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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 750x647, 4L_WMF7KAfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11874678 No.11874678 [Reply] [Original]

Rupi Kaur hitting us with the hard, deep, truthful poetry again. How can anyone dislike such a genius?

>> No.11874681
File: 25 KB, 750x706, 4L_KZqNIXQ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's kinda funny she released this poem the same day she released the other one I posted

>> No.11874688

Thots don't get irony

>> No.11874689

Don't some people like that? Not the rape part, I mean, the whole doing nothing while somebody fucks you.

>> No.11874698

When did rape become molestation? I always thought rape was sex by force without consent and molestation was sex/something sexual without consent but not force.

>> No.11874700

Or like if someone is just tired but wants to help their SO get off so they let them do their thing while they rest

Guess that's considered rape tho.

>> No.11874711
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1534969834989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend had this weird goth girl obsessed with him the first year of college, they ended up staying together for a night. As he explained what happened he said she just laid down and asked "what would you do to me if I fell asleep" and then stayed still without a word. He got in bed and tried to start some foreplay but she just kept doing nothing so he just went asleep lol. Wasn't liking it.

>> No.11874716

>it's not love / it is rape
You'd think this cunt of all people would know you could have consensual sex without emotional bonds

>> No.11874718

>being a dead fish is rape now
Lol, rape accusations is the 2018 version of witch trials.

>> No.11874721

Legit can't tell if these are fake or not.

>> No.11874733

it has always been hard for a poor average joe to secure commitment from a broad so that he may lawfully shag her, even if she's not always all that eager, and now even that is been taken from him.

>> No.11874739

Please tell me this is fake.

>> No.11874740

it has always been hard
for a poor average joe
to secure commitment from a broad
so that he may lawfully shag her
even if she's not always all that eager
and now
even that is been taken from him

>> No.11874743

please tell
me this
is fake

>> No.11874752

Hey man you're pretty good you should start an instagram account

>> No.11875132

she just took her own
normie pseudo-political opinion
and broke it up
into pieces
so that women would masturbate
and consent to that
sweet $19.99
how she doesn't kill herself
i don't know
because her poetry is the real rape

-why do i hate her shit so much, anons?

>> No.11875144

I went to high school with a girl who had some kind of mental deficiency who would type long retarded facebook posts just like this.

>> No.11875148

She just writes out two or three sentences and breaks it into lines. I hate that shit.

I actually don't mind >>11874681 too much; it's not an atrocious image. But I could just be a two-sentence quip. It's not a poem.

>> No.11875165

I generally consider myself philosophically pro-rape, but she does raise some interesting points

>> No.11875177
File: 159 KB, 700x609, fuherfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're among friends here brother.

>> No.11876097

Is this a legitimate Rupi """poem"""?

This is a new low, even for her.

>> No.11876105

>perhaps we are all immigrants

>> No.11876110

rupi kaur doing the fortnite dance challenge

>> No.11876117

>Casual sex is nothing and people shouldn't be judged for it.
>Rape is the worst crime because it violates someone.

Am I the only one confused by how the whores tell us that promiscuous sex is great but that someone rape is the greatest violation? If you're that fine with casual sex then rape shouldn't be any criminally worse than getting punched or something.

>> No.11876118

>I always thought rape was sex by force without consent and molestation was sex/something sexual without consent but not force.
Then you thought wrong.

>"Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."

>> No.11876123

nobody actually reads poetry
anymore, if they did then they'd see
how this isn't actually poetry.
actually maybe it is because
i rhymed by accident
like the white man i loved
in college once who
wouldn't sniff by stinky pooinloo

>> No.11876136

haha you got them epic style

>> No.11876347

That's just a tweet with poem formatting desu

>> No.11876417

what's it called when the girl sits on the dick and rides it too hard the dick breaks

the only term i can think of for it is the ole tricky dicky

>> No.11876422

99% of dead fishes are women
1% is Leo DiCaprio

Ergo, 99% of women are rapists.
Well done Rupi, you played yourself.

>> No.11876426

I wanna write some fakes, what fonts should I use ?

>> No.11876499

rupi kaur.... the most posted about poet in the history of /lit/

>> No.11876592

Someone make an image of Chad calling Rupi Kaur on the phone please

>> No.11876969

All of Rupi Kaur's poetry is just shitty run-on sentences because line breaks aren't supposed to be pauses

>> No.11877069 [DELETED] 

i'd sniff it

>> No.11877150

>i like this
take me, i'd
sniff it,
lick it,
stick it,
make it jig and sing then
drill it,
dig in,
dine it,
take my time Inside taht vagene

>> No.11877164

>roasties will unironically r8 these

>> No.11877389
File: 51 KB, 700x700, rupiintheloo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post ur favorite Kaurs

>> No.11877459

Work it
Make it
Do it
Make us
More than
Work is

-daft punk

>> No.11877591

we should write a poetry book in her style

>> No.11878124
File: 34 KB, 373x373, o5_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did poetry have to die, anons? Why did dumbass normies have to dilute every good thing down to this utter drivel becoming the most popular poetry of our day and age?

>> No.11878136

because theres more stimulating means of entertaining ourselves other than wanking over language

>> No.11878370

such as?

>> No.11878381


>> No.11878395

Stops being entertaining after a few thousand times desu

>> No.11878423

Well I think that in this cont
ext she's not really making po
ems but rather cont
inious sentences that are po

>> No.11878452 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 965x854, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11878470
File: 15 KB, 965x854, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11878501

what did he mean by this?

>> No.11878506

>3KB difference, same size
I'm scared

>> No.11878516


I added the signature and a more appropriate font.

>> No.11878525

...are these real?

>> No.11878530

what the hell is a boof hose anyway?

>> No.11878536

i think it's the thing that looks like a water tap but for beer
not sure tho

>> No.11878539


A hose through which you butt chug alcohol.

>> No.11878565

The sperm cell is a refugee of the patriarchal body, which flee into the enlightened and brave egg cell. They're then unite in celebration and form many cells of diversity.

>> No.11878667
File: 82 KB, 428x418, 8F9F16AE-2A03-45FB-B185-472CC6C2C27E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poetry is outdated
based and redpilled

>> No.11879523

yeah but what does that mean anon? Are you talking about circumcision or...?

>> No.11879536


>> No.11879549
File: 400 KB, 1028x1106, AccelerateSuccess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11879563

So just shitty prose with random

>> No.11879575

I was lying there not doing anything and Rupi Kaur's poetry was forced on me

>> No.11879613
File: 39 KB, 800x442, jotulkrz54hv0orywktf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milk and honey? More like diarrhea and vomit!
This fucking shit sucks so bad it's like having an orangutan piss kidney stones into my eyes! I'd rather read a 900-page postmodern novel by the "live like a windrammer as you fuck" guy than spend another minute with this fucking corn encrusted turd pile of shitfuck!

>> No.11879624

I'd watch an AVGN style book reviewer

>> No.11879678

It's magical what he can do with words.

>> No.11879689


>> No.11880642

The current paradigm of rape in "leftist" circles is: Anything she regrets. That's not hyperbole, either. There are going to be a lot of fun shitstorms to watch when trannies and feminists try to eat each other alive, but I don't think the entertainment value is worth the cost to civil society.

That's generally how rape was treated in a lot of europe until we exported our most toxic and psychotic feminists to all corners of the post-industrial world. Now it's considered worse than violent murder.
t. american

Nothing died and in fact very little has changed. Yoko Ono wrote the same sort of drivel and was praised to the moon for it. The only thing that's changed is facile self-publishing. Now everyone with artistic and intellectual pretensions can share, like, and subscribe to their clique's brand of homogeneous claptrap. Instead of a few really famous hacks, we have armies of indistinguishable social media "artists". As always, most of the best artists will get little attention in their own time while hucksters will get rich selling social identity to college kids, so same old same old, really.

>> No.11880966

extremely basit and redpepper

>> No.11881508


this is the edited version. there used two be two more lines that read:

>but I'm still not
>asking for it