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11880084 No.11880084 [Reply] [Original]

ive made it to 24 as a volcel but im kinda over it. i have no hope of getting married soon and id really like to fuck a girl before i become a geezer with ed and a post-wall roastie.

any books on deciding whether or not to fuck a thot?

>> No.11880086

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.11880094
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This. Though it's really more about incels colliding with sex-crazed culture + sociopaths.

>> No.11880107

already read it

>> No.11880351

Just fucking do it, man. Pussy is pretty much the greatest non-transcendent experience you can have. Even if she's only halfway attractive, you'll almost certainly not regret it.

>> No.11880354

in the age of kavanaugh i pretty much regret every time i got laid, then again kav was a virgin back then and he still got slimed so i guess there's just no avoiding, fuck once or twice just to get over being virgin but thats it, a lot of fucking is far from transcendent, ive had better faps

>> No.11880538

All worthwhile women are bred out by the of 25. Better start rowing faster motherfucker.

>> No.11880548

>you have to have sex with girls your age

>> No.11880555

i know

>in the age of kavanaugh i pretty much regret every time i got laid
fuck it dude if you're a white man with political ambition you might as well be evil cuz that's what the people will want in 20-30 yrs.

>> No.11880563

What does that even mean? Just because people in positions of power are evil now doesn’t mean they will be in the future? People are starting to become very wise about who they put into positions of power. And they don’t want a Supreme Court Justice that has assaulted women and neither do I

>> No.11880690

he didn't do it

>> No.11880703

When did Kavanaugh ever assault a woman?

>> No.11880704

Go to church. Marry another virgin who is waiting for marriage. In today's degeneracy, there is no other option if you want a life long relationship. Some churches also organise social events for young Christian singles to meet up.

Consider this. Why are girls so corrupted today? They believe in nothing but their own pleasure. To be good wives they must believe in something higher than that. To be a good husband, you must have that also.

>> No.11880710

fuck off bible thumper

>> No.11880714

I like that idea. Is it common for someone to find faith in God while searching for some earthly companinionship? If so I would love to go those Christian meet ups.

>> No.11880715

Enjoy your STDs, divorce-rape, loneliness and hedonism which brings no lasting pleasure.

>> No.11880722

>if you're not a bible thumping celibate, you're degenerate

>> No.11880730

Politicians are becoming openly evil. I swear the zoomers will be facists

>> No.11880733

Fuck man I dont think any virgin girls exist anymore, unless theyre ugly af

>> No.11880734

Yes. It helps if you are genuinely seeking but let's just start with more observable assumption that is easier to accept. The state of the western world is due to the decline of religion, and the "truthiness" is reflected in the flourishing or decay in culture, in the family and in ourselves. The creator of the universe intended this and those who strayed from his wisdom are led into destruction, usually in pride and obstinance. Once you can observe this, then you are already beginning to see truth and value in faith.

>> No.11880739
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>go to church

>> No.11880745

I'm not celibate. I have a beautiful dedicated wife, who cleans the house, cooks healthy meals and makes things as nice as possible. And children on the way.

She shares my enthusiasm for lit, we have read many classics and write every day. We pray for guidance and wisdom in our learning.

I hope you too find some peace.

>> No.11880750

It's very simple: Don't go to these ones. If a church doesn't even believe in its own teachings, why should you? Find a real one.

>> No.11880799

I'm 26 and I just started showing interest in people. Is it weird to hang out with 18 y/o girls?

>> No.11880806

No. I did this too and had several 18-21 y/o gfs when I was 25+ despite being a total shut in when I was younger. It's a normal age gap I think.

>> No.11880822

not worth it. but you'll do it anyway when you're 35 and it will be miserable

>> No.11880838


>> No.11880956
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u wot m8?

>> No.11880968

Is it even possible to score girls as a 26yo virgin, with zero relationship or flirting experience?

You speak like it’s an easy deal ...

>> No.11880988

how did you meet girls that age @ 25+?

>> No.11881002

I'm not that anon but for me the answer was Tinder, concerts, not showing any insecurities and growing a short beard.

>> No.11881012

>not being catholic/orthodox

>> No.11881026

>in the age of kavanaugh i pretty much regret every time i got laid
Nigga what

No such thing as lasting pleasure

>lying on the internet

>> No.11881044

>And they don’t want a Supreme Court Justice that has assaulted women and neither do I
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11881046

sadly is the thot who gets to decide (hint: it"s not gonna be yes)

>> No.11881050

I was there.

>> No.11881052

>being a heathen

>> No.11881055

notes from the underground :^)

>> No.11881061

Fucking is not that great, I get greater pleasure from eating.

>> No.11881085
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white nights fits even better though

>> No.11881087


>> No.11881116
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The explanation for both halves of your anecdote is that you're a fat fuck.

>> No.11881124
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>age of Kavanaugh
Just don't be a retarded blackout-drunk frat douche and you'll be fine.

>> No.11881174
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Yes. Not every girl makes you play elaborate social games for her affection, in fact that kind of girl is probably not a good fit for you in the first place. But for the right girl it's as easy as learning how to read and speak body language.

Girls are subtle creatures, they give subtle physical cues to let you know if they like or dislike what you are doing, like making skin contact, or fluttering her eyes, or adjusting the way her body is pointed. The thing is, you have to pay really close attention, and you have to be willing to meet her subtle cues with subtle cues of your own. Girls do this to test a guy's willingness to listen to them, they want to know if, in 1, 3, 5, or 10 years or more, you'll still be interested in listening to her prattle about her day, after the novelty of "having a girlfriend" wears off and you'd rather go back to playing video games.

>> No.11881180

yes he did, ive known more than enough of these niggers to tell when they’re lying. its just who fucking cares about drunk sociopaths and their genitals

>> No.11881206

It's not that great. Alcohol is better.

>t. sober 3 years and want to drink every night

>> No.11881226

Anything by Nabokov. Seriously, characters fuck whores in all his books.

>> No.11881353

i go to church. there arent any young people, much less young single women there lmfao

>> No.11881532

this but unironically

>> No.11881545

fuck that, i´d prefer being alone

>> No.11881552

The bitch accusing him is lying just as much as the guy himself.

>> No.11881725
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It’s not so bad: you get used to the daily update on her co-workers/family drama. The other 90% of the time she’s cleaning your shit and cooking you amazing meals and blowing your cock.

Look at it this way: Harvey Weinstein had tons of money and power but still needed to leverage his authority to coerce women into having sex with him. Compare that to Jerome Lester Horwitz, more commonly known as Curly from the 3 stooges: also a flabby, potato-faced motherfucker who was basically a screwed over prole whose job was to go on tv, act like a moron, and get bitchslapped for it, and even though he didn’t have looks, money, or influence he was still a Hollywood legend for how much pussy he smashed. He knew how to get women laughing

>> No.11881749

Can someone clear this fucking board out of incel topics? Theres r9k containment section, fuck off.

>> No.11881751

No, she is not lying. I tacitly support him because obviously this is another turning point in our kulturkampf its just that I actually spent most of my hs years with that social set, with his kind of people, wealthy frat/jock WASP’s and ive seen exactly what men do, what women allow them to do (implicitly and unconsciously), when they feel they are unchained from the responsibility to the social arbiters and moral codes of their caste or class. He absolutely sexually assaulted her, he absolutely lied about it on national television and under oath and his friend is lying on his behalf. Its only disgraceful that he causes others who have not committed the transgressions he has to protect him, for political and personal reasons. I don’t believe she is a good person, or innocent, she knew what a kegger would be like and attended many more. However, he is blatantly deceiving his supporters and the RNC is once again showing how tenuous and malleable its Christian morals really are. If someone pushed my sister into a room and tried to rape her with their friend and i found out id mutilate both of them mercilessly and if you wouldn’t do the same you’re a coward and a menace to your own family and kin. Don’t blind yourself for the sake of keeping up the act behind closed doors. To reiterate, she is a whore, she is a snake, the DNC are rate parasites abusing the media apparatus they largely control and the public is showing how petty it can be; really women have shown their malice against themselves, and their incorrigible propensity to allow men endless leeway to be evil, and maybe its an indictment of their weakness as a sex. All this does not wash away his arrogance, his sociopathic disregard for the truth and lack of decency as a human. I don’t see people as equal, some have a right to take what they want, rape is not how you take what you want; women can be plied for sex many different ways which would now constitute “coercion” but which are completely normal and healthy behaviors for males but forcing women onto their backs with your friend like a porcine demon is despicable. Its got nothing to do with morality even, just a sense of personal honor.

>> No.11881768

> I tacitly support him because obviously this is another turning point in our kulturkampf

Stopped reading there

>> No.11881769

fucking a drunk person is not sexual assault no matter how many times people try to meme this

>> No.11882734

>kav was a virgin back then
And yet he partied and drank like a regular Chad and groped women and boasted about threesomes and fucking whores.

>> No.11882837

Where do nonreligious people like me go then? I'm open to religious girls but I'm a nonbeliever.

>> No.11882852

He tried to sexually assault her by pushing her into a bedroom with his friend. She never agreed to fuck him or the other guy at all, and he denies even being there so its either he was there and definitely did what she said or he wasn’t and she’s making the whole thing up. Also, picking up a woman or pushing her into a room when she hasn’t shown explicit interest in sex which is usually really obvious is sexual assault by every single definition. If i pushed you into a room while drunk and then started rifling through your wallet it would be theft not a kind gift of $100.

>> No.11882867

>either he did it or she's lying
Wow insightful

>> No.11882875

Meant for

>> No.11883155
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Can confirm, I am what you say.

>> No.11883256

Fuck off.

>> No.11883605

>Girls are subtle creatures, they give subtle physical cues to let you know if they like or dislike what you are doing, like making skin contact, or fluttering her eyes, or adjusting the way her body is pointed. The thing is, you have to pay really close attention, and you have to be willing to meet her subtle cues with subtle cues of your own.
Oh I just love those elaborate stories about the EXTREMELY SUBTLE clues that incels tell themselves when they're in denial about being unwanted by women.
If she likes you, she's going to follow you around like a sheep and be 100% absorbed by listening to what you have to say before you even open your mouth, like a journalist.
They're all like that. If she's not, then she's not interested. Yes, even if she positions her foot at a certain angle relative to you.

>> No.11883648

Kek this is basically true. Sluts have beta orbiters to listen to their nonsense. She wants you to not give a fuck about her daily trivia and to only listen when something really important comes up. When that happens, you listen just enough to get the lay of the land, tell her how she is supposed to feel/think about/deal with the situation, and then get back to using her mouth and throat for their intended purposes: draining daddy’s balls and thanking him for using her like the good little fucktoy she is.

>> No.11883664

try a different church? theres more than one

>> No.11883674

Sorry anon sex outside of marriage is always immoral. When you're a geezer you'll be much more concerned with having lived a life dedicated to Jesus Christ than a little poon

>> No.11883680


>> No.11883709
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Yes it is. People in whatever social circle you're in will think of you as a creep for preying on dumb, immature girls when you're a grown ass man

>> No.11883714

Trust the guy who posts Pokémon images next to his relationship advice. He more than likely understands sexuality and gender dynamics at a very deep and not deluded level, and the kind of friends he has are likely similarly clear-sighted.

>> No.11883722

Cool, but what if you just don't believe in religion or the supernatural? Where to find good girls then?

>> No.11883728


>> No.11883730

You don’t need to believe in the supernatural to see religion as an effective tool for socializing people into respectability.

>> No.11883745

Besides that. I'm pretty much a religious person in attitude (believe in marriage for procreation, for modest dress, right leaning politically, and wouldn't go out with a girl who would get an abortion unless in cases of rape or risk of a retarded child) but don't believe in anything metaphysical.

But I do see religion in that respect. I'd rather live in a religious society than a nonreligious one even though I'm closer to an atheist than anything. But wouldn't it be unfair to look for nice girls in church when I'm not even a believer?

>> No.11883750

What do you mean unfair? Who’s going to judge you for it? The God in whom you disbelieve?

>> No.11883755

Unfair to the girls I'd be courting.

>> No.11883763
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>Oh I just love those elaborate stories about the EXTREMELY SUBTLE clues that incels tell themselves when they're in denial about being unwanted by women.
spoken like somebody with way less game than he thinks he has
>If she likes you, she's going to follow you around like a sheep and be 100% absorbed by listening to what you have to say before you even open your mouth, like a journalist.They're all like that.
No, they're not all like that, and if you really do think so that just means you're looking for love in all the wrong places. That is clingy, possessive behavior, if your girl does this to you run away, because she'll only make your life a claustrophobic hell, and trim is just not worth that kind of a headache. Stop being a defeatist pussy, truly effective players are usually just guys with normie-tier looks who know how to actually take the steps to make a girl like them from the moment they make eye contact. Yes, women don't actually owe men anything, if you want her to like you, you need to give her solid reasons to like you. It only looks effortless to an outside observer because you don't have a clue what the fuck is going on in the 70% of their human communications which are nonverbal
>If she's not, then she's not interested. Yes, even if she positions her foot at a certain angle relative to you.
How can you know if she's interested if you can't or won't even play the game? Women don't want a man who passively stands there as she flings blindingly obvious cues at him hoping he'll notice one of them, they want a man who knows how, when, and why to take the initiative. They want a man whose timing is impeccable, say, putting your hand on the small of her back at the right moment in the date, with the right pressure, for the right amount of time. They don't want a man who is going to prattle endlessly about his pet interests and not even notice the sideways glances she's shooting around the room. It's a game, a social game, and like all social games, there will never be a formula for success, you have to shut up, nut up, and pick your moment, and stop acting like a whiny bitch when you get rejected. You're shooting yourself in the foot when you get down on yourself for something like that.

No, sluts have a bunch of guys who are only attracted in a reptilian sense to her most superficial features, and in every other respect they have absolutely nothing in common with her. The reason why the beta loser meme exists is that when it comes to superficial contests for the right to smash the pussies of superficial women, the superficial man finds the most common ground, and the thoughtful man always loses. And it's what they deserve for idealizing shallow tarts.

>> No.11883768

I had sex before my 25th, found a chick on tinder. Wasn't hard. I don't regret the sex but I regret the relationship. Oh well, lesson learned.

>> No.11883773

I've seen it happen plenty of times to people I know but feel free to enlighten me with your wisdom pussymaster

>> No.11883781

>t.bluepilled beta who suffers from oneitus for his “unicorn” and who doesn’t know AWALT

>> No.11883782

same, going through mid life crisis in mid 20s, realize old fat me is going to hate young me for not slaying while I had the opportunity. Gunna try and hook up with someone really attractive in the next few months. Not a virgin but volcel for years.

>> No.11883792

If your social group ostracize you for fucking 18 year olds when you are 26 your social group is cringe and bluepilled, unironically

>> No.11883803

Just say something vague like you’re not totally sure what you believe if she asks. Which has to be true about some part of you. Or say that you think it’s a great institution and helps encourage you to be a better person, even though you’re not totally convinced with the god and resurrection stuff. If you think religion is a good social institution you can be a contributing part of the church community without believing in god, and not be doing it in bad faith

>> No.11883807
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t.married middle-aged guy who never had problems getting laid in his 20's

This is the problem with you incels. You're so blinded by the need for vindication that you can't even accept the good advice that other men are giving you. You lash out at them, call them roastie or accuse them of being some white knighting beta orbiter, and never realize that they'll just go on getting laid in normie-tier amounts, and you'll just go on being a lonely, angry little sperg who hates women for not being endeared to his shitty attitude and unwarranted sense of entitlement

>> No.11883834

I dunno if you've ever talked to an 18 year old girl, but emotional maturity is almost non-existent. I'm guessing it's pretty close to your level. All I'm saying is that messing around with people fresh out of high school leads to a lot more trouble than it's worth

>> No.11883835

The fact that you are married and get laid by your wife doesn’t change the bluepilled nature of your advice/analysis. If your wife thought you were an alpha, she would do exactly what the poster you responded to said: she would follow you around like a sheep, hang on your every word and spend most of her time thinking of ways to please you. That fact that you think “not all women are like that” just means lots of the women you’ve interacted with don’t see you as an alpha male.

Every woman, aside from those with severe issues, is like this...but only for THE RIGHT MAN. You clearly don’t lead and take charge enough in your relationship to get this treatment. You’re probably relatively low on the sexual market value scale, too. Finally, your wife is likely just as middle aged as you are, so you’re completely out of the competitive world of dating generally, let alone wholly isolated of the hyper competitive dating market of the modern, post-dating app world.

Also: don’t call anyone who tries to understand women outside of the Disney Dream propaganda an incel. It’s how women argue and it makes you look like a white knight bitch gallantly standing up for the poor gentle sex.

>> No.11883851

God these blue boards are blue pilled. 18 is peak sexual attractiveness for women. Studies fucking show this. Also 18 is way closer to a non-roastie than some 23 year old whose been fucking since 16. Want a non degenerate whore with sub-8 partners? Find an 18 year old. Finally, women only pretend to mature past 15 because of contemporary social pressures in our post feminist world. 90% of them never progresses beyond being 15, and the 10% that does you can cultivate yourself quite easily as long as she sees you as someone worth following.

>> No.11883882

Boys, there's truths and untruths to dating and religion.

I married a pastor's daughter. You don't know what heaven is until you've met a woman who was taught loyalty from her father, and then shows it to you. The same father, mind you, who fought tooth and nail to keep her from getting aborted even though he was only 19 at the time and her mom 16.

The nuance of this situation is that she can't stand the hypocrisy and artificial niceties of organized religion. She's much happier sitting with me on a Sunday morning watching youtube videos and being a bad Christian who only go to church once in a while.

Boy, you sure do make a lot of presumptions

> she would follow you around like a sheep, hang on your every word and spend most of her time thinking of ways to please you.
I think it's purile for you to idealize clingy, possessive women, and it shows how little you actually know about being in a relationship with a real life human.

I don't actually want my wife to hang all over my shit all the time, sometimes I'd rather play video games or go play cards with the boys, and sometimes she'd rather go clucking around a store with her girlfriends. You don't stop being individuals just because you're in a relationship, and we didn't just take one look at each other and instantly decide that we were destined to be together forever, I had to earn my wife's devotion before she just off and threw it in my lap like some psycho-chick. You sure do talk like you have no idea what its like to deal with a psycho-chick

>> No.11883890

Also why do you care about emotional maturity? Women are basically children. They’re not there for having complex discussions about art and philosophy, for analyzing the nuanced interplay of culture and politics, for discussing your deep insecurities and existential crises with. They’re there to fuck, play around with, and treat you like a king and your children like a good mother. If you want someone on your level of maturity and genuine curiosity, find a few good male friends. You can go chill with them and watch old flicks and talk about Plato after you’ve fucked the brains out of Daddy’s good little slut.

>> No.11883939

Good god mate it’s not idealization of clinginess it’s human nature. Your idealizations might have worked in an earlier generation with the pastor’s daughter, my married and middle-aged interlocutor, but most of us (however regrettably) don’t live in the world you grew up in. When the social institutions and values that had controlled women for millennia were still somewhat operative, looking at women and relationships through rose coloured glasses like you do was fine, because female nature what curbed by larger traditional social forces. They were socialized into living up to your Disney standards (especially a pastor’s daughter).

This is no longer the case. Mere anarchy has been loosed upon the world. All those old value systems and institutions have been systematically degraded. The forces that policed female nature for 3000 years have been eroded, and woman as she naturally is has once again arrived. She wants to be a submissive white for alpha cock and anything you do to show her you aren’t alpha is a huge point against you, as all she has to do is swipe right for the next alpha, and she will be encouraged for doing so by mainstream media and her professors.

I hope things return to the way they used to be. I sincerely do. But to act as if nothing has changed is either disingenuous or naive.

>> No.11883957

It's a state church. State institutions should be available to all.

>> No.11883961

I've only had sex once in my life (I'm very fucking werid) and it was the best experiences of my life. Do any of you anons have any life turn around stories? I'm fairly confident that I can I get pussy for a lot of reasons I don't want to go into. But I would like to hear something uplifting.

>> No.11883966

I'm sorry that your relationship views are so stunted. You can have both of those aspects in a person, but I guess that doesn't really align with what /pol/ or /r9k/ tells you

>> No.11883990

we've over-intellectualized sex and romance

>> No.11884000

>Women don't want a man who passively stands there as she flings blindingly obvious cues at him hoping he'll notice one of them, they want a man who knows how, when, and why to take the initiative.

They might want him but most won't have the courage to get him. I have no subtle game I only fuck girls that absolutely throw themselves at me. I did alright (married now) but could have had more sex with prettier girls if I had had game.

>> No.11884450

You think there is a significant number of dateable women with whom you could genuinely have such conversations? Women who would actually enjoy doing those things in themselves and wouldn’t simply be engaging in them to pacify you, parroting your own opinions back at you?

>> No.11884493
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>Good god mate it’s not idealization of clinginess it’s human nature
I'm telling you, lad, it's not human nature for a wife to act like a sheep, that's a fantasy. One of the side effects of my wife being raised by a pastor is that she sees right through people's bullshit. I like that about her, means I don't have to fucking deal with it. You should see the way she talks to the dipshits at the health insurance company. She'll make that 400 dollar hospital bill go away so fast that it'd make your penis hurt from getting erect so quickly. I don't want some little girl, whom I have to parent and discipline, I want someone who's going to share my life's burdens so they don't feel so heavy, someone who I can trust to watch my back, someone I can relax and let my guard down around. That's literally the only kind of relationship worth being in, and I can honestly say that from experience.
A virgin is just a dumb young girl who makes you do all the work and complains that it hurts the entire time. And then she'll leave you and play the victim card because that's what dumb young girls do. They're still figuring shit out. You gotta be patient like the fisherman when it comes to dating. It's a game of patience, timing, and luck.

> Your idealizations might have worked in an earlier generation with the pastor’s daughter,
I'm probably no more than 10 years older than you, and just last month I watched my mid-20's in age brother-in-law (the son of the pastor) get married to a sweet young church girl who saved herself for marriage. The thing about church girls is that they only pretend like they don't know what's going on, and they'll see right through someone's bullshit when the only reason they're going to church is to (((pick up chicks))). Church girls may be cool with Ephesians 5:22, but you know damn well they'll expect you to be familiar with Ephesians 5:25-33. My Brother-in-law goes to Bible study groups with his dad multiple times a week, he didn't exactly jump into the relationship with one foot off the ground and his cock in his hand, he lives and breaths that lifestyle. They speak each other's language, that's what makes it work.
My wife and I, meanwhile, would rather be watching youtube videos about history or literary figures on a Sunday morning and barely even feel mildly guilty about not going to church. I'm fucking glad she doesn't drag my ass out of the house, she just makes me coffee and breakfast and puts something intelligent on.

>> No.11884504

>This is no longer the case. Mere anarchy has been loosed upon the world. All those old value systems and institutions have been systematically degraded. The forces that policed female nature for 3000 years have been eroded, and woman as she naturally is has once again arrived. She wants to be a submissive white for alpha cock and anything you do to show her you aren’t alpha is a huge point against you, as all she has to do is swipe right for the next alpha, and she will be encouraged for doing so by mainstream media and her professors.

>I hope things return to the way they used to be. I sincerely do. But to act as if nothing has changed is either disingenuous or naive.

Unironically this. Literal boomers have no idea how bad it is these days. And to have the tenacity to blame young men for it. Guess what? You raised us you idiots. Your generation broke all of the social institutions in place for hundreds of years and you act so shocked, SHOCKED that people degenerate into these horrible, narcissistic husks of human beings.

>> No.11884517

*temerity not tenacity

>> No.11884529

Thanks man. I'm a celibate Christan guy myself. I'm getting old. I'm 33. I'm kinda good-looking and hot girls are flirty with me a lot. I don't want to dive into hedonism, as it were, I want to have a good relationship with a good godly woman, but I'm tempted. I'm having sort of an existential crisis over this. But your post gives me hope, I guess I'll continue being patient.

>> No.11884545

>good girls
>not religious
lmao this board is too much sometimes

>> No.11884645

How many men could you have such conversations with?
>hurrr /lit/
There are boring people on both sides of the sexes, dumbo. It seems like you're just associating with the average and below when it comes to the ladies

>> No.11884669
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Take it from a guy not that far removed from his "retirement". I was nobody's chad, just a guy who never had a problem finding a girlfriend, and wasn't afraid to dump them, either.

The rules that go into making a good Christian girl like you are the exact same that would make a ratchet thot from the hood be DTF. It's 70% nonverbal cues, this isn't sentimental bullshit either, this is established science. You can go to the library and study them like you could study how to become a great chess player. But for God's sake, avoid PUA's like the plague, they're just dudes jerking each other off who can never actually produce results when made to put up or shut up. Dating is a right-hemisphere-of-the-brain exercise, there will never be an algorithm for success, you just have to feel it out in the moment. Salesmanship is its close cousin, you gotta be willing to sell yourself.

The worst thing you can do is waste energy on a bitch who isn't compatible with you: you might be able to fake it for a while but eventually, the facade will crumble, and you'll be way more miserable than you were alone. Shared interests, values, and interpersonal chemistry are the foundations to long-term success.

Be upfront with a woman about your interest in them, but don't feel bad if she says not interested, shrug it off as her loss and move on to the next one. Don't waste energy on women who call attention to themselves, that's a sign of insecurity. Don't waste energy chasing a girl who is only half interested, cut your line and recast. Master the art of falling out of love, and you can put the fear of loss in a woman's heart, and that there is relationship staying power. Match the rate at which she invests in you emotionally, and you'll never be bitterly disappointed when the life you had planned together doesn't pan out the way you wanted it too. Get her to think that it was her idea. And it all starts with learning how to read and respond to cues.

To this day, my wife swears that the moment she knew she liked me was when I put my hand on the small of her back while I was walking her to the restaurant.

>> No.11884670

This is the literal boomer blue pill in action. You’re parroting the zeitgeist of an age we’re rapidly leaving behind. There are a few bastions where values like this hold strong (small religious towns in middle America) but for most of us this is antiquated and thus misleading “wisdom”.

Contemporary young men, heed this boomer’s advice at your own peril.

Women are not built to lead in a relationship. They are not meant to be equal partners, nor do they want to be. Treating them as such kills atttaction. Men and women are inherently different. Virgins are not more dumb than any other women. All women have to be lead and disciplined. Passive patience in dating and the soul-mate oneitus myth get trumped by active Chaddery every time. Don’t get married unless you’re willing to lose half your shit, because it’s almost statistically certain you will. Learn what women are and stop hunting for unicorns. THEY ARE ALL 95% THE SAME. This isn’t horrible and eventually isn’t even anger inducing. It’s just reality.

>> No.11884696 [DELETED] 

Women are not built to lead in a relationship. They are not meant to be equal partners, nor do they want to be. Treating them as such kills atttaction. Men and women are inherently different. Virgins are not more dumb than any other women. All women have to be lead and disciplined. Passive patience in dating and the soul-mate oneitus myth get trumped by active Chaddery every time. Don’t get married unless you’re willing to lose half your shit, because it’s almost statistically certain you will. Learn what women are and stop hunting for unicorns. THEY ARE ALL 95% THE SAME. This isn’t horrible and eventually isn’t even anger inducing. It’s just reality.

Yeah man I know all this. I still like the guy's story.

Men did effectively rule over women throghout most of history, even poor men, the idea that a wife should be obedient to her husband was not polemical at all, it was the rule of the day. And women do like to be dominated, I know this from experience.

As for marriage, our... totally evil and shadowy elites, for lack of a better term, seem to have devised a legal climate in which divorce is very tempting and profitable for women, and at the same time created a cultural climate in which divorce is cool (Sex and the City), so yeah, we're fucked.

>> No.11884730

>goes off on a PUA rant
>avoid PUAs

every fucking time... And it always happens with ugly dudes that got laid in long term relationships (like anyone cant get them if you leave your room)

>> No.11884750

>This is the literal boomer blue pill in action.
Fuck Boomers, I'm a Millenial, they screwed this world up in so many ways, but the free love movement was just bringing into the foreground what had always been going on in secret all along. There's fucking archeological evidence for it in Pompeii, of men blatantly admitting to their numerous conquests, even a scribble where some guy announced that he preferred fucking men. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote about it in the middle ages, and don't even get me started on the sheer hypocrisy of the Catholic church at the height of its power, what with its literal church funded orgies. Prude societies are hypocritical societies.

And by bringing it into the foreground we can actually confront the root of the problem. The facts are that Millenials are not only getting married at far lower rates than Boomers, but they're also getting divorced at far lower rates as well. The marriages that they do form are durable at far greater rates than what Boomers were up too at their age. Turns out that between the two extremes of unlimited free love on one end and absolute puritanism on the other, there is a golden path between them, where marriage is not a contract, but instead a covenant. Which means that rather than being a set of rules not to be broken, the marriage is treated as an investment by two willing partners acting in good faith

>> No.11884762

I don't actually advocate PUAs, they're greasy slimeballs who think they can con women into having sex with them, but the overwhelming majority of women are just too smart to fall for that.

I advocate studying established science, the actual, observable psychology that goes into human social dynamics. It's no better or worse than training to be a great salesman, at the end of the day it's not the method makes you happy, but the product you're selling, and the customer who buys it

>> No.11884772

>good girls

Yes, fellow literateur, I too prefer complacent sheep that are a log of wood in bed to actual human beings

>> No.11884777
File: 87 KB, 289x392, 1538654167932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats exactly what PUAs preach tho you absolute fucking unironical boomer slimey cunt

>puas are greasy slimeballs but so am i altho my way of approaching things is the same as puas i package it in a more retarded boomer core philosophy


end it you fucking idiot

>> No.11884806

Yes: alpha chads have always existed and had many, many sexual conquests. This is because women are naturally hypergamous and want to fuck alpha Chad. For a line time social safeguards were put in place to curb female hypergamy. Women couldn’t work or vote and so were dependent on their husband, who could divorce them in a second. In some societies that could get killed for infidelity. This kept social cohesion high as there was something much closer to a society of long-term pair-bonded men and women who had lots of incentives to stay together and raise a family. These women were always biologically programmed to want to run away and have crazy animal sex with alpha Chad, but the social constraints were strong enough to stop them.

Yes, there are some middle American preacher’s daughters out there who were raised in this old-school value system, and so have internalized its morality. But this is far and away a minority of women currently at age 25, to say nothing of current 18 year olds. Marriage and the family are declining rapidly. Degeneracy and hypergamy are ubiquitous. It sounds like you caught a good one, and I’m happy for you. But your situation is not one that has generally applicable wisdom. The game has changed too much in the last 60 years, but especially in the last decade.

>> No.11884814
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That's literally nothing at all what they preach you tide-pod eating Zoomer.

They try to break relationships down into formulas "If you start with a minor nitpick, something to put her down slightly, she'll be more submissive to you" style of bullshit. Women know right the fuck away when a guy is trying to algorithm his way into her panties.

That is to legitimate psychology what really gimmicky and artificial sales strategies are to salesmanship. Gimmicks, secrets, and lies will never take the place of having a good product, whose features sell itself, and for the world of dating that means taking the time to establish and foster relationships built on mutual attraction and shared interest. And that starts with spending less time flapping your lips, and more time using your eyes and your ears

>> No.11884815

>muh golden path
Doubtful. The only reason why the divorce rate is dropping is because the only people getting married now are those with high status in society. If you're both making six figures, the chance of you two getting divorced over financial troubles is zero. There's nothing special about millennial wisdom, stop jacking yourself off over that. This is coming from another millennial.

It's just sample bias. I'm sure if you only looked at the upper middle class divorce rate in the 80s, you'd see a similar rate.

>> No.11884846

>because the only people getting married now are those with high status in society.
Bullshit. My wife and I, my brother-in-law, My sister, and my first cousin are all Hundredaire 30-something Millenials just like anyone else. They all married once and for life. They didn't waste their time or money on lavish, over the top weddings. My other first cousin is a jet-setting International businessman pulling down a high six-figure job, and he's the damn finest father and husband you could imagine, teaching his toddler to speak multiple languages and shit.

People aren't getting divorced to go join Chad's harem, they're getting divorced to go find a more compatible partner. Every new generation dilutes the crazy. But every generation that ever existed were fucking idiots when they were mid-twenties and younger.

>> No.11884907

People are getting divorced because marriage as an institution is incompatible with the dominant cultural values, and people feel this incompatibility in their marriages despite not being able to articulate it, and then leave their marriages. Marriage doesn’t work in isolation. It was born out of a whole worldview and can only be maintained in the long term in a society that holds a similar worldview.

>> No.11884916

>teaching his toddler to speak multiple languages and shit
The overall quality of German children's books is very high. I just bough one and the premise is "a boy goes on an adventure on his bicycle". He gets a flat tire and the children's book unironically has him go step by step through what it takes to properly patch a tire so the child reading it is not only being entertained, but also is being educated.

>> No.11885115

>Pussy is pretty much the greatest non-transcendent experience you can have.
t. virgin

>> No.11885118

Either/Or, Kierkegaard

>> No.11885144

peak gen x sociopathy and historical ignorance

>> No.11885154

LMAO I'm fucking 18 year old thots until my dick stops working, I don't care about post wall hags hating on me

>> No.11885592

>spoken like somebody with way less game than he thinks he has
you seem to be using the word "game" unironically. I don't think you're in a position to criticize anyone.

>That is clingy, possessive behavior, if your girl does this to you run away
the level-headed ones do that only until you show that you got the message and either accept or reject them. problems begins when they keep doing this shit after, but I was just talking about the initial phase

>Stop being a defeatist pussy, truly effective players

>How can you know if she's interested if you can't or won't even play the game?
because women don't have time to play your stupid fucking incel games. If she's interested she'll let you know. jesus christ you deluded fucks are beyond saving.

>> No.11885824

No "real" churches exist because Christianity is a degenerate religion.

>> No.11885831

Who fucks and who gets fucked in Pale Fire?

>> No.11885837

Woman being incapable of love and being loved is the most crushing truth to not all of wisdom brings joy. It is impossible for anyone to give themselves entirely to another mutually. You are left with halves at best. Physically between an and woman and metaphysically between man and man (a virtually dead relationship due to sodomites)

>> No.11885877

if youre an incel maybe...

>> No.11885990

I had never considered the impact of widespread degenerate homosexuality on male friendships until now. LGBT shit really has poisoned male friendships hasn’t it? As our hypersensitivity to pedophilia has ruined our ability to play with kids.

>> No.11886405

>The same father, mind you, who fought tooth and nail to keep her from getting aborted even though he was only 19 at the time and her mom 16.
So she's the progeny of a kiddy-fiddler? Gross.

>I think it's purile for you to idealize clingy, possessive women, and it shows how little you actually know about being in a relationship with a real life human.
>people I don't like aren't human
Look how fragile and ugly your worldview is.

>> No.11886453
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>you seem to be using the word "game" unironically. I don't think you're in a position to criticize anyone.
Because it is a game. There are winners, losers, judges, and prizes. Just because assholes figure it out and use it to con women into sleeping with them, doesn’t change the fact that dating can, and should be, an enjoyable experience for both members, like playing a game of chess.

Think of it like you’re a salesman, the product is “you”, and the customer is “her”. Are you going to be a greasy, used-car type who suckers people into buying his crap, or are you going to invest more energy into improving your product so that you don’t need to bamboozle people to get them to bite?

>women don’t have time to play games
holy fucking shit, You don’t know jack shit about women. What women don’t have time for is your needy passive behavior where you refuse to even engage her, and just expect her to do all the hard work and show all the fucking initiative.

>> No.11886525

>No, she is not lying.
Are you her or did you witness the incident? If neither, you're just talking out your ass.

>my intentions are pure, therefor it's nothing like those creeps who use empirical data to get what they want disingenuously (I'M actually sincere!)
Yeah, I have no affiliation nor tolerance for PUA shit, but the only distinction you've drawn is "I'm not pretending, I'm a true gentleman, therefor my 'salesmanship' is noble, as opposed to those conniving PUA's". Just for the record, you're infinitely more creepy than they are, because at least they're matter-of-fact about what they want and how they're willing to get it. In contrast, you see yourself as some chivalrous salable product; get some self-respect, you fucking creep.

>> No.11886528

Go back

>> No.11886553

Do she got that bomb ass pusy

>> No.11886559

Go home, Steve.

>> No.11886577

Is this some sort of reddit pasta?

>> No.11886626

>Think of it like you’re a salesman, the product is “you”, and the customer is “her”. Are you going to be a greasy, used-car type who suckers people into buying his crap, or are you going to invest more energy into improving your product so that you don’t need to bamboozle people to get them to bite?
You are so disgusting it gives me chills.

>> No.11886813

Yeah... sure

>> No.11886981

Conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board: Europe must look like a less attractive proposition. We in Europe owe – after all – no special dues to Islam. We owe them no religious holidays, special rights or privileges. From long before we were first attacked it should have been made plain that people who come into Europe are here under our rules and not theirs. … If some Muslims don't have a mosque to go to, then they'll just have to realise that they aren't owed one.

>> No.11887067

nah alcohol sucks, waking up tired and achey and bloated sucks, drinking away all your profitssss sucks. teladi does not recommend.

>> No.11887073

that's not how multi-moral societies work

>> No.11887114

imagine being that weak you have to go cold turkey

>> No.11887206

Methinks the lady doth protest too much

>> No.11887219


>> No.11887230

Too fucking bad.

>> No.11887352
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>get some self-respect, you fucking creep.
why don't you grow a fucking pair of balls you giant baby, I'm not the one here having a hard time getting laid. Never once did I say anything about being chivalrous. If you're scum, you'll attract scum, if you're high class, you'll attract high class. If you want high class, you need to BE high class. If you want a qt3.14 good Christian virgin, you need to get off your sweaty ass and go be the kind of good Christian man she's looking for.

ANY methodology that can be used to help can be used to hurt. The fact that you can only see it for the harm potential makes you a fucking pussy who doesn't have the backbone to actually tell a girl that he's into her.

>> No.11887361

please delete this board already

>> No.11887370
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is literally nothing more reddit than being a sperg incel

>> No.11887393

>Think of it like you’re a salesman, the product is “you”, and the customer is “her”.
>What women don’t have time for is your needy passive behavior where you refuse to even engage her
I don't think you know what "needy" means. And of course I'm not passive at all if she's interested. You know who's passive? That incel retard in the corner who's analyzing body language for subtle clues.

>> No.11887865
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that makes you a pussy with an entitlement complex and no sense of sportsmanship, who doesn't deserve to get laid because he doesn't exert any effort beyond bitching with all the other incels on /pol/ddt

>hat incel retard in the corner who's analyzing body language for subtle clues.
Holy shit you dense motherfucker. Not once did I suggest you just sit there like a clueless jackass looking but not touching. The point of looking for them is to actually fucking react to them. It's to fucking know that when you go in for the goodnight kiss, it's what she wants you to do. It's knowing when she won't mind when you rest your arm around her shoulders but instead makes her cuddle in closer. It's knowing the precise moment when to tell her that you have feelings for her and already fucking knowing that the attraction is mutual, you're just getting her to admit it.

>> No.11887939


>> No.11887962

lmao this is unironically hilarious
t. has sex

>> No.11888042

What a fucking incel. I prefer my women 35 or older.

>> No.11888140
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>tfw abused booze to the point that even a glass or two wrecks my intestines so drinking isn't fun anymore

>> No.11888217

How much booze do you even have to drink to get to that point?

>> No.11888224
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>> No.11888297

depends on the person but when i got to about a quart a day i started getting pretty sloppy

>> No.11888431

The problem is the way we are doing marriage is wrong. Basically we need to guarantee men a young woman that he can basically groom into an ideal wife. This is what both men and women want and what leads to happy, stable, loyal relationships. Men will leap over any hurdle to be providers and fathers if they have a loyal and loving wife they have helped to cultivate. Some people have said that women are children. Unmarried men are also children, have no delusion about this.

>> No.11888450

Haha alright incel. Just keep saying women are like children who need a man to lead them and mold then into an idea wife. Enjoy sitting alone, eye-glazed and slack-jawed at your computer, wiping the dorito dust from your fat fingers before grabbing your crusty pocket pussy and squirting some lubiderm into its rubber orifice. Meanwhile, people like me who actually respect women will keep getting laid over twice a month by our girlfriends.

>> No.11888474

ok buddy retard

>> No.11888554

go to a good fucking university you absolute brainlet and youll find plenty of intelligent women
i dated an 9/10 classics major who read greek and latin and we talked about herodotus on the first date

>> No.11888593

>being this retarded
the conventional wisdom is that good christian girls are wild in bed
t. my gf

>> No.11888616

>will keep getting laid over twice a month by our girlfriends.
top lel

>> No.11888744

fine mr. incel

>> No.11888772

Lost my virginity at 25.

Sex itself is good but what's actually great is the pride/self-esteem boost you get when someone attractive actually lets you fuck them. Mine had a 9/10 body it was unbelievable.

>> No.11888902

>uses incel terms like roastie


>> No.11888908

volcel is itself an incel term

>> No.11888946
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Denial is a river in Egypt, virgin

>> No.11889034

>I'm not the one here having a hard time getting laid.
I don't know why you want to assume anything about my sex life when this conversation has been about how you see your salesmanship approach as fundamentally different from PUA salesmanship because you want a christian wife rather than a one night stand. Your position comes down to "my way is better for getting sex, either morally or in terms of efficiency", vacillating between either justification depending on which one suits your vitriolic assumptions better at that moment. I neither want what you want nor whatever you're eager to assume I want, I'm just pointing out your morally and intellectually bankrupt hypocrisy. The creepy part is how fixated you are on selling yourself with your best foot forward. What about people who just want to spend time with someone they get along with and are attracted to? You have some desperate, servile need to be pussywhipped because you have no self-respect. And that is creepy. Your approach to women is:
>m'lady, I will be the most respectable gentleman you've ever met
I don't expect you to share my views, nor have I said much to reveal them, I just want you to know how creepy you are.
>Think of it like you’re a salesman, the product is “you”, and the customer is “her”.
At least show some self-awareness even if you can't afford self-respect.

>anyone who thinks I'm stupid is a sperg incel from reddit
You don't know anything about me or my values beyond the fact that I find your description of the families you know to be wishful treacle. It reads like the "m'lady and our traditional friends" version of "WE WUZ KINGS". I wasn't involved in the debate you were having and I'm not interested in it, you just sound like a very dumb pastor with rose-tinted glasses. This is reinforced by how you immediately start slinging presumptuous shit at the slightest criticism. Your worldview is composed of fragile convictions and idealistic perceptions that require a lot of psychic energy to defend.

Been there, still recovering. I'm finding that loperamide, nexium, DGL, and pure, unsweetened aloe vera juice are helping me get back to normal.

>> No.11889189
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>You don't know anything about me or my values beyond the fact that I find your description of the families you know to be wishful treacle. It reads like the "m'lady and our traditional friends" version of "WE WUZ KINGS". I wasn't involved in the debate you were having and I'm not interested in it, you just sound like a very dumb pastor with rose-tinted glasses. This is reinforced by how you immediately start slinging presumptuous shit at the slightest criticism. Your worldview is composed of fragile convictions and idealistic perceptions that require a lot of psychic energy to defend.
The scent wafting out of your mangina stinks of Reddit, you giant baby. That's where you should stay if you can't handle the company of heterosexual men

>I don't know why you want to assume anything about my sex life when
Because literally, nothing you've said indicates that you have any actual experience with women. You're getting all defensive and spergy about the incel meme. You can't differentiate methodology from ideology, which is a fucking clear indicator of your age and inexperience.
>this conversation has been about how you see your salesmanship approach as fundamentally different from PUA salesmanship because you want a christian wife rather than a one night stand.
One is the shitty way to do it, one is the not-shitty way to do it. The shitty way will get you into a girl's panties faster, but have fun being a 40-something with 5 baby mommas who hate your living guts even as they dip into your pocket and make off with a nice chunk of your paycheck. The not-shitty way to do it will give you a partner with whom you will form connections in ways that bring out each other's strengths and marginalizes each other's weaknesses. How is this not a completely obvious choice to you, Pinocchio?
> You have some desperate, servile need to be pussywhipped
You see, this is exactly the kind of shit that makes people mock you for being a clueless foreveralone virgin. I'm literally explaining the mating game to you in the most straightforward means possible, the game that every single higher species on the planet plays with each other, and you recoil in horror because it's nothing at all like the way it happens your animus. Either putting women on pedestals or loathing them as whores are both forms of idealizing women. You actually have to meet and judge women as fellow individuals, the reason why they don't want anything to do with you is not that they're too busy jumping on Chad's pole. The reason they don't want anything to do with you is that, would YOU want to be in a relationship with someone who holds you in open contempt? Tell me again who's the hypocrite here, son

>> No.11889281

Hey I hold bitches in open contempt, treat them like annoying children and they’re all bouncing on my cock. Don’t speak for everyone mr married to a pastor’s daughter boomer

t. Chad

>> No.11889408

>Because literally, nothing you've said indicates that you have any actual experience with women.
Right, because I haven't brought myself into this, nor do I care which one of us gets laid more. You, however, seem to care deeply about this. I'm criticizing your ideology, not engaging in a dick-waving contest with you.
>You can't differentiate methodology from ideology
That's actually been my only point of discussion. You state your ideology of:
>Because it is a game. There are winners, losers, judges, and prizes.
>Think of it like you’re a salesman, the product is “you”, and the customer is “her”. Are you going to be a greasy, used-car type who suckers people into buying his crap
And yet you fail to see that your own ideology is perfectly in line with that of a sleazy used car salesman. Do you think salesman see themselves as sleazy? No, they see themselves the same way you see yourself, they're just trying to sell a different product.
>You're getting all defensive and spergy about the incel meme.
Pointing out that your only response to critics is to call them some variation of incel isn't being defensive, though there's delicious irony in the accusation. E.g.:
>why don't you grow a fucking pair of balls you giant baby
>I'm not the one here having a hard time getting laid.
>makes you a fucking pussy who doesn't have the backbone to actually tell a girl that he's into her.
>there is literally nothing more reddit than being a sperg incel
>The scent wafting out of your mangina stinks of Reddit, you giant baby.
>Because literally, nothing you've said indicates that you have any actual experience with women.
>You see, this is exactly the kind of shit that makes people mock you for being a clueless foreveralone virgin.
>the reason why they don't want anything to do with you is not...
Do you think shouting the same insults over and over is going to offend me at some point? Or do you think it will somehow deflect criticism, or drag me down into a contest of insults?
>One is the shitty way to do it, one is the not-shitty way to do it.
False dichotomy. I don't agree with PUA ideology, nor do I think yours is substantially different, just more servile and insecure.
>I'm literally explaining the mating game to you in the most straightforward means possible
You are explaining your creepy approach to women, and I'm pointing out that it's creepy. I don't know whether you're assuming I don't have my own ideology or that I follow PUA ideology, but neither is correct.
>Either putting women on pedestals or loathing them as whores are both forms of idealizing women.
>The reason they don't want anything to do with you is that, would YOU want to be in a relationship with someone who holds you in open contempt?
I haven't at any point revealed my attitudes towards women, and I assure you, you would be too stupid to infer them even if I had dropped plenty of hints.
>Tell me again who's the hypocrite here, son
That would be you.

>> No.11889673

>t. buttfurious incel

>> No.11889694

Absolute Puritanism only fails when it is not followed.

>> No.11889705

Zoomer here. I'm in college and the most popular guy with girls in my class is the captain of the debate team. The guy is like 50 kg and though does have some alpha body language(namely beating his female friends with his books) he isn't anywhere near your conventional alpha male archetype. It could have something to do with the fact I live in Pakistan but I still think it's silly to assume all women are the same.

>> No.11889707

fucking is hugely overrated, don't bother
get a prostitute or some tinder slut and see that you haven't been missing out, and them move on to actually worthwhile things

>> No.11889716
File: 200 KB, 627x933, 45726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm criticizing your ideology,
Yet one more thing that makes you a fucking boy who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Ideology is overrated bullshit. It's just the monkey-grunts that apes in government uniforms screech about as a good justification for dying in someone else's profit war. Stop obsessing over irrelevant shit. It's not as important as you think it is, and it won't score you any points with the ladies to be obsessing over "ideology". Time will make a pragmatist out of you one way or the other.

Everything else you wrote is pure cringy bootyblast. Everything you've written so far has been obvious trash from an obviously clueless moron who is too wrapped up in his own dumb shit to take the good advice he's being spoonfed. You sperg out about being insulted but it's the hard truth that you're just another frustrated moron on the internet, too lazy and entitled to do anything about his pathetic state of affairs, and that's why I don't even feel sorry for you

>> No.11889822

>criticizing someone's ideology is a sign of immaturity instead of the opposite
lol, you are such a fucking retard. Ideology is one's basic values. I didn't say anything about political ideology, and pragmatism is itself an ideology, you dimwit.
>it won't score you any points with the ladies
I have never before seen anyone so fixated on the attention of women.
>Everything you've written so far has been obvious trash from an obviously clueless moron who is too wrapped up in his own dumb shit to take the good advice he's being spoonfed.
Would you mind coming up with a real counterargument? All you're saying is "my ideas are right, and you should be grateful". Sorry, I don't take advice from retards.
>You sperg out about being insulted but it's the hard truth that you're just another frustrated moron on the internet
I couldn't care less about your insults themselves, I just pointed out that all your responses to criticism boil down to "you're an incel", which is bizarre considering you have no idea how much I get laid. The first sentence of your first reply to me in this chain was:
>why don't you grow a fucking pair of balls you giant baby, I'm not the one here having a hard time getting laid.
Clearly there's nothing more to your position than "I bet I get laid more than you". Given how stupid you are, I doubt it.

>> No.11889838

>Pussy is pretty much the greatest non-transcendent experience you can have.

it's like fucking a jelly pillow, don't fucking lie, the only thing that "great" is that you prove yourself that you can get pussy through normie means

>> No.11889841

dude honestly just stay a virgin the rest of your life

>> No.11889848



>> No.11889857


>even though he was only 19 at the time and her mom 16.

do you realize girls take the personalities of their mums or aunts and probably she is a slut like his mom?

>> No.11889867

>>Salesmanship is its close cousin, you gotta be willing to sell yourself.
>salesmanship has no algorithm for success

jesus god

>> No.11889872

>To this day, my wife swears that the moment she knew she liked me was when I put my hand on the small of her back while I was walking her to the restaurant.

just realize that this guy thinks a woman married him because he did put his hand behind her at the right time, just lmfao

>> No.11889905

women are mindless animals

>> No.11889963

What's a good book for a pathetic incel like me, /lit/?

>> No.11890073
File: 46 KB, 400x619, B94D224C-64D4-4250-AADA-5202D220BCE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ almighty this board is a dumpster fire

>> No.11890582
File: 2.57 MB, 3466x2228, Natalia Poklonskaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't refer to Natalia as a THOT.

>> No.11890677

how attractive are you out of 10?

>> No.11890688
File: 210 KB, 640x1062, r9k literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11890772

No, it's always been that way. Men are attracted to younger women and women are attracted to older men.

>> No.11891001

So is a volcel just a delusional incel or what?

>> No.11891022
File: 71 KB, 780x520, natalya_poklonskaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't refer to Natalia as a THOT.
He didn't. Also:
>"I'm a lawyer, not a pokemon or something!"

>> No.11891232

sometimes. but sometimes an incel is a delusional volcel

>> No.11891423

What difference would it make though? It's still 30 years ago and there is literally no way to prove it.
The way he is treated he could be a shut in who never goes to parties and he would still get his shit pushed in.

>> No.11891430

>to coerce women into having sex with him.
>woman act like prostitutes
>man surely coerced them into it

>> No.11891541

not really

literally want to have it but cant (is ugly as sin, bad hygeine, bad mental fortitude)
Has the means to get it but morally conflicted, mostly due to upbringing. Pretty much could sleep with any thot.

>> No.11892136

The volcel, though rare, does exist. Knew a dude who waited forever to lose his virginity even though he had plenty of opportunities to because he had fallen for the “save it for TEH ONE” meme. Eventually he snapped out of it and smoothly transitioned into fuck-like-a-rabbit mode.

>> No.11892190

How autistic does one have to be to think that making yourself a better person so that you appeal more to girls is creepy and gross. Smh at the state of this place

>> No.11892197


>> No.11892930

I'm volcel and have turned down 8/10s at least. They're not worth it.

>> No.11893015

All incels are volcels if they refuse to sleep with a man.

>> No.11893052

lol okay pol

>> No.11893061

ED's dead dude

>> No.11893156

Worth what? What's your line of reasoning here?

>> No.11893248

>Get her to think that it was her idea. And it all starts with learning how to read and respond to cues.
To this day, my wife swears that the moment she knew she liked me was when I put my hand on the small of her back while I was walking her to the restaurant.

I sympathize with your advice but this is prime real estate PUA seminar talk.

>> No.11893280

>believing woman are actually romantics like men and don’t just quickly learn what you want to hear and tell it to you regularly

>> No.11893295

>>women don’t have time to play games
that's all they ever do, have you read any literature at all?

>> No.11893313

I agree with you, I was namely talking about the way he was talking about that sociological science shit like it wasn't PUAesque.

Also all female seduction is the denial of sex under different pretenses.

>> No.11893976
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The Catholics have given a lot of ground over the years. What makes you think they'll stop now? If someone put a gun to my head and forced me to convert to Christianity I would probably choose Catholic or Orthodox but I have a bad feeling that in twenty or thirty years there are going to be female or openly gay "priests"

>> No.11894175

>apparently not a Christian
>has a problem with female or gay priests

>> No.11894236

Don’t know how old you are, it that’s I think there’s a cut off for making a turn around. But I didn’t start getting laid consistently until I was 24. I was never bad looking. Just didn’t know what my interests were. Not a lot of confidence. Got into better shape, girls started flirting with me (I still didn’t know why/couldn’t pick up on it), and after about a year I realized I was just another guy and most guys get laid. It made sense. And then I developed my own self. I know, I’m being vague. But yeah, you’ve got it, man. For sure.

>> No.11894498

I know a decently attractive girl 7 and up thats 28 and a virgin.

>> No.11894646

Fag priests deserve gas. Female priests deserve rape.

>> No.11895009

I like tradition. If people can't follow what their own holy book explicitly says then what good are they? Why bother becoming a Christian if Christian morality is indistinguishable from secular morality?

>> No.11895022

This guy has probably only had sex a couple times. I thought it was the greatest thing ever the first girl I had. Now I have a steady girlfriend and have railed a few thots on the way and it's fun but it isn't amazing or anything. I enjoy seeing a good movie with my girlfriend more than the sex

>> No.11895119

>a doctrine that explicitly denies the old testament being held down to the standards of the old testament
man you should read some things

>> No.11895188

>For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
>And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
My theology is a little hazy, but the Book of Romans is in the New Testament, isn't it?

>> No.11895639

They're not worth the bother of engaging with considering what they have to offer. Women are a business that does not cover the costs.

>> No.11895681

7 is too young

>> No.11895686

God you liberals are cucks. That’s already two years into peak fertility for some young women

>> No.11895693

>openly gay "priests"
already a thing in the catholic church

>> No.11895753


>> No.11896130
File: 160 KB, 1200x1000, X7fQkrX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fascists are evil

>> No.11896148

Can't doctrines change? They have in the past, sometimes radically. Honestly, I do think it's pointless to become a Christian, but they can do whatever they want with their doctrines and practices as far as I'm concerned.

>I enjoy seeing a good movie with my girlfriend more than the sex
You must be having pretty shitty sex

You just rephrased "they're not worth it" in a more long-winded way. Why are they not worth engaging with? What do they have to offer?

>> No.11896157

>Pussy is pretty much the greatest non-transcendent experience you can have.
Wrong. Opiates exist.

>> No.11896599


>> No.11896669

>Better start rowing faster motherfucker.
Nice one old sport.

>> No.11897389

I can't possibly imagine wanting to be a victim as much as you do