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11875292 No.11875292 [Reply] [Original]

Is Columbia really like this?

>> No.11875299

>calls Colombia "Columbia"
Why even bother answering your condescending question, Murifag?

>> No.11875335

No, there aren't flying carpets and magic in Colombia. Do you have any other stupid questions?

>> No.11875346
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>tainting such a good book with a Salman Rushdie quote

>> No.11875351

No, Garcia Marquez is a sell out, he writes like that because he knows that europeans wannabe loves that shit

>> No.11875359

Colombia is a country which continually forgets its history and thus continues to fall for the same traps. The book's treatment of memory is very appropriate for the nation.

>> No.11875363

It was his fourth novel. Nobody in Europe even knew the previous three at that time.

>> No.11875373

There's no magic gypsies nor prophecies or whatever, the banana company from Burgerland did happen, though

>> No.11875381

And after One hundred he even won some price. Want to read some real latin-american folklore magic realism, read Pedro Paramo.

>> No.11875385

I've read Pedro Páramo already.

>> No.11875394

>author's name bigger than book title

>> No.11875398

> he writes like that because he knows that europeans wannabe loves that shit
being this delusional

>> No.11876349

fun fact, after the book was published, FARC rebels renamed themselves after characters in the book

>> No.11877875

it's land of cocaine and tgirls, what do you think

>> No.11877978

so, everyone in farc goes by the name aureliano?

>> No.11878167

in the book "short walks from bogota", a kind of journey through colombia's recent history, the author refers to a FARC commander called Marco Aurelio Buendia, after the meditations guy and the founder of Macondo

>> No.11878181

lol I had some artsy second cousin who joined FARC, would not surprise me if he did this

>> No.11879566

I'm colombian, ask me anything.

>> No.11879688

If it is I need to move there

>> No.11879747

Are whores cheap there?

>> No.11879752

Show me on a map where your family fincas are