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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 220x247, 220px-Alfred_North_Whitehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11875938 No.11875938 [Reply] [Original]

Based. What do you think about his philosophy?

>> No.11875940

Yeah what do I think about his philosophy...Hmmm

>> No.11875977
File: 126 KB, 920x1347, 9782021308921_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doubly based and bump

>> No.11876053

Where’s a good place to start with this guy? Remember reading some of his stuff and really enjoying it, but I don’t know where it was from

>> No.11876090

If you are all interested in Whitehead Girard honestly has some pretty good posts on him in here >>11823861
Probably also another good place to ask questions about Whitehead.

>> No.11876274

Process and Reality makes Phenomenology of Spirit look like a childrens pop up book

>> No.11876921
File: 27 KB, 324x499, 51tgjZ75aYL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stengers' book (>>11875977) is probably the best book i've read this year. if you can, read that one.

you can read sherburne's Key to P&R also. or pic rel, which is just a cozy read written by the man himself which doesn't get into too much heavy stuff.

he really is like a non-possessed Frodo Baggins of philosophy. hanging out with alfred is like hanging out with a sage in rivendell. he's Been There and Seen Things but, unlike a guy like land, didn't lose his shit staring into the void. ANW was neither a marxist, freudian, deleuzian, nietzschean or heideggerian and yet still managed to be one of the most fascinating figures in speculative philosophy. truly a boss-tier writer.

aw yeah
>thanks anon, hope you had fun

kek. PoS is pretty wild also.

>> No.11876929
File: 10 KB, 404x300, NeilThumbsUpGorsuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the looks of that thread there is still plenty of fun to be had. Might even been a place for a cosmopolitics 5.0 thread here today. <3

>> No.11877128
File: 1.56 MB, 2316x1116, unfuntitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man oh man

seriously, lewis mumford is one of Those Guys. the only question is whether starting a new Cosmotech thread full of greentext about him gets moved to /his/, which is a headache i really do not want.

if the thread hadn't hit the image cap we would be on our way to the bump limit already. so, i'm still thinking about it. but making these threads has been epically good for figuring out why i'm so obsessed with this stuff and where the various lines and thinkers overlap and intersect. land is the crown prince of acceleration, but the larger story is both technology and culture, with culture being as much comprised of our aesthetic sentiments as much as our intellectual/technical stuff. it is, in many ways, the Society of the Spectacle, but i think that the rage virus is a symptom of what happens when you hit Peak Irony and people start becoming enraged. it's a major cultural-historical phase-shift like that, but i see it as being driven by economics and tech at the bottom.

the cure, however, is neither More Marxism nor more Counter-Marxism, but something in between. what that is, exactly, i'm not really sure. i just think it's a kind of navigation between two extremes. so religious or mystical stuff is good for that, but it's of a particular kind. and it's stuff that i really do want to talk about and share, because as crazy as land can seem sometimes, in the proper historical perspective all he is doing is adding his own perspective to a story that has been going on for thousands of years. he's looking at things from the perspective of 2018, and he has a particularly interesting view of marxist theory that is quite unique, in many ways. but he's not the whole story. and the thing is, the more you know about the other players in that story, the more each of them shines in their own way, a little bit more. and mumford contributes, imho, some absolutely crucial stuff. so i'd really like to talk about him some more.

we may indeed need Cosmotech V
>and, you know, a kind of cinematic tagline to go with it
>how about, Into Derpness
>i was thinking something more uplifting, inner self
>how about Encounter at Polaris
>yeah that sounds good
>except by Encounter i mean fuck you and by Polaris i mean you suck
>why are you always like this inner self

>> No.11877346
File: 481 KB, 475x593, Graham Harman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putting everything in processes don't fucking help you morons

>> No.11877350

>t. heidegger fanfic writer

>> No.11879206

Waiting for /lit/ to tell you?

>> No.11879518
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm what? I'm sorry but I don't read surrender!

>> No.11879724

>he doesn't bracket Being into historically contingent essents

>> No.11880413

Someone pls give a TL;DR of Whitehead

>> No.11880423

Basically it's when a pore becomes clogged with sebum, dead skin cells, and debris.

>> No.11880431

Haha! Bazinga! That’ll show em

>> No.11882119
