuse him. He only ever (supposedly) had sex once when he was seventeen or so when he ran off to a brothel but besides that lived his entire life devoid of carnal contact.
The dude is one of the authentic few who actually know what they're speaking about when it comes to despair and love. He blows the fuck out of all those stoic nancies who were just chad pseuds roleplaying as ascetics.
But seriously, cling to this man's writings. Devote yourself to them. He wrote enough to supply a lifetime of contemplation of the most sublime things in life and there is not a man who is better at equipping a person to face the banal miseries of an existence devoid of sexual intimacy than Kierkegaard.

>> No.11893168
File: 82 KB, 862x643, 1521036656375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and all real life accounts state that his hair made him look ridiculous.
Haters gonna hate

>> No.11893310

Not him, but you caught my interest. Where do I start?

>> No.11893322

What are you implying here?

>> No.11893329
File: 92 KB, 412x351, 3C0773F0-BBCA-4822-8780-FC4037C880D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same desu

>> No.11893344

and the implication being...? stop fishing for (You)s and explain yourself.

>> No.11893353
File: 16 KB, 333x499, 411BAr+qhDL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends. Are you Christian? IF so, then Fear and Trembling & The Sickness Unto Death.
If not, it is more difficult because Kierkegaard's entire philosophy is ultimately a Christian one. Works of Love for instance is one of his supreme works but the entire thing is a dissertation on "Christian Love", however, I think this book might be fairly open to those who are not Christian because it has a much larger theme of finite/infinite. In Works Of Love Kierkegaard defines "despair" as 'the lack of the eternal'. Very stern and sublime concepts throughout.
Either/Or part 1 might be a good place to start since it is more of a literary device rather than a true work of philosophy. The second part (which is a response to the character supposedly responsible to the first part) is more in line with being a straightforward philosophical work. In it Kierkegaard rigorously explores his idea of the dichotomy, the 'Either Or', of what he terms the Aesthetic life and the Ethical life.
So Either/Or might be the least Christian of all of them.
Pic related has a section that is a wonderful resource for Kierkegaard. (It also goes over many other philosophers tho, so the whole thing is by no means strictly about Kierkegaard.) Also the Kierkegaard portion of Frederick Copleston's History of Philosophy is a good secondary source as well.

>> No.11894337

I look better.

He's implying that people only read because they can't get laid. A ridiculous notion, but someone who can't get laid might get offended.

>> No.11894620

yes because my personality wouldn't be any different
I'm a fairly good looking guy anyway

>> No.11894664

Based & redpilled.

>> No.11894676

Heavy samefagging

>> No.11894700

Sex is not degenerate, endless tinder fucking with bugeyed thots is.

>> No.11894701

those tweets are obviously tongue and cheek, but even if they were 100% serious guys do all of those things. ive seen guys adopt completely different personas and pretend to be interested in something they weren't just to try and get a lady's attention

>> No.11894709

For gods sake never say lady again

>> No.11894710

>op only reads because he isn't a blue eyed, black haired, strong jawline chad
Fuck off

>> No.11894725

>all women are sluts
implying men aren't is the saddest thing ever

>> No.11894730

Don't be such a xxi century teenager

>> No.11894743

WTF do you read just for social acceptance? That's truly sad

>> No.11894744

sorry im 35 years old, i find my boomerdom increasingly hard to control like my bladder. when you get this old you cant rely on getting all your urine out at the stall anymore, youll start to notice it dribbles out only when you sit back down. facial hair starts to grow near your eyes

>> No.11894778

>tfw Ive had sex with enough women that these threads don't make me insecure anymore and realise that I genuinely prefer using my time off work to getting balls deep in a good book rather than balls deep in females

I've come to the conclusion that some people's naturally inclined preferences are to be hedonist monkeys and others to be virtuous. I thought I was the former, when really it was just something I pursued out of some sort of insecurity or fear of missing out.

>> No.11894816

>why can you disgusting plebs just be intellectual and virtuous like me

>> No.11894989

What i took from his post is that some anons who idolize sex and believe their hobbies and pursuits are just meaningless distractions might suprise themselves by realizing sex isn't such a vital activity for them after all and at the end their old habits are preferable. Of course, to reach this conclusion they must first have sex and let go of their insecurities.

>> No.11895025

yes, because I'd still be ugly