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11877168 No.11877168 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome back to the conservative reading group. Last time we started "The Origin of the Work of Art", by Martin Heidegger, which we now discuss. I have taken notes, but they are too long to fit in the OP, so I put them in a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/tFYt3mTR

In this work, Heidegger contends that a people [Volk] is defined artistically, and that artworks lose much meaning when taken from the context of their historic people.

The next work we will read is "On the Generative Principle of Political Constitutions", by Joseph de Maistre. I think you will find this ties in well to Heidegger's essay (which might be well called "The Generative Principle of the Work of Art", since he uses "origin" to mean generative Principle). In fact Heidegger mentions in his essay that truth presences itself at the founding of state. Here is a link to Maistre's essay:

Here is the /lit/ conservative discord for those interested:

>> No.11877172

Reminder to name and number these with conventions so people can find them easier

>> No.11877203

Wish he would have went with the Catholic woman

>> No.11877205

Im currently reading the Curious Death of Europe by Douglas Murray, what yall niggas think?

>> No.11877213

Cringe but redpilled

>> No.11877215

She was extremely weak on both immigration and individual liberty.

>> No.11877235

Right, I keep forgetting.

Putting more women in authority in order to appease women, is a bad policy.

>> No.11877238

Haven't read it, what's the gist?

>> No.11877241

Citation needed. He's no scalia himself on issues

>> No.11877248

lol accurate

there's too many pakis in london, we should stop bringing so many in

>> No.11877256

So is Kavanaugh; he's a Bushite retard neocon who can't even make a statement without totally embarrassing himself. I still hope he gets confirmed, but he's a loser.

>> No.11877264

This , he's a good boi beta being characterized as a chad alpha

>> No.11877343

Being a neocons isn't a problem in SCOTUS. Neocon policy is vile, but their jurisprudence is sound

>> No.11877362

I would think after this experience he won’t come out the other side anything less than full Himmler.

>> No.11877388

The whole thing about Kavanaugh is a proxy warfare between two different sets of organized groups with their own mechanisms of mobilization, Jews and frat alumni.

Greek life has its problems, but it's one of the few organs of political organization left for conservative straight white men. They are attempting to destroy it, they tried with the UVA rape hoax, they are doing it again and they will keep doing until the only way for white men to be a part of a cohesive group is to turn gay or leftist.

>> No.11877414

That's what I'm hoping. He got a pretty hardcore dose of redpills over the past few weeks. Ideally he'll seek retribution against Jewish tricks, but he's probably too much the good goy. Even top-professionals can be complete morons, and I suspect that's what he is.

>> No.11877421

No its actually extremely destructive and part of the reason why we will likely see a resurgeance of the same economic and political meddling from the 80’s and 1920’s that doomed most americans to a huge loss of wealth (and freedom) which is basically irrevocable.

>> No.11877447

The siren song of material goods and comfort are too much for many to withstand. Once inside the system they get corrupted by the temptation to go along and get along- still: He who robs from me my good name robs me not of that that enriches him... and makes me poor indeed.
These fuckers have branded the man; he won’t be allowed to forget it.

>> No.11877524

Bring back the conservative general while you are at it man. I didn't even recall the Heidegger reading I guess its just been that long

>> No.11877767 [DELETED] 

Based kavanaugh thread yes! This shit fucking slaps!

>> No.11877890
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The Federalist Society originates in the 80s when the Republicans thougth they had a "lock on the presidency" but were having their agenda blocked by a Democratic congress... its whole goal was producing rationales for elevating the powers of the executive branch of government as well as defending corporate privileges. The reason Trump liked Kavanaugh in the first place was because they both think the president is above the law.

Neoconservative policy/jurisprudence is equally dangerous and it's a continuation of the worst aspects of early 20th century "progressivism" "ironically".

Well historically you have such institutions attempting to maintain the appearance of impartiality so that it wouldn't become to obvious law is just a racket. Conservatives like to whine about liberals using judicial activism in the federal courts to achieve an agenda but they've been using the Department of Justice to concentrate power in the executive branch in order to achieve their agenda since the 1980s.

Give America a blatantly partisan Supreme Court and changing demographics and electoral college which gives disproportionate powers to a shrinking minority of rural retards on meth and this is all leading to a legitimacy crises obviously. None of these issues can be really solved without changing your constitution.

>> No.11877927
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On the Ethics of the alleged perjury:

Suppose Kavanaugh is innocent and the rape accusation is simply an attempt at slandering the American judiciary. He would therefore be under no obligation to tell the truth, as in statements congruent with the accusation's, since the accusation's principle is slander and any statements circumstantial or incidental to the rape accusation itself are made in bad faith, even if they are true. Conceding to the technical truth will only sway public opinion in the accusation's favor, thus slandering the judiciary. Since said judiciary's purpose is to supersede any one person and its members' purpose to maintain it so at the expense of their personal affairs, jurisprudence ultimately dictates that Kavanaugh's conduct of disagreeing with the accusation is right, provided his innocence.

That said, Ford is exceptionally insufferable and I hope he DID rape her.

>> No.11878028

What is the point of defending Kavanaugh when he's every bit the Jewish Elitist you people think his enemies are?

>> No.11878038

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11878148

Do you mind expanding on what is the link that you perceive between aletheia and John 6:55?

>> No.11878180

reminder reading any religiously inspired trash is the opposite of being a conservative u subservient retards

>> No.11878187

I don't though

>> No.11878191

The word is used in that verse. Christ is "uncovering" the being of His flesh, as well as the being (substance) of Holy Communion.

>> No.11878202

Heidegger was not religious.

>> No.11878222

Greek Life is already completely rotten brah. Fraternities have completely degenerated from their conception. I'd argue that at this point they work to strip conservative men of their virtue more than anything else. Better off joining a church group or volunteer org. I'm saying this as a Fiji alum.

>> No.11878231
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that's not her, pic related is her

>> No.11878238

As someone who is neither a conservative or a proponent of Greek Life, could anyone explain how it's anything more than a pyramid scheme for Chads and Stacies?

>> No.11878247

Are you Bronze Age Pervert?

>> No.11878271

BAP would have zero love for organizations that began as freemason larping.

>> No.11878282

Although he may endorse their current commitment to lifting and rayping

>> No.11878283

fake news.

>> No.11878284

Don't know him that well, I (the OP) only got a twitter a week ago. I will probably end up buying his book tho

>> No.11878301

At the least, I found his book to be funny. If you are interested in conservative thought being discussed and analyzed by internet spergs I'd recommend trawling through Salo forum if you haven't already. BAP posted there a lot, as have many of the best Twatter reactionaries.

>> No.11878310

Yeah you're right, only fake conservatives like Edmund Burke were religious

>> No.11878335

Everything since the XIXth century began as freemason larping because the whole masonic lodge organization model was just too successful.

Labour unions with the Knights of Labor, white supremacists with the KKK, the Mormons, even the Catholic Church had its own masonic copy. Only the Marxist-Leninist communist party organizational model has been as successful.

Maybe something will appear in the 21st century and succeed too. I'd say discord and DM groups could be the modern equivalent of masonic lodges, as venues of political discussion and organization of activist and militants, but they are too easily compromised.

>> No.11878346

I'm not talking about the lodges as an organizational model, but the liberal enlightenment ideals they pursued. BAP would certainly agree that masculine, fraternal modes of organizing and bonding are desirable and in short stock these day.

>> No.11878364
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>Heidegger is a conservative
Why didn't you fuccboi's start with edmund burke or something like that? Then you'd at least have a working definition of "conservatism" instead of relying on the american clusterfuck definition.

Here's a pic of two fags kissing

>> No.11878367
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>Everything since the XIXth century began as freemason larping because the whole masonic lodge organization model was just too successful.
What's wrong masonic larping?

>> No.11878390

Masonic lodges were the discord/DM chat groups of the 18th/19th centuries. And all that masonic symbolism in urbanism and architecture? Inside jokes, like people inside such groups like to do all the time.

>> No.11878397 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11878399

I (the OP) have read Edmund Burke. Obviously he was as much a conservative as greats like Carl Schmitt. However he has been completely bastardized into someone devoid of political theory and simply anti revolution. Burke in fact said if society departed too far from piety and hierarchy, it was the duty of conservatives to rebel without consideration of democracy or representatives or constitutions. Burke today however is popularly understood as a milquetoast moderate.

>> No.11879004
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>> No.11879016

where did Burke say this? please ref the work, I'm interested to read it

>> No.11879145

In his letters, here is the excerpt


>> No.11879257
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>> No.11879610

If they're American

>> No.11880441


>> No.11880444

>no replies


>> No.11880468


>> No.11880475

He should submit to a damn polygraph as Ford has done.

There’s no two sides about this issue only one person has done a polygraph

>> No.11880479

polygraph isn't admissible in court, lawyers just recommend them as a way to fleece their client by saying it's "free" and then over billing them for it later, moreoever ford knew how to beat them since she coached her friend on how to beat fbi polygraphs in the 90s and of course as a psych phd she is well aware of their weaknesses, oops, look like she committed perjury, why should we believe felonious ford again?

>> No.11880480
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>> No.11880506

>the khmer rouge were actually captalists g-guys
As for the rest: commie countries have existed for just a small percentage of the time capitalist countries have existed and were only a small percentage of all countries in that time period.
Even just the fact that they're significantly visibile in that list is hilariously bad for them.

>> No.11880517
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>"conservative" lit
>it's just filthy anglos, frogs and krauts

>> No.11880518

Look, fact of the matter is, you have no answer. If this fucker didn’t rape a woman he would submit to a polygraph. But he doesn’t want to. So fuck him, he tried to rape her

>> No.11880549


The polygraph is no more indicative of honesty than, say, prosody.

>> No.11880559

Bullshit. Why try to conceal what a polygraph is?

Even if he fails it, he could still be telling the truth, but more often than not it IS indicative of someone lying. Might as well try, Id say

>> No.11880560

>pushing the goalposts this hard

>> No.11880570

Greek life is fucking cancerous and if this is the knife they use to cut it out of the body then so be it, the ends justify these means

>> No.11880639
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>> No.11881200

I think its a good follow up to Suicide of the West. Its basically a written down version of many of Douglas Murray's talking points. It names specific people behind the push for mass immigration which is nice. Murray doesn't just use abstractions like progressivism or globalism. As an American, I enjoyed the insight into late 20th/early 21st century British politics. He also does a good job giving statistics.

>> No.11881230

The more pressing question is, why didn't the judiciary committee just ask a Magic 8 Ball?

>> No.11881912
File: 19 KB, 319x474, 41VAWJDVFQL._SX317_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this on for size

>> No.11882142

been totally gutted at my university after some joke video got released of frat kids pretending to be KKK members

syracuse, anyone?

>> No.11882153

He basically said how a polygraph doesn't prove jack shit.

>> No.11882203
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*blocks your path*