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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 77 KB, 304x475, wn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11884482 No.11884482 [Reply] [Original]

Is pic related any good?

Bought it for $1

>> No.11884512

He was DFW's biggest influence for writing Infinite Jest. I'll just let that statement sit there.

>> No.11884544

So its shit then, OP wasted a dollar

>> No.11884640

death and groceries my man, it's a fun lil read

>> No.11884780


The first half is fantastic. The second half, once the noise has hit, is shit.


In what way? I liked Infinite Jest and some of Wallace's short stories, but I didn't sense DeLillo in there at all.

>> No.11884822

Damn that's a great cover

>> No.11884885
File: 18 KB, 329x500, White Noise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this version, pic related

Artwork is The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew by Caravaggio

>> No.11884919

More than mcelroy and gaddis? He's had some interesting things to say about women & men and gaddis' bull

>> No.11884976

Blue jeans tumbled in the dryer.

>> No.11885035

Baudrillard's writings on the Simulation and Simulacra should be required reading before White Noise. It is an excellent novel.

>> No.11885064

It's great if you want the literary equivalent of a zany middlebrow sitcom.

>> No.11885102

>Simulation and Simulacra
Fucking meme book for the low IQ pseudo intellectual

>> No.11885188


>> No.11885263

dude, the malls are like, the new churches or something: the novel

>> No.11885268

Go back to watching your Jordan Peterson youtube "libtard owned" compilation you pseud

>> No.11886329

It had a unsettling power for sure but I found it to be a bit too parched and ridiculous to truly engage me. Preferred Underworld tbqh.

>> No.11886341

I liked it. Just read it mate.

>> No.11886607

yeah, it's definitely DeLillo's most accessible novel, I would also recommend Underworld and Libra, a lot of his other stuff is okay really.

>> No.11886614

I read this and liked it a lot so I bought Mao II and it fucking sucks

>> No.11886640

I thought it was okay. Its commentary on consumer culture, while really funny and poignant at first, grew really repetitive after Part I.

>> No.11886642
File: 59 KB, 604x617, Protesilaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy teaches Hitler studies and named his son Heinrich.It was a decent book in a Tom Robbins way.

>> No.11886669

I could see that Franzen was influenced by this book as well. The Corrections is like the watered down chick lit version.

>> No.11886810

Mao II has its good parts, and it's kind of visionary (the parts about terrorism are brilliant for its time if you think about it, the book is from 1985 or so?).

But yes, DeLillo likes to write some shit between good passages, or a sudden good passage between long streams of dull, very American prose.

>> No.11886837


I've never read Franzen, but your comment pretty much encapsulates my preformed impression of what his books might be like