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11873932 No.11873932 [Reply] [Original]

>You study Philosophy. So what's the meaning of life?

>> No.11873937

>inb4 rape jokes and male supremacy
Haha 4chan you are so edgy and hilarious

>> No.11873939

Fuckin ur pusy

>> No.11873946

XD trolled

>> No.11873947


>> No.11873952

Define 'meaning' in this context.

>> No.11873960

Der Einzige und sein Eigentum

>> No.11873961

It's a common trope in television, dude tries to impress girls via his knowledge of literature and philosophy, Brian from Family Guy being the most known example. Truth is I've never seen a girl who gives a shit about those topics so it always puzzled me.

>> No.11873964
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listening to eminem and jerking off

>> No.11873967
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>Brian from Family Guy
You're 14 and/or pic related.

>> No.11873969

Fucking your ass because Im a goddamn white male

>> No.11873984
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Heh, well, that's the thing, kiddo. Little do you know, but there isn't one.

>> No.11873985


>> No.11873988

The pursuit of virtue.

>> No.11873989

cringe and bluepilled

based and redpilled

>> No.11873990

i won't get to that until my postdoctoral work

>> No.11873992

Life itself
Now how about I rape you? Haha what a silly contradictory sentence that was. As if you had any choice in the matter. You see the word rape implies you didn't consent.

>> No.11873994

The meaning of life is to become the best version of yourself you can possibly be. If you don't lose all of your friends in this process, you aren't doing good enough. If you haven't tripled your income in 5 years, you aren't doing good enough. Almost no one does this and this is why they suffer so greatly and withdrawl into their escapisms, mainly movies, social media, and what they think is politics.

>> No.11874000
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>Making more money makes me a better person

>> No.11874004

Not him but when I graduate, I'm going to go from 1000/month to 4000/month. That'll make me happier and therefore a better person

>> No.11874009

It does though, rich people are based and redpilled. Money let's you follow your dreams and patron the arts in a way which poor hipster fags could never dream of
Behind any great artist or philosophy is a rich man paving his way (if the artist isn't already rich himself)

>> No.11874028
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>that'll make me happier
Look at this duuuude
>and therefore a better person

Just because your dreams are expensive doesn't mean they'll be self improving.
Artists and philosophers weren't all rich and they aren't all happy and even the happy ones didn't live ideal lives.

>> No.11874043
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>> No.11874044

>financial freedom isn't desirable
How can you even begin to believe this?

>> No.11874048

what if life is just like a box of chocolates and they are all the shitty coconut ones but you keep going day to next just in hope that a caramel one is going to show up? but it never comes, and you are dissatisfied. so you believe that ones the box is empty, there is a new box waiting for you and its all caramel unless you dont do good in life

>> No.11874049

Is that a diaper or are those leggings far too tight?

>> No.11874056

P-Please you must leave my presence at once for you know not what you have done. This aching feeling in my heart, this retched pain, no, no, no, please. The answer to your question is suffering now please, you must leave me at once.

>> No.11874057

Really bugs me how this is the one 'philosophical' question everyone thinks of. It doesn't even make sense.

>> No.11874059

By having a triple digit iq. Freedom from finance however is totally desirable.

>> No.11874065

halfway through explaining from a multifaceted, combined approach, she'd get bored and want to leave
people don't really want to know the meaning of life and that's the real meaning

>> No.11874091

no, i want to fuck you!

>> No.11874095

Not even close to the two. Brian was the best example I could give but it doesn't fit reality.

>> No.11874099

Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way. Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it; weep over it, you will regret that too; laugh at the world’s foolishness or weep over it, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it; believe her not, you will also regret it… Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This is the essence of all philosophy.

>> No.11874100

beholding this beauty

>> No.11874107

Life has no intrinsic meaning or worth.

>> No.11874109
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>> No.11874111

>Guy insecure about his low income and underachieving streak using 'money can't buy happiness' clichés
>"""pragmatic""" STEM majors naively overemphasising the importance of wealth and their own prospects because it makes them feel like they've got life figured out

A very common sight on 4chan

>> No.11874117

>"I'll tell you all about that
>after you eat this egg"
>pull a hardboiled egg out of my pocket

>> No.11874121

yeah, sure quoting faggy philosophers is true meaning of life lmao. Now back up or i will accuse you of rape.(looking in another direction) Hey Mike wanna hang out?

>> No.11874124

i'm mike

>> No.11874125
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Most women are now incontinent from the chad train, so they have to wear depends as well as tampons.
It's hard being a woman.

>> No.11874131
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You already lost.

>> No.11874132

Sounds dangerously close to communist rhetoric. Explain what system is ideal then. One in which you making more money is less desirable than having no method to "purchase" things as you state, so do you believe in an exchange based system?

>> No.11874138


>> No.11874142

Growing up is realizing the coconut ones are actually superior

>> No.11874144

You need to go back.

>> No.11874151
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>ywn have a girl smile at you like this in real life

>> No.11874153

Ever have a nice homemade macaroon in the woods? Not the meaning of life, but close enough.

>> No.11874155

What is the meaning of asking what the meaning of life is?

>> No.11874157

A system in which you have no need to purchase things because you can make what you need yourself. So tribalism and primitivism, the most profound, perfect, based, redpilled state mankind has ever known.
Ironically enough I study IT

>> No.11874169

And then calling caramel chocolates degenerate

>> No.11874176


So you'll be hooking up projectors for boomers on minimum wage, impressive

>> No.11874177

So no microprocessors then?

>> No.11874179

>ironically IT
Tell me you are a silicon valley faggot and I'll come over and murder you with a club, primitivist faggot. Self-hating anyone having a voice is why everything is going to shit. I'm in the 650 and suffering because all you kikes want is to make everyone as fucking miserable as you transplants are. Get out.

>> No.11874184

Girls like it if you're smart, but only if you're actually able to apply it generally. If you're good at STEM shit but get overwhelmed by adventure then you're not smart in a way that's meaningful to anyone outside of your discipline.

As a philosophy major, I think the most common responses I've gotten from girls have been "I took a philosophy class and didn't like it" and "that's neat". None of them ever want to hear about philosophy. I talk about it anyways lmao

>> No.11874198

I live in non-America and I'll be a graduate engineer then and programming major or whatever it's called. That's 3.5k€ a month for me lad
No we didn't have those 2000 years ago last i checked

>> No.11874200

>I talk about it anyways lmao
Based Chadosopher

>> No.11874208


>> No.11874210

>That's 3.5k€ a month for me lad
Doubtful. Especially in a Eurocuck country you'll be lucky to push €25k a year

>> No.11874215

Yes I'm sure you know how it is and all my friends and peers that have graduated and employed themselves are just lying

>> No.11874218

God, whenever I see that gif I feel a physical ache. I want to believe the ascetics, that we're sufficient unto ourselves, but all I want is to be validated by the love of someone beautiful and kind. It doesn't really make me feel sad anymore... just alone.

Called it >>11873939

>> No.11874219

>"""pragmatic""" STEM majors naively overemphasising the importance of wealth and their own prospects because it makes them feel like they've got life figured out
Kinda true desu. I dropped out of my philosophy degree at 19 and met a girl. Did fucking nothing with my life except work odd jobs, do drugs, and fuck. Broke up with her about two years ago when I was 23 and decided to get my shit together. Now getting good grades and have real world experience so I'll be a decent prospect when I graduate but really all I want is to feel like I have my shit together.

>> No.11874227

why does he capitalize system?

>> No.11874235

System is the name of their powerbottom.

>> No.11874237

>and have real world experience

This is what every loser tells himself having utterly wasted time on empty spectacle

>> No.11874243

Capitalizing shit for no reason is the sign of a true Intellectual

>> No.11874259
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For me to stick my dick in as many pussies as possible before I kick the chair

>> No.11874290

not really

>> No.11874297

What's the point of studying philosophy if you can't even answer any questions?

>> No.11874304

This is a good question, I think I'll write my PhD on it

>> No.11874307

cause he does what he wants

>> No.11874316

the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life"
synonyms: existence, being, living, animation; More
the existence of an individual human being or animal.
"a disaster that claimed the lives of 266 Americans"
synonyms: person, human being, individual, soul
"more than 1,500 lives were lost in the accident"

>> No.11874328

*offers a reasoned, centrist, and noncommittal series of answers to your question*

>> No.11874334

Philosophy is just masturbation for autists

>> No.11874339

attaining understanding =/= answering questions

>> No.11874344

Pretty sure masturbation is masturbation for autists

>> No.11874345

>makes a joke thread
>worries that people will make jokes
Y'all mind if I uhh think on that a little?

>> No.11874346

The meaning of life is a serious question Anon

>> No.11874353

the biggest pseuds call that which they cannot comprehend the purpose of "masturbatory." You're not even intelligent to be familiar with that word so you played it safe with just "masturbation."

>> No.11874358

I meant that you don't ultimately come to any certain answers but for a certain kind of person, the journey is enjoyable. To break things down and carefully reason through them.

>> No.11874359

>Just live to improve your money strength
Nice try Thrasymachus

>> No.11874360

Kierkegaard is based though, which through ideological reverse-osmosis, means the anon you responded to is based. You shooting his idea down with no reasoning means you are fundamentally opposed to it. Being opposed to the based is unbased. Therefore, you are unbased.

>> No.11874369

You can find mass similaritiy in the insecurities of a group, yet instead of finding a superior position to the two through your own thought, you instead just name the insecurities of two popular groups. You have exposed yourself as a pseud.

>> No.11874377

>You find your own meaning. And you, my fair maiden, are mine.

*tips fedora*

>> No.11874382

Great post, brainlet EXPOSED

>> No.11874410

Fuck and suck.

>> No.11874448

This was formerly our purpose

>> No.11874460

a question like that is really retarded, not that a thot like you would know the difference though...

>> No.11874512
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>> No.11874534

Read German.
Basically it is a way to distinguish between form and type. In this case, the total System is distinguished from and particular university or teaching system.

>> No.11874540

>any particular

>> No.11874550

what's the point of science if it's all just theory
what's the point of showering if you're just going to get dirty again
etc etc all just different iterations of saying "i'm stupid"

>> No.11874555

But I don't study philosophy.

>> No.11874569

There isn't any meaning. It doesn't need to have one.

>> No.11874575

>write some bullshit
>put in cursive
>oh wow so profound

>> No.11874600

Excellent bait.

>> No.11874609
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>There isn't any meaning. It doesn't need to have one.

>> No.11874620

Suckin yer titties

>> No.11874632

>finding a superior position
fuck off lol

>> No.11874636

t. Holds many inferior positions

>> No.11874638

>*dissembles your questions down to the essence of each word and answer questions not asked*

>> No.11874642

It’s a secret you numbskull. No pearls before swine.

>> No.11874801
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Thank goodness.

>> No.11874843

To find truth

>> No.11874850
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To cope with >tfw no gf

>> No.11874893
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i dont really know right now but once i make some money i wont have to worry about the meaning of life

>> No.11875070
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>the absolute state of OP

>> No.11875089

this but unironically

the only point we exist is because penis goes in vagina

>> No.11875124
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Ah, a Nihilist I see? The Archons got to you too, did they?

>> No.11875131

Correct. Sex is the meaning of life. So called "intellectuals" only like to pretend it's not because they tend to be the ones who aren't getting any.

>> No.11875157

sex is the biggest nothing of all time -andy warhol

>> No.11875178

If your answer was anything other than this, you’re a faggot.

>> No.11875434

1. Have experiences, take in information, sense and perceive things.
2. Process it.
3. Create positive externalities. (optional)

>> No.11875498

>Sex is the meaning of life. So called "intellectuals" only like to pretend it's not because they tend to be the ones who aren't getting any
fucking based and bluepilled at the same time woW

>> No.11875503

Meaning is impossible. Life is defined by senseless suffering, we probably aren't real, and there is no escape.

>> No.11875509

>Meaning is impossible.
>Life is defined by senseless suffering
might want to check your highschool-tier argument there lad.

>> No.11875514

You might want to read it again.

>> No.11875524

well, excuse me while I polish the edge of my seat.

>> No.11875527


>> No.11875535

The meaning in meaning of life does not mean the same as meaning as a synonym for definition. She isn't asking for a definition of life. That is a biological question. There is no contradiction, and if there were it wouldn't matter because values are a fiction that we create to try and claw out of an abyss that has no exit.

>> No.11875538

Ha! Joke's on you. Bet you thought you validated yourself because you have a GF so you could tell the lame nerds on four-chan that you have meaning and they don't. my keyboard and monitor are currently crusted over with cum from all the loads flying around, literally fucking bitches 24/7. Nutted while I read Schopenhauer and the Upanishads out loud!

>> No.11875565

If you want the meaning of life you have to open up a textbook on genetics & cell metabolism. You'd understand that everything we do / think / are / feel is ultimately governed by DNA reacting to its environment and changing cellular expression to produce a physiological event. We are just scripts of nucleic acids that spontaneously polymerized by minimizing free energy until reaching a structure that allowed replication through a cascade of reactions. Once we achieved that we were selected based on what could control it's environment the most, as environmental control is what gives DNA the ability to thrive & replicate. Everything we are has developed to ensure that through natural selection to ensure that. All we can do now is let the script play out until irecoverable damage ensues and sepsis follows

>> No.11875573

Imagine learning all those biology terms and still speaking in teleology

>> No.11875580


>> No.11875592

>to produce
>until reaching
>that allowed
>we achieved
>we were selected based on
>gives the ability
>has developed to ensure

>> No.11875609
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It's all just the log of the microstates.

>> No.11875616

Dude I'm a biochemist not a writer. I get that there isn't an end to mutation and that it doesn't have a direction. Why you gotta be so anal about verb tenses and transition words?

>> No.11875637

Look fella, just output the damn data like your technical training taught you to and leave the opinions to us.

>> No.11875640


I know what the meaning of life is but nobody in this thread will believe me.

>> No.11875653
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>> No.11875756
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>values are a fiction that we create to try and claw out of an abyss that has no exit.

>> No.11875762

>t. stoicuck

>> No.11875785
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>Is it better to have loved and lost, or to have never loved at all?

>> No.11875787

she looks like a discount taylor hill

>> No.11875867

To persist and evolve.

>> No.11875883

It's a proper noun in the context of Uncle Ted's writing.

>> No.11875930

i don't know what to tell you this question is phrased like a random passerby asking a 'famous novelist' "write anything good lately?"
>what's the meaning of life?
maybe it's just for the outsiders to convince ourselves not to collectively commit suicide, and keep those in the middle with the idea that suicide has serious consequences

>> No.11876666

To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.

>> No.11876674


>> No.11876681

After 125+ posts, someone finally got it

>> No.11876715

all time is wasted if you dont find meaning to it

>> No.11876935


vaya chochaco

>> No.11877340

To become whole. How you become whole is up to you, but it requires you to take action. Action is the meaning of life.

>> No.11878413

>I talk about it anyways lmao
lol this

>> No.11878449

>So what's the meaning of life?
To spread the Gospel and to honor God in all things.

>> No.11878721

She looks like Taylor Hill, if Taylor Hill had class, grace and natural beauty.

>> No.11878740


>> No.11878746

There is no meaning. We're all just animals running around waiting to die like frogs and squirrels, we are no different. And the saddest part is that not many people even realize it, they just go about their dumb pointless lives and get trapped in the cycle. I wish I could be like them again.

>> No.11878775

nice trips

>> No.11878792

Prove it

>> No.11878800

Philosophy IS the meaning of life simultaneously all of it and none of it.

>> No.11878842

So this is the power of Twitter-tier samefaggotry

>> No.11878943
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The meaning of life is what you want it to be
Everchanging and subjective, the meaning of life is for you to find out yourself