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11882691 No.11882691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is the greatest artistic genius of any medium or genre? Pic is a hint

>> No.11882706
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this chink

>> No.11882839

is that tao lin

>> No.11882842


>> No.11882847


>> No.11882868
File: 22 KB, 300x402, Lil_Peep_in_2016_by_Miller_Rodríguez_portrait_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11882889

go back to /ic/ and stay go

>> No.11882908

Joyce and isn't even close

>> No.11882918

This tbqfh

>> No.11882949
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i would say smartest person who ever lived but he almost certainly was not human

>> No.11882964
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>> No.11882975
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I see your hegel and raise you a kant

>> No.11882981
File: 366 KB, 1093x873, Yeezy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11882988

It's actually Bach and Mozart, everything else is tweaks to their achievements

>> No.11882991
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This guy

>> No.11882995

t. neglects late beethoven

>> No.11882997
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The dialectic.. the competition between these two was sublime.

>> No.11883000
File: 668 KB, 1496x2227, ruan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, didn't expect to see fucking Ruan outside of /ic/, also NO. Good but not the best at all.

>> No.11883005
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>> No.11883025

t. western chauvinist.

and lol, just lol at music limited to twelve tones is the pinnacle of anything.

>> No.11883029
File: 241 KB, 800x1066, chopin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bach, mozart, beethoven
>implying these autismo craftsmen could actually feel anything

>> No.11883034

ah yes, give me random monophonic non-diatonic improvisational gibberish please

>> No.11883039


>> No.11883055

Tarkovsky > Beethoven

>> No.11883068


>> No.11883073

I miss him so fucking much, bros

>> No.11883084

rameau was better for the time period
schubert wins this so much it's not even funny

>> No.11883088

nigga, my gran came up will lullabies on the fly that matched this queer.

>> No.11883094

being this contrarian is just gay

If youre going to one up Bach for his period Handel is the only option. Haydn is not fucking better than Mozart, and they fulfill different roles anyway, Haydn invented a bunch of musical forms or codified them, Mozart perfected a number of them

Schubert is plausibly Beethoven's equal but it's a tossup, and it leans towards Beethoven honestly.

>> No.11883100

>beethoven couldnt feel anything
How can one post be so wrong

I mean it's wrong for the other two as well but fucking Beethoven

>> No.11883118

I'm not being contrarian, these composers were simply the pop music of their time or became that, you have to dig deeper if you want actual good music
just imagine living in the current period and claiming pop like justin bieber or 6ix9ine is the pinnacle of music, or the beatles were in the past - just because the dumb masses agree on something doesn't mean it's true, especially in art

>> No.11883126

>these composers were simply the pop music of their time
you are triggering me intensely anon please cease and desist

Do you think Rembrandt is the 'pop music' of his medium as well?

>> No.11883140

I'm picking just one? Impossible.
Blake, Inio Asano, Messiaen, Dreyer.

That's just a few. This question only really applies to auteur-driven works, anyway. There are great works of art that clearly display the fruits of artistic genius, but which are developed by committee, or in a highly decentralized way.

>> No.11883149
File: 387 KB, 500x382, 2D3CBB3F-2041-437C-B5A3-470F44BF1777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he rates german composers

>> No.11883173

Are you answering to your own question?

>> No.11883188

>thinking Rembrandt isn't a pop as fuck dutch pop painter

why is it that people latch on so strongly to mere opinions that society holds currently, srsly he was just a dude who was good at his craft - that's all there is

>> No.11883199
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>being a hipster about Rembrandt

>> No.11883202

Folk music in Europe (before the middle part of the 19th century roughly) was much closer to pop music today, retard. Only a very small group of people were able to listen to classical music at all, much less appreciate it.

>> No.11883229

Miguel de Cervantes.

>> No.11883254

this is a literature board. please fuck off.

>> No.11883266

Probably Michelangelo or Shakespeare